• Published 13th Apr 2022
  • 2,903 Views, 44 Comments

The Sweet Sounds of Spring - Rambling Writer

Fluttershy finds birdsong wonderful. Regardless of what that birdsong is about.

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If You Knew, Knew What the Bluebirds Sing at You...

Fluttershy threw open her front door and breathed in deeply. The magnificent scents of spring swirled around her, creating an intoxicating bouquet. The sun shone down, warming the earth with its rays. It was the loveliest season of them all for a reason.

But spring meant duties, and so she was soon off to the bird feeding tray, a bulging bag slung over her withers. Her ears twitched this way and that, taking in all of that wonderful, melodious birdsong from every direction as those birds relished in the warm weather. In fact, just above her, a chickadee was singing in the hopes of attracting a mate.

«Dooo meeeeee… Dooo meeeeee…»

Oh, those chickadees. Smiling to herself, Fluttershy kept walking, still keeping an ear turned upwards to listen to the song.

«Dooo meeeeee… Dooo meeeeee… Doo- Hey, hey! Shake that tail my way, baby!»

Fluttershy looked up. A female had landed right next to the male, apparently interested. Satisfied with his progress, the male propositioned her with the classic phrase of chickadees everywhere. «Hey, sugar beak! Wanna doink?»

The female examined him, cocking her head back and forth in that hyperactive manner of chickadees everywhere. Emboldened, the male puffed out his chest feathers. «C’mon, sweetie pateetie!» he chirruped. «Check out my feathers! I’m fecund as shit! We can make so many babies. So many that one or two might even make it to winter! C’mon, let’s build a nest and get right to smashing!»

For a second, the female looked like his eloquent, heartfelt soliloquy might sway her. But then across the field came another song. «Dooo meeeeee…»

«Yeah, no,» twittered the female. «I like that guy’s song better. Bet his chest’s super shiny.» And she flew off.

«Babe?» chirped the male in surprise. «Babe! Babe, wait! Wait, babe! Wait, babe, wait! Babe, no, babe, wait, babe! Wait! Wait! No, babe! …Baaaaaaaaa-»

Shaking her head at the plaintive cries of the mournful virgin, Fluttershy continued onward.

The tray wasn’t far. Once Fluttershy reached it, she upended the bag, dumping the seeds and peanuts all across the tabletop. “Hellooooo!” she called out. “I’m here, my feathered friends! I’ve brought you food!” Tossing the bag across her back, she stepped away from the table.

She was only a few yards away when birds descended in a melodious cacophony, each making for a different foodstuff. In particular, a downy woodpecker gave a peanut a close examination. But before it could start pecking, a blue jay landed nearby, snatched up the peanut, and hopped away.

In response, the cute woodpecker cheeped angrily, «Hey! You punk-ass shithead, get your own fucking peanut! She gave that one to me

«My peanut!» cawed the jay. «Mine!»

«Oh, piss off! I saw it first and you know it, douchenozzle!»

«It’s miiiiine!»

Squawking angrily, the woodpecker dove at the jay. They tussled for a moment, chirping angrily at each other as their wings beat and their claws swished. But the woodpecker emerged victorious, flying away with the peanut in his beak. He landed on a branch and started pecking at it. The jay landed a foot away, but the woodpecker squawked, «I can punch holes in trees with my goddamned nose, you featherheaded son of a bitch! You wanna see what I can do to your face? Didn’t think so! Fly on home, you fruity excuse for a crow!»

«Rude,» trilled the jay.

Fluttershy walked away, tsking. Some birds had no manners.

She sidled back to her cottage, adding her own whistles to the birds’. She was almost home when down the path, she spotted- “Rarity! Hello!”

“Why, Fluttershy, I was just looking for you!” said Rarity, trotting up. “I was hoping-”

«MURDERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!» And with that shriek, an almighty juggernaut fell on Rarity with all the force it could muster.

