• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,350 Views, 9 Comments

When Candy Met Chrysi - DougtheLoremaster

A Princess of a Changeling Hive. An Alicorn-to-be of Love. One lived on the morning side of the Hive. The other, on the twilight side of Canterlot. And one day they met. This is their story.

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When Candy Met Chrysi

Chrysalis walked around the open market stalls, as giddy as could be. Thanks to her magic, none could see or hear her; she was free to feed on the emotional memories of others. The memories of their loved ones, their favorite toy, or perhaps a favorite activity; all of it provided sustenance for the young Queen-To-Be.

Just merely standing amongst the crowd of bustling Ponies gave her enough to satisfy. Well, it would be for any of her sisters, but not her. Not content to just feed on memory scraps, Chrysalis would examine the various items for sale; the Ponies fascinated her with their various customs.

Passing by a wagon, Chrysalis watched in fascination as a buttercream-colored mare stood next to a yellow stallion with flowing red locks; both shouting out to the passerby.

“Apples! Get yore fresh apples! Straight from good ol’ Sweet Apple Acres!”

Using levitation, Chrysalis scribbled in a notebook as she jotted down her observations. It was a hobby of hers; observing the Ponies of Ponyville. Sure her mother forbade her from being there in the first place, but it was so boring in the hive. As the chosen heir to her mother’s crown, Chrysalis wasn’t allowed to do anything for herself.

Food, activities, none of it was allowed. She was so bored being waited on, and so she often snuck away and went to Ponyville, against her mother’s wishes. And now she trounced about, observing the daily lives of Ponies. That’s when she first saw her.

A pink Pegasus with crystal blue eyes, stood next to a pale orange Unicorn with a red and yellow striped mane. Chrysalis blinked in surprise when the Pegasus turned and seemed to be staring directly at her, but that was impossible, wasn’t it? Her spell made her wholly invisible and yet, there was that young Pegasus filly staring directly at her. She was sure of it.

Over by the stands stood Cadance, the Pink Pegasus filly, chatting and laughing with her cousin, when the strange sensation began. It started as a slight chill down her spine, followed by the skin under her fur getting goosebumps. Cadance shivered.

“Are you okay?”

Sunset Shimmer looked concerned at her cousin. Cadance fluttered her wings and laughed.

“Just a sudden chill is all.”

“Well okay. So as I was saying, Mom said you can sleep over tonight…”

Cadance wasn’t really paying attention; there was that strange sensation again like she was being watched. Careful to go ‘uh huh’ and ‘oh yeah, can't wait’, Cadance surveyed her surroundings; her eyes falling on a black filly who was staring back at her, a surprised look on her face.

“Hey, who’s that?”

Sunset paused midsentence to look where Cadance was pointing. Blinking in confusion, Sunset turned to stare at her cousin.

“Are you alright, Candy? There’s nopony there.”

Turning away from the black filly, Cadance looked confusedly at the heir to Canterlot’s crown.

“What do you mean? I’m pointing right at-”

Turning back to where the filly had been, Cadance saw nothing. There was no black filly.

“Her. But I saw her!”

“Her, who?”

“A black filly, a Unicorn with sea-green eyes. She was right there! I swear it.”

Sunset Shimmer gave a short, awkward laugh.

“I think somepony has been in the sun too long.”

Staring in disbelief from Sunset to the empty spot, Cadance was still stunned. She stuttered as a sudden chill washed over her again.

“M-Maybe you’re right.”

From the shadows of a nearby bush, Chrysalis watched Cadance as she was led away, with great interest.

That night, as the sun was lowered by Princess Celestia, Cadance sleepily made her way towards the guest’s bedroom of Canterlot Castle. It had been a long day, and she was exhausted. Closing the door behind her, Cadance was startled, as she was pinned to the wall by strong magic; a hoof covering her mouth. A soft voice hissed.

“Not. A. Sound. Got it?”

