• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

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3. Review and Deploy

[Blade of Serenity, Bridge Section. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

It had been three hours since the probe droids had been deployed to the planet surface, and already data on the planet was coming in. Samples of the planets soil had been taken, allowing them to be scanned and determine what resources the planet possessed, and from what Kalani had seen, it was quite sufficient.

According to the scans, the available resources on the planet ranged from large amounts of iron, silver, cobalt, copper, aluminum, gold, and other essential resources for computers. Even trace amounts of Beskar was detected, an excellent resource considering it's resistance to lightsabers. The probes had also discovered a strange type of crystal that emitted strange energy readings unlike anything the general had seen before, in the northern regions of the planet. More samples would need to be acquired for further study.

The probe droids had also succeeded in their objective of mapping out the planet's surface to a better extent than what the ship's scanners had achieved. Complete with geographical mapping, biome analysis, temperature rates, and other important factors, the planet could now be considered charted. As for the local populace...

Aside from the pony-like humanoids, the probes had identified lizard-like lifeforms, similar to creatures like the Krayt or Arkanian dragon, living in the more volcanic regions of the planet, while a strange insectoid like race, similar to the genosians, were found living in the large dark hive-like spires of the barren desert wastelands. Other lifeforms, such as shaggy, yak-like humanoids, as well as feathered and winged 'Griffon' humanoids, as named by the mythological database within the ships archives, this planet's bio-diversity was vast and unique.

However, it likely meant this planet was not united under one government, and likely divided between several states and nations, meaning it would be difficult to unite them under the banner of the confederacy. Currently, his best lead were these 'Ponies', considering what he had overheard of their 'Friendship' and friendly demeanor towards potentially meeting extra-terrestrials. Kalani also felt bad that they had not found anything when they had uncovered the crater. Well, almost, as Kalani knew it would be best to gather more intelligence and understanding about these ponies before making direct contact.

As such, Kalani believed it was time for phase two of his plan, which was deployment of droid squadrons to the surface of the planet, now named Equestria. Seeing as the land of the ponies would likely be the least hostile towards the droid scout teams, Kalani charted out several landing points within what was believed to be pony territory, including the large forest near the small town, which Probe-Alpha had discovered it's name of 'Ponyville'.

A different landing zone would be designated, seeing as it would not make sense to have the landing pod land in the same place as the probe droid, and likely create suspicion from the locals. Considering the landing pod could not return to the ship once it landed, it would need to be landed in a place where either it was outside of native reach, or launched without anyone noticing. Those natives that discovered the probes landing location likely only discovered it because it had only just become nightfall, and many natives were likely still awake. They would need to wait for the absolute dead of night to launch the droid landing teams.

Considering that it was now past midnight in terms of galactic standard and established planetary time, Kalani believed now was the time, as he pressed a button on his chair, as four OOM droid captains appeared on a video screen, as Kalani stood up and spoke to them.

"OOM-244, 1921, 7161, and 5264, have you assembled your squads?"

"Roger roger."

"Roger roger."

"Roger roger."

"Roger roger."

"Excellent, then make your way to the Droch landing pods and prepare for launch."

"Roger roger."

As OOM-5264 terminated the video call, he couldn't help but feel nervous, as this would be the first time he had been deployed to a planet's surface since Agamar, as he was one of the garrison's surviving droid captains, and he would also be leading his old squad from Agamar, as he looked to them and nodded as he spoke.

"Alright guys, the General says it's time for deployment."

"Roger roger."

"Here's hoping we don't crash on the way down."

"I got a bad feeling about this..."

As the droid team made their way through the corridors and to the launch bay for Droch-class pods, 5264 saw the other droid teams already getting into their pods, as he turned to an GNK power droid who was walking out of the launch bay.

"Have our supplies been loaded?"

"Gonk." [Yes.]

"Thanks, GNK-5198."

"Gonk gonk." [Your welcome.]

5264 and his squad walked over to their designated drop pod, as Clakker was done putting the last finishing touches on the coordinates, before closing the calibration panel and giving a thumbs up with one of his arms, which 5264 replied with his own thumbs up, before he and his squad began to climb into the pod, seeing their supplies inside, which were a few recharge packs, some communications equipment, weapons, and repair kits. As the last droid got inside, the door sealed shut, as the red lights of the pod turned on.

5264 REALLY did not like enclosed spaces. It was a defect that he was built with, a chronic fear of all tight spaces and areas. Luckily, 5264 calmed himself down, assuring himself that it would all be fine.

That is, until the launch happened.


[Canterlot Royal Palace, 2:30 AM]

The light of the moon hanging high above in the sky shined through the open balcony window, as it illuminated the room of Princess Luna, as she slept peacefully on her bed, or rather, slept as her true form was currently exploring the dream realm.

