• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 3,021 Views, 304 Comments

Godzilla: Equestria's King of Monsters - Microsoft_2016

A collection of chapters of the King Of The Monsters defeating fellow villains within the MLP series.

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Bonus Chapter: King Of The Monsters vs. Father of Monsters

It was very quiet out in this area. A mouse was busy running around through the fields many miles from Equestria and looking for food. The Sun was beginning to rise and there was an orange hue over the land. There was a small breeze coming which made the grass blew to the west a little bit, but it wasn't very fast moving to pick up any objects off of the ground. Before this creature could get any farther, a giant hoof stepped on its tail and stopped it from moving. It used its magic to pick up the mouse and then shoved it down its stomach. The mouse cried and pleaded for help, but to no avail. The larger creature just chuckled in malice as he watched the smaller one squirm with fear and die helplessly in his hooves. This creature had two horns and had crimson red eyes. He had a necklace around his neck and looked like he aged quite a bit. He was a Cornflower Blue Ram known as Grogar and he was the Father of Monsters. He was feared by citizens many millennias ago and he obtained great power from them with the help of his Bewitching Bell. Of course, it was gone, and he was looking for it.

He had watched for thousands of years as villains got defeated time and time again by the forces of good in the most humiliating fashion possible. They all got defeated the same way. What that might be you ask would be none other than the Magic of Friendship. From the beginning of time, it has conquered evil and kept the land protected. Sure, it might have been in different forms as time went on, but the magic was still there. From the Pillars to the Student Six, they have all contributed in some way to keep Equestria safe from the darkness. Grogar had quite a few of enemies, but the one he despised the most besides Gusty the Great was the Mane Six. Yeah, you heard me. Hello! I said it! Anyways, there was no group of ponies that Grogar hated more than the Mane Six. He watched them defeat many villains with the help of a giant Kaiju Titan known as Godzilla. He could not stand that creature either. He saw the King Of The Monsters stumble many times against an opponent, yet still come out on top every time. It baffled him and angered him at the same time. This creature was so powerful that he could even withstand the threat of three creatures at the same time without barely breaking a sweat. This had been occurring for nine years, but things were about to change. He would be defeated and Equestria will fall to its knees. No longer would the King Of The Monsters be in power, but Grogar himself. It was time to show him and Equestria why he was called the Father of Monsters.

In the great city of Canterlot, things were quite busy in the capital. Ponies were walking up and down the streets and enjoying each other's company. Inside the castle, Princess Twilight Sparkle sat on her throne with her Royal Advisor, Spike, by her side. She was busy in day court listening to snobby dignitary ponies complain about things she could care less about and ignore. If she could, she would simply refer them to a therapist or something because those type of jobs would do much better at solving these issues than she would. But she had to be respectful to everyone regardless of how she personally felt on the matter. It had been some time since she ascended to the throne here in Canterlot and things have mostly been going smoothly. It was one heck of a ride getting her actually coronated and she struggled at first with her duties during her first few days as ruler. But after a couple of months, she has been doing much better. It was mostly tedious, but other than that, she was faring just fine. It has been a little bit since she has seen Godzilla, but she figured he was busy with his own responsibilities, so she didn't worry about it too much. After all, he was the King Of The Monsters and being the guardian of the world was no light task. It's not easy maintaining the delicate balance of nature and it takes a lot of work. Maybe that was why Fluttershy liked him so much because she also cares about nature. It appeared as if Godzilla cared just as much about nature as Fluttershy could. Too bad he couldn't actually talk because they could bond so well together. But no use in staring at spoiled milk.

Finally, the last pony left and Twilight let out a sigh of relief. She told Spike that it was so good to have those ponies finally leave because she could barely stand having them complain to her about every little problem they had or even wanting to have something incredibly stupid built or something. Spike said that he agreed as well, but this was the responsibilities Twilight had as Ruler of Equestria. Twilight sighed and said that she knew that, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Spike said that was fine, but she must not show it to others or else that will give her a bad look to the rest of Equestria. Twilight nodded in agreement and smiled. Suddenly, the doors burst open and a guard came running towards the throne. He addressed Twilight and he said he had some urgent news to share. Twilight looked at him and asked for him to continue. He said that it appears that Appaloosa was currently under attack and ponies were being captured as they speak. Twilight was shocked to hear that Appaloosa was experiencing this since Applejack's family was down there and almost a majority of Equestria's apple supply came from that town. Ponyville was obviously at the top as the nation's largest apple supplier and it accounted for 52% of all apples made here in Equestria. While Appaloosa contributed 48%, that was still a very big chunk and they could experience a shortage here soon if things don't get resolved.

