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A web developer whose writing process occasionally looks like Pinkie's infamous Party Of One thanks to characters deciding to derail his fics when they feel they make more sense that way.


It's the week before Hearth's Warming, and Rarity and Gilda are being sent to Ponyville. But their mission involves less holiday cheer and more "buy the entire place, then bulldoze it to secure a promotion". Applejack of course has a few (impolite) things to say about this plan, even if she can't quite will herself to hate the unicorn in the expensive dress. And Rarity and Gilda are not the only ones with an agenda...

Modern AU, anthro, Rarity/Applejack, Gilda/Rainbow Dash, Twilight/Trixie. T-rated "Sex" tag for later.

Welcome to the Secret Big Project I occasionally teased on Tumblr, everybody!

I have been working on this fic since late January... *checks notes* ...2020. I accidentally set off my plotbunny army during one of Earthsong's streams, and it has quickly become my "Lockdown is happening, time has no meaning anymore, let's be silly to not lose my mind!" fic. So... yeah, enjoy some romcom shenanigans where Rarity exploits tax loopholes, Twilight owns a tank an armored reconnaissance vehicle, and Trixie has watched far too many Fast & Furious movies.

Now with the proper cover by Earthsong9405! Shower her with love because she did an AMAZING job!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 41 )

cease the opening for a surprise attack


Alright, let's see where this goes.

Great characterization, breakneck energy, and pacing. I feel exhausted just keeping up with everything, but in a good way. Looking forward to more.

Interesting, hope you post more chapters :)

Another fun chapter. I can't say I was expecting Twilight and Trixie to already be married, I was expecting them to fall for each other somehow, but that wouldn't really fit the insane pace of everything in this story would it? Also did you really commissions two covers for this? I sorta liked the other one a bit more, but they're both great and this one probably gives a better feel for the whole story. Anyway thanks!

Yeah, I have a lot of ground to cover, and having Twi happily married from the get-go opened up a lot for me.

And no, I only commissioned one cover, but 2021 had thrown several roadblocks in Earthsong's way, so it was delayed. The other piece was part of a set of character commissions I got nearly a year ago from Earth to (1) get a better visual grasp for them and their dress styles and (2) solidify the massive gap between business success and a disappointing private life that both Rarity and Gilda experience. You can check out the sets here: https://sta.sh/2x9it1fz33 I absolutely agree that the Rarity magazine cover is amazing, and I'm happy I got a chance to showcase it for a month, but this story isn't solely about Rarity, so the poster cover makes more sense.

I see what Twilight means by withholding information until it's funny.

This setting is a treat, just the right mix of absurdity and contemporary reality to just hit my funny bone.
As a car buff, I think you have the right idea regarding writing cars. Majority of readers won't understand or appreciate a bunch of technical talk, and then adding in personal tastes and favorites you are asking for car nerds (if there are any) to argue in the comments. To me, what you have is some good fun with the magic wifeys burning rubber faffing about legally drifting together on someone else's dime on public roads. Since neither Rarity nor Gilda know anything about driving neither can call them out on not taking the race seriously. Sliding around looks cool, but is actually the slow way around corners, but very fun.
I autocross at least once a month during the warmer months, which is the cheapest racing you can get since it's courses made of cones and you work on the 'track' putting them back when you aren't racing. Since I drive a sedan I normally have to work the course when the Corvettes and Mustangs have their turn. Mustangs aren't bad, especially the newer ones since they finally got rid of the relic solid rear axles, but they are hefty girls. You get off your rhythm in some back and forth corner transitions and the weight will send them spinning ass first, I had to jump back out of ones way last year. Corvettes are the poor mans supercar, but are still a supercar. They wallow about if driven timidly, but will stick tight if you keep it aggressive. They sometimes look slow because there is so little drama, no squealing tires or body roll, but are very fast. They just make it look easy when a good driver takes them around. Often they would be the fastest cars of the day, getting better times than cars more than double their price. Basically, the only time the Mustang wins are if the roads are too rough for the Corvette to actually drive at full speed or is being driven by a novice. Skill trumps car all the time.
Now I'm sure that was all gibberish, and I was trying to be understandable. And as an army vet, you're right the LAV isn't a tank, more an up-gunned Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) that really likes to roll over onto its back if you don't drive carefully. But we aren't living in the real world so Twi can have her fun.

