• Published 1st May 2022
  • 10,499 Views, 657 Comments

The Prodigy Emperor - The Toaster

A new life, a new future and a new chance. Grover VI the Prodigy; the last hope of an empire.

  • ...

A friend with wine

He didn't know what to do, faced with the grandeur he could only open and close his mouth. Nothing came out of it but his quick breaths.

All his life he only heard stories of the glorious members of the Greifenstein clan. The liberators of the Diamond Dogs and founders of Bronzehill, a refuge from the tyranny of Diamond Mountain. Those who showed sympathy and mercy the moment all between the three rivers abandoned them to fate.

He had only been listening to stories all his life, and after arriving in Griffenheim he thought that walking along the walls would be the closest he would ever get to the family that had brought so much good to the dogs of Bronzehill. The only refuge from tyranny for them.

But now? Now he stood before the rightful heir to a legacy destined for greatness and glory. And he would have the privilege and honor of being the first, THE FIRST vassal of the young and future emperor.

He could barely contain his excitement but also fear. What a huge responsibility.

He will be the first and last line of defense until his lord grows up and gets a base of power. The life of a monarch in his paws.

He didn't know if he was crying from happiness or despair.

But he held back his tears and knelt down. At that moment his life was completely changed.

And now he was alone, looking at the center of the table trying to hide his embarrassment towards his monarch, who was reading and also trying to do the same behind his book.

Both been left alone to study by the Archon, who dismissed himself with the excuse of religious matters to attend.

Both were already in the room together for 10 minutes without saying anything at all. Not knowing what to do and getting distracted trying to pretend they're alone for different reasons. Loudbark didn't want to do something that would antagonize the future Emperor and cast him in a bad light towards someone he saw as such a magnificent being, and Grover didn't know how to react to having someone his age as a 'vassal'.

For as long as he can remember, Grover was surrounded by adult friends, from his loyal guards to the maids and servants. But never a boy his age.

Yes, he had the sons of the nobles who tried to make them befriend him. But he saw how the kids really didn't want to be with him, fake smiles and admiration manufactured to gain favor for what his father told him, so he always kept his distance.

But not this one, he was different. His Admiration felt different, it was real.

He wasn't used to having someone his own age, let alone a vassal, who looked up to him with such reverence. He had always been isolated, surrounded by adults who either treated him as a figurehead or tried to gain favor with him. But Loudbark was different.

His admiration felt genuine, and it made Grover feel uncomfortable but also a sense of warmth in his chest.

He put down his book and cleared his throat, trying to think of something to say. He decided to break the silence. "Vassal, may I ask you something?"

Loudbark looked up, surprised that the future Emperor was speaking to him. Immediately kneeling at the call. "Of course, my lord. Whatever you wish!"

"Loudbark, right?" he asked, trying to sound confident and authoritative, trying to imitate his father and how he spoke to his subjects.

"Yes, Your Highness," Loudbark replied, still kneeling. 'What an imposing figure! No wonders he is a Griffenstein!'

"Please, stand up," Grover said, trying to ease the tension in the room. "I don't like it when people kneel in front of me. It makes me feel... strange."

Loudbark stood up, still looking at Grover with awe.

"So, what brings you here to Griffenheim?" Grover asked, trying to start a conversation.

Loudbark smiled, happy that the Emperor was trying to get to know him. "I came here to serve the Empire, Your Highness. I am honored to have been chosen to become your vassal, to have the privilege of serving the future Emperor of Griffonia."

Grover nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility towards Loudbark. "I see. And what do you hope to achieve as my vassal?"

Loudbark thought for a moment, considering his answer carefully as to not offend his monarch. But he was quick as to not make his emperor wait. "I hope to learn from you, Your Highness, and to be a faithful and dedicated servant to the Griffenstein family. I also hope to protect and serve the people of Bronzehill, as I believe that the House of Griffenstein is the only hope for our freedom and prosperity."

'Is that how he truly think...? That's.... Admirable...' The child monarch thought, not being able to hold back his smile. "I'm glad to have you as my vassal. I promise to do my best!"

"I promise to do my best as well Your Highness!" He hit his closed paws on his chest in a sign of respect.

They continued their conversation, discussing various topics and getting to know each other better. Grover was happy to have someone his own age to talk to who was showing genuine interest in a friendship, and Loudbark was grateful for the opportunity to serve and learn from the future Emperor.

As they talked, they both realized that they had a lot in common, despite the difference in their station they both were being trained to combat, and both came from high houses of the Griffonian Empire.

And thus, a friendship had been born.

