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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!



This story is a sequel to The Two Unicorns

Rainbow Dash finds out that asking your friends for help can lead to unexpected results. Especially if one of those friends is a party-pegasus named Pinkie.

Another visit to the world(s) of earth-pony Twilight, where things are not always as simple as they seem...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series, starting with:

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 61 )

YES!! Finally a sequal! Thank you for continuing this awesome universe!
Also, I vote for Lets Do This to be writer of G6:derpytongue2:, who's with me?

Good fiction. However, I feel like I seen that art style from the cover before? I feel like it was the remake of g5 but Hasbro chose something different and we ended up questioning our selves.

Clearly, the command staff at cloudsdale know something about ancient-ish pony history that is not widely known by anybody else.

This leaves me both intrigued and nervous.

Spied this in the New Stories list on the front page and immediately deduced it was what I thought it was. :raritystarry:

Will read as soon as I have a chance! :twilightsmile:

It started in Junior Speedsters Flight Camp. Rainbow was arcing around over the play area, practicing high-speed cornering through the target cloud-rings, while at the same time keeping an eye on the runway and play area below, to see what the cool kids were up to.

But then she heard Hoops, the tan, flop-maned leader of the Loser Patrol, guffaw loudly. "Hey guys, get a load of this," he called to his friends, brown-coated Dumb-Bell and charcoal-maned Score. "This puff-wing can barely get off the ground!"

Oh no even in an alternate universe they're still going to find a way to bully other ponies

For some reason, that didn't sit right with Rainbow, not at all. It was like a switch had been thrown, and suddenly she was hopping mad. Up to now it had been the usual kidding around. Maybe it got a little rough here and there, but you got used to it. But this... this was just plain mean . A line had been crossed, and somepony needed to show these losers where that line was.

Once again no matter what alternate universe Rainbow Dash will always come to rescue when it comes to the victims of bullying

Wow this is a pretty interesting story so far so it looks like Rainbow Dash it's starting to have some mixed feelings with about her friend Pinkie Pie and apparently it's time to get a little complex lately I mean back when they were kids they look like they were having much fun together and everything but I guess things change when you're starting to grow up usually that always happens and that's the sad part and she really doesn't know how to break it to her well let's hope nothing bad would happen

Applejack stared around at it all, flabbergasted. "How'd ya do that, Pinkie?"

Once again just like any other alternate universe you can't explain how Pinkie Pie does :pinkiehappy:

A flash of light leapt from the gem into the air above it, and a broad portal with swirling edges spun open. Through it, the ponies could see an elegant, silk-curtained throne room. Plus two unicorns. One was tall and proud, gleaming white with a perfectly styled violet mane, a crystal circlet on her forehead. The other was thin and willowy, a warm butter-yellow in color with a flowing pink mane and a large flower tucked behind one ear. Plus for some reason, the yellow unicorn also had a small white rabbit sitting atop her head.

That's actually a pretty awesome way for the other unicorns to teleport themselves here nice

Well this turned out pretty well so it looks like Twilight Applejack and Spike are preparing for the arrival of the other ponies from other world and she hasn't really told her parents about the other ponies where they came from but it looks like a pegasus ponies arrived and Pinkie Pie was pretty excited to meet Twilight and Applejack for the first time and including Spike but apparently Rainbow Dash hasn't been herself lately but before they were about to ask the gem that she got up on the Unicorn world activated and using the teleportation and arriving is Rarity and Fluttershy and it looks like this there are also first time meeting with Applejack and Pinkie Pie and so far things are going pretty well until Rainbow Dash got a little frustrated about Pinkie Pie being so Random but that's not what got her upset apparently she thought that she's failing her class and she thinks she won't be able to make it to the league or Wonderbolt either but Twilight and the others think they have a plan to talk with the teachers in Cloudsdale but there's no way any non Flyers cannot stand on the clouds so they have a better idea to use Ponyville to be in the meeting ground but they need to talk with the mayor but she needs to talk with her parents first she told her parents about her friends from other worlds and once they introduce themselves it looks like they took it pretty well quite frankly they were pretty excited to meet them so the plan of getting to meet with the mayor will be very soon I wonder how this will go

And in the process, she accidentally dropped the canister. It hit the cloud right in front of her snout, letting off a puff of pink powder just as she drew in a breath.

Pinkie froze, her eyes watering.

(It was amazingly hard to find that clip unedited, by the way...how'd that happen? :pinkiegasp:)

And Applejack looked at Twilight. And smirked.

"Heh! Told ya!"

Almost word for word! :ajsmug:

The Chancellor's puffed the feather off her face. Her frown spoke volumes. "Magic is all well and good," she said sternly. "But if only you unicorns can wield it, what use is that to us? And ponies with wings?" She gave Rainbow a sour look. "I shudder to think of all the regulations we'd have to add to the books, just to deal with you lot."

Who died and made you Chancellor Neighsay?