Thank you for the in-depth comment and for sharing your thoughts! I absolutely love the phrase "magic wifeys" and might have to steal it for later. :rainbowlaugh:

I had a hunch that drifting is more of a Cool Thing than an Efficient Thing... and then indeed decided that it's what's more fun to read/write and is something Twi and Trixie would enjoy. And yeah, when you can use company money to block off parts of the city, you might as well go wild.

The car talk actually didn't lose me... ignoring that aside about axles. So kudos on that front!

The part about the LAV rolling over sounds seriously freaky, though. I would have expected more from military vehicles. :rainbowhuh:

I imagine 'magic wifeys' being Gilda's preferred name for them once she finds out. Seems too crass for Rarity.:raritystarry:
Glad to know I can explain car concepts simply. Most of my friends aren't car people so I sometimes have to explain why my car is in pieces to them.
Everyone thinks military means the best, but all the stuff is made by the lowest bidder.:applejackunsure:
A lot of the not-tanks made to deal with the war on terror, the various mine-resistant wheeled vehicles, evolved to work in an asymmetric fight. Like an animal on a little island with no predators. There is one thing that can hurt it but if it goes slow and careful it'll probably be fine. So it doesn't compete well against anything that might try to kill it in an actual war, like real tanks or aircraft.

“The flying locomotive is one platform further down, sorry,” Twilight informed her once Rarity had caught her breath.

I beg your pardon?

Rarity raised an eyebrow and looked out of the window, following Twilight’s pointed finger. There was indeed another steam locomotive. It was almost entirely purple, and the purple robot face icon near its front gave it a vaguely sinister look. “That train actually flies?” She blinked. “How? And why aren’t we taking that?”

... Is that Astrotrain?

“Because Ponyville is in Equestria, not on Cybertron.” Twilight shrugged. “This is Astrotrain, Cybertron’s ambassador to Equestria. He is part of a hostile faction of machine entities called the Decepticons who want to enslave all humans, amass a substance called Energon, and conquer the universe, not necessarily in that order. When he is not relaying vague but empty threats to our government, he covers the occasional commute to Cybertron.”

Oh my god it is.

“GOOD MORNING, MISS SPARKLE,” a booming, slightly distorted voice came from the train. It sounded foreboding but also quite polite. “HOW ARE YOU AND THE WIFE DOING?”

Oh my god, she wasn't joking.

“That is correct,” Miss Pie conceded. “However, that brings us to the second issue: it is probably not wise to scam an ancient murder machine. Also, Miss Lestia has stated in the past that she has little interest in fighting the Decepticons again , so I believe I speak for the company when-”

Wait a minute, AGAIN?

Five minutes from now, she was going to cry. Ten minutes from now, she was going to consider jumping out of the train window. But now? Now? Now she was going to do something she should have done an hour ago.

I get the feeling Twilight has a thing she's getting to.

“YOU’RE FIRED!” Rarity bolted out of her seat, summoning her last reserves to throw herself at her traitorous assistant. “YOU!” She batted away Twilight’s feeble attempt at defending herself. “ARE!” She wasn’t going to choke her, but she did grab Twilight’s head to make sure they were making eye contact. “FIRED!”

Oh boy.

“There are two entries for ’T. A. Sparkle,’ actually.”

There are?

Starlight? As in Starlight Glimmer? Why did she call Twilight? She said she’d call her boss, not- Rarity let out a quiet wheeze. Oh, no...


There was a pause. “She goes by T. Asmodeus Sparkle in our department,” Miss Glimmer finally half-corrected her. “But the ’T’ is silent,” she added, and Rarity could almost hear her grin.

... I have questions.

She was silenced when Rarity leaned forward and placed a finger on her lips. “If you are going to tell me that you literally applied to be the Head of Personnel Resources because there was nothing good on TV, I am going to strangle you with your own mane.”

She would.

Twilight hesitated but then gave her a tiny, knowing smile. “There is a 95% chance of us arriving about two hours before Miss Dawnstar, yes.”

I'd love to know how that works given that it'll take her half the time it'll take you by your math.

Pinkamena narrowed her eyes. There were diplomatic ways to handle it, and there were ways that involved her lying to the police about why a fellow employee had decided to eat her luggage. “Is Miss Belle aware that you have rigged this entire show so far, Miss Sparkle?”

Given her explosion earlier, no.

Twilight Sparkle gave her a wide, almost predatory smile, and Pinkamena suddenly knew what her earlier emotion was called: fear. Not fear of anything physical - the unicorn probably weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet and wouldn’t have all that many defenses against sudden defenestration - but rather an almost primal fear that Pinkamena usually only experienced when Miss Lestia was up to something.

