• Member Since 19th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago

Stalin with Da Spoon

Greetings, I am comrade Stalin, a man with swag and a giant spoon who smokes weed, here to make fan-fictions like dumb shitposts, random crossovers, and references. Enjoy the show, and stay swaggy.


"To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
- Big Brain Engineer Man

Grand Admiral Jack Roberts, leader and commander of Redwood Industries, and his faithful crew, have been assigned to the special operations ship Tigris, as they have warped into an uncharted system after detecting an unknown signal and are ready to investigate, until they are lured into an ambush by remnant forces of the Green Drones. After barely fighting off their aggressors, the captain orders an emergency landing, which as with all of Jack's adventures, expectedly devolves into a crash landing, leaving the crew stranded.

Meanwhile, Aaron and his crew of engineers turned freelance explorers have come to investigate the signal as well, falling to the same trick and being ambushed, only to be saved by Captain Shack and his comrades W4stedspace and Morphologis, having made a desperate escape from the drone infested Planet Bob, only to find this new world, and soon learn they were followed.

Soon, every skilled and talented engineer team in the galaxy is flocking to Equestria for the signal, and as all the teams of space engineers are left stranded, they will encounter the planet's strange local lifeforms, forge alliances, work together to stop a looming danger, and save not just Equestria, but the entire galaxy!

Note: I do not own Space Engineers or My Little Pony. Captain Jack, LastStandGamers, and all the other space engineers youtubers I bring in here have their own youtube channels here. Also, this takes place after the events of Colony Salvage and before Starship Lost.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 73 )

Yes! FINALLY! Captain Jack made it to Equestria! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

Awesome! I haven't read yet, I'm waiting for some more chapters and feedback first. Just remember, whenever something goes wrong blame Craz.

Ha! Oh god I got such a laugh at the description.

Bring on the shenanigans!

God dammit its about time LOL :rainbowlaugh: I remember when one of them started signing "My little welder", during there joint DRF vs RWI episodes. :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh PLEASE have one of them say that here!

What's so good about Captain Jack and LastStandGamers's YouTube channels?

Well, they make pretty good stuff, but mainly they funny as hell.

Look them up on Yotube and you'll see for yourself. captain Jack in particular and his band of misfits are hilarious.

i like what i saw so far hope to see more.

Oh lord...
Two crews of insane psychotic gun crazy engineers in a planet of pastel ponies whose primary defense is causing logical beings to suffer constant full body aneurysms.

That is it. I'm moving to that multiverse with the nice planet that has one island, unlimited delivery of anything, and nothing else!

I quit!!!

I was intending to log in to read a FOE story. I saw this amazing story. My friend was less than thrilled since he is a Jack mega fan. Hahaha. Good story prologue!


a planet of pastel ponies whose primary defense is causing logical beings to suffer constant full body aneurysms.

The F***!?

I would suggest watching a few later episodes as a means of explanation. But even I am not that cruel.


You mean the MLP episodes where the ponies did some little "idiot ball" situations?

[Cackles gleefully] I'm lovin' this! :rainbowlaugh: Maybe you can get Captain Shack of TheXpGamers in here, ooh and W4stedspace too! :pinkiehappy:

Oh my god, didn't even think of that, its genius! Don't worry, i'll find a way to get em in.

*orders all hands to battlestations*

Try that and I swear I will order this war fleet to go full Exterminatus on this galactic arm. Forget Hersey, forget Chaos. This is about preserving some shred of sanity!!!!

And of course I see this as I'm watching Wasted and crew climbing a mountain in a 4+ million kilo multi-trailer rover.

id love to see xpgamers in here as well maybe have capt. shacks Liberation star destroyer crash into ....or near.....queen chrystalis's palace

Dare I mention capt Firefox from the Odyssey series?

I have never thought that Space engineers could ever be merged with mlp, tho i kinda also wanna see Splisie and Capac. I thing that could be hilarious

"I sense a potential salvage oppurtunity then." He happily said in his heavy welsh accent, as Reed spoke in an amused tone.

I always thought he had a Scottish accent.

I give. Okay you sickos, you win.

But don't come whining to me for help when Clang himself gets summoned and breaks the multiverse.

You. Were. Warned.

Don't forget that most legendary of quotes: "I'M OUT OF HYDROGEN, NO!"

I can't wait to see the Engineers meet Twilight and her friends. :pinkiehappy:

So will we see any of Space Engineer's weird physics on display?

If Clang has anything to say about it.

Do I need to know anything about Space Engineers to understand this story?

Not exactly, but watching the related series could help, like Space Engineers Group Survival.

The insanity is expanding!!

Oh trust me comrade, the insanity has not even begun.

Ok, seriously WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THE BLACK SUIT?! :twilightangry2: :facehoof: That's been buggin' me throughout the whole series. Good to see Shack, and the rest show up for this grand adventure.

Trust me, I believe we have all been asking that question ever since it first reared it's ugly helmet head, cause there are so many dang theories. But do not worry, as I plan to at least try and make sense of it, even if it will probably make NO SENSE anyway I explain it.

they do not behave like people from the future, or at least current astronauts

And thus the Engineers met the Mane 6, and it was GLORIOUS!

*peeks around the corner of his bunker* No extradimensional terror in orange? Maybe its safe to resume reading.

Wait... Mane 6 having first contact and it doesn't go horribly wrong in the first 5 minutes? No Pegasus jumping the gun, no pink pony invading personal space? Oh, this is bad. Universal karma is going to need balancing soon

*grabs the emergency popcorn rations* :trixieshiftright:

I just realized, in mlp and in space engineers, the sun orbits the planet/system.

To be honest the reactions weren’t what I was expecting, I was expecting less role play and more shenanigans.


My good sir, I know it may sound rude sometimes to ask a writer to update their story, but seeing as you have put work into a few others recently, weeell. :twilightsmile:

Chop chop pretty please!!~ :twilightblush:

Have no fear comrade, I have already begun work.

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