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Time Agent pony

Time agent is the name, time travel and writing Fimfictions is the game



This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: The Children of Chaos

After an accident involving Twilight's newest invention, Rarity, Applejack, Ultimate Spiderman and Ms. Marvel find themselves on a different earth. As they wait for their friends to find a way to rescue them, The Champions will continue their duty as superheroes on this new earth. Fortunately, this earth has its own heroes in the form of the two protectors, Ladybug and Cat Noir. How will the villain of this earth, Hawkmoth, react to these new heroes who have arrived?

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 40 )

This is what we also trying o find out
But you talk about Ms. Marvel She is my favorite Character of All-time A great Combination Of humans With A super Hero Lady.

thanks for sharing spiderman and ms marvel are my favorite characters I just love both of them your writing skills are good and great words are used here so thanks once again for sharing this

Comment posted by DecoGalileo deleted Apr 29th, 2022

Really good job on the first chapter of this latest story in your series. I really appreciate the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and adventure set-up. Definitely liked the nods to some of the other universes during the testing of the "Multiversal Viewer" (especially Kingdom Come, the "Marvel Noir" universe and one of the Sonic universes) as well as Twilight confirming that the multiverse was a theory she has had for quite a while before it got confirmed in one of their earlier adventures (really good nod to that one, by the way). And, now, AJ, Rarity, Miles and Kamala are stuck in another universe for the time being (ironically while Twilight was TRYING to play it safe by shutting off the machine).

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this. And definitely wouldn't mind seeing the Multiverse viewer again in later stories.

Thank you for the comment and the support,:twilightsmile: I hope you enjoy chapter 2 and will be waiting to hear what you think:raritywink:

Hey there. Again, this was a really good chapter regarding the information on the world AJ, Rarity, Miles and Kamala ended up on.

Possible future chapter ideas:

1. At an appropriate point in this universe, after seeing Ladybug and Cat Noir in action, Miles can comment that it wouldn't surprise him THAT MUCH if those two turned out to be Spider-Man fans as he pointed to a few kids reading Spider-Man comic books.

2. During a big battle, Applejack can comment "Well, at least we know our geodes still work in this universe." with Rarity adding "AND I remembered to pack our rings' batteries in case we need to recharge quickly."

and 3. During the final battle with Hawkmoth, Miles can comment how "You remind me of somebody in MY universe. Somebody I REALLY hate." before getting him with a spider-strength/Venom Strike combo uppercut.

For other universes the group could see in the Multiverse viewer in later stories (after Twilight gets a few more of the bugs out of the machine), there could be Earth-66 (a universe set in the 1960s and home to a much more light-hearted version of Batman [among other heroes]) plus the home universes of a few versions of the Ninja Turtles, Cuphead, the Foenum Six, the classic Disney characters and many more.

But, anyway, certainly looking forward to more of this.

I'm glad you liked chapter 2:twilightsmile: and thank you for the ideas and I'll see what happens in the future, again thank you for the support of this story and the stories to come:raritywink:

You're extremely welcome.

You're quite welcome and thanks once again. And, hey, you provide a pretty decent amount of material for me to work with. :-D

Hey there. Very good job on this latest chapter. Definitely appreciated the work going into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Certainly liked the four's research that went into finding out as much about this world (including some of the world's heroes) as they could find out, as well as the aliases (including the quickly thought of name for the school they supposedly transferred from and the quickly thought of reason for the teachers to not have heard of the school before). The set up for the first meeting with Ladybug and Cat Noir is great too.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

As always thank you for the comment and the support:twilightsmile::raritywink:


As always, my pleasure.

Another well-done chapter. It might have taken a while, but was well worth the wait. Certainly appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. The check-up with Twilight, Rainbow and Sunset certainly made sense and I certainly liked AJ, Rarity, Miles and Kamala seeing Ladybug and Noir in action (vice versa also applied). And yeah, that glitch-out certainly makes finding their way home all the more important. Hopefully, Twilight will eventually come up with something that can keep dimension travelers stable in future multiverse adventures.

Certainly looking forward to more of this.

Thank you for the comment and the support,:twilightsmile: I apologise for how long it took for this chapter to be finished:twilightblush:

You're quite welcome. And, yeah, no problem. I respect the need for real world concerns to come first as well as quality over speed.

Again, this was a very good chapter. Well done on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Certainly appreciated the show of the effort Twi has been putting into getting her machine fixed up enough to get their friends back. First thinking to use the geodes (but not the power rings) as an extra power source and then by calling in Wiccan. Neither attempt worked (and the latter seems to have gotten them in trouble with the Sentinels of Magic), but points for trying. And now, AJ, Rarity and the others acknowledge that they got found out and just have to hope that the truth DOESN'T sound too far-fetched for the locals to believe. As for Twilight and the others, well, hopefully the Sentinels won't be TOO harsh once they explain that they are trying to rescue their friends (not to mention the combined efforts of Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate and Zatanna should be able to EASILY bring the four displaced heroes back to their home universe once it is known which universe they are in).

Very certainly looking forward to more of this.