Oh boy.

Pinkamena pulled out her cellphone. “I’m going to tell Miss Lestia that you’re sabotaging her contest for your own sick pleasure, and then I will throw you out of this window. Let’s see if Thomas The Decepticon Tank Engine catches you.” Without waiting for an answer, she thumbed Miss Lestia’s entry in her contact list.

Thomas the- is she talking about Astrotrain or an actual Thomas The Tank Engine who's also a Decepticon?

“Good, good.” Miss Lestia paused. “Well, not the violence part, but that you didn’t go through with it yet. After all, it would be a shame if you had disposed of my little pet mastermind before she had fulfilled her special assignment for me.”

There's so many layers to this.

Pinkamena raised an eyebrow. “That’s a lie, and you know it. You made sure to max out Miss Belle’s adrenaline to make her crash. Everything you did today, you did for her.” She leaned forward. “It doesn’t take a detective to realize that you are quite smart and possibly possess literal precognitive powers. So the only question is what the limits of those powers are that you may not be able to use them in Ponyville.”

Which I find very worrying.

Astrotrain had been following them and was now slowly altering his course towards a new destination.

Oh boy.

Miss Sparkle’s grin widened, and she pulled a large vacuum flask out of her purse. “Finally, somepony who appreciates that I brought tea!” She quickly poured a cup and handed it to Pinkamena. “And I did not bribe a Decepticon. Astrotrain and I go way back, and he still owed me a favor.”

I personally find that EXTREMELY worrying.

“Yeah, cars tend to stop moving once they run out of fuel.” There was a pause as Gilda was likely trying to determine if Rarity was acting or if she was actually oblivious. “...Twilight seriously didn’t bring you up to speed, did she?”

And compromise her own entertainment?

“STOLEN! Some bandits stole all the fuel from all the gas stations in a hundred-mile radius!”

... Pardon fuck?

“This doesn’t make any sense; how would anybody have the resources to steal several truckloads worth of fuel? Just for transportation alone, you’d need a whole line of trucks or some sort of-...” Her mouth went dry, and she looked at Twilight in horror. “-...train.”

That's why Astrotrain was around.

“Ah.” Another pause. “Oh, no. What if the Decepticons sent their flying space train over and-”

She knows about the- Of course she does.

“That car is sitting in a parking lot in Canterlot.”


Gotta love moments like this.

“Gilda.” When no answer came, Rarity knew that it was time to skip any further banter and instead deliver the coup de grâce. “Three sugars and a little bit of milk. You better get around to memorizing my coffee preference early - I don’t tolerate mistakes in my baristas.”

You smug motherfucker.

“Guess.” For the second time today, Twilight was looking miserable. “I’ll give you a tip: It’s very, ah, depressingly on-brand for me, but not because there wasn’t anything good on TV.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes. “...you lost a bet, didn’t you?”

Instead of answering, Twilight made a show of sighing loudly.

Oh my god.

  • Anyway. This chapter is about peak crazy for this fic. Things will quiet down a bit from here.


Comment posted by Noc deleted Mar 8th, 2022

Um. :rainbowderp:

I mean, I do generally like this and I look forward to whatever shenanigans await in Ponyville, but … well, if ever something needed to be explained in your A/N, the apparently plot-crucial presence of Transformers in this not-marked-as-a-crossover fic is probably it. Cuz that’s a lot of “wait what am I reading” moments I just went through. :rainbowlaugh:


Your first few reactions were clearly taken straight from my head as I was reading this.

Ahhhh, this fic may not get me the most comments ever, but the comments I do get are so worth it. :rainbowlaugh: :heart:

... Is that Astrotrain?

Oh my god it is.

Case in point. XD

Thomas the- is she talking about Astrotrain or an actual Thomas The Tank Engine who's also a Decepticon?

The former - I really like having my characters coming up with oddball nicknames and descriptors on the fly. Those Skyrim memes where modders replaced dragons with Thomas The Tank Engine totally factored into this.

I personally find that EXTREMELY worrying.

He prolly lost a bet, considering how esp. Twilight and Rarity seem to have a problem with those. :twilightsheepish: Which opens up the frightening prospect of a universe where this Twilight Sparkle is indebted to the Decepticons.

