• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 330 Views, 5 Comments

A New World, A Digital Way - SentinalEmpire

Arceus chooses equs a new home for his Pokémon. Unfortunately he should checked it more carefully.

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An Introduction of the Digital World

The Digital world, a realm surrounded by mysterious. It is believed to have been created sense the day the internet was born. A realm that coexist with the Real World. Two worlds separate yet connected with only the chosen beings able to come close to each other. This world made of data is filled with wonders, beauty, and heroes, yet also filled with conflict, strife and evil.

There are beings that inhabit the digital world called Digimon come in. They are sentient monsters made of data and have attributes that corresponds with an aspect of computer, these are Vaccine, Data, Virus, Free, Variable, and Unknown. These attributes tell the personality of a digimon and sometimes decides battles.

Vaccines are considered good and enemies to Virus digimon who are the complete opposite to Vaccine digimon. Datas are weak to Virus, but strong against Vaccines and are in the middle of good and evil, they value peace. Free digimon are neutral against other digimon and are rare. Variables are uncommon and are mostly a hybrid from humans evolving into digimon with the ancient spirits or poses the power of the ten legendary warriors. They are not strong nor weak against other digimon and can change attributes. Unknowns refers to digimon whose attributes are unspecified.

Digimon have nine different elements, these are fire, plant, water, electric, earth, wind, light/holy, dark, and neutral. They have a rock, paper, scissor against each other. Fire < ice < Water, Wind < Plant < Earth, Light/holy < Dark < Electric < Metal, and neutral is well neutral.

Digimon also have different fields, or families. These can attribute to how certain digimon evolves. Nature Spirits are digimon that inhabit natural landscapes such as forests, grasslands, valleys, deserts, and caves. They are generic animals, beasts, and monsters. They generally consist of the earth element and are weak to fire. They seam to be in peace but are divided into predator and prey and are always fighting for survival.

Deep Savers are aquatic or polar digimon that live in arctic, rivers, lakes, and vast oceans. Generally of the water element and weak to metal. Behavior of these digimon depends on where they are, those that live in shallow water generally sing, bathe or sit on rocks, those that live on top of seas and lake fight for territory while others search for food, and the great depths is the most terrifying place in the digital world and filled with dangerous digimon.

Nightmare Soldiers are digimon that are based on halloween monsters, yokai, and demons. They are generally of the dark element and are weak to light. They are mostly ghost, undead, or demon type and are found in dark, haunted, secluded, hilltops, or cursed places. Other digimon not in this field generally avoid these places. They are filled with malevolent looking castles and fortresses.

Wind Guardians are digimon that live in forests and the sky, they are usually flying, avian, or plant based digimon. They are generally of the wind element and are weak to electric. They can also live in jungles that are considered dangerous, though they are usually calm. There are also dinosaur type digimon that live in these areas.

Virus Busters are heroic and/or angelic digimon and are known to fight those with the virus attribute. They are generally of the light element and weak to the dark element. They can tell who are viruses, use ruins as some sort of checkpoint, and hunt evil digimon.

Dark Area fields are made up of villains, demonic, and evil digimon. Many of its members belong to the Nightmare Soldiers. This area is a graveyard of deleted data full of dark energy. It is located in a spatial distortion of the digital world. This is where digimon go when their life span finishes or are defeated in battle. It is guarded by Anubimon, it judges if the digimon is good or evil. Those who are good are reset, those who are evil are imprisoned in this area. However, those of the seven great demon lords can reverse this process. They seek to expand their family and bring other digimon to darkness.

Dragon’s Roar are digimon who are dragon, reptile, or fire related. They are generally of the fire element and are weak to earth. They mostly live in volcanic areas and are not limited to dragons.

Metal Empire as the name suggests are machine, cyborg, or other mechanical digimon reside, there are also mutant type digimon. They live in cities, factories, or other urban and industrial areas. Roads and tracks looks like they’ve been made from junk and put together in a hurry with no care for aesthetics. Their territories are shrouded in big black smoke and dust. Digimon here are like ants, moving hastily along train tracks carrying scraps and spare parts, and working at construction sites. They are always expanding their territory.

Jungle Troopers are mostly plants or insects based digimon. They are generally of the electric element and weak to wind. And finally, the unknown field are basically digimon that are not in any field. Many of its members are added to the Metal Empire. They consist of mutant, mysterious, and strange digimon who cannot be characterized. Their habitat are junkyards and strange places.

There is constant conflict between these fields, such as Land vs Sea, Dragons Roar Digimon and the Deep Savers, what is more important; life sustaining water or territory to survive on? While not hostile to each other, they come from completely different worlds and have trouble adapting to the terrain of their counter balance.