Twilight asked the guard who was leading this attack and the guard said that it appeared to be a Blue Goat. Twilight thought about it for a second and then gasped with horror. There was only one creature who fit that description and they were not a very nice influence on Equestria. She ordered the guard to deploy a troop of Royal Guards down there and help out in any way they can. The guard saluted and he ran out the door. She looked at Spike and told him to go to each of their friends and inform them that there is an emergency meeting that will be held here in Canterlot. Spike said he was on it and flew right out the door. Twilight watched him leave and she sighed. How could Grogar be here in Equestria?! He was banished years ago and he has only become a mere tale to tell to young foals as a bedtime story. The last time a villain attacked, it almost brought Equestria to its knees, but with Grogar back, it would make it even worse. Having Discord pretend to be Grogar was bad enough, but to have the real one return to Equestria was even more terrifying. She could only hope that herself and her friends would be able to put a stop to him, because if they didn't, Equestria would fall for real this time and Grogar would rule as the Father of Monsters once again.

At Sweet Apple Acres In Ponyville, Applejack was busy bucking trees and collecting apples for the upcoming fall harvest in a few months. It might be a little early to be doing it in June, but when you have a massive orchard filled with a bunch of trees, you got to get a head start so that you can finish on time when the fall rolls around. Life had been pretty quiet here at the farm. Granny Smith was still kicking it even after all of these years, but even she knew she didn't have much time left. Apple Bloom was still hanging out with her friends a lot, but she does pitch in to help Applejack with the apples. Big Mac though, that's a completely different story. Now that he is married to Sugar Belle, he has spent a lot less time out here and a lot more time with his wife. Because of that, he had new responsibilities to undertake as a husband and that meant spending less time out here with his sister to buck apples. It made Applejack slightly annoyed and she couldn't wrap her mind around it. Sure, she had Apple Bloom to help her out, but it just wasn't the same not having Big Mac out here to help her. She did not want to have to do a repeat of Applebuck Season, but she would if she had to just so that she could get these apples done. As she was bucking a tree, she saw someone flying towards her and she was slightly confused.

At first, she thought it was Rainbow Dash to come bother her, but then she noticed that it was Spike who was flying towards her. Applejack asked if Spike should be in Canterlot and he said that Twilight is calling for an emergency meeting in Canterlot right now. Applejack asked why and he said it was because Appaloosa was under attack by some sort of blue goat creature. Applejack gasped with horror and started running as fast as she could to the train station like a bull that was mad. Spike was confused, but Applejack told him to get the others and she'll meet them at the train station. Spike nodded and moved on to find her other friends. Applejack was beyond peeved right now. Her relatives were under attack down there and some creature was busy torturing them like that?! Not on her watch. Whoever this creature was, they were going to pay for putting her family in danger and attempting to destroy the town. Nothing could break the Magic of Friendship and nothing was going to stop it this time. It has worked before and it will work again.

In the center of town inside Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie was busy making more bakery items for an event that would be happening later in the week. Ever since the coronation, Pinkie had gotten a lot more orders from all across Equestria and was planning a lot more parties. The workload seemed to pile on, but since this was her passion, it didn't bother her as much as you would think it would. She knew it was a challenge, but she believed it was nothing she couldn't handle. As she was busy making some cake, Spike rolled in and called out to Pinkie. Pinkie greeted Spike and asked him what he was doing here. He said that Twilight had summoned them all to an emergency meeting in Canterlot and Pinkie's eyes went wide for a second. She then asked Spike what they were waiting for and raced out of the door like she was driving a very fast car. Spike seemed confused for a second before shaking his head and moving on to the next pony.

On the edge of town in Carousel Boutique, Rarity was busy making dresses for her latest line of summer clothing. After the coronation, she got a lot of more orders from ponies from across the nation who wanted to have something similar to what Twilight was wearing at her coronation. As she was busy putting in some thread, she heard a thud against the window and she was confused. She went over to see who it was and she saw Spike smushed up against it. She gasped in horror and opened it as quickly as she could. She apologized for doing that to her Spikey-Wikey, and Spike said it was fine because he was in such a hurry to get here. Rarity asked what the rush was and Spike said that Twilight had called them all to an emergency meeting in Canterlot at once. Rarity said that it was best they get a move on and started walking out the door. Spike told her that the others were at the train station waiting for her and she'll meet up with her as soon as he gets Rainbow and Fluttershy. Rarity nodded and started running towards the train station.

Up in the sky, Rainbow was busy taking a nap on a cloud and relaxing. She was still a full time Wonderbolt, but today was her day off and she just wanted to do nothing for the day. However, it would get cut short when Spike tapped her on the shoulder. She awoke suddenly and started flying around frantically. Spike told her to calm down and Rainbow stopped. When she saw it was just Spike, she let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. But then she asked Spike why he would interrupt her nap like that and mentioned that it was very rude to do that to a pony. Spike apologized for doing that, but he wanted to let her know that Twilight wanted them all in Canterlot immediately for an emergency meeting and Rainbow didn't need to hear any more. She told Spike to come along and raced down to the train station. Spike wanted to, but he had one last pony to retrieve before they all headed to Canterlot.

On the very edge of the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy was busy tending to the animals at her cottage. When the sanctuary was built a few years ago, most creatures stopped coming here and went there instead, but every now and then, she'll get a creature that has a problem and she'll get them back on the right direction. Whenever she is not here, she would be at the sanctuary or even having the weekly Tuesday Tea with Discord. Yeah, even after the events of the Legion of Doom attacking Equestria, they still had their tea time every Tuesday. Don't ask me why. Anyways, as she collecting eggs from the chickens, Spike showed up and greeted Fluttershy. She did the same in kind and she asked what he was doing here. He said that Twilight had called for an emergency meeting in Canterlot and they had to go right away. Fluttershy said that was terrible and she started running towards the train station. Spike followed her and the two of them raced over there.

