• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 389 Views, 206 Comments

Dark Alliance: A Kirin's Tale - Blackdrag-rose

Rain Shine, seeking a lost Kirin, ends up in a new world, in a city hounded by a dark and foul alliance, and joins three adventurers on their quest to set things right.

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Baldur's Redux: Pirates and Priests

Rain and her friends found that they made great time getting back to Baldur's Gate, where Jherek was surprised to find that they returned with both the Jade Octahedron and the Brazier of Eternal Flame, though he informed them that they had an entire day to relax before departing for Seer's Cove. While Dorn and Borador drank to their success, after informing their own allies about their good fortunes and passing along some gold that helped both causes out, Allessia and the others did the same thing, helping each of their allies out while they had time. Jherek had been generous with his rewards after Rain had discovered that they were working to stop the Zhentarim from reforming the Onyx Tower, allowing each of her friends to fulfill their desires, earning them more reputation with the people and even new powers. She was happy for them, she really was, though while they did that Rain remained in her room, spending her time in a mental state with Lyran backing her, as she was 'mental training', the art of imaging fights and one's reactions to them, along with meditation to control her anger.

It was good for her to do this, since the uncaring drow were the ones who usually drew out her anger, and by the time they were supposed to depart from the city she was ready to go, where Randalla escorted them to the ship that would take all of them to Seer's Cove. The ship would take them most of the way to their destination, though since most sailors were either superstitious or afraid of pirate attacks, or even both in some cases, they would have to use a rowboat to get to the shore that would take them into their final destination. Randalla noted that one or two of her crew seemed far more jumpy than usual, almost as if they were expecting something terrible happen before they reached their destination, which was why she made sure the rowboat was ready for them, even if Rain suspected potential treachery. It would be a brazen move for the Zhentarim to place a lesser member right in the domain of a Harper agent, especially when she was nearby, though she turned her attention to their target, figuring she could flush out any traitors later.

Once they were close enough Randalla lowered the rowboat and the group got in it, where they rowed towards the cave that was their destination and breached the land without wasting too much time, causing Rain, Dorn, and the others to climb out and pull their vessel ashore so it didn't get taken by the tide.

"Keep an eye out, as there are supposed to be pirates here." Allessia stated, reminding them of the foes that should be in this area, not that anyone needed any real reminder since the crew members of the ship had talked about it the majority of the trip to this area, but her words did cause everyone to ready their weapons once more.

Rain said nothing as they entered the cave that their friend had pointed them to, as this one held the pirate crew that had come into possession of the Oceanic Urn, only to discover that the pirates in question were no longer living, rather they were undead, recently since their flesh was still decaying. She found that their skills were still intact, as the pirates still had the ability to swing their weapons with ease, and their defenses were far more intact than what she and her friends were expecting, especially given the state of their bodies. Despite that fact the group moved through the small groups with the familiar ease that they were growing used to, especially since it appeared that the undead pirates lacked some common sense or the ability to plan their attacks, though they kept their guard up since there was no telling what might be lurking in the shadows. Another type of monster had to be waiting for intruders, based on everything Rain had seen so far, and had been confirmed based on the areas they had explored so far, so the others knew that she was right and followed her with their defenses at the ready.

What surprised them was that this time around it didn't seem like there were any other enemies to deal with, just taking out all of the undead pirates, though instead of relaxing they searched the various sections and camps that the pirates had set up, allowing Borador to loot everything that had been stolen by their enemies. Most of it was just gold, gems, and jewelry, as everything else must have been sold before their arrival, so there was no point in trying to return anything to Randalla so the other merchants could potentially recover some of their losses from the various attacks. She found that her friends were okay with this change of pace after a time, as this was too hard and it offered them a fair amount of loot for their individual tasks, before they found what appeared to be the final section of the cavern, which happened to have a captain level undead pirate, likely the captain himself, and the rest of his crew. That, however, wasn't the oddest thing in this area, as there appeared to be a deep green colored temple behind them, likely one that had some connection to the element of water, though based on Rain's discoveries before this point she had the feeling they were only part of the way done with their assignment.

The only challenging aspect of the fight was that the Captain was able to raise more of his crew to fight for him, though as Rain struck him down he seemed to retain some life as he fell to his knees, where it seemed like he had something he had to say before he perished, while his crew finally perished.

"Oceanic Urn... is... inside the... temple." the Captain stated, where it was clear that he wasn't long for this world and had to get the message out before his demise, though as soon as the words left his mouth the undead pirate collapsed not even a second later, dissolving into moss that left some treasure behind.

"Of course it couldn't be that easy." Vhaidra remarked, as she had been hoping for an easy mission, that the pirates they had been fighting still had the urn that Jherek wanted them to recover, but now it appeared that they were heading into a temple to take the relic that had clearly been taken by another group, "You don't think the pirate was a Zhentarim agent and lied to lure us into a trap, while the artifact is on it's way to a secret destination?"

