• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago


Retired, but I still check in.


Princess Celestia will soon pass from this world into the next. She decides to do the things she's never had the chance to do. The list is easy, mostly activities she can do in a day's time. That is, except for one entry.
The past of the princesses will be revealed, and monumental regrets remembered in this tale of a dying, lonely goddess.

Cover image credit goes to Moonstone-Fox on Deviantart
On temporary hiatus while my other story is finished, and then a few quick edits will have this back on my to-do list. Don't lose hope, I'll never forget about this:twilightsmile:

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 91 )

Authors notes,

This was an idea I had trying to get to sleep. A random thought occurred to me, What would an "immortal" being do if they were about to die? Would it be the same as any other person/pony?
And so this idea was born.
Before you start thinking "Oh she'll just be saved by something in the end."
Nope. Celestia is going to die. She is kicking the bucket. No last hopes. She is going to die.
How? Read on and find out:trollestia:

I know the first chapter is relatively short, but I needed to get it out there since I knew I'd be quite busy this week.
Don't worry though, I'm still working on The Beauty and The Farm Pony, along with this.
Soooo, er, that's it!:pinkiehappy:

P.S. If you down-vote, please have the courage to tell me why.

Looks good. Can't wait to see how it turns out. :twilightsmile:

Well for now i cant really say if i like it or not, will have to see, it is interesting though. :pinkiesmile:


it is interesting though

That's what I focus on most when I'm writing/typing a story: will a reader be enthralled enough to actually read more?
I'm glad you favorited my story

On a side note, your profile picture is frustratingly familiar.


Its from an episode of Doctor Who, its the 11th Doctor (Celestia in the background is edited in lol and i didn't make it.)

Either that or i just started watching you and you commented on my page? :P

... That's it?

You tease. :trixieshiftleft:

It just reminded me of an X-Files episode now that I think about it.
Nevermind me :twilightblush:

Don't worry, the remaining chapters will be much longer:scootangel:

Oh great make my job harder :flutterrage:!
Thanks a lot :ajsleepy:.
By the way posting this before reading to see what changes you made so no spoilers.

Edit: Very nice good sir. Told you people would like it.

The next chapter is going to be 7K words, minumum:trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

It was only 1 paragraph I added afterwards. I think it went in wonderfully:raritywink:

Farewell what little life I have:raritydespair:
I knew you not till you were gone :raritycry:

Forgot the "0" that was supposed to come after that "7"cdn.broni.es/images/emotes/mlp-flaugh.png :trollestia:



I'm just going to hide in a corner :ajsleepy:

funny thing; i look you up to ask a question, after i've asked said question i take a brief look at your stories...10-15 min later leaves me here, writing a comment on the story i just read...
good first chapter.
im dreading the time when death finally closes in for the finish though, im not good with sad moments...

Thank you.:pinkiehappy:
I'd like to say the ending will be happy and everybody lives, but sadly that's not the truth.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Vinyl_sad.png
It'll be sad, but there will most likely me at least some happiness.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Sweetie_happy.png
Bittersweet! That's the word I was looking for:facehoof:

ugh, i don't know what i hate more, pure sad or bittersweet. ill stay around until i im not enjoying it anymore though

Interesting. I definitely like the writing style and the fact you obviously take great care with your spelling and grammar. Shows me the story actually means something to you. I'm a sucker for sad stories, even though I hate them. Sort of a love-hate thing I guess. In any case, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

Thank you very much.
I have to give some credit to my awesomely awesome editor, without him this would probably look like crayon scribblings in a child's room:twilightblush:

Okay, it's not that bad, but having an editor ha saved me many facehooves *badum-tss*:rainbowlaugh:

Hrm... I was going to post a picture and go to bed, but I couldn't find one to express my views.. It seems you will have to do with my rambling mind's words then.

Fact aside, Celestia dying makes my shed manly tears, I mean, she is my avatar for a reason...

I like the concept, and the writing style makes me jelly. Atleast, I can say that my grammar is correct! /ego
Seriously, though. I like the concept, and I'm giving you a favorite and a like.

Also, you're suppose to hook people with a 10k word first chapter... then slowly release 2k word chapters afterwards.

Celestia dying is going to be hard for me too.
I didn't have time for such a long first chapter, I wanted this out there asap.
The later chapters will be much longer.


Glad to hear it. I'd say something witty, but. Bed calls me.

What do people mean when they say they like my writing style?
I've never seen an example of what they meant.


Nrrgh. I have no honest clue at this moment in time. Though, I can say, that I just find the writing style interesting, if the writing style sucks, the story will fail.

Normally, I'd have more, but, I'm lie, running on fumes here and trying to force myself to sleep, but it isn't working well.

Turn the internet off and the spell shall be broken.

