• Member Since 23rd May, 2019
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When the sun no longer rises, Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers that all the other alicorns have mysteriously disappeared and she is now the last one left in the world. After learning from a dragon that the mythical King Sombra may be responsible for their disappearances, she becomes determine to find out what happened to them. With great reluctance, she leaves her home of Equestria for the first time to venture out into the unknown world. Along the way, she befriends some humans while making enemies with others as she experiences things she never thought possible, and, along the way, risks losing everything, even her very identity.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 33 )

Hold on! Wait a moment… It worked? :pinkiegasp:

Looks like it. Apparently it's different enough to qualify. I'll now be updating every Wednesday.


Sweet! Will this be different from the other Last Unicorn story you did on the other website for fanfics?

Gloriosa fixed her brother with a glare. “Trust me, this is no superstition. Beyond the Everfree Forest is Equestria, a magical land inhabited by Equestrian ponies.”

Ok so I've never seen this "last Unicorn" movie that I also kinda forgot was mentioned in 2 Sunsets but I'm guessing in this story the way to get to equestria isn't like how it was in the eqg movies. Also great to see you back, didn't expected you'd come back after making that two sunset's story.

“Oh, um, I’m Spike. Nice to meet you.”

Wow, seems like in this universe twilight never got Spike following the day she got her cutie mark. Should of saw that one coming but nope. :applejackconfused:

The red dragon, who Twilight assumed was Garble, looked surprised to see her. He got over it quickly though, and gave Spike a glare of his own. “We’ll finish this later, you pony loving pipsqueak.”

Sometimes I forget how much of a jerk he was. :twilightangry2:

An embarrassed blush filled Twilight’s cheeks. She had been holed up in her library the past three days and nights and hadn’t received any news on anything, even magically locking and soundproofing her front door so no one would bother her. When she dedicated her time to her books, she really dedicated her time to them.

Sometimes I feel like twilight spends to much time with her books. :ajbemused:

A guilty grimace crossed her face. Maybe one of her friends had, but she hadn’t heard them due to her soundproof spell. As for anypony else, they probably went to get answers from Celestia herself. After all, who better to ask why the sun hadn’t risen other than the very pony who raised the sun? It only made sense that they would go to Celestia instead of her. After all, she had only been an alicorn for a few years; she didn’t even have her own castle yet. And when her friends hadn’t gotten an answer when they came to see her, they too probably went to see Celestia.

Huh, it also seems like she never got that castle she got following the ending of season 4. :rainbowhuh:

Smirking, Spike just waved off her concern. “Ah, don’t worry about those guys, I can handle them. Besides,” he lowered his voice, as if he were telling her a secret, “I’m friends with both the dragon emperor’s daughter and Garble’s sister. They’re not going to be too happy with him when they learn about this. See ya.”

Garble is so gonna be busted once spike tells the emperor this, :ajsmug:

Eventually, a group of powerful ponies, including Celestia and Luna, rose up against him, and used their magic to turn him to shadow and vapor, and banishing him to the frozen north. However, Sombra returned, more powerful than every, having become one with the darkness. In order to defeat him, Celestia used her magic to create the Crystal Heart, a powerful artifact that acted as a protection from evil. With it, Sombra was banished to the ether, never to return.

ever not every.

Taking a deep breath, she worked up her courage, and stepped into the forest.

No turning back now. :fluttershysad:

It's a classic, one of my favorites from when I was a kid. You can probably find it online to watch. It's also a book.

I think i might give the movie s try when I find the time to do it as atm I'm putting all my focus on college, work and my next story too.

It's actually free to watch on YouTube since it's so old, so you can check it out there. Good luck with your work.

Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted Apr 7th, 2022

Well I looked it up and I wasn't able to on YouTube but I'm gonna try and find it when I have the time, and thx I'll need it.

For those who might be interested, a relevant story from very early in the fandom:

The Last Human: A Tale of the Pre Classical Era


wasn't able to on YouTube but I'm gonna try and find it

Here's the movie on archive.org. It took me years of crying over the theme song to really understand what it meant. It's not a song of sadness that there's only one unicorn left in the world. It's a song of joy and hope...because there is still one left, and so long as there is one...hope remains.

Here's the novel.

The movie is good, but the novel is a bit more cerebral. It's possible to enjoy them both.

“So it’s true, there was a fourth. I had thought they were just rumors. Oh, when he finds out, he will be very delighted.” Turning back to the caravan, she waved over more of its occupants. “You three, come here now. And bring the magic nerd.”