Light vs Dark, A classic conflict between good and evil, or Nightmare Soldiers and Virus Busters. Nightmare Soldiers are seen as the demonic, cursed, or mutants of the digital world. The Virus Busters on the other hand are the angelic, sacred creatures held in reverence. Both are extreme with their desires, and have trouble meeting in the middle.

Nature vs Civilization, as digimon come together to survive, technology and civilization prosper. Metal Empire Digimon want to expand and tame the natural environment to make life easier. Jungle Trooper Digimon thrive on the beauty of nature, clean air, and feel threatened when their natural habitats are encroached on. The question is, are you the type to change YOURSELF to adapt to the world around you? Or are you the type to change YOUR ENVIRONMENT to suit your needs?

Nomadic Sky vs Stationary Earth, A conflict for Wind Guardians and Nature Spirits. Wind Guardians are known for their carefree attitude and desire to go with the flow. They like soaring through clear, open skies and never stay in one place for too long. Nature spirits on the other hand are down to earth and are at peace within the territory they reside, adapt with the world they live in. They can’t live moving from one place to place as easily like a Wind Guardian. This creates a barrier between the two species.

The most important aspect of digimon society is digivolution, or digital evolution. Digimon evolve based on field, evolution line, and attribute. There said to be six levels and are as follows: Fresh/Baby, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega. There is also sub evolutions called armor digivolution, spirit evolution, bio merge, and digifusion. There are also hybrid digimon but we are not exploring that mess.

Digimon can evolved artificial by the bond between their human partners, or naturally by being raised in the digital world. Those evolve artificially will eventually revert back. Nearly all digimon are born from digi-eggs, there are very few exceptions.

As you can tell, the digital world, much like the real world, is always in some form of conflict. Eventually, humans known as digidestined and their digimon partners come forth to bring peace to this realm. Many have came and saved both this world and theirs. While most of these threats are from other digimon, very few are caused by humans. Many of the great evils are caused by those in Nightmare Soldiers and Dark Area.

There appeared one digimon that was tired of this constant good vs evil cycle, tired of this seemingly never ending conflict and saw to end it once and for all. He succeeded, but in a way that would forever change the fate of both worlds.

This digimon is known as Avestamon, or later on the Lord Over Heaven. He became the almighty ruler over all of the Virus Busters. He began a genocide against any digimon with the virus attribute, dark element, Nightmare Soldiers, and Dark Area. He became a dictator, killing anyone to either started any form of conflict, committed great sin, and “went against the light”. He then sought to bring peace to the real world. He waged crusade against humanity to rid it of sin and bring a utopia. Those swayed by his words joined his cause.

Soon a civil war between digidestined began. Order vs Freedom, long peace vs change, friend vs friend. In the mist of this battle came one hero.

Konton Hīrō, a human boy who somehow merged with the digital remains of an impmon, began fighting back against the Lord Over Heaven. Even though he is a male human, his evolution takes a more female lineage. Throughout this conflict, Konton gained many friends and enemies, restored the Nightmare Soldiers, and would free his world and move on to free the digital realm.

In time, Konton and his friends will learn that Avestamon is planning to completely destroy the dark realm. While sounds good on paper, it will have drastic consequences. It will destroy the digital world and leave the real world in ruins. And the power he needs to do this is 90% of humanity’s inner energy.

Konton and his friends fought tooth and nail to end the Lord Over Heaven’s plan. But it was too late, humanity was already being converted to data to enact Avestamon’s plot. The dark realm is being destroyed, along with the real and digital world. Now, Konton in his mega evolution Lilithmon, face off against one of the most powerful beings in the universe. It was a long fought battle, but with the help of Konton’s remaining friends, the battle was won.

However, the real world is almost a dead world and the digital realm is on the verge of collapse. There is still one hope however, and that is to a new world.

Celestial Divine City Arcadia

Konton Hīrō, currently a Lilithmon, was in a tight spot. Though saying that was an understatement. 70% of the human race are nothing more than data stored in this giant blooming flower, the Digital World is barely standing together, and the real world is dying.

The only good thing is that his family and friends are currently safe, he is currently the most powerful being in the world, and can send everyone to a safe place.

If he could find one compatible and safe enough.

“Damnit all!” Yelled Konton, “There are soo many worlds, yet most are incapable of housing us, too violent, make no sense, and down right weird!”

He sighed, looking at the flower of light.

“My friend.” said a voice behind him.

Konton turned around and saw AncientWisemon standing there. He is a powerful mega digimon and mentor to Konton.

“I have found it.”

