• Published 27th Feb 2022
  • 247 Views, 18 Comments

Ponies: The Legend Begins - DougtheLoremaster

On the island of Celestia Nui, legends tell of six mighty Ponies who will awaken the Great Spirit; Celestia and banish the shadows. Join them as they find their masks and utilize the elements to defeat Nightmare and let the sun shine once more

  • ...

Toa Twilight, Spirit of Fire

“Turaga Starswirl, Turaga Starswirl!”

Two Unicorn Ponytoran ran inside the hut of hardened lava, shouting excitedly. Turaga Starswirl had been sitting in the middle of the large structure, and opening his eyes, he slowly rose to his full height of four hoof-lengths; just one more than the Ponytorans themselves. He addressed the two, speaking in a somewhat deep voice.

“You seem quite excited about something. Tell me, what is it?”

“Something’s floating on the lava!”

“Yeah! A canister of some kind!”

Stroking his beard, the Turaga of the Village of Magi-Koro, sounded pensive as he responded.

“A canister? Hm, I wonder…Take me to this canister. Now.”


Sitting on the ground, and looking around her in dismay, was a large Unicorn; far too tall to be a Ponytoran. Unlike other Unicorn Ponytorans, she wore a bright red domed mask and her limbs were bright orange, though her barrel and hooves were the same red as her mask. She stared down at her hooves in confusion.

Who…am I?

Where…am I?

She didn’t know who she was, or where she was, and yet it all vaguely seemed familiar. She could still remember the image she had seen of a massive shadow looming over her and then…nothing, before opening her eyes. Looking to the side she watched as a much shorter pair of Ponies ran alongside a slightly taller one; and all currently running towards her.

Without a single thought, she instinctively leaped to her hooves, her horn glowing fiercely with bright red magic, and a roaring sword of flame suddenly appearing before her. She yelled at them, brandishing the flaming blade.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

The mare watched as the taller of three suddenly signaled to the others to halt, while he himself slowly shuffled towards her; seemingly talking to her.

“Toa Twilight, I mean you no harm. My name is Turaga Starswirl, and I welcome you to Magi-Koro.”

She could hear him clearly, yet she didn’t really understand what exactly he was talking about. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. They seemed harmless enough. Though she still wasn’t sure she trusted them, she lowered her blade of flame, though only just. She looked down at its flames, feeling an unexplained excitement within her.

“Twilight, is that my name? If it is, how do you know who I am? And what is a Toa?”

Frustrated, she let out a shout and slammed her blade into the hardened lava under her hooves; causing it to split and release a massive spray of liquid magma that splashed upon her body and seemingly had no effect.

“Why can’t I remember anything?”

The wizened Turaga gave a wan smile, as he spoke respectfully to the angry Unicorn, as the molten spray slowly ceased.

“You are Toa Twilight, and have been sent by the Great Spirit; Celestia, to protect the Magi-toran; the residents of the village of Magi-Koro. A Toa is a Ponytoran word for ‘protector’.”

“Protector? Me?”

Seeing The frustrated Toa slowly cease her frantic motions and look at him, the Turaga continued.

“The Ancient Carvings told that you might not remember who you are or where you came from, but you are Toa Twilight, the Spirit of Fire, given life.”

“Ancient Carvings?”

Gesturing around him at nothing, Turaga Starswirl replied.

“The messages left by The Ones Who Came Before.”

“I’m sure.”

“Don’t take that tone with me!”

“Then talk sense, you old geezer!”

“I am, you rude upstart!”

“Really? Then who are these ‘Ones Who Came Before’?”

“Nopony knows!”

“Right. You expect me to believe-”

A sudden scream from the two Ponytoran cut through the air, causing Twilight to immediately halt mid-sentence. Turning, she saw a massive black serpent rising out of the lava; rearing back to strike at the two.