I wonder who she's working for? 🤔

Adagio nudged her. “Open your eyes, Aria. It has a horn. That thing is an alicorn. And it’s sleeping, not dead. Idiots.”

I feel ya adagio, I feel ya. A little bit though. :ajbemused:

Immediately, she had attempted to break out. But much to her bewilderment, she found that her magic would not work on the bars. She couldn’t break out either, as the bars seemed to have a type of magical barrier around them that prevented her from even touching them. Not even her teleportation spell worked.

Welp, she's screwed!😰

Micro Chips nodded in agreement, looking just as uncomfortable with the changeling as Twilight felt. “Yes, that’s Queen Chrysalis. Miss Cinch caught her by chance, the same way she did you. There’s a spell on the cage so she can’t transform, and her magic doesn’t work on it either. Apparently, her hive turned on her after embracing love, which metamorphosed them into purified changelings. She refused to change with them, and so was abandoned.”

And she'd eventually get her punishment in the mlp fim season 9 finale. :ajsmug:

Micro Chips shook his head. “No, it’s part of her scam. The Dazzlings use the magic from their pendants to enchant the audience, and make everycreature love and adore them. Miss Cinch then has Chrysalis feed off the audiences’ love for the Dazzlings, leaving them angry and bitter. She does this to stir up negative emotions that the Dazzlings then absorb in order to power their pendants so they can spread their spell to draw in even more of an audience and gain even more fans to buy tickets, and then it starts all over again. It’s a vicious cycle of sorts, and all to fill Miss Cinch’s pockets. Look, it’s happening now.”



Twilight had to admit, it was a brilliant, though cruel, system that Cinch had, but it was also very dangerous. Changelings, the ones that hadn’t metamorphosed, were quite ruthless and unforgiving. If Chrysalis ever got out, she wouldn’t show Cinch any mercy.

She'd be in some serious hot water if chrysalis did get free. 🙄

Almost as if she sensed the alicorn’s thought about her, Cinch glanced at Twilight’s cage and spotted Micro Chips. Glaring at the boy, she turned to him and waved her hand. “You, boy, get away from that cage! I told you to keep away from her!”

He has a name cinch!:twilightangry2:

Twilight had to admit, the Dazzlings could really sing. However, she also knew that this was due to their magic siren pendants. It could take even the most untalented, most tone-deaf individuals and turn them into musical divas with the voices of the angels, and she found herself wondering what they might sound like without their enchanted, siren-enhanced voices.

Pretty bad. :ajsmug:

“You have pictures of them on your clothes. No one loves a food that much without it being considered unnatural.”

I still can't get over that actually happened when the Sirens/Dazzlings returned in 2019. :applejackunsure:

“Run!” Micro Chips shouted, and suddenly charged at the Dazzlings. “I’ll deal the with them!”

You mean deal with them? I don't think there should be the in that last part of the sentence. 😒

“Set me free,” she hissed. “We’re sister you, and I.”

No your not. :ajbemused:

Cinch opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, Chrysalis began to devour what little love was in the woman’s heart. Twilight’s own heart broke for the woman, but she knew that Cinch had invited this fate upon herself. Besides, she had her human friend she needed to save before Chrysalis turned her wrath on him as well.

Plus, she deserves it for what she did, same with what the sirens just had coming their way. 😏

Twilight closed her eyes. “Of course I do. I feel for all living things. As the Princes of Friendship, I want nothing more than for everycreature to come together in friendship. But that’s also why I couldn’t just leave Chrysalis in her cage like that and let Cinch continue to use her to victimize all those people for her own greed. Now they won’t fall victim to Cinch’s scheme, nor will they fall prey to the Dazzlings’ magic. And who knows, maybe since I saved Chrysalis, she’ll turn over a new leaf and eventually come to accept love rather than take it. And the Dazzlings, without their magic pendants, maybe they can find a new place in the world where they don’t have to constantly take from everycreature. So while I do feel sorry for Cinch, I don’t regret what I did, knowing all the good that can come of it.”

The sirens I do think have a chance but chrysalis, no. 😑

Micro Chips blinked, clearly not expecting the question. “Oh, well, um, just rumors really. I heard that he rules over a worn down kingdom that he himself drove to ruin after he took it from his brother, Scorpan. It’s said that he sucked all the life and magic out of it until it became a barren wasteland where both food and water are scarce and the people are poor, but have nowhere to go. There are some variations of the story, but it’s all basically the same.”