Cadance found herself staring into the sea-green eyes from earlier. Though narrowed to appear fierce, Cadance sensed a confusion behind them. Slowly, she nodded her head, and the hoof was slowly removed and she was lowered to the floor once more.

“Tell me, how did you see through my spell?”

“Your spell?”

Sounding almost pouty, the mysterious Unicorn grumbled.

“My illusion spell. My invisibility. You shouldn’t have been able to see me!”
Standing there, Cadance stared at the black-furred filly. At the strange holes that seemed to be scattered across her flesh. At the weird black shell that she had mistaken for fur. Wait a minute-

“You’re no Unicorn, what are you?”

“Very perceptive aren’t you? I’m a Changeling. My name is Chrysalis.”

“Chrysalis. Okay, what is a Changeling?”

“We can change our shape to resemble anypony.”

Much to Chrysalis’s surprise, Cadance stared at her in awe.

“Really? Can you do my cousin?”

Looking down and scuffing the ground with her hooves, Chrysalis muttered sullenly. Cadance looked confused and asked her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.”

“I said I haven’t been taught that yet!”

Chrysalis angrily shouted, her face bright red as tears welled in her eyes. Cadance stared at her for a moment, before running forward and wrapping her wings around Chrysalis, much to the Changeling’s disbelief. Taken by surprise, Chrysalis found herself wrapped in a surprisingly warm embrace, as she cried into the feathery wings of Cadance. Cadance whispered softly.

“This isn’t about me, is it? Talk to me, tell me what’s hurting you.”

“...And then she turned off the lights and said that Princesses shouldn’t be afraid of the dark, and I was so scared!”

“That’s horrible.”

Laying on the grandstanding Queen-sized bed, Cadance comfortingly ran her hooves through Chrysalis’s gossamer mane. The teenage Changeling Queen-in-training lay with her head upon Cadance’s chest fluff as she bawled like an infant; telling her woes to Cadance about her childhood.

At once, a loud knocking was heard on the door, followed by Sunset Shimmer’s voice.

“Candy? I heard crying, are you okay?”

Shooting a quick look at Chrysalis, Cadance watched her instinctually cast an invisible spell on herself, before calling out and bunching the covers around her.

“I-I’m fine!”

The door opened and Sunset Shimmer stood in the doorway.

“Are you sure?”

Doing her best to act scared, Cadance sniffed loudly.

“Y-yeah. Just a nightmare and when I woke up it was really dark.”

Much to her delight, Sunset took the bait.

“Aw, afraid of the dark?”

“Y-yeah” *sniff*

“Oh no, sweetie, it’s alright. Here let me make a nightlight for you.”

Sunset’s horn glowed brightly, creating a luminous orb that then attached itself to the inside of the door frame. Pulsing softly, the orb dully illuminated the area. Walking into the room, Sunset gave Cadance a hug.

“There you go, that’ll last until morning.”

Cadance smiled lightly. She felt a pang of guilt lying to Sunset like that, but glancing down into the watery eyes of Chrysalis as she lay bunched up in the covers, Cadance convinced herself she had done the right thing.

“Thanks, Sunny.”

The young heir to the throne smiled back, unaware of the situation, but glad to have been able to help nonetheless.

“Anytime Candy. Sleep well.”

Cadance waited until she had left to whisper.

“You can come out now.”

Rising from her hiding spot, Chrysalis’s spell fell away as she looked at Cadance in surprise.

“You’re afraid of the dark, too?”

Shaking her head, Cadance crawled out of bed to go to her closet, clearly rummaging around for something. Calling back she said.

“Not me, but you are. And with the sun down, the sky outside is dark and tonight is the new moon, so it’s pitch black. I thought maybe you wanted to spend the night. Ah, there it is!”

“Wait, spend the night…with you?”

“That’s right.”

“But you’re a pony!”

Laughing, Cadance stood up with a small doll clenched in her teeth.