Bronzehoof reached out a hoof and gingerly drew the scroll closer. And saw in a square box on the paper's surface, a moving image. It was a group of pegasi... no wait, not just pegasi, other kinds of ponies as well. Some of them had horns. Some lacked wings. One was even wearing a cowpony hat, of all things.

Wow that is another way to get the message out there

"Interesting." Bronzehoof actually looked surprised. "So all this, bringing together three totally different pony tribes, establishing a diplomatic bridgehead between three completely different worlds, upending our entire view of ourselves as ponies... it was all to help you get reinstated in the flight program?"

Well...when you put it like that...

"Ms. Dash." Bronzehoof eyed her. "Do you really think you're the only pegasus who knows there's a edge to the sky?"

Actually had wondered about precisely that way back with the first fic--it didn't seem likely that, with a world completely populated by flying creatures that could get out into that void no problem wouldn't have thought to actually try and do it before now.

So it seems not all is sunshine and daisies in the upper echelons of the pegasi government...but while concerning I'm not too panicked about it just yet. Some of it is out of an abundance of caution which, given the many unknowns of all of this still, I can understand. One would like to hope that, once more info's gathered, that'll lure them towards different conclusions.

If not, then...well...Twi and gang have already helped overthrow an evil sorcerer, after all. :trixieshiftright:

Absolutely loved the first chapter of this latest story. The exchanges, characterizations, Mythology Gags and future chapter set-ups were all wonderfully done, especially in the flashback to Rainbow and Pinkie's first meeting in this universe.

On to the next chapter.

Again, you did an excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, Mythology Gags and future chapter set-up. Yeah, I can see where Rainbow would be pretty bummed if she were on the brink of failing her classes needed to follow her dreams. Perhaps the other girls can have some ideas to help with that. And, yeah, Velvet meeting her daughter's new friends was a well done scene too.

And, on to the next chapter.

Definitely liked the work that went into the dialogues, characterizations and climax set-up in all the right places yet again. Can certainly respect how Twilight could get the idea to try to help out Rainbow with a message to one of the higher up Pegasi and then providing evidence of past adventures where Rainbow was a big help.

Certainly looking forward to seeing how this turns out, so on to the last chapter.

Wonderful job on the episode wrap-up and future episode set-up in the last chapter. Yeah, really appreciated the dialogue concerning the level of responsibility Rainbow already has on her plate, the acknowledgement of how much help she has given her new friends and has had from them in return, the reveal that there ARE other Pegasi that know a little something about the possibility of other worlds existing and, in general, how things have worked out well for Rainbow in the end here.

REALLY looking forward to more from this universe.

"And don't start any wars," Night Light added cheekily.

Anyone wanna bet the next sequel will include a war?

There were a number of early previews of potential G5 characters and art styles, and among those were redesigns of the G4 cast. That's where this particular style comes from.

ANOTHER STORY! YES! AND HINTS OF A CONTINUATION! I eagerly long and await for more!

I love the world building you are doing here. The mix of the familiar and unfamiliar makes it so interesting to read.

But if the pegasus hates "Princess", why did they tolerate Rarity and Fluttershy? Also, what is the secret history of the pegasus ponies that makes them hate it? :trixieshiftright:

Very much looking forward to the next installment! :moustache:

"And so... well, that's it. I'm thinking of exploring some of the other nearby worlds next, to see if there are any other kinds of ponies living there. Because that would be... really interesting?" Twilight was finding it difficult to keep up her enthusiasm, in the face of Commander Bronzehoof's cold, unmoved gaze.

Well not just only ponies but other creatures as well

Well then I guess things kind of went well they talk with the mayor about the visiting ponies from different world and hopefully they can discuss about this all visiting and everything here not only that it looks like the Pegasus we're pretty interested and of course with a little help from Fluttershy and Rarity so far the conversation turn out pretty well of course Pinkie Pie I was pretty surprised that she got one of the chancellor to lighten up a little but rainbow still worried about her chance to be in the league and also be a Wonderbolt but it looks like everything turned out pretty well but that is a good question what about rainbow

Thanks, to you and your associates! :twilightsmile:

I'm basing the attitude of the pegasi on the Roman republic (that is, pre-Caesar), which reputedly vowed never to be ruled by a king. Julius Caesar was just granted the titles of consul and dictator-for-life, totally different thing. (See, for example this article on the subject.)

The pegasi don't object so much to some other tribe having royalty, as long as it's not unified against them. Hence Bronzehoof's calling out Rainbow's part in re-uniting the two rulers of Unicornia. But I'm assuming it's a strong part of the pegasus martial culture never to accept rule by royalty themselves. Which is why Twilight, with her ability to bring ponies of differing tribes together under one banner, is seen as a potential threat.

Ahhh, that makes sense. The historical reference does mesh well with the pegasus tribe.

Thank you for elaborating on that. Twilight probably would seem dangerous... A populous leader. :trixieshiftright:

I was very hyped to find out one of my favorite Stories had not 1 but 2 Sequels while I was busy, Please keep up this awesome world!