Wait, did Tirek ever actually have a brother? :rainbowhuh:

“Just more stories. Some say that Tirek destroyed it, enabling Sombra to return. Some say he merely deactivated it and hide it away in his castle. Others say that he summoned Sombra from the ether, and uses the Crystal Heart to control him and force him to do his bidding. I can’t tell you what’s the truth, but the stories do indicate that the two of them are in league with each other in some way.”

Oh my! 😰

I'm glad prior to reading this I got to watch the entirety of "The Last Unicorn" so now I know how the movie goes and some things that'll be the same or different in the future chapters to come!:twilightsmile:

According to the flashback, Scorpan was Tirek's brother. Please respond to this comment.

Why isn't there a King Sombra tag?

He's coming. Not all characters will appear in the story right away.

Twilight gave him an apologetic smile. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Alicorn magic is very powerful. Having too much magic can actually corrupt you if you don’t know how to fully control it. Maybe when you learn how to use it properly, I’ll fill your device up a little more.”

Yikes, I'd hate to see how that would end up. :fluttershyouch:

One of the humans, a girl around Micro Chips’ age with amber colored skin and streak of yellow in her bright red air came marching over. Her turquoise eyes narrowed in irritation as she placed her hands on her hips and threw the minotaur a dirty look.


“Bye, bye, magic man,” Rover mocked as he and Iron Will walked off, leaving Micro Chips chained beside the cave.

Poor Micro Chips. :fluttershysad:

The blob of living slime barely glanced at him, and instead turned its attention to the large pile of gems. A tongue crept out of the hole that seemed to be a mouth of the slime and licked what served as lips. Then a slimy tentacle reached out and scooped up a bunch of gems. It shoved them into its mouth, and swallowed them whole.

Welp, he's screwed! :ajbemused:

“Well…” Micro Chips muttered, not even looking back, “it was a shortcut.”

Yeah right. :ajsmug:

Traveling with Micro Chips was fun, but Twilight secretly admitted that Sunset was much better company. She felt an immediate kinship to the girl, and they became friends very quickly.

Not surprised there. :ajsmug:

“I’ve heard some stories about Tirek and Sombra,” Sunset had told her when Tirek’s castle had first come into sight. “Supposedly, Sombra stays in a cavern beneath Tirek’s castle. There’s supposed to be only one way in, and only Tirek knows about it.”

Well, that sure is gonna be quite the problem they'll have to solve somehow. :fluttershysad:

Sombra emerged from the darkness and became solid. Standing before Twilight was a large unicorn over twice her size, dark gray in color and clad in armor with a blood red cape. He had a mane and tail blacker than the night itself that moved about as if caught in a non-existent breeze, and a curved horn on the top of his head that glowed red.

Gulp Not good! 😰

Twilight was shaking from head to hoof. She was in complete flight mode, wanting nothing more than to get away from the living shadow that was Sombra. She used a teleportation spell and vanished. She reappeared a distance away, but was still surrounded by shadows. A tidal wave of blackness rose up, and Sombra’s face appeared within it in front of her and began moving closer to her.

She's trapped!!! 😱

Sombra chuckled at her futile attempt to attack him and manifested in the flesh once more as he moved in closer. Feeling dazed, Twilight got to her feet and turned back to Sombra as he approached. She tried to shoot more magic at him, but nothing happened. Her eyes moved up to her horn, and she saw that fragments of black crystal were attached to it. These crystals seemed to be blocking her magic, as only a few static sparks escaped her horn when she tried to cast a spell.

Oh shit! :pinkiegasp:

She looked back down at Twilight, but the alicorn princess was gone. In her place was a human girl. Same lavender skin, hair the same dark sapphire blue with strips of violet and magenta as her mane, but she was most definitely a human. At least the magic had been courteous enough to manifest clothes for her as well.

That's a relief. 😓

He looked positively giddy. “This is amazing. There have been studies to show that magic is semi-sentient. This is proof that it can be. I’ll be famous for this discover.”

This isn't the best time to celebrate Micro Chips! :ajbemused:

“No, I can’t,” she whispered in dismay. “But I’ve never been without magic before. I’ve never not been myself before. It’s completely different from my own transformation spells. And this feeling of mortality once again. It’s all too much. It scares me. Even more than Sombra does. It scares me.”