As always thank you for comment and the support:twilightsmile::raritywink:

You're quite welcome once again.

Thanks greatly for getting the next chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are wonderfully done. Certainly appreciated that Miles, AJ, Rarity and Kamala's explanation was understood that well. Also understood the Sentinels of Magic explaining certain things to the Champions both before and after Twilight explained the reasons to them. Understood why the Sentinels might have been reluctant to mess with the multiverse barrier but appreciated that, after some encouragement from their last member, they DID eventually agree to help.

VERY much looking forward to more of this.

And I hope you and your family and friends had a Happy Fourth of July.

Thank you for the comment, the support:twilightsmile: and a Happy late 4th of July to you and your family too:raritywink:

You're very welcome.

Hey there. Again, a great job on this chapter. Certainly appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Really liked the discussion of the preparations by the Sentinels, Twilight and Rainbow. And I got a bad feeling about Gabriel's scheme, but the bad feeling that's great for storytelling. Also liked Adrien's discussion with Plagg and the girls' dialogue with their new friends concerning the differences between their worlds in greater detail.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Again, Thank you for the comment, the support:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Again, my pleasure.

Another really good job on this chapter. Took a while, but was certainly worth the wait. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done. And, yeah, I could see Rarity getting that worried about the things that could have happened in her own universe (they haven't, but she doesn't know that) and trying to put on a brave face for her friends (even though Applejack caught on pretty quickly). Unfortunately, Rarity's negative thoughts just made her an easy target for an Akuma. Hopefully, Applejack and the others will be able to get through to her (okay, we know they WILL, but we don't know how hard it's going to be [just that it's not going to be easy]).

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Thank you again for the comment and your continuous support:twilightsmile::raritywink:
Also, sorry for being absent for so long:twilightsheepish:

You're quite welcome as usual.

And that's quite all right. Quality over speed, after all.

Comment posted by Ryan_Bray deleted Sep 14th, 2022
Comment posted by Jack Henry deleted Sep 14th, 2022
Comment posted by apkcha deleted Oct 15th, 2022

Another well-done chapter. It took a while, but was quite well worth the wait. Certainly appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. The gang found Rarity/Black Diamond and ALMOST got through to her for a couple of seconds before Hawkmoth regained control. And, yeah, it makes sense that it would be a pretty tough fight, given she had the power of that Geode AND a Star Saphire power ring BEFORE getting Akumatized. Now, AJ, Kamala and Miles have gotten their own temporary Miraculous to even the odds (and good introduction to those Miraculous spirits too). Now they're ready for the next round. Hopefully it will go better next time around.

Really looking forward to more of this. And, in the event that the next chapter isn't ready before Thanksgiving, I'm going to wish you and your family and friends a Happy Thanksgiving right now. :-D

As always thank you for your continued support of this series, thank you for being patient when I have writers block or burnout:twilightsmile: and, even though me and my family don't celebrate Thanksgiving I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving also.:raritywink:

P.S. I hate to correct you:twilightsheepish::pinkiehappy: but Rarity has the Indigo lantern ring of Compassion, it's Fluttershy that has the Star Sapphire not Rarity, but I understand the confusion.

You're quite welcome. And, yeah, I thank you for the correction. It HAS been a while, after all.

Again, great job on this latest chapter. REALLY appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Certainly appreciated that look at Rainbow, Twilight, Midnight and Fluttershy discussing the difficulty in finding the right universe before checking back in on the main heroes of THIS story as they worked on trying to get through to Black Diamond and get the hang of their temporary upgrades. And that cliffhanger concerning making Black Diamond see what she was turned into, well, we'll see if it worked next chapter.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

As always, thanks you for the comment:twilightsmile: and the support:raritywink:

As usual, you are quite welcome.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, general wrap-up and future story set-up in all the right places. Definitely loved the efforts by the Sentinels to get AJ, Rarity, Miles and Kamala home as well as the efforts to get Rarity back to normal before the universe-displaced heroes were returned to their own universe. And, even though the efforts to bring the group home were successful, the barriers between the multiverse have been severely weakened.

On to the epilogue.

Definitely a wonderful job on the wrap-up to this story and the characterizations. The dialogue between Applejack and Rarity was great, I can understand why Twilight might think the Multiverse Viewer might be too dangerous to keep around and the dialogue between Strange and Xandu is definitely some great set-up for a future adventure.

Perhaps, for a near-future adventure, the Champions could be teamed up with the Bat Family AND the Power Rangers to face a Green Ranger powered Bane as well as the armies of Rita and Zedd and Ra`s al Ghul's League of Assassins. The Adventure, of course, acting as a respectful nod to the memories of both Kevin Conroy AND Jason David Frank.

Though I can respect your right to not like the idea if you don't.

But, anyway, really looking forward to more of your work in this series.

Thank you, as always, for the comments, the support and the ideas:twilightsmile:, seriously this series wouldn't be where it is without you:raritywink:
P.S. I miss Kevin Conroy and Jason David Frank too:fluttercry: they will never be forgotten:pinkiesad2:

You are quite welcome as usual.

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