Loud, conflicted voices shout over one another in the center of a huge war room. Soldiers in their navy blue uniforms rushed to their posts, while a group of officers sat around a table.

In his guarding position while gripping his rifle in his two claws, he cast worried glances to his side, to his pony comrade who held himself in a more stoic phase than his, it was a female pegasus with black fur, she stared straight ahead. while trying to ignore the chaos that dominated the surroundings.

Sensing her compatriot's gaze beside her, the pegasus would seek the source of the gaze. The newly recruited soldier of the royal army showed clear signs of nervousness. His body having a hard time hiding its tremors, but his grip on the gun he carried gave away what he really felt.

"First day kid?" He nodded. It was not surprising to encounter a pony, at least not in Aquileia. Being before a region and now a merchant country, famous for its wine and other delicacies to the rest of the world. Many ponies from Equestria and its Griffonian colony of New Mareland came in droves under Grover IV's stable regime in search of new adventures and a new life in less populous cities.

"Sorry... Yeah... I just never thought something like this would happen...." He says trying to hide his nervousness. Raking her clenched claws through the fur on her forehead to remove some of the sweat that drenched her.

The Pony could understand. Since the counter-revolution by forces led by Maréchal Albert Berthelot, the kingdom has been experiencing a period of fear and paranoia. And now with the beginning of a new era of terror with executions of Republicans and sympathizers on the rise. Everyone is on the edge.

The pegasus took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before speaking. "It's okay to be nervous, but you have to focus. Our duty is to protect the kingdom and its people. We have to be ready for anything, even in times like this."

The young soldier nodded, taking a deep breath and trying to steady his nerves. "I understand, but it's hard not to feel overwhelmed in a situation like this. What if we fail? What if we're not good enough?"

The pegasus gave him a reassuring smile. "We were chosen for this for a reason. We have the training, the skills, and the determination to do our job. We have to trust in ourselves and in each other. And we have to remember that we're not alone. We're part of a team, and we have to work together to overcome any obstacles."

She paused for a moment, taking a look around the war room. The chaos was still present, but the soldiers were starting to get into position, and the officers were starting to coordinate their efforts. "We have to stay strong and focused. The fate of the kingdom is in our hands, and we have to be ready to do whatever it takes to protect it."

The young soldier nodded, taking a deep breath and gripping his rifle tighter.

"Even if it means killing our fellow countrymen...?"

The pegasus only showed a determined face. "They stopped being our countrymen when they turned on our monarch, filthy traitors..."

"Filthy traitors indeed my dear." Both of them looked at the owner of the voice and were agape as they marched into the war room, wearing their cocky smile and proud posture. Wearing the most expensive jewels and medals the kingdom could offer and with a crown that was crooked as it's size was too big to fit his head.

Moriset Discret, heir to the founder of the new kingdom of Aquileia. member of the prestigious, ancient and respected house of Discret and absolute monarch of the realm.

He slowly walked between the two guards, who had come to attention and saluted him as he entered.

"All hail Moriset Discret! King of Aquileia!" Everyone in the room cheered as the young nation's king's smile only grew, raising his claws and receiving praise.

"Thank you very much thank you! It's nice to see how many commoners recognize greatness when they see it." He slowly walked over to the table with the other commanders, his head held high and his chest puffed out with pride.

Many generals smile on the outside but on the inside. They were sweating with nervousness. A polarizing figure would be the understatement of the century when it comes to King Moriset.

Competence and he did not mix. His arrogance toward his lineage was monumental, which he used to compensate for his lack of leadership talent.

Pride in him blinded him, bringing delusions of grandeur and the magnificent leadership that held his kingdom together on the basis of his personality. When reality was very different.

Once a hegemony able to challenge its imperial lords of Griffenheim with its own sphere of influence despite its vassal status, Aquileia was a shadow of its former self. Thinking it had the last laugh to see the near end of Grover's dynasty with his failed revolution, the former king did not see the warning on the wall and ignored the 'train' of the industrial revolution that had passed from Equus and had arrived in Griffonia.

The revolution had come to Aquileia, with the retrograde practices of serfdom, mismanagement, and corruption in the nobility only combining to form a pavilion of gunpowder that was extorted by the entry of revolutionary ideas into the rabid population.

And as in the empire, they had succeeded. The head of the founder of the new kingdom was kept on a spike and walked through the streets of the capital, his family having to flee to the continent of Zebrica.

The Republic was like its counterparts in the empire, little lived. Even with its popularity and reforms acclaimed by the people, a counter-revolution had been carried out by vassals of the former king and the royal army and reinstated the Discret family in power.