However, she was torn from her slumber, as she felt something foreign soar through the night sky, as she quickly sat up in her bed. This was not the first time she had felt this feeling, as she had felt it earlier that night, and in fact, as Twilight sparkle said in a letter to Celestia, she had seen an object come down from the sky above, but claimed nothing was there, which Luna did not like one bit, as she ran to her balcony, to see multiple objects burning through the sky.

Luna glared at these objects, wondering what they could possibly be... But as Twilight said happened to the objects that descended from the sky earlier, these also appeared to be flying in a group, before they all broke off from each other in separate directions, one of them dead set on heading towards one of the deepest parts of the Everfree forest.

Luna knew what had to be done, as she quickly put on something better than her pajamas, and ran to her sister's room.

As she burst into her sister's room, she saw that her sister had also been awoken, as she looked to Luna in confusion, her face still calm, but her eyes somewhat panicked.

"Sister, I sensed it once more..."

"Should we tell Twilight to bring together the elements?"

"We believe it to most likely be the best choice, dear sister." And so, Celestia pulled out a pen and paper as she began to write, as Luna looked out the balcony window towards the Everfree.

[Everfree Forest, 2:35 AM]

The landing was even worse than the launch for the droids.

OOM-5264 clutched his head, still recovering from the impact of the pod hitting the ground, as he looked to his other droid comrades who were also recovering. It seemed that out of all of them, B1-2197 took it the best, as he stood up and shook himself up a bit.

"Alright guys, let's get going, the General said not to linger around the pod once we dropped." As the other droids nodded, 5264 grabbed his E-5 blaster, as he pressed the button to open the hatch, revealing the green grass down below and revealing the four large claws of the pod dug into the ground, as he dropped down and made room for his droid comrades to drop, as 2197 dropped down, carrying the rest of the squads rifles, making room for 3956 to drop down, holding a box full of recharge packs and repair kits, before being crushed by 7262, having a large communications pack on his back.

"ACK- Get off of me!"

"Sorry." 7262 quickly stepped off of 3956, who stood back up, grabbed his boxes, and turned to their captain, as he activated his communications link, connecting to General Kalani.

"Sir, this is OOM-5264 of Alpha squad, we have successfully landed on the designated landing coordinates."

"Understood, make your way to the designated rendezvous with Probe-Alpha and establish a camp, then await further orders."

"Roger roger." As the communications link terminated, 5264 turned to his droid comrades. "Ya heard the man- Er, droid, let's move!"

"Roger roger."

"Roger roger."

"Roger roger."

The four droid squad then set out on a long trek through the dark woods of the forest, the only thing illuminating their path being the moon and stars above them, which were luckily quite bright. As they walked, they watched as little gophers, rabbits, birds, lizards, geckos, and all manner of small creatures either ran away in terror or stared at the droids in fascination. It honestly felt quite creepy, so the droid's lightly picked up the pace, shortly before making their way to the mouth of a small cave, as they then heard the telltale beeping of a probe droid behind them, turning to see Probe-Alpha emerge from the woods.

[Greetings, OOM 5264. I assume you and your squad had a safe landing?]

"Yeah, we landed without any complications, but I don't know about safe..."

[Excellent. Now then, I have estimated this cave would be an optimal place for your camp, so go ahead and make yourselves at home, I shall scout the perimeter and maintain watch for the night while you recharge.]

"Roger roger." The droids made their way inside while the Probe droid returned into the forest for some recon. As the droids entered the cave, they saw it was really, really dark, but luckily they had also packed some lights, as 7262 pulled out a large electric lantern and turned it on, as it illuminated the cave. Eventually, they found an optimal spot for the camp, as they set down their boxes and equipment, with 7262 setting up the communications equipment, while 3956 unpacked the supplies and 2197 set everyone's rifles against the wall and put up more lights.

"This place will do for a while, least until were authorized to contact the locals. Now then, remember to conserve those recharge packs."

"Roger roger. Im gonna go ahead and power down for a bit."

"Yeah, me too."

"Roger roger, you all power down for now." The droids all nodded, before their torso's hunched down into a fetal position, their legs crouching down as their heads lowered, their antenna retracting as they fully powered down. Meanwhile, 5264 tuned the communications equipment to the Blade of Serenity, as a mini hologram of General Kalani appeared.

"This is OOM-5264, reporting from base camp."

"Excellent work, 5264. Now, your standing orders are, upon the break of dawn, to move out and observe the local populace, learn all you can, and if you deem it necessary, commence first contact. Then, report back to me."

"Roger roger."

[Blade of Serenity, Bridge Section.

Kalani watched as the hologram of 5264 vanished, and he looked to the camera feeds of the probe droids, as well as the data readouts of his other squads. According to the readouts, the other squads had all landed successfully and set up their camps.

All according to plan.