Back in Canterlot, Twilight was pacing back and forth as she was waiting for her friends and hoping they would make it soon. The longer time goes by, the more that her subjects down in Appaloosa were suffering. The door opened and she saw her friends running towards her. She hugged them all and she said it was great to see them all again. They felt the same and joined in on the hug. Twilight broke it and said that while it would be nice to have a reunion, there was an urgent matter at hoof here. Applejack asked if it had to do with Appaloosa being under attack by some blue goat creature and Twilight nodded her head solemnly. The others gasped in shock and asked how this happened. Twilight held out her hoof and they got quiet quickly. Twilight sighed and said that Grogar had returned. All of them gasped in horror and shared worried looks. Rainbow asked if this was just Discord pulling a prank on them and Twilight shook her head. She said that was not the case and even if it was, she would have not called them here so quickly. Rarity asked Twilight if Grogar was really back and the alicorn said that he was. Applejack asked how that was possible and Twilight told them all to follow her. They went down to the Canterlot Library and went over to the restricted section. She pulled the two books that had the Royal Sisters' cutie marks on there and it opened the bookshelf. She looked around to make sure no one was looking and started to walk down there.

The others were in complete shock at this and they dropped their jaws in amazement. However, they quickly closed them and followed after her. They went down the stairs and Twilight opened the double doors to the study she had discovered with Celestia and Luna when Sunset had that crisis going on in the human world, involving the memory stone. The rest of them were amazed at this place and stared at it. Twilight told them all to gather around the table and she pulled out a book about the history of Grogar. She explained that Grogar was once the Emperor of Equestria and was the country's first ruler. However, he ruled with an iron hoof and instilled fear and violence into every pony that he ruled over. He was known as the Father of Monsters and created many different creatures to terrorize the ponies if they disobeyed him. He was also known for being very clever and cunning and he could always figure out an enemy's weakness very quickly. He would gain power from fear through his Bewitching Bell and he only grew more dictatorial as time went on. But Gusty the Great was having none of it. She took his bell and hid it atop Mount Everhoof where no one could ever reach its peak because of the harsh weather conditions. She then banished him to the stars and that's where he has been for thousands of years up until now that is. Twilight had no idea how he got out, but it was up to them to stop him so that Equestria doesn't suffer under his tyranny once again.

Fluttershy asked if Godzilla would get involved and Twilight said that she only hoped he did. He was the guardian of this world and protected the delicate balance of nature which took up a lot of his time. But she would call out to him if things got ugly and they needed backup. Applejack asked what they were going to do now and Twilight said that they'll need to go back to the throne room to make a plan and prepare just in case Grogar invades the castle. All of them nodded and they headed out of the study underneath the library. They made it back to the castle and began to discuss plans. If Grogar had attacked Appaloosa, he was most likely going to attack other cities and eventually advance his way towards Canterlot. He would probably just scare ponies into submission and plead to him that he would let them live. The possibility of him bringing others was something to consider, but he didn't really know anyone that he could team up with to take the Mane Six down. He has been gone for over 10,000 years and so much has changed since he was last in Equestria. If he knew anyone, they would have heard about it by now. But despite that, they must not underestimate Grogar for fear gives him power and he will only grow stronger even if there was just a hint of it somewhere. If they were going to defeat him, they must not show fear whatsoever or else Grogar will just get even stronger. The fate of all Equestria depended on them.

Grogar was busy advancing his way through Equestria and he was smiling gleefully. It initially made him angry that no one recognized who he was after being gone for thousands of years, but they would soon tremble in fear whenever he started attacking their cities and towns. He could smell the fear coming from them and it made him quite pleased. He never imagined that an invasion of Equestria would be this easy and no one had stopped him so far. Of course, certain ponies had attempted to do so, but they would fail miserably. If the rest of Equestria was this easy to conquer, then Canterlot should be no problem. He thought to himself that the Mane Six were probably thinking of a plan right now on how to stop him and that he would only bring himself. But they forgot that he was the most clever and cunning Equestria has ever seen, so he had a few tricks up his sleeve to throw them off guard. Even though he was gone for thousands of years, he had been paying attention to what has happened and he knew who was considered unfavorable in Equestria's eyes. He figured that they could help him exact revenge on the Mane Six and get rid of them once and for all. That foolish Draconequus that impersonated him thought it was a brilliant idea at the time, yet he failed to notice three villains outsmart him with little to no problem whatsoever. He arrived to Canterlot and began marching through the city. He threw the guards away from him and every civilian that saw him just ran inside their homes, effectively making the entire city a ghost town.