But this was not without cost, feudalism had been abolished and the reforms had to be maintained. This did not mean that the king accepted such acts, initiating something that marked the beginning of his reign, the Reign of Terror - a wide-reaching purge of republican and democratic sympathizers. Some managed to escape to various foreign countries, including Equestria. But even with its brutality and efficiency, with executions in the feared and ancient guillotine. Stability had returned to the country, but the basis of fear. The prime minister saw that the internal division had to be ended for the country to rebuild itself after the loss of valuable territories like the banking city of Flowena and its gold deposits, having declared independence along with some other governors who took advantage of the revolution to form their own nations.

With that, revolutionaries who had previously been blacklisted as traitors were reintegrated into society and economic reforms more centered on the free market were implemented. Even though they were very unpopular with the nobles and the king, seeing that they decentralized their controls in the economy. They proved to be effective in revitalizing the broken Aquilenian economy.

But the monarchist government, seeing as it had no choice but to maintain some of the newly gained rights and freedoms of the common griffon. In order to bring the Kingdom under control, the King granted more autonomy to the duchies and counties of Aquileia, placing his relatives in charge.

And now he held his throne. Hiding all his faults with a façade of pride to back his own claims of leadership, even though his underlings have carried his regime up to this point.

But having to accept his leadership for the maintenance of the monarchy, the officers just accepted their fate. Sitting at the war table and giving voice to the king, who instead of joining the serious matter of state defense. He began a long speech of the success of his regime.

The pegasus just rolled her eyes. 'This is going to be a long day.'

He opened the door and walked in laughing with Loudbark close behind. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep here? I don't think my dad would mind." Diamond Dog just blushed upon hearing this, moving his paws open as he tried to hide his nervousness from him.

"No, no, your majesty! I don't want to be a nuisance!" He chuckled nervously as he scratched his cheek. "And I think you'll want to spend some time with your dad."

"Thanks for the consideration Loudbark. But I already told you to call me Grover. I don't feel comfortable with that title among equals." Loudbark's ears shot up and his embarrassment tripled. Equals?? He and the heir of an entire empire?? It was the emperor wishing to show humility, but still. What an honor! "And on top of that... I don't think he'll show up anytime soon..."

"So soon...? Majesty, the moon is already in the sky."

"My father... He's been very busy."

Loudbark's smile faded as he saw his liege deflected from him so quickly as he twisted with his father. He missed him, but they still saw each other, didn't they? From the looks of it, it seemed that his father had recently gone headlong into work, so much so that from what he could see he wasn't paying as much attention to his son anymore.

'That's why he hangs out with the Archons so much lately....' Diamond dog thought as he looked at his liege.

"Don't worry majesty, I'm sure he'll see you again soon! He must just be busy with the duties of an emperor." He said trying to comfort his new friend.

Grover sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I hope so," he said softly. "I just wish he could make more time for me."

Loudbark nodded sympathetically. "I understand how you feel," he said. "But sometimes, as leaders, we have to make sacrifices and put our duties before our personal lives."

"I know," Grover said with a hint of resignation. "But it's not just that. Lately, he's been distant even when we do spend time together. Like his mind is always elsewhere."

Loudbark tilted his head, thinking. "Maybe you should talk to him about it?" he suggested. "Tell him how you feel and ask if there's anything he wants to share with you."

Grover brightened at the idea. "You're right. I should talk to him. Maybe he's going through something and just needs someone to talk to."

Loudbark smiled. "That's the spirit. And if you need any help, you know I will always be here for you." He punched his fist in his chest as if saluting him. "It's my duty!"

The heir couldn't help but laugh at the display, with Loudbark following suit. "Hahahaha- T-thanks..." Grover said between talks "Thanks, Loudbark. I really appreciate it."

"I'm here for that my lord." He bowed much to Grover's embarrassment, then turned and walked somewhere the little heir didn't know. He turned and waved as he walked away. "Goodbye, my lord! It was nice meeting you!"

He waved back while maintaining his huge smile, a sincere and happy smile.

'Dad... I made a friend, a real friend!'

He thought as he turned to return to the bedroom, closing the door behind him. "New friend, son?" He stopped in his tracks.

Turning around, he found the room very dark, only lit by a dim light in the center of the room that was blocked by a swivel chair. Which turning revealed the emperor, holding a book in his claw which he closed with a loud 'pow'.

A sweatdrop fell from Grover's head. 'Oh my god, how dramatic. He really liked those mystery books.'

But that quickly changed to a huge smile, even in the darkness he could see his father's loving face. Best of all, he was here! With a rush he gave his father a hug, who let out a grunt of pain, his eyes widening and in surprise he quickly pulled away. "Oh my god dad! I'm sorry I didn't mean to-." But his dad just shut him up by patting his head.