Standing over 10 hoof lengths in height, the scaly monstrosity was a strange shimmering black; as though covered in an unholy black flame. Its eyes glowed a fierce, enraged magenta and it hissed violently at the pair. And then it lunged forward; slamming down onto the suddenly glowing form of Twilight.

Before her mind had even begun to process what was going on, the Toa had tensed her hind hooves and leaped in front of the massive beast; blocking the massive beast and taking the blow head-on.

Twilight knew the tremendous lava serpent was smashing down on her back with its tail, repeatedly. And she felt none of it as her mask glowed and pulsed a bright golden. She wasn’t sure how she ended up between the serpent and its Ponytoran prey, but she also didn’t care. There was just one thought on her mind:

I will not let them die!

At that moment, she didn’t care who she was, where she was, and the argument from moments ago was instantly forgotten. She just wanted to protect the two Ponytoran, and any rationale didn’t matter to her. Turning around to face the two, she spoke through gritted teeth as she tanked the massive blows.

“Get. Out. Of. Here. I’ll take care of this!”

Watching as the two galloped back down the path, Twilight turned to look at Turaga Starswirl; who had been watching the entire scene in amazement.

She seems completely different than a moment ago, look at her defending those Ponytoran; almost stoic, mature even- His thoughts were interrupted by Twilight’s angry shout.

“Hey! Turaga Somepony, that includes you! Get out of here!”

Huffing, and muttering just as angrily about the gall of the youngster, the elderly Turaga slowly made his way back down the path after the Ponytoran. Twilight sighed as she slowly turned around. I can’t remember who I am, I have no clue where I am, I had to put up with an old geezer telling me…something, that I couldn’t understand…And-

“-Now I’m dealing with you. Alright then. Let’s go, slithers! You and me!”

Twilight slammed her hooves down under the relentless barrage and rose up to her full height. Her face beneath her mask had a grim smile on it as she felt her body burn with excitement.

“I don’t know who I am, but you picked the wrong day to mess with me!”

Her entire body erupted into flames and she pulled back her hoof, as the massive serpent reared back to its full massive height and prepared for another strike. Twilight’s horn glowed her sword of flames returned to her hoof. The beast lunged at her, as Twilight leaped at it, brandishing her blade with a yell.

The two collided in midair and Twilight was knocked to the ground, her blade extinguished on contact with the serpent. Stunned by the blow, she stared at the lava serpent as she angrily struggled to her hooves.

“Urgh, you’re stronger than you look, I’ll give you that.”


Laying on the hardened lava, Twilight groaned. Her biomechanical components sparked and crackled, as she lay there exhausted. Repeatedly, she had tried to charge the strange beast, only to end up hurled back down onto the unyielding lava rock. She wasn’t sure just how much longer she could keep fighting, and the beast’s power showed no signs of weakening.

Is this how it ends for me? My flame extinguished? My strength comes to naught, and nopony to care? Twilight gave a grim chuckle, thinking about what the elder stallion had said. Some Toa I am. I couldn’t even defeat one foe…I guess I’m no hero after all. Sorry, old-timer.

Closing her eyes as the serpent prepared for its next strike, Twilight lay still and prepared for the end. I have nothing left to give.

“Don’t give up!”

Old Stallion? Opening her eyes, she turned her head to stare at Turaga Starswirl; who suddenly seemed to stand a bit taller. The Turaga had snuck back to watch the fight from behind a boulder.

“On your hooves, Toa! Fire never surrenders! Fire finds a way!”

Was it a trick of the glow of the lava? Twilight could have sworn the elder’s shadow stood as tall as her; standing fully erect, and commanding. Twilight felt a sudden burst of energy welling within her. She felt reinvigorated.

“If your way is blocked, burn through! If you can’t, go over, go under, go around. But fire never gives up!”

She laughed, as she lifted her hoof and slammed it down, using it to rise off the rocky ground.

“Now, you’re speaking my language!”