Back in the throne room, the Mane Six were finishing up their discussion when one of the guards called Twilight's attention. She asked them what the deal was, and before the guard could say anything, the doors burst open and he just thrown across the room. The dust settled and an evil laugh could be heard. Twilight didn't like this and demanded that whoever did this must come out at once or face the consequences. Grogar stepped in and gave them all an evil grin. They gasped in horror and Grogar laughed some more. He said that it was nice to finally meet Twilight and her friends after all this time and he had been looking forward to this meeting. Twilight bitterly addressed Grogar and asked him what he wanted. Grogar said with snark that he was here to reclaim his throne as Emperor of Equestria along with eliminating the Mane Six and Godzilla. Rainbow said that will never happen and Applejack said that they'll prevent him from doing it. Twilight told Grogar that Equestria will not bow down to him that easily and even if he managed to defeat them all, they still had Godzilla. Grogar laughed at that and said that Godzilla was practically unreliable since he would only show up at the last minute. Rarity said that Godzilla had defeated every single villain that they had ever faced and Grogar retorted that it was only because those villains were dumb enough to believe they could take down Godzilla by themselves. Yet, he did not know what would await him.

He said Equestria would now become his and he will rule with an iron hoof once again over the nation. Twilight said that wasn't going to happen and Grogar told her that he was currently occupying all of the major cities and towns in the country, including her own family in the Crystal Empire. Twilight asked with anger if he hurt them and Grogar said that they were only taken into captivity. Twilight sighed in relief and said that even if that was the case, Grogar would still not be able to take the throne that easily. Grogar said that he could very easily if he wanted to and Twilight asked what army he had to do so. Grogar just smiled wickedly and whistled for his comrades to appear. The Mane Six looked towards the doors and were shocked to see who was behind Grogar. The first row had ponies that were considered minor antagonists to the Mane Six throughout the series which were the Washouts, Gladmane, Suri Polomare, Windrider and Svengallop. Behind them were creatures that were considered dangerous to Equestria such as Hydras, Timberwolves, Maulwarfs, Manticores, Bug Bears, Chimeras, Yetis, Cockatrices, and every other dangerous creature that was imprisoned in Tartarus for many years. The final row had the remaining MUTO's, Skullcrawlers, Warbats, Hellhawks, Rock Critters, Scaly Quadrupeds, Murderfish, and Camazotz's Hell Swarm. The Mane Six saw all of these creatures and started to get nervous, especially Twilight. She and her friends only thought that he would bring himself, but clearly, he had them fooled by a long shot by bringing these other creatures with him.

Grogar asked them tauntingly if they still thought they could defeat them and after thinking about it for a few seconds, Twilight said that they still could. Her friends looked at her like she was crazy and Grogar just laughed evilly. He said that there was only six of them and he had hundreds if not thousands of creatures behind him, so clearly it would be better for her to just surrender now and make it painless or else face the consequences of refusing to do so. Twilight said that she would never surrender and Grogar asked her how she would be able to stop him without being killed in the process. Twilight glared at him and then let out a high pitched Mothra scream to alert Godzilla that Grogar was here. Grogar was slightly confused by that high pitched screeching and he asked her what she just did. She said with authority that she had just called out to Godzilla to let him know that an enemy was here and she promised Grogar that he will show up to defeat Grogar even if it takes a while. Grogar let out another evil laugh and said that Godzilla probably didn't even hear that at all. Twilight growled with anger and said that she inherited Mothra's powers which allows her to call out to Godzilla through echolocation. She said that Godzilla always hears it and because he had a symbiotic relationship with Mothra, he would definitely respond to the call she made even if she was not a Butterfly that can control the power of the Sun.

Grogar huffed and said that he wished Twilight good luck on that because he would defeat her before Godzilla even got here. He said that maybe this would intensify the pressure and he blasted magic into the sky. Dark storm clouds started to form and then loud whinnying sounds could be heard. Twilight said that Grogar did not just summon Windigos and Grogar said that he just did as a means to demonstrate his power. Rainbow had enough and told the Ram to quit talking trash and actually fight them. Grogar said that he would do that with pleasure and he ordered his army to charge towards them. They all let out their battle cry and charged towards the Mane Six. The Mane Six did the same thing and charged towards the army of creatures in front of them. It was time for war in Equestria and the battle for control over it begins now. The righteous vs. the darkness. The old world order vs. the new world order. Both will fight as hard as they can, but only one will succeed while the other will fall. Who will it be? That has yet to be determined. But one thing is for sure is that every creature that was ever here on this planet will fight one last time for dominance over Equestria. One will fight to protect it while the other tries to take it for themselves. This is war.

Meanwhile, deep within the North Celestial Ocean, Godzilla was busy taking a nap and resting on the ocean floor. It had been a few years since he defeated the Legion of Doom and things had become relatively peaceful once more. He would occasionally have to restore balance in certain environments because of Titans misbehaving and fighting each other, but other than that, nothing else had happened. His scales started glowing and he growled with anger. He began swimming up to the surface and blasted his atomic breath into the sky to let the citizens of Manehattan and Equestria that the King Of The Monsters was back once more. He lowered his head down and took a look around at the city. He saw chaos in the city and he snarled with anger. He then heard Twilight's Mothra-screeching call to him and he roared in response that he was on his way there now. He'll deal with Manehattan later. Twilight is in trouble in Canterlot and that's where most of the issue lies. He began walking through the city and marched westward towards Canterlot.

