• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Norwegian boy

still writing


Duel monsters.

Two words that Equestria has never heard about before. Normally, when Equestria thinks of monsters, they think of creatures that are locked away in the depths of Tartarus. However, that was going to change.

When a human by the name of Fugome Kamaki visits Equestria, she tells them about a task that was given to her and about a game called Duel Monsters. That task was to introduce the card game to the ponies of Equestria, given by none other than Maximillian Pegasus, the game's creator.

What could possibly go wrong?

My first Yu-Gi-Oh story. I own nothing.

If anyone have a better idea when it come to the title, send me a PM.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 67 )

I think this story has potential, nice first chapter.

By the way, Spike gonna duel too???

We'll see, I'm not sure if I want to keep writing the story.

Pretty interesting start.

Is Spike going to be a duelist too?

So far. so good. Though you may want to keep an eye out for future grammar mistakes. It's not a big thing but it's something I can't help but bring up when I see it.

great start most yugioh crossover stories I've read other than this one, only make a half-assed attempt at how the game or characters got to equestria .

That really was a fun duel to read. An Intresting fact: Dragonmaid is actually based of one my favourite anime, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. I highly recomend it.

That was a pretty good duel.
And nice idea on including links to cards so readers can see the cards themselves.

Though where was Spike?
Its disappointing he missed out on seeing this..

I know.

Though is still bums me out that the girls left Spike out on the first-hand experience of dueling there like that(like Equestria's first to witness dueling)

Leaving Spike out? Isen't that normal for the girls?

Doesn't make it ok for them to keep doing that though.
It was really a problem.

Also to the 4 people who keeps downvoting any comment that mentions Spike AT ALL, are you 4 people seriously just sitting there and refreshing this comment section to get after any newly shown comment with downvotes?

Comment posted by Grahf deleted Apr 10th, 2022

Seven other decks?
That be the Mane 6 and probably Spike?

You have to keep reading to find out.

I will make sure to see what happens next.

Just wished something is done about the girls leaving Spike out like that.
Him only getting to find out about dueling when all of Equestria finds out makes it feel like Spike is shoved into "everyone else" instead of being part of the Mane 6(who all got to witness first-hand on dueling arriving in Equestria)

Comment posted by nightshroud96 deleted Apr 19th, 2022
Comment posted by Winsor27 deleted Apr 19th, 2022
Comment posted by Johnsilver777 deleted Apr 19th, 2022
Comment posted by Lorddarkrai2000 deleted Apr 19th, 2022
Comment posted by nightshroud96 deleted Apr 19th, 2022

I am so glad in seeing Spike has called Twilight out on what has happened for leaving him out like that.

I am happy to see he will be a duelist and using Red Eyes like that.
But disappointed that he lost though..

Pretty good chapter

Red-Eyes is a good choice for Spike. Red-eyes means potential and Spike has that potential to be a great duelist.

It was amazing and I'm so glad they decided to continue this story, but two more question

Will Yugi appear in the story?

And how will the Mane Six react when they find out about the Millennium Items?

Yugi does exist in this story 'universe' but no Millennium Items, this story is in the future after GX, before 5D's. Did that make any sense?

Yeah, nice duel with Spike.

Its quite nice in seeing more of how Twilight treated Spike is now biting her in the flank.

More duels is nice too.
Though I wished something is done about Spike losing to Kamaki.
Especially since Big Mac just beaten her but Spike couldn't..

well they say that the calmest are the most dangerous 🧐

Wow, this next tournament is gonna be awesome.

these decks are getting very interesting

Wow, Dash made alot of dueling misplays. That was funny.
I am surprised she understood the basic rules at all.
Curious on if she will cause more trouble later on.

Wonder what will Celestia be talking to Twilight about?

And curious what will happen in the next duel.
Though still wished something is done about Spike losing to Kamaki though.. especially since Big Mac beaten her but Spike couldn't..

Wonder what Luna feels about duel monsters too?

she would look very good in the cover that rainbow dash used

never duel angry, you make bad choices far too easily

Rainbow dash made a bitch move. Never throw your cards away. You need to treat them with respect.

Roseluck is doing pretty good in her second duel. She's learning the game well. As for Rarity, she's also doing pretty good even if it's her first time. Gem-knights are perfect for Rarity. Cause you can fusion summon so easily.

Comment posted by nightshroud96 deleted Jun 7th, 2022

I'm surprised that Zecora duels good since it's her first time. At least she had fun. I hope Scootaloo doesn't duel for revenge cause it won't end well.

Zecora have seen others duel, not everything will solved with a duel.

I enjoy this story, can't wait until the tournament.

Well Scootaloo will try to avenge Rainbow, i hope she learns a lesson.

Amazon deck seems simple but it has it's tricks once you get the set up going

That was a good duel.

Why did my previous comment got removed?
All I did was ask a question while also pointing out a duel error.

the duel was fun and the deck fits her well

Luna did really good in her duel. She actually dueled like a pro. I hope that Scootaloo gives up her blind devotion to Rainbow Dash.

Comment posted by Windy0 deleted Jul 2nd, 2022

Luna dueled really good there.

Since she and Big Mac beaten Kamaki in a duel, wished Spike could have too..

cool music themed archatype

Is the pony Derpy?
Why did I get dislikes for this question? Aren't any of you curious about what deck Derpy would have?

Comment posted by nightshroud96 deleted Jul 13th, 2022
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