“Is there really! Is there a world to house everyone!”

“Yes, there is a world called equis. I was communing a being of great power that technically rules the planet. She has allowed us to live there. But we must not interfere with the people itself.”

“How are we suppose to do that!”

“Do not worry, I have a key that problem. Now we must hurry!”

Equis is a world of many wonders intelligent species. The most dominant of them all were ponies. They are lead by the princesses of the sun and moon, holders of the elements of harmony, and defenders of Equistia, Celestia and Luna. For a few hundred years the land has been a peace. Until a falling star came, and before it touched the ground a second sun appeared.

When people went to investigate, a mountain was left with a cave at the near top. Many have tried, but although all came out alive. No one had any recollection of what happened. Soon, people began calling it Equis’ Lost Star. As years gone by, no one has gone up there. Until the arrival of a new force that came not because their world was ending, but for something foolish and naive. And once this force learns what is in that mountain, there will be chaos.

Gordon Vans, his Audino lover Sonia, his five other Pokémon, and his group of friends and their Pokémon have been in this world for a few days. He was unfortunately transformed into a Magnemite, and he was already missing his arms.

“Urgh! I hate this!” Yelled Gordon “First I get teleported to somewhere away from my final match, then I get turned into a Pokémon without any limbs, now I can’t even have fun in the bed!”

“Don’t worry sweetie,” said Sonia, “at least you can understand me no longer have to worry about the police.”

“Yeah, especially since you’re not a fricken Muk!” Said one of Gordon’s friends. His name is Jonny Tox, a poison type specialist. “I do like Poison types, but only the ones that don’t smell!”

“Look everyone,” said another of his friends, Emilia. She was now a metagross and Gordon’s best friend. “we need to find shelter, and that small mountain over there might be a best bet as I can see a cave entrance up.”

“Ah good, maybe we can use it as a base.” said Gordon, “Alright, let’s go.”

When they entered the cave, they saw a small glow in the distance.

“What is down there?” Asked Jonny

“Guys, I feel a strange pull from the light.” Said another friend of Gordon, her name is Lilac Dragoon. She is currently a Lucario and her lover is a Gallade named Knight. “It feel like it is trying to do something.”

“Then let’s go!” said Gordon “running” towards the light.

“Gordon wait!” Said his friends, as they all ran towards the light to try and stop their friend. As they get closer, they found themselves in a room with a lake in the center. Above this lake was a massive digital cube. The group couldn’t help but look at it in aww, but then the cube glow blueish green.

They were hit with a bright light and became data.

When Gordon woke up, he found himself in a field. He looked and saw his lover, friends, and their Pokémon were all laying on the ground. But there was one very important information when he looked at his friends.

They were HUMAN.

If they were back to normal, wouldn’t that mean-

“YES! I have arms and legs again!” His yelling got the other waking up.

“Huh, we’re human!? Fantastic!” said Jonny, “but I guess we can’t understand our Pokémon anymore.”

“I guess so.” said Sonia

“Yea-WAIT! I can still understand you!” said Gordon, “But how?!”

“I believe I can answer that.” said a voice above them.

The group looked up and saw AncientWisemon above them.

“Though you might want to sit down as it is very long.”

“So let me get this straight,” said Gordon, “We are currently in a place called the digital world. The reason we were Pokémon before entering was because Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon, was sick and tired of humanity’s action and decided to bring Pokémon and humans who he saw good here to Equis.”

“Yes.” Said AncientWisemon

“Well I am not complaining, could you bring us to civilization?”


The group of friends now find themselves in an advance looking city filled with human and digimon alike. As they begin living their new life, Gordon’s wife Sonia was pregnant with what would be the first ever Human/Pokémon hybrid. The friends celebrated, but unknown to them and the inhabitants of the digital world. They and Arceus and his Legendaries will go into many conflicts over how they perceive humanity.

End Of Prologue

Author's Note:
Comments ( 5 )

I haven't read this yet, but I can only imagine the reactions of the former humans. "Hey! Why do they get to stay human while we were transformed into pokemon?"

(Also, porygon is best digimon.:trollestia:)

Comment posted by Arham83 deleted April 1st

Uhh no thanks. I'm enjoying a better game: World of Shooting on Steam. Regardless of how many times I'm called a Retard, this is my Choice and not yours.

Comment posted by Arham83 deleted April 1st

Alright, I'm interested. Haven't seen a 'A New World' story in ages. Heck, all the ones I have in my favorites stopped updating years ago so I guess the community is either dead or got sucked into a black hole.

I will be the one guy who has to say this though; HUGE missed opportunity to have the humans from the Digimon-verse to be turned into Digimon as well.

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