"No... I can feel it inside the temple." Rain said, something she chalked up to her unique nature, or maybe she was getting used to her magical powers thanks to what she and Lyran did in the inn, but she could tell that the Oceanic Urn was right where the Captain had said it was.

The others glanced at her for a moment as she stepped inside the temple, where the inside was made out of the same odd materials that the outside was made out of, almost as if it had been pulled up from the depths of the sea, along with a few faces etched out of stone that looked like a humanoid frog's. Around one of the corners they discovered a group that had four green humanoid fish people, the kuo-toa as Ysuran informed those who had no idea who was in front of them, a race that actually invented their own gods, as they were utterly insane. While they were unobserved, as the kuo-toa hadn't seen them yet, Lyran appeared in his spectral form and informed them that this race were mentally unstable, seeing gods who didn't exist, at least until they believed in such a thing hard enough to bring them into existence. He also warned the group that there was a chance that things might go smoothly for them, because with how unique Rain was they might see her as either a newly formed deity or a rival one that has come to destroy their way of life, with them as her retainers, her enforcers to put it simply.

With that in mind Rain readied herself, by making sure Lyran was back inside the ring while her weapon was sheathed, a fact her friends echoed after seeing that she wanted to try the peaceful approach, before emerging from where they had been hiding for the last few moments. Sure enough the kuo-toa noticed them without delay and paused, one even walked up to where she was standing and studied her while holding onto it's weapons, just in case she was a threat or her friends did anything funny, before he seemed to dance and cheer for some reason. His movements seemed to draw the others to his side, where the group realized that Lyran had been correct in his statement, the kuo-toa were focused on Rain and her unique nature, no doubt believing her to be some sort of benevolent dragon or something, due to her armor and form, all while believing that her friends were followers. Following that came exactly what Lyran had briefly mentioned before Rain decided to try the peaceful route, the kuo-toa beckoned for her to follow and lead them deeper into the temple, though that only caused more to fall in with Rain's escorts, who were no doubt talking about her in some manner.

She caught the word 'dragon' more often than not, confirming that they viewed her armor as her actual skin and that her true nature was being hidden from them, meaning, if one believed Lyran's information, they would likely weave together a new form in their minds and link it to her.

Eventually they reached what appeared to be the main chamber of the entire temple, where Rain found an altar that had the very artifact she and her friends were looking for, along with a kuo-toa that seemed to be a priest of some sort, due to his staff, which looked like it was from the depths. The Priest, whose named escaped Rain since it seemed like a weird one to her, seemed displeased with the rest of his clan deciding to focus on her, instead of their actual god, some creature that went by the name Blibdoolpoolp, no doubt one that a number of kuo-toa brought into reality. Her escorts, however, were firm in standing on her side, even if it meant defying their own god in the process, and Rain felt some sort of power wash over her as the kuo-toa discussed their opinions in what had to be their own strange tongue. Apparently enough of them agreed with the first group she and her friends had encountered that they were already starting to worship her for some odd reason, though she reminded herself that the kuo-toa were quite insane and didn't need a reason to do anything and kept her mouth quiet.

When the greater rush of energy washed over her, however, she found that her armor seemed to replace her body, as if she actually had scales, her hands and hooves jutted out into claws, while finding that her tail morphed into a dragon's in no time, large leathery wings grew out of her back, and she gained a dragon's muzzle, making her look like a humanoid dragon warrior with icy blue scales.

Her friends were stunned by the transformation, in fact she was feeling the same thing at the moment, before all of them found that there was one last thing to be added before everything was totally done, a silver gown appeared over her new body, while she also gained the information on how to transform between this form, her base form, and a full dragon form. The Priest submitted to her after witnessing the power of the rest of his kind in willing new power upon her, just as Lyran had warned when he realized who they were going to come into contact with, though while Rain was sure that she would be getting a weird new name at some point, given their naming scheme, she focused on the kuo-toa. One asked if there was anything they could do to appease her, before spreading her existence to the rest of their kind to place her on the pantheon that their kind worshiped, and she got an idea as she pointed at the Oceanic Urn and asked for it to be an offering to their new goddess. She honestly couldn't believe her eyes when they removed the artifact from the alter in no time at all and offered it to her with their heads bowed, to which she informed all of them that she was pleased as she had Allessia take it, going along with the viewpoint that they were her first followers, before dismissing them, causing the vast group of kuo-toa to disperse so they could spread her glory.

With the Oceanic Urn in hand the group departed from the temple, retraced their steps to the rowboat, and returned to the main ship, where Rain forced herself back into her base form as she took the urn, as it would be safe with her, at least until it was time to hand it over to Jherek, and she was looking forward to whatever he had next for them.

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