• Published 28th Mar 2022
  • 1,691 Views, 13 Comments

PegaSUS - Spazz Kid

  • ...

haha funny imposter among us crewmate

"Let me tell you Dash, garlic bread is the only reason I want to exist." Anon said, casually inhaling loaves of bread.

"I mean, garlic bread is good and all, but don't you get tired of it sometimes? It's literally all you eat." Rainbow Dash said, eating her massive, carb filled sandwich.

"Nope. Garlic bread never gets old." Anon finished inhaling the last piece of bread, before patting his stomach. "Ah, that hit the spot.

"Dude, we just started eating." Dash's brow furrowed, her sandwich halfway done.

"Yeah, I know." Anon said, a satisfied look on his face.

Dash sighed, before rapidly devouring her sandwich.
In a few moments, she too was patting her stomach. She looked over at Anon with a small smile. "You know, I got arrested once-"

"Dash. What are you?" Anon asked blankly, looking over at the pony in question, who looked back, confused.

"I'm... a pony, didn't yo-" Dash tried to finish her sentence, but Anon cut her off again.

"No, what type of pony are you?" Anon asked, his question mark face scrunching up.

"Oh." Dash looked less confused. "I'm a pegasus. Why?"

Anon didn't answer, instead, he sat up, his the question mark that made of his face stretching. He looked at Dash, shaking. "Pega.. sus....?"

"Uh... yeah?" Dash, who had jumped when Anon sat up, began to back away slowly. She recognized this, but the last time it happened, well... Dash didn't like to think about it.

"Pega... sus..." Anon muttered, his shaking getting more and more violent. "Sus.... sus..."

"Wha...?" Dash stared, wide eyed. What has she done? What the actual hell did she even do??"

Anon began to vibrate so fast that he was an unrecognizable blur, and he began to float upwards. "Pega..sus..." Wind began to pick up around him, and he began to glow a bright yellow. The various objects in his living room began to gravitate towards him.

"ANON?!" Dash exclaimed, staring forward with a terrified look on her face.

"Pegasus..."Anon began to yell, glowing brighter as weird magical forces began to swarm around him. "... MORE... LIKE..." Even through his vibrating, Dash could see him start to expand and reshape. She was starting to feel a little weird herself. "...MORE... LIKE..." He yelled again, the winds getting stronger.

Dash tried to take off, and fly away from him, but the force of the wind pushed her back, and the only thing she could do was try not give into it.

"MORE... LIKE...." He glowed even brighter somehow as his body seemed to expand more and more. "MEGA...." The winds around Rainbow Dash were beginning to get too strong, and her wings were starting to get tired. ".... MEGA...." The wind finally won against Dash, and she flew backwards at the creature she once called her friend. Suddenly, she stopped in from of him as he stopped vibrating so hard, but he was still glowing. There was a massive glowing oval on his head, which seemed to be a single large eye.The rest of his body was shrouded by the light around it, too bright to make anything out. The winds behind her began to become quiet. She could still feel the rush of it moving behind her, but it was beginning to become quiet. She was staring the oval on what used to be Anon's head... And it was staring back.

She faintly heard Anon yelling, but she also heard something else...
It was a another voice... singing. It seemed to be mimicking a song, but she's never heard the song before. But, despite her never hearing it before, it sounded so familiar.
The voice got louder the longer she stared into the eye, and it stared back, unblinking.

It was almost soothing. The soft song the voice sang, the watch of the eye, the rushing winds behind her. She could feel herself relaxing from her previous state of panic.

"ıɬ ıʂ ơƙąყ, ƖıɬɬƖɛ ơŋɛ."

She heard a soft, deep voice whisper. It wasn't the voice singing, as that one was still going. It wasn't Anon, as he was still probably yelling. It was calming.... caring...

"ı ῳıƖƖ ƙɛɛ℘ ყơų ʂąʄɛ."

She felt herself being pulled closer to it as its arms reached out. She couldn't see its arms, but she knew they were reaching forward.

"Tԋҽ ιɱρσʂƚσɾ ɯιʅʅ ɳσƚ ԋυɾƚ ყσυ."

She didn't know what that mean't. She didn't know what anything mean't. She couldn't feel herself think anymore. She couldn't move, the couldn't speak, she could only watch. She couldn't remember anything before this, or anything after this. She couldn't remember her family's names, her friends... She couldn't remember if she even had a family, or friends. What was her name? She couldn't remember. Did she even ever have a name?

It didn't matter now. Nothing mattered anymore. All that mattered was its embrace, its warmth.
She blinked, and she wasn't where she was before. She was gone, and yet, she was right there. She didn't feel she had left, but she couldn't see anything. Everything was black. There was nothing but darkness. It reminded her of something, something she hadn't experienced in what felt like centuries. She couldn't place what it was, but she could practically see it.

Suddenly, she felt different, though what she could see was the same. She felt her self lying on something...
In fact, she began to hear things again, like the wind, but it was much weaker now, and was now in the distance. She heard crickets. She heard...

The sounds of the night.

She quickly opened her eyes, and sat up.

She was in her bedroom, lying on her big cloud bed. She looked over at Tank in corner, snoozing. She looked behind her, up at the Wonderbolts poster on her wall.

It was normal.

"That was a really weird dream." Dash said to herself, lying back down. "Aw well, doesn't matter."


"What... what the fuck??"

Luna stared into Rainbow Dash's now empty dream portal, a deeply unsettled expression on her face. She then sighed, turning around to face the rest of the portals around her. "I need to start asking Celestia to pay me for this shit..."

Author's Note:


Sussy impostor amogus?

Comments ( 13 )

dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


Rainbow Dash was not the imposter

Comment posted by Schwaboo deleted Mar 29th, 2022

Pegasus but replace P with M

kinda sus ngl

RTK #8 · Apr 3rd, 2022 · · ·


This was life changing.

Will I get banned for posting links to it EVERYWHERE


Post away my good man


Sussy moment

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