Poor Twilight. :fluttercry:

Micro Chips pulled himself together and cleared his throat. “Um, yes, my lord. I am Micro Chips. These are my good friends Sunset Shimmer and… uh…” He hesitated, wondering if he should use Twilight’s real name, or if Tirek would recognize it as the fourth alicorn princess and figure out who she was. “This is… uh… Sci-Twi. She’s Sci-Twi.”

Good thinking Micro Chips. :raritywink:

Tirek looked like he was beginning to get impatient. “What use would I have for a human scholar of magic? I already employ the god of chaos, Discord. There’s nothing you could tell me about magic that he doesn’t already know.”

Huh, wasn't expecting him to show up in the story. :applejackunsure:

“What’s that!?” a voice demanded, seemingly coming from all around them. A moment later, a draconequus with the head of an Equestrian pony and a long serpentine body made up of various other creatures appeared out of thin air. “You actually think that this pathetic human would be more useful than me, the Lord of Chaos?”

Speak of the devil. :ajbemused:

Much to Discord’s surprise, something happened to the girl that was not his doing. Her human ears disappeared, and a pair of pony ears appeared at the top of her head. Her hair grew longer and became a ponytail, the end nearly reaching the floor, and an additional streak of color appeared in it. Last, a pair of wings appeared on her back, stretching outward.

Damn, didn't expect this one to happen. :pinkiegasp:

“Ah, yes,” Tirek replied. “The moon is quite beautiful. With enough magic, one could even move it. Quite an amazing feat, don’t you…” He trailed off as he detected remnants of magic upon her, and he leaned in close to study her, trying to figure out what he was sensing. “What is this? I sense traces of magic on you. Powerful magic.”

Uh oh!!! 😰

Micro Chips quickly began searching his brain for an answers. “Lord Tirek, sir, she is… uh… she’s my sister. The traces of magic you sense are from her spending so much time with me.”

You couldn't gave thought of something better than that! :facehoof:

Micro Chips had quickly begun to regret what he had said about showing Tirek what he, as a human, could do with magic. He was called on regularly to do something that would impress the centaur, but it became obvious that Tirek was beginning to lose interest, and so Micro Chips spent a good deal of time trying magical experiments or learning new things. However, he was beginning to get nervous as the supply of magic he had stored in his device was beginning to run out, and he had no way to replenish it.

Not good! 😰

Flash bit his lower lip, looking a little uncomfortable. “Well… it’s just that… even though Sci-Twi and I have gotten a lot closer, at times it feels like there’s this… wall between us. Like there’s something she’s not telling me. Something important. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s like something’s bothering her, and she’s not willing to open up to me about it. I don’t want to push her or anything, but if something’s wrong, then I want to help.” He rubbed the back of his head bashfully. “I know we haven’t know each other too long, but I really care about her, a lot. Truthfully, I’d do anything for her. For her, I’d become the greatest of heroes. So if there’s something I can do to help her, I will.”

Well your sure gonna be in for a surprise when you find out what it is Flash. :unsuresweetie:

“Rejection is something we all risk when it comes to love. But, Twilight, you know you can’t go on living a lie. The truth will come out eventually. You’re Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, and currently the last alicorn. It’s your duty to find the others, no matter what.” She frowned slightly as she thought about what Micro Chips had said. “And we’re running out of time. If we don’t find them soon, we might miss the opportunity.”

She's right. :fluttershysad:

Capper just chuckled. “You already did, sweetheart. You already did.” He glanced past her at the door that Twilight had run through. “So, that girl is Twilight Sparkle, the last alicorn.” He smirked at Sunset. “You really should make sure your private conversations are more… private.”

Oh shit!!!! 😨

Capper chuckled. “Somewhere in this castle is the one creature that Tirek can call a friend, for lack of a better word. She’s a pony. A little pegasus filly called Cozy Glow. You know her? She comes and goes as she pleases, but you’ve probably seen her fluttering about the castle every so often.”

Great, this is gonna be fun... :ajbemused:

Slowly, they moved in at the same time, their arms wrapping around each other as they kissed for the first time.

At the same time I'm both happy and worried. :pinkiesad2:

So if I had to guess there's likely gonna be 2 or 3 more chapters til we get to the conclusion of the story?

If she had hoped that this would improve Micro Chips’ mood, she was wrong. “Sunset, even if that’s true, we don’t have time to wait around for her to visit next. Not just because I’m running low on magic, but because of Tirek. I don’t know how, but I think he’s figured out who Twilight really is. I think he’s known all along, but is just waiting until he’s sure.”