Ehhh, Astrotrain's more of a crazy cameo. I did briefly consider tagging it as a Crossover, but it would have felt like false advertising, considering that the tags are more for central or notable themes in a fic. He is an important part of Twilight's insane scheme, but he just has one line of dialogue, most of his activities happen off-screen, and he is more of a highly amusing one-shot plot device. No Transformers in Ponyville, I'm afraid. Because Mayor Mare fought them off back in the war and declared Ponyville to be neutral territory. (Just kidding. Probably.)

Love the story thus far :)
When the next chapter will be posted btw?

Thank you! The original plan had been weeks ago, but it had been a busy time, so I'm hoping for this weekend.

Why isn't there an anthro tag?

Excellent question. I must've overlooked it while creating the story. Added.


Well that was a quick turnaround from “So AJ’s a complete psycho, huh” to “So AJ loses her brains when she simps, huh”. :raritywink:

Rarity had had better food, but in all fairness, she hadn’t expected a dining car to compete with the three-star restaurants she usually visited. Still, it had tasted okay, and after having eaten virtually nothing all day long, she would have devoured even the greasiest fast food.

Honestly, fair.

If we play our cards right, we can buy the key assets in two transactions and be back home before midnight.” She got up, confident that Twilight would settle the bill.

You won't.

“Yes, but that was... words!”

“Well, yes, that is how telling me things usually works,”

I love Twilight Snarkle.

“Ugh! What are the odds that your murder machine buddy can give us a ride back?”

GIven it's Astrotrain, low.

“Low,” Twilight replied without even pretending to think about it. “Also, murder machines tend to be built for efficiency, not safety or comfort. Sure, the trip would just take an hour or so, but I only brought one pillow to sit on, and it’s mine.”

Honestly, fair.

“Fine, I suppose we can spend the night. I mean, once I buy the farm, it becomes company property, so I can get us the best rooms in the house, right?”

It's a farm. Not sure how much that'll stack up to your usual standards.

“Bit bigger than that,” Miss Pie remarked drily but didn’t bother to elaborate.


“Wow, those photos did not do the place justice,” she muttered. “That’s... that’s several hectares worth of farmland, isn’t it?”

It IS a farm.

"Thank... goodness,” Rarity wheezed when she had finally climbed Mount Applefarm.

I've been there.

“Ah, you may get your wish sooner than you’d like,” Twilight curtly informed her, her silly smile replaced by her usual mask of professionalism.

About that...

“Uhuh.” Somehow, Big McIntosh managed to put multiple layers of meaning and implication into that one grunt. He quickly exchanged looks with Applejack, who ended up huffing.

He's a very multitalented stallion.

Rarity took a deep breath. “I’m starting to feel that you know why I’m here.”


“Um. M-... Miss Applejack, before you start shooting anypony, I might have to check with my secretary if her contract contains any clauses about her taking a bullet for me.”

“It doesn’t,” Twilight replied without even thinking. Then she hesitated. “...excuse me?”

I love their dynamic.

The lasso came virtually out of nowhere, catching the briefcase in mid-air with unbelievable precision and- “Wait, what?” Applejack abruptly turned to face her, causing her to pull the lasso in at an odd angle, sending the briefcase flying straight at Rarity’s-


Freakin' RIP.

“Yes. Speaking of which, I have received multiple calls from government agencies that don’t even officially exist, and they wanted to know if I still got my battle axe. You wouldn’t by any chance know why Equestria was about five minutes away from sending a less-than-polite request for an explanation to Cybertron, would you?”

This has ALL kinds of implications.

“I see.” Miss Lestia took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “So Gilda is still stuck in the middle of nowhere, Rarity has a mild concussion, and the Apple family intends to go broke just to spite us. And I don’t get to threaten a train with an axe.”

Just about. Not sure what kind of axe you have that you think it would phase Astrotrain, but...

Then again, neither is Twilight. Probably.

You never know.

“You...” Twilight got to her hooves and wrapped her arms around herself. “You were... you were just lying there, and you... you weren’t moving, and... and...” She took a deep breath and slowly dragged one hand from her forehead all the way along her muzzle. “I panicked. I’m sorry. I should’ve-”

This, is a surprisingly human, for lack of a better term, reaction from Twilight.

Pinkamena allowed herself a tiny smile. It was refreshing to see that, at the end of the day, the insufferable mastermind was still just a pony after all.


She got up with enough force to make her own chair fall over but barely managed to avoid shouting. Her grandmother had taught her manners, and one of those - admittedly rather specific - lessons had been not to shout obscenities at her older brother when everypony else was asleep. “It was not an accident!” she hissed. “Ah tried to show off an’ intimidate ‘er!”