Back in Canterlot, the battle was still going on but Grogar's side was quickly winning as they far outnumbered the Mane Six. Eventually, they prevailed and captured the Mane Six. They tried to stop it from happening, but Grogar restrained them from going any further. They got thrown into the Canterlot Dungeons and Grogar ordered for them to be heavily guarded at all times so they couldn't escape whatsoever. Grogar sat down on the throne and he relaxed into it very well. He looked into his Crystal Ball and saw that Godzilla was headed right for Canterlot. It angered him that he actually heard Twilight's call, but he believed that there was no way that the King Of The Monsters would be able to reach the city without facing obstacles to block him. He ordered the creatures down there to stop Godzilla at once and prevent him from coming to Canterlot. They quickly obeyed and went to work to try to stop Godzilla. Grogar simply grunted and he began looking at the other areas of Equestria to see if the invasions were going well. He was very pleased when he saw that every single place of civilization was taken over in Equestria and many of the citizens there were either held in captivity or forced to work overexerting tasks. He smiled at their misery and he laughed to himself at what he accomplished. He had managed to completely take over Equestria in under three hours and capture the most beloved figures in Equestria. There was still the threat of Godzilla, but he would be swiftly taken care of by his minions down there with ease and should have no problems whatsoever. It was time to return to the fear and violence through his tyranny across Equestria.

Godzilla was busy marching through Equestria, but he stopped when a bunch of creatures started attacking him. He simply growled in annoyance and swatted them all away. Some of them tried to bite him, but he managed to kick them away with his tail. Creatures that tried to inject poison into Godzilla simply got crushed by his foot and the ones that could try to burn him got tossed away by his tail. Godzilla decided that he had enough of this pitiful attacking and built up his atomic breath. The creatures roared in confusion and stared at Godzilla. Godzilla unleashed his atomic breath and aimed it in a full circle which sent all of the creatures flying away and they disappeared from sight. Godzilla stopped the flow and roared with victory in the sky before he kept moving towards Canterlot. Grogar watched the entire scene unfold on his crystal ball and he was boiling with anger. This creature just somehow deflected all of the attacks and simply blasted them away with his atomic breath. Grogar was going to have to step up his game if he was going to stop Godzilla from reaching Canterlot. He ordered for the MUTO's to go down to where Godzilla was and they quickly went out the door. Godzilla may have been able to defeat Grogar's mind controlled creatures this time, but the Kaiju would not survive his next set. This time, Godzilla will lose and Grogar will continue to reign on the throne.

Godzilla was inching towards Canterlot, but then he saw some of the MUTOs running towards him. He snarled with anger and he charged towards them. They both collided and began fighting one another. Godzilla threw punches at them, but the MUTOs started to bite into his skin and clawing at it. Godzilla roared in pain and he began to fight off the creatures. He knew from Baltimare that these creatures had strong exoskeletons, so if he was going to kill them with his atomic breath, he would have to do it on the inside of their bodies where their internal organs were. Grogar watched with glee through his crystal ball as the MUTOs seemed to be gaining the edge on Godzilla, but he would soon be disappointed yet again. The MUTOs dragged Godzilla around and then yanked him to the ground. Godzilla got back up and the Male MUTO started to spin him around a lot. Godzilla caught its drift and spun it around as well. The Male MUTO growled with anger and flew back around to make another attack on Godzilla. Godzilla watched carefully to see where the MUTO would go and just before it got to him, Godzilla used his tail to slam the MUTO into the mountain. The MUTO made some dying noises and then was finally dead. The female growled at Godzilla and started charging towards him. He did the same, but the MUTO stopped when a spear got thrown at it. It turned around and saw who threw that. It grew angry and started running towards that pony. They started running away and they eventually fell down after losing their balance.

They tried to get up, but they saw the MUTO towering right over them. They lit up their horn as a last ditch attempt, but the MUTO let out a cry of pain when Godzilla bit into its skin. With that distraction from the pony, it gave Godzilla the opportunity to sneak up behind the MUTO and finish her off. Godzilla grabbed the MUTO by the neck and pulled it around to him. The MUTO tried scratching him, but he simply moved his head around. He built up his atomic breath and blasted it straight down the MUTO's throat. It was effectively decapitated and Godzilla threw the head straight for the ocean. He roared in victory and moved once again towards Canterlot. Grogar saw the ending of that and slammed his hooves down in anger. He was sure that the MUTOs would be able to defeat Godzilla, but that didn't stop him either. Grogar knew that he had to stop Godzilla quickly, but he needed something big. Grogar had one more thing up his sleeve and ordered for every single creature that was serving him in the city to wait for Godzilla to arrive. Once he did, they would all attack him at once and effectively bring him down German Blitzkrieg style. There was no way Godzilla would be able to get through that and when he did fall, they would get rid of him for good and send him back to the place he came from that was known as Earth that we as mankind call home.