Now standing tall once more, she stared at the massive beast. It seemed to be waiting, or perhaps it was just surprised she was on her hooves once more. She felt her anger rising within her once more, but rather than charge impetuously, she instead began thinking about her situation.

My fire keeps going out every time I make contact. My strength alone can’t break through those strange, black flames. I can’t help but think there’s more to this fight than meets the eye, but I’m not sure what to do.

From behind the boulder, the Turaga shouted out.

“You have to use your head. Does anything seem out of place?”

Twilight blinked. Out of place? Staring fiercely at the towering serpent before her, Twilight grimaced. Yeah, there’s a giant snake in lava trying to destroy me. Of course, there’s something out of- That’s when she noticed it.

It was easy to miss at first, but there, nestled in the middle of the gargantuan creature’s massive eyes, was a strange-looking mask. It was a sickly grey, and appeared to resemble the one she herself wore; if it were it poisoned or corroded. And it seemed to be emitting the black flames. What in the-

“Hey, Turaga, What’s with that weird mask? It almost looks like mine!”

“It’s an infected Kanohi Mask!”

Kanohi…Mask? I know those words…

“That’s what Nightmare uses to control her Shadows!”


Twilight’s eyes grew wide. The world suddenly grew dark as she was afflicted by a massive throbbing headache. She let out a scream, as the shadows closed in and a vision played out in her mind.


A massive pair of Seafoam Green eyes floated before her in the darkened cavern. Twilight heard a cackling, maniacal laughter as the air crackled with energy. A silky, malicious voice came from the darkness, and a claw of pure shadow magic the size of her body gestured tauntingly towards her.

“Come to me, Toa.”


The world flashed back into focus, and there she stood once more on the banks of a lava flow; staring up at the mask. What was that? No time. Focus! She heard Turaga Starswirl shout at her.

“You need to remove that mask!”

Twilight’s body sparked and shuddered as she reared back onto her hind hooves and closed her eyes. Fine, old stallion, you seem to be far more knowledgable about this thing, than I am. I have enough left in me, for one last strike. We’ll use your plan of attack.

Her body erupted in a firestorm of flame, once more. Launching herself from the ground, she extended her forehooves and focused; the fire on her body twisting and writhing as it was concentrated into a single fireball on each hoof. I’ll trust you.

Flying straight towards the beast, her eyes flew open.

The fireballs on her hooves grew and extended to form crimson claws of flame, reaching for the infected mask and grasping it in the flames. Planting her hind hooves squarely in the black flames she roared out.

“My name is Toa Twilight, and your mask is mine, beast!”

As the black flames licked at her hooves, Twilight pushed off with everything she had, flipping backward off the beast; her claws of flame ripping away the infected Kanohi embedded within the creature’s skull.

Landing with a thud on the hardened lava, Twilight struggled to keep her footing, holding the mask up victoriously. Watching the shadowy flames fade into nothing, Twilight blinked. Before her, was a giant red and yellow biomechanical snake, that just seemed to passively hiss at her; studying her movement.

The world around her started to spin, as the snake seemingly having lost all aggression towards her, turned and slithered away through the lava flow; as though nothing had even happened. Twilight laughed as she crashed to the ground, the world going dark once more; the corrupted mask in her hooves dissolving away into nothing.

“I told you…not to…mess…with...me…ee…e..”

And then she saw nothing more.


Twilight’s eyes shot open, as the sound of a crackling campfire reached her ears. She lifted a hoof to the side of the mask that covered her face, as she looked around. Urgh, my aching head. Where am I?

The walls of the small enclosure were composed of igneous rock and Twilight felt a soft, cool breeze brush against her body. Glancing up, she stared into a pitch-black sky where only six stars shone brightly. The sky…it’s empty. One of those stars…It’s red like me.

Twilight didn’t know why, but seeing the red star sparkling amidst the empty sky, made her feel at ease. Lowering her head, Twilight glanced at the walls around her; suddenly noticing the firelight illuminating some strange scratchings etched into the rocks.

