• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 53 minutes ago


The one with a penchant for writing.


While enjoying a festival after winning a big promotional contest in Alamos Town, Joeshur Riverside and his Pokémon gal-pal for life Nian suddenly get caught in a dispute between two legendary Pokémon, plunging Alamos Town into the throes of chaos and destruction.

Unfortunately, while directing his Mega Lopunny to protect the civilians and other Pokémon caught in the wake of the legendaries' cataclysmic battle by deflecting any wayward attacks, the two close friends are then blasted by the legendary Pokémon, sending them hurling into a portal seemingly created by their clash.

After recovering with no injuries to speak of, Joeshur and Nian find themselves on a plain unfamiliar to them. Unbeknownst to the duo, they were sent to another world.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 36 )

mega lopunny used shin kick! all your bones are dust!

I'll keep an eye on this for now.

Ahh Lopunny....
One of the most yiffed out pokemon of the entire franchise...
Almost on the same level as Gardevoir!
I wonder if the Author knows this?...

I mean, he's got a Lopunny, Lucario, Chancey, (hot) Jynx... and he's in the MLP-verse... so there's gonna be a chance for Poké-eggs

Looks good, hope it get more chapters and readers

I'm loving the story so far hope the next one is out soon!

Are any human female Pokemon characters going to appear in this story?

As a fellow Pokemon writer, I am invested in seeing this story continue to its fruition. Good work so far.

And ah! The dreaded moment we have Fluttershy reach the moment we talk about what is natural in the Pokemon world and what battles means to them and their trainers.

It was quite lovely. Here you are, going around giving Jynxes such wonderful backstories who hardly getting any appreciation. Good stuff.

You respond to comments by moving your mouse over to the right-hand corner of the comment you want to reply to and clicking on the >> that appears. Are any human female Pokemon characters going to appear in this story?

No. It's just Joey. If anything, they may be referenced or mentioned like how Joey met Looker or Riley in Sinnoh.

Joey's Jynx is a made-up region variant. Nice to know you like what you see.

Damn, just damn... I loved this chapter

Great sofar 👍. Are you planning to add another pokemon to the group?

Nope. I think seven Pokémon is quite enough for Joey.

...ok why not? Can't be any worse then the one with the guy that got turned into an Esper

Do you think that dragon would cry in terror if Joey had a sylveon on the team? (Or any other pure fairy type)

Why is it more often than not a mega tragedy as an origin story?

t's always I was an orphan, got beat up for being weak, tossed into the pit of voes dungeon by my only friend who betrayed me for a slice of cheese. I survived because I was kept as [i am censoring this part because there are children here] by ogres and only ate leather sword scabbards left by the adventurers the ogres killed. Twenty year time skip. Enjoy your slice of life about me opening a cafe.

I watched everyone I know, the entire village of men, women and children starve to death over several weeks if not months one by one of hunger and cold. I will not speak of the reasons why I had enough food to survive when everyone else died. Because all of the reasons are varrying degrees of horrifying

Naturally, the pokemon universe could not have possibly had any way to avoid any of that. If only there had been some sort of magic creatures that people kept about that could have gotten a message out to some sort of league or government.

I survived because sheer luck. Then I became a pokemon trainer.

"He likes Applejack, she reminds him of an honest and hardworking person that toiled away in his village. "

Yes, we all like to think about those unnamed, non-specific hard working people that starved to death near us in that one super winter that killed everyone we knew as a kid.

Seriously though please tag this with sad, dark and/or tragedy if this is going to be a major part of the story or an angstfest. Or at least put it in the summary so we know what we are getting into.

Because I signed up for "pokemon trainer sees equestria, the slice of life" and not "traumatized pokemon trainer has flashbacks to that time everyone starved to death around him and also he is in equestria"

Is his Mega Lopunny at least going to be female?

Good stuff so far. The little slice of life parts are great for lowering my blood preassure.:eeyup:

Glad I could be of some assistance. And thanks for the compliment; it means a lot.

If any of you are curious about some stuff in this story, I can try to answer.

A human and a Lopunny, you say?

Well that can only mean one thing!


Very appealing animation. Also, it made me laugh. GGs.

An interesting development. Nice update.

LETS GOOOOOOO! It still breaths


Yeah, I'm also really annoyed and upset of this over cliche of "tragedy" this, "tragedy" that.

And considering what you said on how unrealistic his entire family and village all just "died" in the winter makes no dang sense in the modern Pokemon World if you think about it!?

When there is literally cars, trucks, buses, bikes, trains, phones, planes to just leave, or just use their own Pokemon to call for help to get more food!?

This ain't the medieval century!!!???

The author really need to rethink about this.

Joey never had him as a friend, and he only really knew the guy from the mouths of satisfied village folk. He remembers that hardworking guy was the first to go when the winter storm jacked up everything. It was always the folk striving to be the best a human could be that ended up
perishing. After he died, morale in the village sunk and everything around the village began to deteriorate. They've lost the best of the best, and without that man's positive outlook and handy know-how, life in the village was almost emotionally barren.

That's the stupidest thing I have heard so far!? How can a hardworking and extremely healthy person die first!? Isn't it the other way around with the weak and the sick?

This feels forced for plot's sake!

"Alright, I'll do it, but there is one thing I want to make clear," Joey said seriously. "I and my partners do not kill."

Celestia and the heroic ponies in canon don't kill anyway?

They are pacifists after all, so what's the point of saying that?

A smile appeared across Princess Celestia's face. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

See what I mean.

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