• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 415 Views, 0 Comments

How To Kill A God - DraconequusInLove

Two pokemon try to kill Equestria's gods and get sentenced to reformation.

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The two pokemon stood back to back as royal guards surrounded them, the intimidating armor flashing in the sunlight. The two knew enough about each other's fighting styles to be able to fight together, but both knew that would only work if they were willing. Neither was willing.

Moondazzle began with a blast of rose pink light that struck several guards and caused burns everywhere it touched them. Discord electrified her fist and punched a guard, knocking them out. The two continued to fight, sending blasts of powerful energy all over the room. They all made their mark and all knocked out a guard. Maybe two.

But before the fight could get too wild and cause permanent damage to the surrounding throne room, Twilight surrounded the pokemon in a bubble of energy. They fought against it, but the alicorn's magic was powerful enough to hold them for a few seconds, just long enough for reinforcements to be summoned.

"Coward! Fight me like a true god!" Discord yelled from inside the circle of guards, spears pointed at her and shields raised.

"Are you forgetting about me?" Moondazzle scoffed. "I am a god-slayer as well."

"You don't count, you backwater science geek."

Moondazzle growled. "Like you're any better, assassin for hire. Or should I say, plumber? You do an equally good job at both."

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Oh wait, you're broke. While I have a couple million. I guess it's what plumbing gets you."

"ENOUGH!" Twilight shouted in the royal Canterlot voice. "Would either of you like to tell me, without any insults, what you are doing here?" She rose above the guards and glared at the two pokemon.

"You tell her, since it was your bright idea to get involved with my god slaying." Discord muttered.

"Fine," Moondazzle agreed. "Even though you were about to be killed and have your spirit absorbed." She added in a whisper. "Twilight, my friend. We are simply travelers who just happened to stop by-"

The pony princess raised a hoof to stop her. "That does not explain what you are doing in the royal palace, or even what you are."

Discord smirked at Moondazzle. "Why don't I try. My name is Discord, and-"

"Waitwaitwait." This time it was Spike who interrupted, hovering next to Twilight. "Your name is Discord? As in Discord Discord?"

"Uh, yes. He was a powerful god in mythology."

"That's not important right now," Twilight hissed. "Now, Discord, would you please tell me what you are doing here inside my castle?"

"We got pulled here from another world. Some crazy magical collision thing." She shrugged. "It's kinda normal for me, being a god slayer and all."

"Very well then. Seeing as the two of you came here via an honest accident but need some serious help to learn to be constructive, I hereby sentence you to a minimum of two months at the School of Friendship."

"Wait, the what now?" Discord yelped before the two were teleported away once more.