Setting down the little patchwork bunny rabbit, Cadance began to explain.

“Since you’re spending the night-”

Looking alarmed, Chrysalis snapped back.

“I never agreed to that!”

Ignoring her outburst, Cadance grinned and continued.

“-You’ll need a snuggle toy to help ward off the darkness.”


“You can borrow this one.”

Chrysalis looked affronted; as though disgusted at the idea and pawed at the stuffed animal.

“What’s this, A stuffed rabbit?”

Cadance nodded, looking delighted.

“I call her Bunbun.”

Looking incredulously at Cadance , Chrysalis snorted.

“That’s stupid. And there is no way I am spending the night here with a Pony.”

Princess Celestia sat at the breakfast table, next to her sister Luna. In front of both sat a heap of pancakes, of various flavors. And while the two ate, they joked and laughed; both looking in on their subject’s lives, courtesy of a magic portal.

“Lyra and Sweetie Drops seem to be doing well.”

“Let’s give them some privacy.”

“Oh my, agreed.”

“Velvet and Nightlight are still asleep, the lazy Ponies.”

“You would be asleep if you could, sister.”

“So true, Lulu. Hey, how are Sunset and Cadance doing?”

“Hm, Sunset is coming up the stairs to the dining room, and Cadance is…Uh, Tia? What do you make of this?”

“Make of…Well now, that’s interesting.”

In the portal the two sisters could see their niece, Cadance as she lay splayed out on her bed, the sheets tossed and the comforter laying on the floor. On her face was a big smile as next to her lay a black insectoid pony-like creature snuggling next to her. In its hooves was a stuffed bunny rabbit, being held tightly against its torso. Luna whispered in concern.

“A Changeling, here? What should we do?”

Celestia sat staring at Cadance’s favorite stuffed animal in the Changeling’s grasp. She watched as the Changeling still asleep, gently nuzzled Cadance’s neck, causing her to wake up with a yawn.

Turning, Cadance laughed as she looked at Chrysalis, giving her a nuzzle of her own.

“Good morning, Chrysi!”

Celestia blinked in surprise before chuckling lightly.

“Something tells me there’s no need to be concerned with that one. Get me the Captain of the Guard, I have a special request of him.”

Cadance smiled as Chrysalis slowly opened her eyes with a loud yawn.

“Good morning! Sleep well?”

Chrysalis blinked before shoving Cadance out of the bed, shouting at her.

“What did you do to me?”

Landing on the floor with a bump, Cadance winced.

“Ow, nothing!”

Immediately, Chrysalis rushed to Cadance’s side and pulled her close, in an almost protective way.

“Oh Discord below, are you okay?”

“Ungh. Yeah, just bumped my tailbone-wait, are you concerned about me?”

“No! Of course not!”

Despite her words, Chrysalis held Cadance tightly, refusing to let go.

“You care~”

“I do not! Now shut up and stop ruining this moment.”

Cadance smiled as Chrysalis gently nuzzled her neck. Silently, she nuzzled her back.

The maid stood at the door, fussing with her frock in nervousness. She knew what waited on the other side of the door, but her orders came from the Princesses themselves; ignore the Changeling. She was not to look at, or even acknowledge the Changeling was there. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and strode inside.

Immediately, the maid took in the scene. She had been expecting a full-grown Changeling, not a youngling. Still, she was a professional; of all the castle maids, only she was permitted to attend the Royal Family personally. Striding over to Cadance, she knelt down, ignoring the hissing form of Chrysalis, and addressed the young Princess-to-be.

“Oh, Lady Cadance! Are you alright?”

Chrysalis snarled at the maid.

“Get away from her!”

The maid, however, continued as though nothing had happened, offering to help Cadance to her hooves and get her prepared for breakfast. Grumbling, Chrysalis sulked in a nearby corner and watched; believing her invisibility spell to still be active and the reason she couldn’t be seen or heard.

