• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Perfectly Insane

I've been writing for, like, 8 years, and I still don't know what I'm doing. https://ko-fi.com/perfectlyinsane


My name is Eight.

Yes, like the number. No, I didn't choose it. I can't even say why my name is Eight. Every time I've asked my dad, he just says he'll tell me when I'm 'eighteen' and starts laughing. So I don't ask anymore.

Usually, I just do my own thing. I have surface friends, try to get through high school, the works. I wouldn't say I have a boring life, just nothing particularly exciting happens.

At least, until both of the only girls I regularly talk to ended up confessing to me when I thought they couldn't possibly be interested. Instead of choosing one or the other, I decided to propose the idea of dating both of them at the same time.

I am way in over my head.

*Edited with the appreciated assistance of Arkadios!*

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 16 )

More of this please - I demand it in the name of the Holy Muffin and the IJN Harekaze

Perfectly Insane

No, the sex tag is just there for jokes and such. If I write any more chapters for this, I don't intend for it to be about sex or whatever. Not the type of fic I want this to be.

Hmm... okay, not a bad start, it's got some potential. We'll have to see how well it explores the whole... polyamory? (don't know if that's the right term but it's the closest I can see) concept, but, to be frank, considering how many works don't explore it at all beyond "I get to have two girl/boyfriends! Isn't it awesome?!", any exploration will be something. Not that I necessarily begrudge a bit of that kind of wish fulfillment, but I do appreciate it when works attempt a bit more.

One thing, though... okay, so I freely admit this is just a personal pet peeve and, indeed, one I have with a lot of fics. And this one isn't even close to the worst in terms of it, don't get me wrong, and I honestly can't remember if I've ever said this in any other space, but it stuck out a little here so I'll say it, but feel free to ignore it.

See, the whole thing about Sunset and Wallflower being together? It... really doesn't seem like it adds anything to the story. And this has nothing to do with whether I, or any other individual reader, likes the pairing or not, it's just that this kind of... well, the best term I can think of for it is 'drive-by shipping', where you just establish that two characters are in a relationship... and do nothing except just say "Yep, this ship is a thing." is, in my opinion, just a bad idea. And not just because I don't think it's great writing but also because... well, I honestly can't see how it's ever going to increase a story's appeal.

The way I see it, there a three possibilities for every given reader: 1. they're not fond of the ship (not necessarily hating it but having some negative feelings towards it), in which case the inclusion is going alienate them at least a little; 2. they're totally neutral on the ship, in which case they won't care and the moment is basically dead air; or 3. they do like the ship and may well like the idea of putting it into the story... but since you're not doing anything but saying "this ship is true in this story", it's not going to give them much of anything - any of the things they like the ship for in the first place. The most reaction you're probably going to get is a momentary feeling of "Huh. Neat." So, overall, it just seems like a lose-lose scenario - high risk, no reward.

I'm not saying you can't include ships outside a central one (even if you should be careful, as it does risk that alienation) or that you have to have tens of thousands of words dedicated to exploring it or anything, just that, if you're going to include a ship in a story, you actually have to... do something with it. That can be a subplot, a few brief scenes or even just a minor joke - I mean, I've included ships contained within a few lines, but because I thought they'd make for a funny moment. But you have to do more than just say, "this is a ship that is real in my story."

Still I want to emphasize that that not only is this not an uncommon thing in fanfic, not anywhere near the worst example I've seen even recently and not enough to majorly sour me on this story, but also that this is all just my opinion; the way I see things. I'm not going to pretend it's objective or unarguable or anything and I apologize if I'm coming across as preachy or snobbish. I just... I think it's a bad idea and I kind of wanted to put my thoughts across. Sorry if I'm not doing it well, in any capacity.

I'm also sorry this comment went on as long as it did - I am not a succinct writer, not matter how much I wish I was.:twilightblush:

Perfectly Insane

First off, I wanna say that you should not apologize for the length or detail of your comment. Comments are meant to express your thoughts on the fic or a certain aspect of it, and I've never met an author who would complain about it. I appreciate them immensely.

Admittedly, the mention of Sunset and Wallflower being together serves little purpose other than to be mentioned at this moment. The idea for this fic came from another one I saw, and made me wonder how a fic about Pinkie, Fluttershy, and a third person would go in a threeway relationship. This fic isn't for wish fulfillment exactly. If it was, it wouldn't be t rated. My idea for Sunflower was for them to be important later, but I won't say how if I decide to continue this fic.

My idea was basically that, through a three way relationship, the insecurities and problems both the characters have could be explored and solved. The romance works as a sort of precursor, but the fic would still be about the romance, if that makes sense.

Thank you for the comment, and I hope you continue to leave them for the fics you enjoy.

This was quite well done. I am definitely interested in seeing it continue!

I am surprised at the level of detail you’ve put into this, and pleased at how emotive you’ve made both of them. I definitely want to see more of this. Great work all round!

Hey, these are some pretty good horse words.

Great work! This story is pretty interesting, and the character work here is fantastic. I can’t wait for the next installment!

You missed a perfectly good hay pun, horses eat hay therefore its a horse pun…hehe horse pun

Comment posted by ShermanReturns deleted Oct 13th, 2022

I hope Pinkie will be all right. I really want this to work out, for all three of them.

“Oh, you know, only a healthy amount. A couple of studies, research articles, various internet threads,” she cringed, “ 4chan .”

Okay now hat was a good one

There was a Peanuts character named 555 95472. "5" for short. He said his father named him that because
"....computers are taking over the Earth."
"That's his way of fighting back?" (Charlie Brown(?))
"No, it's his way of surrendering. "


This should get interesting with magic and everything else thrown into the mix.

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