Rarity waved a hoof at the robin attacking her coif. “Darling,” she said in a record-settingly flat voice, “could you be a dear and tell this- oh! -tell this bird that I’m-”

Fluttershy quickly nudged Rarity aside; the robin retreated, squawking equicidal invectives at them. “You’re standing under his nest,” she said, pointing. “Robins are very protective of their young.”

“That’s very nice,” Rarity half-growled, still messing with her mane, “but can you tell him to back off? I’d like to avoid a repeat on my way back.”

“On it.” Up she went.

The second she rose to nest level, the robin was squeaking at her. «Stay back, vile miscreant!»

“I’m not vile or a miscreant,” said Fluttershy. “I just want to talk.”

«No talk! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you look sideways at my eggs again, I swear to the sun, I’ll peck your eyes out myself!» tweeted the robin. «Blood will flow like a river before I’m through with you! Like an entire watershed!»

“But Mr. Robin, it’s me!” said Fluttershy. “You know I’d never hurt you or your babies!”

«That’s why I’m being nice!»

“That’s no way to treat ponies who are just passing by. Can you please give them a chance to leave first? There’s not a pony for miles who wants to hurt you.”

«Hmph.» The robin fluffed his feathers and eyed Fluttershy beadily. «Only because it’s you. But I’m watching you.»

“And I’m watching you. Please be on your best behavior.”

«The second you touch my eggs, you’re dead

Fluttershy lowered herself to the ground, where Rarity was still fretting over her mane. “I am so sorry, Rarity,” she said. “I hope your mane’s okay.”

“Eh…” Rarity twitched, but held her head high. “I’d have to redo it after our spa day anyway, it’s fine.” Her ears twitched and she looked around them. “Robin attacks aside, isn’t the birdsong wonderful?”

Fluttershy cocked an ear, listening to birds trying to get in bed with each other, listening to foes fight to the death over food, listening to mothers colorfully wish a painful demise upon those who got too close to their eggs.

“Yes,” she said, smiling. “Yes, it is.”

Comments ( 44 )

«tweet tweet» «triit twit twit triit»

I can totally see this, actually. :rainbowlaugh:

You take that back! :trollestia:

This is amazing.

There are downsides to understanding the call of the wild; especially when it, well… goes wild.

Thanks for the entertaining read!

OF29 #5 · Apr 13th, 2022 · · ·

MY MOTHER WAS A SAINT!!!:flutterrage:

Bravo! And Poor Rarity's mane.

There are, ultimately, two birdsongs: "You Came To The Wrong Neighborhood (And I'm Going To Claw Your Eyes Out For Doing So)" and "Have Sex With Me". In other words, it's basically just gangsta rap.

I'm impressed with the research that went into this. Blue jays really are peanut-stealing dicks.

This is the most Wild Green Memes story I've ever seen on this site. Very well done, my friend!

I see Fluttershy still finds Nature so fascinating. :raritywink:


Wonderful indeed!

Had been feeding a few crows for some time... peanuts and bread balls. Nice fuzzy fellas
So today a sea gull raided our feast and I've never heard a crow growl like a wild ally cat , A low quiet growl...
Never saw a dog fight where a crow would latch on that sea gulls tail feathers causing all sorts of control problems.....
Funny this story was quite accurate in those feathered fellows murderous feelings... Twitwits:rainbowlaugh:

You and what flock of starlings?


11210477 *SNORT!* If you only knew how unhinged my mother is, wouldn't be saying such nice things about her.

Oh, my! Come on over to my place and we'll see if you can put your nesting material where your beak is!

Ah yes. As my brother once put it, "waking up to birds loses a lot of its appeal when you realize it would make construction workers blush. "

1000% accurate

Yeah?! Say that to my FACE, you dick!!

This one REALLY made me laugh.


Mmm, yes.
How right you are mate.

Yeah, this is about what I imagine my backyard sounds like when my Mom puts out the birdseed.

