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Speed + Chaos = Hilarity (Maybe)

Castle of Friendship: Sonic’s Room

After the crazy party that happened the night prior everyone had gone to sleep, and I’m already boring you with that generic explanation.

Anyway Sonic was resting on his bed, looking like he had drank too much apple cider. But he then woke up suddenly holding a hand to his forehead, wincing from the sudden pain that throbbed wildly. “Next time ‘Cowgirl’ should warn me with how strong Cider can be, and maybe Pinkie should choose to not have as much Berry Punch juice.”

He hopped out of the covers placing his feet onto the floor, walking slowly towards the door keeping his hand where it’s placed.

Just as he reached for his door he suddenly felt like he fell through the floor, which caused everything for him to go dark.


Darkness was all that Sonic could see at the moment, he tried remembering what had happened prior but nothing came to mind.

Slowly but surely he opened his eyes to reveal a purple like space area, with tons of pieces of land floating. Some with natural environments like water that was pouring into the endless abyss below, or lava that fell into a pool of sorts that streamed off the edge.

But what stood out to Sonic the most was the house that sat by itself, on top of a floating island that looked normal with its grass terrain.

After a few moments the Hedgehog looked down at himself to realise he was floating as well, he was weirded out at first but realised that this seemed pretty normal compared to most things.

Only now did he notice the throbbing pain in his head was gone, seeming to have never existed in the first place which caused relief on his part, he then did the most responsible thing to do in this situation. “Hello?”

Unfortunately he got no answer much to his disappointment, he looked back up to the house thinking about how he could possibly get help from whoever lived in there, sure it wasn’t conventional nor a smart move to make but it was better than not knowing how to get out of here.

Within a few seconds of gaining control he floated down to the closest piece of land, gaining normal gravity in the process. Without too much hesitation he boosted towards the front door, stopping right in front of it.

Then after a moment of thinking he knocked on the wooden door, waiting for someone to open it but he received no answer as it just stood dormant.

He then knocked again this time with a bit more force, loud enough to be heard by someone at least. But once again no one showed up to answer him, with frustration he gave one more attempt at knocking on the door this time it was really loud, as it echoed throughout the purple space that surrounded him and everything that existed here.

Finally having enough he snorted steam out of his nose walking backwards away from the door, stopping at the beginning of the path that lead to it. He placed his hands onto the ground getting ready to charge forward, “Alright I’m gonna bust that door down right of the hinges, alright it’s nothing here we go!”

With his target locked he ran for it not stopping to think about what he was doing, he then curled into a ball flinging himself towards the obstacle in front of him.

This resulted in him crashing through it knocking it down onto the floor, resulting in a loud bang which and small dust to form. Which then revealed Sonic laying face down on the door, which lifted to see his surroundings but this was interrupted with a certain figure appearing. “Congratulations my friend you’ve earned your reward! That being breaking and entering my house successfully with no consequence for your actions!”

Sonic looked up above him to see being who was made of different creatures, that everyone knows by now considering they tell you in every story that introduces him.

“Gee a bit rude much narrator, after all it’s not like you are alone and just do these stories for the sake of trying to be noticed.”

Wow Discord that would’ve of affected me years ago, but now I’m dead inside so shut up. “Eh whatever.”

Sonic now processing what he saw in front of him, just continued to stare with confusion, as he remembered being told about a certain creature who looked like this.

“Don’t just stay on the floor young child, I’m not going to bite!” With that said Sonic stood up quickly still wondering who was in front of him.

“Um who are you again?” He asked stupidity which received a chuckle from latter.

“Oh please, Tia seriously hasn’t told you about me yet?” He continued to chuckle waiting for a response, but he was met with silence from the Hedgehog who continued to stare at him, but he wasn’t nearly as confused.

“Seriously?” He facepalmed. “First they don’t put me in the Movie, then they waste my character away with no future development and I come up with an idiotic plan…”

“What movie? Star Wars, Matrix, Indiana Jones…” Sonic responded making the creature face him.