Ok, i read it all.
It is up to your usual Standards of excellence both in terms of story telling and technical writing.

Will there be another Part of the not exactly friends / special project universe at some point?

Well, hopefully the keyword is against. Twilight is many things, but antagonistic is not one of them.

Incidentally, if Twilight is Julius Caesar, PLEASE don't let there be a Cassius or Brutus in this universe!

Sucker's bet. Twilight probably already instigated one with Grogar:trollestia:

Rest assured, I come to praise Twilight, not to bury her! :twilightsmile:

I meant something unrelated to him, but yeah, good point

Velvet looked sorely tempted, then shook her head. "Mmm, no. I don't want Twily thinking I'm hovering or anything. I'm just so pleased she's been able to make some new friends here. It's one of the reasons we moved to Ponyville in the first place. What with Shining Armor away on that apprenticeship, I've been worried Twilight might get lonely all by herself." Velvet looked momentarily concerned. "You will keep an eye on her for me, won't you, A.J.?"

I had a sudden vision of Tesla's mother.

Interesting. Commander Bronzehoof has a distaste for the title of Princess. But the way he says it (and the fact that it didn't come up with Rarity and Fluttershy) suggests that he means it as something different then that of just a royal or a ruler. It suggests that an Alicorn was involved in Canterlot's history somewhere... and it was not a positive thing. Or at least not seen as one in the modern era.

I'm not sure what makes me raise an eyebrow more: Rainbow Dash knowing the concept of the uncanny valley, pegasi in general having developed the concept of the uncanny valley, or pegasi calling it "the uncanny valley" when they don't have a big largely-metal ball to have valleys in. None of these are deal-breakers, of course (they use 'ground' to refer to large flat surfaces, so they could have a term for a depression in those surfaces), but it did make me stumble a little while reading.




Yeah. Admittedly, the line was most likely a Mythology Gag to the ACTUAL Generation 5 debut, but yeah. Of course, the key difference there would be that Twilight did it helping out A LOT of other ponies while Sprout did it purely for his own ego (as well as taking his mother's advice too far).

But, yeah, Twilight probably wouldn't (intentionally) start a war, though I COULD certainly see her and her friends trying to fix things if they came across one. Of course, the efforts to fix things, however well-meaning, would probably end up going awry the first couple of times before they finally get it right (since that's the way stories like that usually go).

It's not that much of a stretch. Pegasi can have a notion of "valleys", in that cumulus clouds look a lot like mountains. And they probably have a notion of graphs from flight training, and perhaps training in friend-or-foe identification which might lead them to the awareness that if something feels distinctly "off" like that, then it definitely shouldn't be trusted. Hence the notion of the Uncanny Valley, which once the expression is used enough anyone can reference casually without fully understanding the psychology behind it, as Rainbow does here.

But in this case, this is definitely one of those Intentional Anachronisms for Comedic Effect, which make MLP so much fun to watch. And which don't really work right if you overthink them too much!

There's a word for a pony like that, Captain," Bronzehoof growled softly. "A word no good-and-true pegasus will ever tolerate..."

Then the Commander stared down at the image on the scroll, at the smiling lavender pony at the center of it, his voice a low, determined snarl:

"... Princess!"


"Ya know, Pinkie," Rainbow said. "There's nothin' I'd rather be doin' right now."

Well this was a pretty awesome story here so it looks like Rainbow Dash is still pretty down after the commander did not say anything about her and Rarity and Fluttershy tried the best to mention her but they only concentrated to the talk but then rainbow was called to go to the commander to have this talk and saying about how she discovered the world and even making friends with different tribes of ponies the commander wasn't too upset he even gave her the position to be in the Wonderbolts and even making reports about her stay at Earth ponies and unicorns and she was pretty ecstatic not only keeping the job down there but also waiting for her chance to become and even going back to school so everything turned out pretty well for rainbow so I wonder what else could happen I guess that's another story it will tell but anyway this was awesome keep up the good work

I'll be honest the pegasi just talked with two Unicorn Princesses what's the issue?

G5 we should have but never will...

very good again!

there were four generations before, we don't know how many there will be.

Huh, I was expecting more of a climatic reveal when it came to lettin' Twi's parents in on the loop. But then again, they had already met Spike, so maybe they had an inkling that their daughter was up to far more than they could discern. And plus, aside from certain pegasus, pretty much everypony here, and earth ponies especially, seem pretty laid-back and informal, so...yep.

Have a cookie! Hope to see this series develop even more! :twilightsmile:

Why's Pinkie's dialogue always in italics?

Because that's the way she sounds in the show, of course.
Pinkie doesn't just italicize some words, she italicizes all of them...

As the author said above, rulers of other countries aren't the problem, its ponies that could theoretically unite all under one banner, including pegasi, that they're wary of. Twilight capable of getting so many ponies loyal to her is, in their eyes, a Problem.

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