Godzilla kept marching through Equestria and he made it to Canterlot. He could see it up in the distance. However, he noticed that a bunch of creatures were in a formation which indicated to him that Grogar was planning a German Blitzkrieg style attack and try to bring him down with that tactic. Godzilla knew that would be a waste of time, so he decided to sneak around where the creatures wouldn't see him and surprise Grogar at the same time. He quietly climbed up the mountain and got up to where the balcony was that would lead right to the throne room. Grogar was busy enjoying himself waiting for Godzilla to arrive, but he started to get bored and he decided to check his crystal ball to see where Godzilla was at. The second he saw what had happened, Godzilla stormed inside the throne room and roared right at him. Grogar asked with anger how it was possible for Godzilla to get past his army so easily and Godzilla responded with another roar. Grogar said that it didn't matter and told Godzilla that he was going down. Godzilla snarled in anger and slammed his tail down on the ground as a way of intimidation. Grogar took that as a challenge and said that it was time to fight. They both charged towards one another and began to fight with one another. Godzilla slammed Grogar's head down into the ground and sent out a shockwave that set the Mane Six free. They were confused on how they suddenly got free, but one roar from Godzilla told them all that it was him that set them all free.

They all knew that they had to help Godzilla defeat Grogar and they started running out towards the throne room above them. The guards tried to stop them, but the Mane Six began to fight them and after a bit, they were victorious and continued to move forward. Grogar blasted magic at Godzilla, but the Kaiju simply swiped it away with his hands. His tail slammed on the ground and his scales began to light up. Grogar was confused for a second, but then he noticed what Godzilla was going to do. Godzilla built up his atomic breath and then unleashed it upon Grogar. The Ram narrowly dodged it and blasted very powerful magic at Godzilla's chest. Godzilla started to fall down and as a result of still blasting atomic breath, it moved towards the side of the throne room and destroyed most of it. Godzilla got back up and blasted his atomic breath at Grogar. The Ram did the same and the two beams collided with each other. The Mane Six had gotten there at that point and watched the battle go down. Grogar put up a hard fight, but Godzilla's beam eventually gained the edge and pushed back Grogar's with relative ease. It sent Grogar flying and he hit the back wall with several burn marks on his skin. Grogar was about to charge at him again, but then he heard more creatures approaching the throne room. He looked outside and saw that every single creature that had ever existed in Equestrian history was out there fighting and taking down his army.

Godzilla and the Mane Six were on the move again and continued to attack Grogar. Grogar could see that this resistance had gotten stronger and he couldn't take anymore of it. He blasted the Mane Six away and went to his crystal ball. He said that this rebellion ends now and ordered for every single creature working for him to be released at once. They all obeyed and they started to push back the resistance that Grogar was faced with. Godzilla saw that it was like this everywhere and knew that it was time to step it up a level. Grogar said he would take down the Mane Six and Godzilla once and for all and return Equestria to the way he wanted things to be. Godzilla glared at him and then released a loud high pitched roar into the air. He did his alpha call to the other Titans in Equestria and commanded them all to destroy Grogar because he was hell bent on destroying everything in his path. Grogar was confused for a second and so were most of the Mane Six. Grogar asked what the heck that was and Twilight said that Godzilla just did his alpha call to wake up the other Titans in Equestria and commanded them to destroy Grogar at once. Grogar couldn't believe it for a second. First, he had to deal with the Mane Six, then Godzilla, followed by the massive resistance by every single creature in Equestria, and now Godzilla called for even more backup in the other Titans that exist?! This was getting worse by the minute.

Grogar said he had enough and it was time to end this for good. The Mane Six and Godzilla continued to fight him, but Grogar decided to just let themselves get tired and then fight them when they are worn out and can't fight back. This tactic proved to be effective and soon, Grogar was pushing back on the Mane Six and Godzilla. Just as he went in for the final blow, he stopped to a bunch of loud roars from outside. Grogar growled with anger and looked to see who was making all of that noise. There he saw Rodan, Behemoth, Scylla, Methuselah, Leviathan, Mokele-Mbembe, Tiamat, Abaddon, Typhon, Bunyip, Amhuluk, Baphomet, Yamata No Orochi, Quetzalcoatl, and Sekhmet all appear towards the city. He ordered his army to fight these new creatures as it appeared they were simply responding to their alpha's call and would do anything to destroy them all. The army obeyed and they continued to fight against these newcomers. However, they came prepared with attacks of their own and they make quick haste of the army by working together and and taking down their opponents with relative ease. Grogar saw this and was furious. He couldn't believe that these creatures were able to defeat his army so quickly. He decided he would take them all out with one big blow, but before he could unleash it, Kong suddenly arrived and tried to rip off Grogar's horns with his hands. He didn't hear Godzilla's alpha call because he was an alpha himself, but he noticed how tense things were in the Hollow Earth plus how worried Monarch was about the recent takeover attempt by Grogar. Jie told him to be careful and he promised to do so. When he got there, he noticed that Godzilla must have called in the other Titans and Grogar wanted to dispose of them.