Yes, but you didn't intend to hit her with the briefcase.

“Shoulda just punched her and be done with it.”

“Pretty sure that would’ve hurt her more than hittin’ her with that briefcase,” Big McIntosh mused.

Yeah, probably.

She frowned. “But why would some city folks be in a hurry to buy a farm this far away from their home?”

Good question.

  • Before anybody points it out: yes, this fic runs on classic Hollywood "A blow to the head that literally makes you lose consciousness is nothing to worry about! Concussion, conshmussion, you just need a little bit of rest." magic. Ponies are just built different. Or something.

I mean, they literally are built different. The physics in Equestria are decidedly not the same as ours.

Ok, that prompt has me intrigued.

“Cute heist, dweeb,” the griffon rasped, looking angrier than ever before. “But you always forget that murder beats clever.”

Ah. That's, not great.

-front door. Rarity’s eyes went wide. “Oh no,” she whispered. “No, no, NO!” She tried to maneuver out of her bed - somehow, it was even fluffier in real life - and stormed to the door. She could feel a headache building up but decided to power through it. This is a life-or-death situation! That nightmare was a vision! Gilda is going to murder Twilight, then come after me!

It's cute you think Gilda could kill Twilight.

Gilda gave her a look that was probably aiming for hatred but lacked the proper energy for it.


“Are you implying that Miss Belle organized the biggest fuel heist in the history of Equestria with only half a day of prep time?” Miss Pie’s deadpan expression looked extremely convincing, and not even Rarity could tell that she knew of Twilight’s undoubtedly insane scheme.

I could easily believe either.

“I flew, dweeb,” Gilda replied and grinned sardonically. “And boy, are my wings tired!”

... You're not kidding.

“Trixie is fine and happy and will definitely be here first thing in the morning, right?”

She's definitely unharmed, which is good, or else Gilda might look a little, deader.

“Twilight’s wife?” Gilda gave her a look of disbelief. Then she parsed that sentence. “Oh wow. Okay, now I actually feel kinda-...” She blinked a few times as she parsed that sentence again. “Twilight is married to friggen TRIXIE?” Her sharp laugh was out before Rarity could grab her beak. “OH WOW! And here I thought that Twilight was smart! Guess love really really makes you blind and stupid!”

Be glad you didn't say that to Twilight's face.

Twilight gave her a dark look, even as Miss Pie helped her to her hooves. “Given that we are indoors and that you would have stood in the blast radius, I couldn’t go for my rocket launcher.”

... I don't like that you're probably serious.

“Because my love for her is absolute,” Twilight said, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. “I accept her as she is, and she does the same for me. Do you know how rare it is to find a pony who can listen to the monologues of a genius like me?”


Rarity didn’t even have time to finish the thought before Gilda launched herself at Twilight and wrestled her to the ground. “KILL FOR HER, EH?” Gilda roared, and Twilight had to use all her strength to keep the griffon’s talons away from her throat.

This is going to go poorly for you, Gilda.

“I believe you two have had your share of fun,” Miss Pie calmly said as she grabbed the knife before it could impale itself in Gilda’s skull. “But now I must ask you to cease the attempted murder.”

... You have disturbingly fast reflexes.

Twilight gave her a look. “You forget, Miss Dawnstar, that Trixie and I share a special bond. With love, everything is possible.”

Given this is Equestria, she's not wrong.

Twilight opened her mouth again, then froze as Trixie apparently had more to say. “Well now... well now...” She was starting to grin.

Oh boy.

“Ah, Trixie just mentioned that you didn’t just forget to leave the keys behind.” She paused, and her grin widened when Gilda just gave her a blank look. Then, with a flick of her magic, she made Rarity’s briefcase float into her outstretched hand.

She forgot the money.

Twilight nodded almost imperceptibly. “You are hoping to get another shot with Miss Applejack before Miss Dawnstar talks to her.”

I mean, yeah.

“Her world is rapidly bleeding money.”

She has a family. She is rich beyond measure. Can you say the same?

“But I didn’t rise to my current position by letting a simple logistical failure stop me. There are always contingencies.”

... I mean, yeah, that's not an unfair point.

“But she obviously didn’t. She only cares about her career and won’t make even the smallest concession if there is a tiny chance that doing so will harm her. I know this because, at the end of the day, Rarity and I are the same.”

I, kinda LIKE this Gilda. She's smarter than she lets on.