Sounds serious alright. :fluttershysad:

A snarl escaped Tirek as he towered over her. “You dare to mock me? I know why you and your friends are here. You know what I have, and you’ve come to take it. Try it if you dare, but do not mock me!”

Yep, a red flag that he knows! 😰

“Well, ok I guess,” Cozy Glow replied. “But just looking, no touching. And you’re not allowed to tell anyone else where it is.”

Will do. 😏

“Ok then, listen closely. On the top of Lord Tirek’s throne, there’s a big crystal. Just use a little shadow magic on it, and it will cast a shadow to reveal some secret stairs that lead to the deepest part of the castle. At the bottom of those stairs, you’ll come to a room with a mirror. That mirror is actually a magic portal to the secret room where King Sombra stays. It’s in there that you’ll find the Crystal Heart.”

You've got to be kidding me!!! :twilightangry2:

Sunset walked over to it and lifted it off its pedestal. “That’s because Tirek deactivated it, remember? The important thing is that we have it. We’ll figure out how to make it work again later.”

Hopefully. :unsuresweetie:

He shook his head. “No, there’s only one way out.” He looked at the others in fear. “Through King Sombra’s passage.”

Here they go again. :fluttercry:

Almost desperately, Twilight grabbed onto Flash’s arm. “Don’t let him change me back! We might still be able to get by Sombra. He’s only interested in finding the last alicorn. If we leave the Crystal Heart behind, he might just let us walk right out. We can all escape together. I’m sure the unicorns will find another way to make the sun rise again eventually, just as they did before Celestia was around.”

Yeah, Twilight has definitely lost it. :fluttershysad:

“Twilight…” he said again, his voice filled with pain. “You know we can’t. No matter how much I wish otherwise, we can’t let things go on like this. The world needs the alicorns to return. I’m afraid we can’t be selfish, not in this.”

Thank goodness Fladh understands as I was a little worried he'd be on Twilight's side and be against the idea. :unsuresweetie:

“Micro Chips,” she said in a firm voice as she came to a decision, “leave her be. Let her stay the way she is.”

Wait, what! 😨

“That’s not in the story,” he told her, letting his frustration at the situation seep into his voice. “Flash knows that and so does she.”

Wait, did they break the fourth wall? :applejackconfused:

Sombra chuckled, and his eyes flashed with power. Slowly, the doors to Tartarus opened, as if he were revealing to Twilight what her fate was going to be. A gasp escaped her as she saw inside the magic prison. Three statues of black crystal, shaped just like alicorns, could be seen inside, and Twilight realized that these statues were in fact Celestia, Luna, and Cadance encased within Sombra’s black crystal.

Oh my god! 😰

When the blast from Sombra’s magic died down, a large black crystal now stood where Flash once did. Only his hand, still gripping his sword, remained outside it, but his grip soon went slack, and the weapon fell to the sand as Sombra chuckled.

Noooo!!! :raritydespair:

“You can’t, Flash,” Micro Chips told him. He took a deep breath, hating himself for what he was about to say, but knowing it needed to be said. “Just as she has her duties as the Princess of Friendship, you have your own duties. You’re the captain of the royal guard, but you’re also so much more than that. I know of all the things you’ve been doing for the people. You’re a hero to them, a leader even. They need you now more than ever. With Tirek gone and the kingdom without a ruler, they now have a real chance to start over and live happy lives in a land that’s finally been purged of evil. Twilight knows this as well. That’s why she fled, because if she stayed, she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to leave you, and she knows you wouldn’t either.”

He's right. That's exactly what would of likely happened. :fluttershysad:

But Micro Chips just waved this off. “Ah, it’s fine. I’ve had time to think about it, and I think that creatures that don’t have magic shouldn’t have it for a reason. I still have every intention of continuing my studies, but I plan to do it strictly as a magic scholar, not a magic user.”

Smart thinking Micro. :twilightsmile:

But as she approached her home, she saw something new and quite unexpected. Her simple little house was gone, and in its place was a grand crystal castle. Where had that come from? Was it somehow born from the magic she had unleashed from the Crystal Heart?

Nice! :raritystarry:

This sure was a great story, while I am sad it's over it was worth the time reading. I'd rate it a 8/10.

8/10? Awesome. Thanks for the praise. And for commenting on each chapter. Your method of commentary was fun to read too.

I do it with just about every story I read on this site these days, and your welcome. :twilightsmile:


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