So, Kong decided to sneak up on him and attack him when he wasn't looking. After a few seconds, Kong was successfully able to rip off Grogar's horns and he threw them far away from the city. He then beat Grogar down to the ground very hard and used different objects as projectiles to prevent Grogar from getting up. Grogar had roared in pain and then growl at Kong. He simply made his horns reappear through his Bewitching Bell and he did a healing spell on himself to prevent death. Grogar then tried to impale Kong with his horns, but Godzilla had grabbed one of them and stopped him from doing so. Kong grabbed the other one and the two of them pushed Grogar right through the wall, which sent him tumbling to the ground. Grogar was literally burning with fury this point and his eye brows were flaming as a way to show his anger. He then stomped a hoof on the ground to yeet Kong away and then he blasted Godzilla with his magic as hard as he could and Godzilla got sent stumbling to the ground. Grogar wasn't done yet and he slammed both hooves down to create a giant shockwave that would send everyone away from the immediate area of the city. Grogar blasted even more magic in the sky and turned the sky even darker along with summoning more Windigos to make the weather even colder. Rainbow said to Twilight that things were looking bleak at this point and they might not have much left. Twilight said that they couldn't give up yet and must fight to the bitter end if they have to.

A few seconds later, Grogar teleported them to the throne room and held them in their grasp. He told them that they all fought really hard which he admired, but it was time for them to be punished by death and there was nothing they could do about it. He said that they could say goodbye to their precious world and asked them if they had any final words before death greeted them. Twilight looked at him and said "Long Live the King." Grogar got confused by that and then smelled something burning. He looked around and saw things instantly melting. He then got greeted by a very loud roar and turned around to see Burning Godzilla right behind him. He roared in retaliation and charged towards him. The Mane Six got set free and they quickly ran out of there before they got disintegrated instantly by Godzilla's nuclear pulse. Godzilla's scales lit up and he released the first nuclear pulse, which removed any changes Grogar made and destroyed his bell. Grogar was horrified at this and he roared in fear. He blasted magic at Godzilla to get him to move back, but Godzilla was unharmed by it and kept moving along. Godzilla's scales lit up again and he released the second nuclear pulse, which disintegrated his horns instantly upon impact. Grogar roared in anger and Godzilla responded in kind. He stepped on Grogar with his massive foot and proceeded to destroy Grogar with a bunch of electricity that was flowing through him.

Grogar made his final cry and then a giant orange shockwave appeared through the city which made everyone shield their eyes because of how bright it was. After it settled, they all looked to see what had become of Canterlot and saw it was completely leveled because of the blast from the nuclear pulse. They started to hear rumbling and they saw Grogar's head moving around. Rainbow was angry that Grogar was still alive, but she saw Godzilla moving it around on the ground. Grogar tried to stop it, but Godzilla would not allow it at all. Eventually, Godzilla picked up Grogar's head and built up his atomic breath. All creatures down below were watching to see what would happen and they would soon get their answer. Godzilla threw up Grogar's head and blasted it with his atomic breath, which completely destroyed the head entirely and the last of Grogar was gone for good. Every creature cheered and Godzilla looked down upon them. He looked around and roared in victory. He jumped down from the leveled city and marched right up to them. He even got to see Celestia and Luna one last time. After they heard what was happening, they flew over to help the Mane Six in defeating Grogar, but by the time they got there, Godzilla had already called in for backup with the other Titans. It didn't matter to him though and he greeted them with a snort. Then, after a few seconds of silence, Godzilla noticed that every single creature had bowed before their king. He looked at Kong and the Ape simply put the object down that he was holding. Godzilla felt satisfied and he roared in victory once last time to signify that he was the King Of The Monsters.

For Godzilla, the was one of the biggest challenges he has ever had to face. The Father of Monsters had wanted to challenge him to a fight and he got it alright. He was a lot tougher than most of the villains he had actually faced, but he was still able to come out on top. After Grogar resisted to submit to him multiple times, it was clear to Godzilla that he was hell bent on destroying the world and anyone who would get in his way. Grogar may be the Father of Monsters, but Godzilla was far more superior to him and is the rightful ruler over nature. He wanted to make an example of Grogar to show all of Equestria and the lands beyond it of what would happen if they dared to challenge and refuse to submit to his authority which was the death penalty in this case. Or if you wanted to go more specific MonsterVerse terms, the kiss of death. You get the point. Creatures either submit to Godzilla's authority and serve him or face death. Now, Equestria can be put back into the hooves of the rightful rulers and its golden era shall continue. No matter what any of them faced, they would always have Godzilla to help them because he was Equestria's King of Monsters.