Rarity put on an impassive face. “You get stupid ideas when you’re sleep-deprived. And I prefer not having to worry about you pulling some insane and desperate stunt that might get all of us killed or indicted. That’s all.”

I mean, yeah, fair. She 100% would. Sleep dep does NOT lead to smart choices.

“Miss Applejack did this to me.” Rarity pointed at the bandage around her head with her other hand and grinned. “I just want to see what she will do to you.”

You know what? I want to see that too.

Gilda's idioms are based on her being a jerk griffon and should not be treated as life advice. The actual saying is "Clear beats clever." :raritywink:

I can see saying that cleaver beats clever, but, she has natural weapons, she has no need for a cleaver.

We are experiencing slight schedule slip. I'll have to try to force myself to pick up the pace. :raritydespair:

It's cool, things happen.

I guess I have to wait another 5 months for the next update, I crave more of this story


It's cute you think Gilda could kill Twilight.

The much more fascinating question would be who would be on her doorstep if she did.

... I don't like that you're probably serious.

The fic is crazy enough that "Twilight carries a rocket launcher in her purse" may in fact be a thing, and I find that utterly delightful. :rainbowlaugh:

... You have disturbingly fast reflexes.

Canon Pinkie could prolly pull this off as well - she just chose to use her powers for comedy.

She has a family. She is rich beyond measure. Can you say the same?

Thank you! This might as well be the tagline of this fic. The best part is that Rarity knows the answer, at least on some level. She just doesn't want to think about it too hard.

It's cool, things happen.



Thank you! This might as well be the tagline of this fic. The best part is that Rarity knows the answer, at least on some level. She just doesn't want to think about it too hard.

I stole the line from a Paragon, of course it's a good line. A well written Paragon is a good line dispenser.

I'm a bit caught out by Tia coming off as such a bad guy here, but other than that I'm enjoying this so far. About to hop on the next chapter.

Awesome. Can't wait for the next!

Cool story. Added to read list. Looking forward to seeing more. :twilightsmile:

Love the Trixie Twilight dynamic. Also need art of Twilight in her magician outfit. Looking forward to more!

Rarity frowned at that, but she kept it carefully hidden from Gilda. “Leave me some food, and I’ll leave you some hot water. Deal?”


I actually really like this moment. Rarity doesn't like her, but she's not heartless.

Somehow, it filled Rarity with immense satisfaction that Twilight was also looking at least moderately tired, mostly because it was a rare sign that she was not, in fact, disgustingly perfect in every way possible.

Which is nice.

“I do know, Miss Dawnstar,” Twilight replied wearily, even as she took another bite out of one. “They are efficient, and I will need a lot of energy.”

That's rough, buddy.

“Magic,” Gilda finished her sentence. “You’re both magicians among magicians.”

Simply put, yes.

“In a sense, yes. Trixie possesses an intuitive grasp of portals and general navigation of space in ways that would normally be impossible.”

That'd be how she pulls things from her cape. Useful.

“But her magic is-” Gilda gestured vaguely. “-expensive, for lack of a better word. She went through half a dozen of these stupid energy bars the moment the coast was clear.”

I mean, makes sense. Magic is a form of energy, you gotta burn calories for it.

“Correct. Trixie and I are blessed with extraordinary magical abilities, but with magic, there are limits to factors like range, magnitude, or available energy.”

Logic checks out. You can't spend energy you don't have.

“Trixie’s skill is effectively limited only by how much energy she can burn through at a moment’s notice and by how reliably she can place her exit portal. My skill is projection of magic.”

So, you're going to give her a boost, from over a good few hundred kilometers away?

Watching Twilight twitch at being constantly interrupted seemed to give Gilda more energy than the stew did.


Rarity wasn’t sure if Twilight was more annoyed by Gilda treating her like staff or by her lack of faith.


Gilda turned around when she heard Twilight’s defiant tone. “Either you end up looking like an idiot, or I get my secretary back. Either way, I’ll be happy.”

I mean, that's not, an unfair point?

“Please, darling, only overclock the heat lamp if you are certain Miss Pie won’t disqualify me for it.”

I got nothing. This is just funny.

And if there is anything most people are afraid of, it’s piano on the road.

I, don't get it.

There was, in fact, a piano standing in the middle of the road.

And it was in front of the bakery Pinkamena was headed to.

I love visual gags.

Pinkamena blinked. “Pardon?” She slowly turned around to find the pegasus pony with the blonde mane looking directly at her. Well... one eye was looking directly at her. The other one... wasn’t.