It didn’t take the maid long, as she awed and fussed over Cadance, placing her in a flowing pink ballgown composed of satin and lace. Chrysalis stood, mouth agape at the sight of Cadance, fully gussied up. The maid, however, gave no time to rest and swiftly steered her towards the door.

“Lady Cadance, we must be off, your Aunts are waiting in the Dining room.”

Giving Chrysalis just enough time to slip through the door, the maid led Cadance and the curious Chrysalis by her side to the Royal Dining Hall. The three quietly passed by guards who stood at attention and like the maid, pretended to be unable to see Chrysalis; though they kept their spears at the ready in salute.

Giving a low whistle of praise, Chrysalis looked from one unmoving guard to another, impressed with the shininess of their armor. Cadance waved cheerfully at the guards as she passed. Sharing a look with the various guards, the maid nodded slightly; all were aware of the situation and the word had spread to every staff in the castle; pretend the Changling was invisible.

As the massive gilded doors swung open, Chrysalis grew visibly excited as she stared at the stained glass windows, all detailing the Princesses and their various heroics of valor together; toppling Discord, the surrender of Grogar, the Treaty of the Dragonlands, all on display in a rainbowed hue of light.

“Cadance it’s so pretty!”

Stifling an amused chuckle, Celestia watched as Cadance and her new friend made their way to the table and called out to her.

“Good morning, Cadance. Come join us.”

Luna stood up and levitated a large platter of pancakes over to Cadance’s seat. She grinned as she poured a rich, amber syrup on them; causing Cadance’s mouth to water.

“Fresh Sunrise Pancakes with some Moonglow Maple Syrup.”

While this was going on, Chrysalis noticed an empty chair seemingly overlooked and took a seat next to Cadance telling her as she did so.

“I can’t eat this, Cadance.”

Cadance kept her eyes straight, as though she hadn’t heard her, before addressing her aunts.

“Hey, Auntie Celestia and Luna?”

Luna feigned ignorance, as she and Celestia secretly shared a look.

“Yes, Cadance?”

Playing with her food, levitating her fork as though deep in thought, Cadance asked her.

“Have you ever heard of…Changelings?”

Luna nodded.

“Oh yes…We have had our fair share of encounters with them. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering, what do they eat?”

Luna looked at Celestia who then spoke up.

“Love. Or rather the emotion given off by loving memories.”

Cadance looked surprised and her horn glowed, creating an orb of pink, shimmering magic. She then spoke loudly.

“Love? Like this?”

She set it on the table, in front of Chrysalis as Luna nodded.

“Exactly like that, though yours is a much more concentrated form of love, I’m sure any Changeling would gladly eat that.”

Deliberately, Luna and Celestia looked over at Sunset Shimmer, asking her about her meal and how she was enjoying it. Chrysalis sniffed at the orb before biting it. Her eyes lit up as she ravenously tore into it, finishing the orb in seconds with a loud burp causing Cadance to flinch. Chrysalis blushed slightly in embarrassment.

“Excuse me.”

It was then that Celestia broke the facade.

“So Cadance, who is your new friend?”

Cadance’s fork fell to the plate as Chrysalis’s eyes grew really wide. Chrysalis began to mutter incoherently.

“You can see me? They can see me. They can see me. But my…My spell!”

Cadance immediately pulled her close and hugged her tightly. Looking at her Aunt Celestia, she chuckled nervously.

“You can see her?”

Chuckling lightly, the Princess of the Celestial Sun nodded, smiling warmly.

“We can.”

Cadance slowly ran her hoof through Chrysalis’s gossamer-like mane as the Changeling started to shake, it dawning on her that she had forgotten to cast her invisibility spell. Her teeth began to chatter as panic set in.

”They can see me. Not good. They can see me. Not safe. Not safe.”

Princess Luna spoke in a measured way, as though trying to calm a wild animal.

“It’s alright. We aren’t mad. You’re safe here.”

Chrysalis continued shaking.