Nrgh, I can't do that. I may be tortured for ruining the Royal Canterlot gaming night. But, it is a laptop so... -closes lid-

1286109 Please Continue!!!!:fluttershysad: I really like it so far!:scootangel:

I'm glad you liked it:yay:
I'm working on the next chapters as we speak:twilightsmile:


Defiantly something to look forward to. :yay:

Author's notes, (Please read)
Phew, this chapter was a monster to put together. Easily my longest one yet. And still only half as long as I'm hoping to make some others:pinkiegasp:

As some of my close followers may already be aware of, there's a lot of things I purposefully did in this chapter to hopefully grab your attention. This includes foreshadowing, "past-shadowing" and selective word choice that hints at something with a hidden meaning.

I've taken the liberty to Pinkie Promise a cookie to anypony who can point to one specific spot and go "Why did you say it like that? Does it really imply this? In a nutshell, find one specific spot where my word choice will likely go unnoticed, find something that stands out to you, if you're correct I will give you a cookie. Literally, I will go to the store, make cookies and mail one to you. If you've read my latest blog+comments, you're already up to speed. Send me a personal message, not a public comment and if you're correct then you win one of my famous cookies:pinkiehappy:

I'm eager to see what speculation people have out of this and can't wait for the comments:scootangel:

I know I've been ignoring the romance tag for this story, but before you hit that unfavorite button know this; the next chapter will have serious romantic development between main characters. The Spike-Sweetie Belle thing isn't a major romance, it's more of a signature thing I add into all my stories. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Sweetie_happy.png :moustache:

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and if you haven't yet and you're going through the comments first then shame on you, go readdl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/lolface_Celestia.png

Thanks again to my editor, Darastrix.

P.S. The Discord and Griffin mentions there are hints to a mini-story I have in the works.
It's essentially a short telling of events prior to stopping Discord, and what happens with Celestia and the griffins after Luna is banished.

This should be most interesting.
Go on, please?

Just waiting for my editor to finish up then the 2nd chapter will be posted:twilightsmile:

There's going to be bigger chapters :pinkiegasp:!?!
Well, better get my mental capacity upgraded.

Aww. Luna's concern was adorkable. :P

Good luck finding the one word out of the 4500:trollestia:


Time to send you a pm with every word then. :trollestia:


Oh, my friend... You do not want to challenge me more. In fact. I think I may go insane if you do. Wait... I already am. EHEHEHEHHEHE :moustache:

Not quite what I was going for, glad you seemed to enjoy it though:twilightsmile:


Okay, I noticed a lot of things in this chapter. :raritywink:

Incoming novel PM! :rainbowdetermined2:

Since you asked me to comment on my thoughts of this story, on my userpage, and i totally forgot to post one here, i figure i would post it here, where it would keep some relevance.

Warning: This comment is pretty much going to go randomly all-over the place, jumping from topic to topic or idea to idea as my mind comes up with them. I find it best to just let it happen. I'm already on revision/draft two three, and still looking less horrible to me.

While this might sound weird here, a minor detail in my headcannon is that Celestia and Luna don't actually have parents, and are the avatars for their respective celestial bodies. I'm not saying that them having parents is a bad thing, it just goes against my headcannon. (heh heh, i like that word, headcannon) It won't keep me from reading the story, and it honestly isn't that big of a deal to me. If you want them to have parents, then they have parents, even if said parents are deceased. You're the writer here, not me. I just like the way you write.

I absolutely adore how you seem to make the characters pop out of the 'page' for lack of a better term (though technically it is correct). They seem more lifelike than most of the stories i've read so far. Luna's reaction to finding Celestia was powerful. Not manly-tears powerful, but nearly had me tearing up. I honestly believe i would've behaved the same in Luna's position.

Celestia could feel herself falling through blackness for what seemed minutes.

For some reason, while reading this bit, for the rest of the chapter, Ponyphonic's Lullaby for a Princess started playing in my head. It seemed fitting so, i thought i'd post it.

And finally, this might just be me whoring myself out here, i am up for proof-reading and/or editing if you need another set of eyes. From, well... second hand experience, it never hurts to have another set of eyes looking for those mistakes. Looking closer at the story you wrote so far, i can honestly say there are quite a few 'errors' in it, if you wish to call them that. 99% of said errors involve a missing punctuation mark after speaking or thought.

And... that's it. My brain's rambling has ceased. Take what i said with a grain of salt and a brain that jumps topics like pinkie bounces. It took me half an hour to do this one post. Just remember: write for yourself, not for others, and you'll do just fine. If anyone else picks up anything, at all from your writing, then that's icing on the cake.

Huh, it never really struck me till now how perfectly the cover image goes with the 2nd chapter.:rainbowhuh::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

Oh snap!:pinkiegasp:
Doesn't everypony just love cliffhangers?:trollestia:
This chapter really kicked my flank:fluttershbad: As you can see, there was a LOT here, meaning I had to go back and revise, many many many many many many (you get the picture) times to get things juuuuuust right:twilightsmile:
Again, none of this would be possible without my crack team, Azu:scootangel: and Darastrix:scootangel:

*sigh* It may just kill me physically and emotionally to finish this story.
Anypony want a job as my writer? lol

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