Crawling towards the markings, Twilight’s eyes went wide. What is this? Running her hoof against the scratches, Twilight watched in amazement as they glowed at her touch; an image of a massive serpent in lava fighting…No way…Her. It’s me, that armor that sword, those flames. That is me, but how is this possible?

“Oh, you’re awake. I’ll go get the Turaga.”

Turning, towards the voice, Twilight found herself staring at a Ponytoran, with a light blue mask and a red body, light blue hooves as well as a dark blue mane and tail Addressing the smaller being, Twilight gestured at the mare.

“Wait a moment, you’re the one from the lake of lava…Are you okay?”

The Ponytoran had been turning to go when Twilight had called out to her. Stopping, she turned back to Twilight and her brilliant yellow eyes stared intensely at the Toa for a moment.

“Yes, thanks to yo-”

A rather irritated-looking Ponytoran peered into the domicile and shouted at the other. This one had a golden yellow mask, and a red body, with a glowing yellow mane and tail, and golden hooves. Her eyes were a shining ruby in color.

“Hey, Kohli-head, why aren’t you on watch?”

Looking sheepishly at the imposing Ponytoran, the first winced.

“Sorry, Starlight. I was just talking t-”

“Do you want to end up Nightmare-bones, like the rest, Sunset? We need to stay vigilant against Shadow attacks! Now get on patrol.”

Sunset rushed from the structure, as Twilight turned to speak to Starlight.

“I was talking to her.”

As though noticing Twilight for the first time, Starlight gave a small bow. Her voice was commanding and determined.

“Forgive my rudeness, Toa. I am Captain of the Guard of Magi-Koro, Starlight, at your service. I’m afraid I don’t have time to banter with you, but I would like to say-”

Looking jaded for just a moment, Starlight finished her words.

“Thank you, for saving us earlier. I have to get back on patrol. I shall alert the Turaga of your awakening.”

Before Twilight could even blink, Starlight had already gone, leaving her alone once more. Twilight blinked before turning back to the glowing carvings, her eyes widening as the glow grew brighter and brighter until she couldn’t see anything.


“W-who are you?”

Standing before Twilight in a room as bright as the sun, itself, stood an entity that shined even brighter. A pure white Pony, with white armor, a multi-hued pink, blue and green mane, and tail, stood. It was a mare with two fully flared wings and a mask of white that boasted a unicorn’s horn. The eyes burned with a fierce, yet somehow soothing, amethyst glow as it stared down at her from its gargantuan stature. The mare only smiled down at her.

Twilight was in utter shock; the being before her stood about the same height as that of the dark being she had seen earlier. However, the mare didn’t say a word, instead, it slowly raised a golden hoof and pointed it at her, before moving it to point beside her.

Following the hoof with her eyes, Twilight watched five figures, much like herself, materialize. Though she couldn’t really make them out, she could tell they were all Ponies, like her and each had on their own style of armor and carried a unique different weapon. Their bodies and masks, however, remain completely blurred to her. Turning back to the Great Being, Twilight asked.

“Are you telling me to find them?”

The massive Alicorn before her, gave the slightest inclination with her head before her eyes glowed fiercely.

“But who are they? How can I find them?”

The Alicorn simply smiled down at her, her horn glowing brightly, and Twilight’s vision was shrouded in a flash of bright light once more.


Blinking, Twilight found herself sitting on the stone floor, watching as the glow slowly receded into the carvings on the wall, once more. Who was tha-

“Toa, I’m glad to see you are awake.”

Quick as a flash, Twilight flung out her forehoof and a blade of pure fire found itself against the speaker’s throat. Initially startled by the sudden motion, Turaga Starswirl gave a chuckle.

Snorting, Twilight slowly turned around, the blade extinguishing itself as she did so.

“Hmph. It’s you again. What do you want, Turaga?”

“Quick to anger, aren’t you?”

“What do you know about me?”