"D-don't worry my son, it's okay, I'm very happy to see you too." He smiled weakly as he put his book aside, Grover junior hugged his father again, much gentler this time. And the senior warmly accepted.

They stayed like that for a few moments, content to be like that and for each other's company. But the heir could not hold back the doubt he was forming.



"Why were you in the dark if you were reading?" The father paused, seeming to think before answering.

"I... I wanted to surprise you.."

Junior looked curious. "Surprise me?"

"Yeah... We haven't been together for a while now... Wanted to do something special but eh... You got me." He chuckled to himself as he swiveled his chair slightly to the side and pulled out a drawer in his desk. Grover looked on curiously as his dad pulled something out of the drawer.

It was...

"A violin?" He looked surprised, while his father smiled. Slowly handing it out to her son who took it with stars coming out of his eyes. Radiant in the face of the present.

"I wanted to apologize for…not giving you as much attention as I should have. Will you forgive me?" Grover junior's smile faded as he looked at the sad smile his father gave him. He placed the instrument on his bed and gave his father another hug. Who was surprised but reciprocated.

"Of course dad, you have to work. I completely understand."

The father just squeezed his son tighter "You don't know how relieved I am, thank you very much." They then split up. "You've matured a lot in a very short time"

"Thanks, dad" He smiled as he glanced at his gift. "I can't wait to play it!" A look of realization came over his face. "I can show this to Loudbark! He'll be so jealous!" He smiled playfully.

The father's smile almost evaporated.


"Yes! My vassal, or rather. My friend!"

Grover just mentally facepalmed. 'Proteus you old son of a bitch. Why was I not informed??'

"Son." Grover looked at his father, his smile fading with his father's serious tone. "Listen carefully to what I'm going to say; Be careful with the 'friends' you make."

"Dad...? What do you mean? Isn't that what you wanted me to do? Friends my age?"

The senior nodded his head but continued. "Yes, but from what I can see, you're already trusting him. Tell me, how long have you been friends with this little 'Loudbark'?"

The boy hesitated a little, afraid of giving the wrong answer. "Just... Just today..."

"Son, listen to me. Trust is something you shouldn't give away so easily. It's one of the most important things we have and it can only be given to those you're sure will reciprocate." He counted while kneeling in front of his son who listened attentively. "Always remember, that having the worst enemy is better than having fake friends. The enemy you know, you will already expect that he will harm you, that he will hurt you. But a fake friend will attack you in what is fragile. He'll attack you-" He poked his son's chest. "Here."

"But.... How am I supposed to know who my real friend is and who my fake friend is??" Grover junior asked, already worried that the friendship he formed with Loudbark was fake and that he had made a mistake.

"It's simple." Grover continued, raising his index claw. "Chosen based on value and principles-" Then he raised his middle claw. "-and in the exchange of value."

The junior looked completely confused at his father, who explained. "Having no principles, that friend you're only friends with for some activity you share, like games, playing or reading. Ask yourself, would you stay friends if you both stopped doing the things you became friends for doing?" The Senior continued. "Friendship made by the only pillar that is similar habits my son is not a true friendship." Junior made a face of understanding. "There are many who will want their friends just to get the same benefits as yours my son. They want power and money. And you have that source. That's not a true friendship, that's parasitic."

He paused, with a pained look on his face, but quickly recovered and continued. "A real friendship is not restricted by race or a different type of being. Your friend may be your complete opposite, but if you have the same key principles, then that's a real friendship. When a friend is willing to stick with you helping you at your worst moment, when he can abandon you to save himself and he chooses to go into the fire to help you instead, that demonstrates the greatest symbol of brotherhood you can have. A friend willing to die for you, but you must be willing to do the same!" He continued to explain. "This is the exchange of values, the exchange of burdens and help. This is true friendship."

"I... I never thought like that dad..." This moral lesson was very sudden, he didn't know why his father was so worried about him making some 'wrong' friendship. But from what he explained was true, friendship could be something amazing but also extremely dangerous. He would be careful.

"Do you understand my son?"

"Of course dad. I understand." He received a pat on his head.

'Wait...' The boy stopped, his head spinning when this conversation reminded him of one person in particular. 'Chryssy... You.... Are you a fake friend...?'

His father had given a lot for him to think about. Grover didn't sleep a lot that night, the more time passed the more doubts grew and festered upon his mind. The boy for the first time felt something he never felt before.


Author's Note:

All the pieces are set in place. The seeds have been planted with doubt clouding the skies. Next chapter will be a big bomb people! I am excited!