• Member Since 18th Oct, 2014
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Trick Question

Being against evil doesn't make you good.


When Princess Twilight Sparkle and early-teen Spike move back to Canterlot, she suggests he consider living with her parents again. His foster family is enthusiastic, but the visit to his old home rekindles long-buried emotions in the little dragon.

Ever since he was a hatchling, an important question has burned within his belly. Now he's finally brave enough to ask.

Written for the 2021 Jinglemas event as a gift for Jake The Army Guy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Hmmm, wonder if they'll remember that Spike can still send messages to Cel and they could ask if formal papers were done for Spike ... (probably not considering everything) ...

Good story

But the name interruptions got to be a bit much and kept taking me out of the feelings flow.

All three of our children are national heroes, for crying out loud—but just to be clear, it has nothing to do with accomplishments.

It's just first thing he's though about

The implication is that there isn't a process since no other dragon has pony guardians. Twilight is the new ruler when this story takes place, so it wouldn't be difficult.

I'll do another edit pass later to see if I agree. It was hard for me to get this in quickly enough so it's a bit less polished than my usual.

It's unique to have a Spike-family-reunion story that focuses solely on Night and Velvet. In fact, Twilight doesn't even make an appearance at all.

But, given the heavy subject matter here, I almost want to see another chapter/sequel where we get to see Twilight's thoughts on it all. Did she know their parents were missing him and that's why she suggested he go live with them instead of living with her at the palace? Did she see the stress the new job was having on him and wanted him to have more support than she could give? Was it something he said or did that put the thought in her head? Did she guiltily think she had robbed him of his childhood and wanted to give abit of it back?

And what of her thoughts on how they and she, herself, raised Spike?

I did like how you focused solely on Night and Velvet, but maybe not how Twilight's motivations for wanting him to move were left entirely unexplained. What if he took it the wrong way and thought she was trying to pawn him off or something? It is his greatest fear, after all.

This was great, man. One of my few real "regrets" about the show was that it never showed us any hints of Spike's relationship to Shining Armor and Twilight's parents. Sure, he got the "little brother" label in Season friggin' Nine, but beyond that? I always headcanoned that Spike got his overtly nerdy interests from Shining, who is canonically a massive fucking dork. Honestly, I don't think we spent enough time with any of the main character's parents, aside from Rainbow's, and they were adorable!

I loved the detail of Velvet calling Twilight "Sparkle," to differentiate between them. Hmm, I wonder why no one calls women named after their mothers "Junior?"
After learning that Spike's greatest fear was "being sent away" in The Crystal Empire," I felt like the underlying issue was not feeling like he had a true family, for many of the reasons you listed here. He slept in a basket at the foot of Twilight's bed like a dog, and he took "my Number One Assistant" as the highest praise from her. When he finally got his own room in Season Five, it felt like a huge step forward for him.

Thank you so much for writing this, my dude. My request was simply Spike bonding with Night Light and Velvet, and you absolutely delivered on that. Have a Merry Christmas, and stay awesome! :twilightsmile:

That was so sweet!!!❤😁😥

So I want to start off by stating up front that I like this premise and that the characterizations are all pretty spot-on for the most part.

But that said...I have to admit it all felt a bit...meandering. I spent most of the story uncertain and wondering just what the chief point it was trying to make here, and it sort of feels like it took too long to get to that point, dancing around it for longer than needed. And then once it does...it feels like it didn't get enough chance to...really get into the matter to the full depth needed.

Again, the premise is great--as others have already said, Twilight's parents truly are the more underutilized characters and their relations in regard to, well, anyone, let alone Spike, is massively unexplored by pretty much the whole of the fandom, so this was definitely a fic worth writing. I just feel like there needs to be...more...to it. I can't exactly pinpoint specifics on what that "more" can or should be (and would probably be open to interpretation anyway), but I will say it feels like it's a premise that needs further in-depth exploration than just this even, and a bit clearer focus, a clearer sense of what it's setting out to specifically do.

I was also a little unclear on just exactly when this story takes place in relation to canon. I mean, obviously post-season 8, considering Spike's wings, but I can't exactly nail it down any further than that, and it feels important enough a detail to have specifics. A clearer conveyance of just how Twilight Sparkle fits into all of this and her thoughts on the matter would also probably be beneficial. We're told that Spike coming to stay here was apparently her idea, or she was at least a strong proponent of it, but we're never told exactly why or for what reasons. Did she think much the same as the cast on the matter, or was it for unrelated reasons and the rest just a fortunate happenstance? That, and Spike figuring out his dynamic with Twilight's parents just sort of raises related questions for his dynamic with the rest of the Sparkle family that would probably be worth exploring too.

I guess all that could be part of the something "more" I feel is missing.

Anyway, it's still a good story that still manages to hit adequately upon the points it sought out to, but if you decide to expand further on the premise at some point...I'd definitely encourage it. :twilightsmile:


I was also a little unclear on just exactly when this story takes place in relation to canon.

It's after they move back to Canterlot following Twilight's coronation, which is at the end of the series. I thought the story was very clear on that, to be honest.

Thank you for writing. :)

That was a great story.

This was lovely, never get tired of seeing the dynamic of Twi’s parents and Spike. Do wish the show explored it more but that did lead to great fics like this.

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