“More than you, young firestarter.”

Glaring at the smiling Turaga, Twilight gave a light chuckle. Her shoulders relaxed and her eyes softened.

“Well, I suppose you’ve got me there.”

Tossing her head back, she let out a sigh of annoyance.

“It’s just so frustrating! Why can’t I remember who I am? And who were those two beings I saw, earlier? I have so many questions, yet, no idea how to even begin answering them. I opened my eyes, and I was stranded here, and where exactly is here? Some volcano or something? I don’t even know!”

“Hm, I see. And what would you do if you did?”

Twilight looked confused.

“What do you mean what would I- I would… That is to say I…I would…”

Twilight looked completely destroyed.

“I don’t really know what I would do.”

Kneeling next to her, the Turaga nodded.

“You are much too impatient, eager to know everything, but unwilling to take the time to learn it. So prideful and arrogant of your power.”

Chuckling suddenly, as Twilight glared at him, Starswirl continued.

“You remind me of another from one thousand years ago. A toa like you he had no time to learn, that is, until one day he lost everything. Until he was forced to understand he couldn’t do everything alone, and neither can you; young fire spitter, as I am sure you will soon learn as well.”

“What do you mean?”

Starswirl stroked his beard.

“Here, in the village of Magi-Koro, lie the answers to any question you could ask, and some you would never think to. The village of scribes and historians, spellcasters and mages; we seek to provide and store knowledge. Though I fear, you are far too impatient to peruse our many tomes, and telling you outright would have you learn nothing. Hm, what to do?”

Seek the Red Kanohi Waiata. Twilight blinked. The Kanohi what? Waiata? What was that? A wave of nausea swept over her as a brilliant flash of light filled her vision.


Twilight blinked. Where am I? Stone beneath my hooves; a cave? Wait, do I hear water? In front of her floated a bright red mask, not unlike her own but of a very different design. The mask had a peculiar design, of a full-frontal helm, almost what one who swam in water would possess. It had a visor and a respirator of some kind. As she reached out for it, a massive roar filled the cavern and a large amphibious creature shrouded in black liquid surged towards her.

Twilight opened her mouth to scream and-


Another flash of light and she was back in the small room, breathing heavily. Turaga Starswirl looked at her in alarm.

“What is it?”

“I saw it! A mask of some kind guarded by a strange creature.”

After describing the mask and the beast of her vision, Twilight watched the eyebrows of Turaga Starswirl furrow in dismay.

“By the Great Spirit, Celestia, you have seen the Kanohi Waiata. The Great Mask of Beast Taming. In a cave you say…Hm. That creature could be none other than a Tanakava; a fierce frog-like beast that hunts along the coastal water. It would seem the Great Spirit, herself, is guiding you. You must seek this mask!”

“But why?”

“It is said each Toa possesses six Great Kanohi, and when all six are brought together a golden mask will help them light the darkness of the Nightmare’s shadow. Those masks, however, were hidden long ago by those that came before.”

“My predecessor?”

“Yes. You are not the first, as I have said, but the legends speak favorably of your chances. Whereas your predecessor failed, we all have a duty to the Great Spirit.”

“So where should I look for this mask?”

“The Tanakava is native to the coast of Celestia Nui. You should seek out a Kin-Koran, a resident of Kin-Koro, the village of water-dwellers and beast tamers. They may be able to point you in the right direction.”

Rising to her hooves, Toa Twilight grabbed up her sword of flame and began walking.

“Where are you going?”

“Where do you think? Kin-Koro!”

“But that’s the wrong way!”

Stopping, Twilight turned sheepishly to look at the Turaga.

“Erm, so which way then?”

“Well, first you need to head south out of the volcano and then…”

But he was speaking to the hot, tempered air, as Toa Twilight, in all her impulsiveness, had already started off once more; heading for the entrance of the volcano. Let that old stallion blather on, she had no time for lengthy explanations. Destiny waited for no mare, after all.