Hello, Ditzy.

The pegasus giggled. “I know everypony in Ponyville, and they are all my friends. So who else would be my new friend?”

Ah. That makes sense.

“This thing just gave me eighteen new, previously undiscovered kinds of diabetes, I think. I will also probably not sleep for the next three days.”


“Wooo!” the pegasus cheered - apparently, this was far more progress than she had expected.

She's trying very hard.

Don’t do it, Pinkamena. You just met her. She has her job; you have yours. “...why don’t we trade deliveries?” You will be FIRED, and you will DESERVE IT, and Miss Lestia will RE-HIRE you only so she can FIRE you AGAIN.

Nah. She's not that mean. Right?

“You will know what you want to call me in due time. Until then, you can borrow whichever name you like.”

... Huh. Interesting.

“Wait, how did she know my name?”

Easy. I gave her a copy of the script.

It will be mine. I just need to figure out an angle that works.

You're welcome to try.

An apex predator with a master’s degree in economics and a sick sense of humor, but still an apex predator.

I have no doubt that IF she wanted to, Gilda could seriously injure or outright kill Rarity or Twilight. But, it's telling of her sapience and patience that she's willing to see where this goes.

It was a rare sight, but Gilda seemed to be listening intently. “You’re trying to find a connection from here to some gas station in the middle of nowhere to... make magic flow?”

Presumably to make the process more efficient.

“You’re giving her a signal to home in on,” Rarity whispered. “That’s genius! And probably not as massive a strain on your reserves!” She paused when Twilight averted her eyes. “...right?”


“Ah... quite likely not. I will take a while to recover and rebuild my strength.” She held up the box again.

How strenuous IS the stunt you're about to pull?

“I might need to wolf down a quarter of the box just to not pass out on the spot.”

Oh my.

“...the mayor is also named Mare?”

This is some Who's On First shit, you realize.

“...the mayor of this village is called Mayor Mare?”

My god this is Who's On First.

“Is today International Ninja Day?”

“That was about two weeks ago.”

Of course that's a thing.

“...well, yeah,” Trixie said after a short pause. “How else would the Great and Powerful Trixie address her audience?”

... She's great. Best horse.

“Are you holding yourself hostage!?”

And that is why she is Best Horse.

Gilda slowly leaned over to her. “You have no idea how satisfying it is to see somebody else being driven insane by Trixie.”

I can imagine.

There was something to be said about wearing a white overbust corset on top of a black leotard, with all of that barely covered by a too-short black jacket. The addition of fishnet stockings and a black top hat rounded off the image. Only Twilight’s extremely grumpy look shattered the illusion of a career magician. “Not. One. Word.”

Given that she didn’t spontaneously combust OR get a sentient train airdropped on her head, Twilight seemed to grudgingly agree.


“Don’t!” Gilda hissed and pulled her back down. “You have no idea what’s going to happen if you distract her now! And she literally told you not to interfere!”

I'm with Gilda on this one. There's no telling what will happen if this process is interrupted halfway.

Rarity took a quick look around and cursed quietly when she saw that the scorch marks were in the shape of two wings, making it look as if Twilight had somehow botched a ritual to ascend into an alicorn.

Huh, interesting.

And before the rules of space and reality could puzzle out what was going on, Trixie had literally pulled herself and the Corvid out of the hat, ending up with her sitting in the driver’s seat and holding the hat out of the window.

I, I got nothing. That's impressive.

She burnt through her reserves! She needs to recover that energy!

Yep. It's telling of how big her reserves are that she could pull this off in the first place.

A few steps away, Gilda was apparently using a muffin of her own as a stand-in for smelling salt. Rarity wasn’t sure what was sillier - the fact that Gilda was trying that or that it seemed to work.


“Mr. Davenport of ‘Quills and Sofas.’ It’s a shop that sells quills and sofas, apparently.”

Of course.

The smile slowly returned. “If you feel better justifying your kindness with business logic, I won’t stop you.”


“I possess both, darling.” Rarity glanced up at the farm on the hill and narrowed her eyes. “I just can’t afford to show the former all that often.”

Not unfair.

Thanks! Trixie is a lot of fun to write. :pinkiehappy:


I actually really like this moment. Rarity doesn't like her, but she's not heartless.

Fun fact: While the dynamic between Twilight and Trixie had been planned in advance, the dynamic between Gilda and Rarity evolved throughout these chapters and will continue to do so for the next few.

Nah. She's not that mean. Right?