Author's Note:

AN: Well, that is a wrap on this story! I wanted to do a bonus chapter, but I couldn't figure out what exactly I wanted to do for it. But, I eventually got it out. I apologize for this taking over a week, but I'm a pioneer with this kind of battle, so I had to write it to the best of my ability. The only reason why this was a bonus chapter and not a regular one was because this battle never occurred in the show. It was implied that was what happened in the time jump episode, but we never saw it, so most of us had to guess how it went down. One thing I do want to say is thank you to those who read my story and left comments on it. I appreciate it and your thoughts helped me complete this story. I could have not done it without you guys. I have decided to take a break from this genre for a little while and pursue something else. I will come back to it at some point, but I want to take a break for a little bit. So, hopefully you guys understand and stay tuned for the next story. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Next Chapter: None! Since this story is over, there is no more new chapters to preview. Some people have asked me why I do this, and the reason why is just to keep the audience's interest. If you leave them with a cliffhanger question, they would want to know what would happen next. Of course, for this story, most of you already knew what the outcome was gonna be since we know how Godzilla fights in battle, but I still wanted to pose the question regardless because I think it's a good engagement method. If you disagree, feel free to let me know in this comments. I want to hear how you feel about this and now, time to move on to the next story!

Until then, my fellow readers

Comments ( 8 )

Godzilla kept marching through Equestria and he made it to Canterlot. He could see it up in the distance. However, he noticed that a bunch of creatures were in a formation which indicated to him that Grogar was planning a German Blitzkrieg style attack and try to bring him down with that tactic. Godzilla knew that would be a waste of time, so he decided to sneak around where the creatures wouldn't see him and surprise Grogar at the same time. He quietly climbed up the mountain and got up to where the balcony was that would lead right to the throne room. Grogar was busy enjoying himself waiting for Godzilla to arrive, but he started to get bored and he decided to check his crystal ball to see where Godzilla was at. The second he saw what had happened, Godzilla stormed inside the throne room and roared right at him. Grogar asked with anger how it was possible for Godzilla to get past his army so easily and Godzilla responded with another roar. Grogar said that it didn't matter and told Godzilla that he was going down. Godzilla snarled in anger and slammed his tail down on the ground as a way of intimidation. Grogar took that as a challenge and said that it was time to fight. They both charged towards one another and began to fight with one another. Godzilla slammed Grogar's head down into the ground and sent out a shockwave that set the Mane Six free. They were confused on how they suddenly got free, but one roar from Godzilla told them all that it was him that set them all free.

Godzilla and the Mane Six were on the move again and continued to attack Grogar. Grogar could see that this resistance had gotten stronger and he couldn't take anymore of it. He blasted the Mane Six away and went to his crystal ball. He said that this rebellion ends now and ordered for every single creature working for him to be released at once. They all obeyed and they started to push back the resistance that Grogar was faced with. Godzilla saw that it was like this everywhere and knew that it was time to step it up a level. Grogar said he would take down the Mane Six and Godzilla once and for all and return Equestria to the way he wanted things to be. Godzilla glared at him and then released a loud high pitched roar into the air. He did his alpha call to the other Titans in Equestria and commanded them all to destroy Grogar because he was hell bent on destroying everything in his path. Grogar was confused for a second and so where most of the Mane Six. Grogar asked what the heck that was and Twilight said that Godzilla just did his alpha call to wake up the other Titans in Equestria and commanded them to destroy Grogar at once. Grogar couldn't believe it for a second. First, he had to deal with the Mane Six, then Godzilla, followed by the massive resistance by every single creature in Equestria, and now Godzilla called for even more backup in the other Titans that exist?! This was getting worse by the minute.

Здравствуйте Microsoft_2016 я хочу сказать вам спосибо вы проделали отличную работу и мне глава очень-очень сильно понравился и эта самый лучший кроссовер из всех. Microsoft_2016 я хотел бы у вас спросить а что бедет в следующем истории а будет ли какой нибудь приквыел этой истории Microsoft_2016 пожалуйста ответьте мне на мой вопрос хорошо я буду ждать вашего ответа.

Microsoft_2016 я хотел бы у вас спросить а как будет следующея а вы неплонируйте создать приквыел в этой истории вот например конг остров черева. Microsoft_2016 как вы считаете это возможно ли. Microsoft_2016 пожалуйста ответьте мне на мой вопрос хорошо я буду ждать вашего ответа.

Отвечая на ваш первый вопрос, у этой истории не будет ни приквела, ни продолжения. Лучший приквел, который я могу вам дать, — это фильмы, снятые Legendary Pictures за последние восемь лет. Что касается сиквела, я пока буду заниматься чем-то другим. Так что следующая история никак не будет связана с Годзиллой. Я собираю вещи для следующего фанфика, и очень скоро я должен выпустить первую главу, так что следите за обновлениями. Надеюсь, что ответил на ваш вопрос, и если у вас есть еще, не стесняйтесь, дайте мне знать.

Здравствуйте и С добрым утром Microsoft_2016 я буду ждать следующею историю и нового обновления и скажите что будет и как будет развиваться события и то как вы сказали что события будут не связаны с нашим любимым титаном поимени Годзилла. Так что я терпеливо буду ждать новой истории и обновления и буду следить за новыми новостями и обновления. Microsoft_2016 пожалуйста ответьте мне на мой вопрос хорошо я буду ждать вашего ответа.

Yeah, they suck. Even after they get into trouble, they still continue to mess with nature and play God which makes things even worse. Will they ever learn their lesson? Probably not. But I would like to hope so.

Story is pretty good

Kinda wished there was talking tho

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