"Fluttershy who knows exactly what's up with nature and loves it all the more for it" is the best Fluttershy.

"Lemme smash... please."

As a fan of Fall Out Boy, I approve of the chapter title. As someone who is constantly refilling the family bird feeders and hearing the birds squabble, I approve of this story!

I'll rip your fucking eyes out shit for beak

«No talk! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you look sideways at my eggs again, I swear to the sun, I’ll peck your eyes out myself!» tweeted the robin. «Blood will flow like a river before I’m through with you! Like an entire watershed! »

fluttershy helped to beat nightmare moon, discord, sombra, and several other insane gods. this robin has no way to back these threats of hers up

I loved this. There are some stories on this site that are just pure gold, and this is one of them.

Go leave your foul-smelling excrement in your own nest, you birdbrain. :derpytongue2:

Oh I am flattered, but no thank you.

The robin also doesn't know about that.

Indeed? Well, I'll have you know YOUR mother offered her services to ME last night...FOR A DOLLAR!

Reminds me of a comment I read or heard once

The beautiful sounds of nature is just every living thing crying out in a desperate attempt to get laid

The other side of the conversation we never heard.

As I mentioned, this isn't entirely true. A decent amount of it is instead the equivalent of "get off my lawn or I'll kill you".

Not the first time I've seen this take on Fluttershy's abilities, but a masterfully executed one. Fitting three distinct scenes into a thousand words is no small feat, to say nothing of them genuinely being funny. Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.

Howdy, hi~!

Oh my gosh, all the birds are gangsters, I cant help but imagine them all speaking in thick accents and getting ready to start a turf war. This was hilarious. Loved every minute of it. Thanks for the read~!

«Dooo meeeeee… Dooo meeeeee…»

hehe, i like how this could just as easily be parts of the Do-Re-Mi scale as a crass come-on

Shaking her head at the plaintive cries of the mournful virgin, Fluttershy continued onward.

aww, love how mundane all this is to Fluttershy at this point

In response, the cute woodpecker cheeped angrily, «Hey! You punk-ass shithead, get your own fucking peanut! She gave that one to me

hehehe, that's always a fun contrast

«I can punch holes in trees with my goddamned nose, you featherheaded son of a bitch! You wanna see what I can do to your face? Didn’t think so! Fly on home, you fruity excuse for a crow!»

yeah, these tiny birds are only cute to us because they're so small and weak compared to us, but being scary and intimidating is relative

«Rude,» trilled the jay.

Fluttershy walked away, tsking. Some birds had no manners.

couldn't agree more!

«MURDERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!» And with that shriek, an almighty juggernaut fell on Rarity with all the force it could muster.

Rarity waved a hoof at the robin attacking her coif.

aww, that is an adorably funny mental image

“But Mr. Robin, it’s me!” said Fluttershy. “You know I’d never hurt you or your babies!”

«That’s why I’m being nice!»

it just struck me that ah, maybe Angel Bunny is not at all an exception and it just turns out that all animals are pretty huge jerks if you could understand them. which makes sense, sadly! things are tough out there

Fluttershy cocked an ear, listening to birds trying to get in bed with each other, listening to foes fight to the death over food, listening to mothers colorfully wish a painful demise upon those who got too close to their eggs.

“Yes,” she said, smiling. “Yes, it is.”

securing mates, food, and the inheritors of one's genes, all of which are only ever secured by a knife's edge in this world of competition and evolution. such a wonderfully succinct summary of why nature is red in tooth and claw. and of course Fluttershy would find it beautiful. love how perfectly this piece executes its premise. thank you for it!

Hello! Have a review. Of all the Gold Medal winners (congratulations!) this is the one I'd recommend to anyone who's just after a damn good read. I love stories that look at Fluttershy's abilities and run with something about them, and though "birds aren't nice" isn't a new idea you really do make the most of it here. Faved!

Ah nice, very charming little story. I have recorded reading it for the audio version. I look forward to finding creative ways to soundscape this.

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