AU or not, she's still Celestia. But she worked hard to establish a certain reputation.

Easy. I gave her a copy of the script.

Fiend! :flutterrage:

This is some Who's On First shit, you realize.

I 100% made myself giggle while writing that part. :rainbowlaugh:

An update so early!? This is quite unexpected

I wanted to do more than one update during the actual Hearth's Warming season, and I'm actually still more or less sitting on backlog from when I started posting. :heart: It mostly just costs time and nerves to edit them.

Rarity gave her an exasperated look. “I didn’t mean that! I’m worried because they’re both weakened. What if... I don’t know... one of them suffers from some magic aftershock?”

Not an unfair point.

“I could stay!” the mailmare volunteered.

I'm sure you could.

The most annoying part was that Rarity was not sure if she was being pedantic on purpose or if that was just how she ticked.


“Three bits. Per hour.” Miss Muffin beamed. “It’s my foalsitter fee!”

Fair enough.

“I would’ve blamed you, anyway,” Gilda muttered and turned around sharply, slapping Rarity with one wing.

Not sure I believe that.

“Well, gee howdy!” Gilda squawked in her best imitation of a country drawl. “They sure make ’em big out here!”

... This is a terrible idea.

Why did this pony fail his math class?

He didn't.

That was a bluff. He didn’t botch his math; he made Gilda flinch.


The old ’73. He was talking about a Whinnychester ’73, wasn’t he?

He 100% was.

Big McIntosh sighed. “You must be mistakin’ me for my sister,” he muttered. “She’s the one who’s easier to bait by talkin’ smack ‘bout the farm. I’m more laid-back and soft-spoken.”

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

“Yeah, I figured you’d be the nice one. Great physique for a threat, but that’s it.”

You realize, even if it's filled with blanks, a blast from THIS range would still hurt.

“If your job is to threaten innocent ponies and bully them into selling their farm, you’ll be better off unemployed.” Big McIntosh was looking rather unimpressed.

Ouch. True, but ouch.

The car, however, had not propelled her as far as Big McIntosh’s shove just had.


The apple exploded into fine mist in mid-air before Rarity’s ears even registered the sound of the rifle shot.


A bigger part, however, remembered that Gilda’s first instinct had been to shove her out of the way of any more potential gunfire.

Which IS interesting.

“You know I have,” Gilda hissed, then sighed and ran a hand over her head to smoothen out her feathers. “Didn’t work out,” she added quietly.


Apparently, her concept of personal space was gathering dust in a corner, right next to her survival instinct.

This is gonna be fun.

“Wow,” Gilda said, sounding extremely unimpressed by their take-off. “At the speed they’re going, they might even make it back before sunset.”

She's holding back.

“...did you teleport your office into here, Twilight?”


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!” Rarity gestured wildly, punching the air, before grabbing the plant, stomping over to a window, opening it, and then throwing the plant out, all while still screaming at the top of her lungs.


The potted plant on the desk was also not looking as horrified as it should have, considering that it had just been tossed out through the window.

... Huh?

“Dinner parties at your place must be fun,”


“Yeah. I pity whoever is dumb enough to try to break into the farm. Miss Applejack has her revolver, he has a rifle. I don’t even want to find out what their younger sister has. Probably a howitzer.”

Nah, just an anti-tank rifle.

“The retired Wonderbolt!” Twilight gave herself a dope slap. “Of course, I should’ve guessed as much when you mentioned a jock!”

Huh, upgrade.

Of course. There was no way she’d be this slow during her race with the other pegasus with the enormous wingspan. I had been right all along - I just hadn’t expected a trap. ...and neither had Gilda.

Played Gilda like a fiddle.

Good golly gosh, I need more of this story! Can't wait to see what happens next.

Reread. Still fun as ever. Look forward to seeing more. Thanks for your work! :twilightsmile:

Amazing. Show stopping. 10/10
The sense of humor is impeccable, please bring me more. Looking forward for the next holiday season (because any update is gonna make me feel like heart's warming came in early)

Also omg your take on literally every character is a joy. also ASTROTRAIN?? I'm in love with this story. Also also, can't wait for the next "witholding information until it becomes funny" voucher. Also also also I love the way you set up these larger than life images of people that are actually like that which is a joy, but also break it down because they're still people which is another joy. Except Celestia cuz she's built different, if course (also I like the detail that she like. Could've just bought the space next to the village. But decided that she wanted to live in a funny timeline, not an effective timeline)

ALSO also also also. Twixie <3

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