“They can see me. Must hide. Must hide!”

Chrysalis’s horn exploded with a bright flash of lime green light and she vanished from sight entirely. Cadance looked around.

“Chrysi? Chrysi! Where are you?”

The sounds of crying, caused Cadance to look towards the main doors as the sobbing youngling ran through them.

“But, I thought we…were having fun.”

“Cadance it’s alright, she didn’t run away because she doesn’t like you. Changelings are naturally skittish around other Ponies. Especially at her age.”

Turning to look at Princess Luna, Cadance blinked in surprise.

“Aunt Luna you sure know a lot about Changelings.”

Luna laughed and shared a knowing glance with Celestia.

“It’s when they kidnap you, that you know for sure they care about you. Right, Tia?”

Celestia chuckled and got a faraway look in her eyes.

“So true.”

Cadance, now an Alicorn mare, hung from the dungeon wall, her chains rattling as she waited. In the dimly lit chamber, she could make out the adolescent form of Chrysalis, as she cackled.

“I have you now Miss. Lovey-Dovey…”

As she rattled off ominous tidings, Cadance smiled. This was nothing new between the two; having been planning this date in secret for a few months now.

“You look lovely tonight, Chrysi.”

Giggling, Chrysalis grinned.

“Thanks, you look great too, Candy.”

Gently Chrysalis nuzzled Cadance on her neck. Cadance laughed.

“Somepony is hungry, isn’t she?”

Chrysalis’s eyes flashed with excitement.

“Extremely so.”

“Well then-”

Cadance paused to use her horn to form a large orb of love magic.

“Allow me.”


A sudden shout behind the Changeling caused Chrysalis to whirl around and stare into the face of the Queen.

“Mom I-”

“Who is this? Why is there a Pony, an Alicorn no less, chained to your wall?”

“Mom this is Cadance.”

“Are you fraternizing with Ponies?”

“No mom! She’s my captive.”

“What?! My daughter and a …a…Pony?”

“Mom she is not some Pony! Her name is Cadance and we’ve been seeing each other. We love each other.”

The hive queen froze at the word ‘love’ as though stricken. She turned around and muttered sullenly before leaving.

“Two hours, after that you better release her.”

Chrysalis squealed in joy as she ran and hugged her mom who just said.

“Clock’s ticking.”

As Chrysalis ran to ‘torment’ her capture, her mom made her way back to the Queen’s Chamber in a daze, ignoring any drones that came to assist. Her daughter and a Pony. She couldn’t believe it. Stumbling into the bed-chamber, the Hive Queen looked up at a shelf that had been hewn into the rocky hive walls. On it sat two pictures; depicting a much younger Princess Luna and Celestia, both chained to the walls. She smiled.

“I guess she’s more like me than I thought.”

Comments ( 9 )

Good bit of world building, I'd call it a prequel rather than a sequel, but it's fine either way. The writing itself is simple quality prose free of errors as far as I saw, which is refreshing in FanFiction.

I like where this AU is going, and would love to see it continued as an E or T rated series.

Given that in this world, Luna never became Nightmare Moon, this universe is even more alternative than I thought before.
although why did Cadance become the first contender for becoming an alicorn, and not Sunset?
why, at the first meeting, when she was revealed, Chrysalis so simply spoke about her people Cadance without even trying to hide something?

What kind of AU is this where everything seemed to go right? I love it! Luna's around which means Nightmare Moon never happened, Sunset is either Celestia's biological or adopted daughter and their relationship hasn't fallen out (yet, though given that Luna's here now...), Cadance and Sunset getting along and the latter not jealous of the former? I love it all! And Cadance and Chrysalis having some sort of relationship is just the cherry on top!

so... what happened between her and Luna/Celestia?

Very very cute, and very very interesting :twilightsmile:


Oh the entire lineup are just full of kinky alicorns :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

ahfbauilhguishksjbsj THAT ENDING

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