“Wait you know about those movies?” Sonic nodded to his question.

“Okay I might as well introduce myself.” He changed into a tuxedo, with a top hat and red bow tie.

“Discord the Lord of Chaos, at your service!” A silver tray appeared in his hand before he threw it behind him causing a crash noise.

Sonic just stared at him but decided to play along. “Sonic the Hedgehog, a little ball of super energy, in an extremely handsome package!” He caressed his head touching his quills.

Discord laughed. “Oh my now I remember who you are, oh I really wish I could’ve hung out with you but being corrupted ended that plan!”

Sonic’s ears perked at that. “What do you mean corrupted?”

The Draconequus flinched slightly suddenly having memories come to mind. “It’s something I wasn’t proud of back then, but I don’t like to show it to those who don’t seem to trust me.”

“If it’s that bad I won’t delve further into it, after all why should I when I have the only person who has any knowledge that I have.” Sonic reassured making the Draconequus smile.

“I see why I’m liking you already, being one for adventure and excitement. Having a chaotic amount of knowledge that no other creature has, and a actual arc to fulfil.” This confused the Hedgehog.

“What do you mean an arc?” This made the Draconequus chuckle.

“You’ll find out soon enough young Hedgehog, but that is for you to figure out and accomplish. I cannot do anything to help you, it’s just how it all works… and I’m acting out of character to give you wisdom, what is wrong with me?”

Sonic flashed a grin towards him. “Maybe you’re developing as an individual yourself, cause from what I’ve heard you were way different before now.”

Discord seemed to have been caught off guard, by the response he got. This Hedgehog of another world, a Hedgehog who was the son of Tia was something Discord didn’t foresee coming, and it was spelled out in one word… Unpredictable.

He had no idea how it was possible, but it was true this mysterious Hedgehog who he has known for a short amount of time, throughout his whole lifetime was impossible to know how powerful, meaningful and impactful he was to Equestria.

But all Discord knew was that the Blue Blur was in for one big ride of life achievements, he even sensed a romantic future with someone that was unknown to him because of how deep it was.

With all of that in mind he gave the Hedgehog a smile of what seemed to be confidence, pride and even respect. “Well played Hedgehog.”

With that said he opened up a portal that led back to Sonic’s room. “Know that we’ll meet again and that it’ll be fun.” He smirked.

Sonic who had already taken step towards the portal that was behind him, smirked back towards the Lord of Chaos with respect as well. “I promise I won’t make it dull.” He then walked through making it back to his room, leaving Discord alone as the portal closed.

He sat down in his chair thinking about how the Hedgehog he had just interacted with, was able to make him feel change and actually come to terms with the fact that maybe he could fully embrace becoming reformed. ‘I’m really losing my edge of being sarcastic, maybe I should pull a prank on Tia to forget about this feeling.’

Castle of Friendship: Sonic’s Room

Sonic had stepped back into his room seeing the portal close behind him, he took into account of Discord’s words of having an arc. “I should probably tell mom about this, but then again now remembering who Discord was I don’t think she would take it too lightly.”

He pondered a bit more on his thoughts wondering whether he should tell his mom or not, but he then dismissed it. “Nah I think I’ll keep it a secret for now.”

With that said he made his way out of the room, into the halls to go find something to do, but all he did know was that today started off interesting to say the least.

Who knows what other scenarios he would run into.

Why are you all looking at me?

Author's Note:

I originally wanted this to be a bigger chapter, but when thinking a lot more on Sonic and Discord’s relationship of being friends.

I realised that by having them interact every now and then, throughout the entire saga would be better.

Especially since as you read there were hint drops, for what is to come for the future. Also the reason Discord acted slightly more serious was because unlike the show, I wanted to give him more development and have him fully embrace being reformed.

Hopefully this chapter was enjoyable to read.

But now who do you want Sonic to meet/interact with next:

The Rich family