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Teyeson Bee

"Something random a day keeps the boring away." - Teyeson Bee


Anon-a-Miss has turned all of Sunset's friends against her, and Sunset is at the lowest point in her life. On the night she decides to end it all, she gets an unlikely visitor; an angel, or an angel-in-training, named Clark. Pretty soon, Sunset is whisked away on a trip to see just how much her death would impact those around her, and show her that her friendship with the Rainbooms, no matter how hard, is worth fighting for.

Loosely based on It's A Wonderful Life

Cover art by baekgup

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 54 )

Personally it sounds like once they realize how far they hurt her and they were wrong the whole time they stopped hating on her but they would kept hating her if they hadn't realized she died. They might have missed the good times but not enough to really hear her out and remember how when they were in trouble because of their fighting and the sirens she was the one who saved the day. The cmcs getting the opposite of what they wanted is a good lesson for the lesson of actions have consequences. Sunset wasn't fully forgiven until after the sirens and only twilight was the only one who didn't throw it in her face with dumb no offense comments where they give her a hard time about her stupidity and former bullying ways.

Good work so far. Really interested to see how you handle the conclusion.

Is there going to more chapters to this story


*Siy* I'm so going to keep reading but I personally hate this headcanon, it brings up too many holes like where is human sunset she would also go to cantle at high if she was the principal's daughter, also it makes princess Celestia seem crol because if she is celestia's daughter she doesn't know and clearly Celestia nose and she was so distant to her own child knowing that that distance is what caused Luna to become nightmare Moon, but yeah great story just would prefer to not have this

oh boy looks like the Rainbooms punished themselves as we saw in the flashes

You had my attention, but now you have my interest.

“No,” Twilight said, her voice now softer, but replaced with regret. “ I was the fool. The fool for thinking that humans could actually stick by their friends when times get hard. I was a fool for thinking that Sunset was safe here.” Tears now started to stream down Twilight’s cheeks as she turned away from the Rainbooms and, unintentionally, stared right into Sunset’s eyes. Sunset found herself moving closer to Twilight, and tried and failed to place a hand on her cheek to try and wipe away the tears.

HEY! Don't blame our entire race like that over from stupid teenage mistakes. Their are MANY examples of good humans that actually stick by their friends to the bitter end. You just sadly haven't met them.

Besides, pony kind AREN'T saints either. Starlight and Sunburst, Tempest Shadow and her former "friends". Starswirl and the other Pillars and Stygain. And most definitely Celestia and Luna/Nightmare Moon!

You got my attention. Keep it up

And once again Twilight storms in, throws a tempertantrum where she blames everyone else, and proves herself to be a massive hypocrite.

See, my problem with this kind of stories lies with the so called "angel". Whatever their name is in all the adaptations I've seen. Clark, in this case, never acted out of pure altruism. If getting his wings wasn't on the line, he wouldn't have given Sunset's suicide attempt a second thought. He even said something like "if you keep thinking like that, I won't get my wings!". That's called manipulation, and it's not exactly something healthy to do to a person in Sunset's mindstate.

This has nothing to do with the story itself, but the reason I hated the Anon-A-Miss comic (and why I don't normally like stories based on it) is because the Rainbooms are absolute assholes, especially in that one scene where they leave Sunset bawling her eyes out in the middle of the hallway, and YET it's on Sunset to fix their relationship. She shouldn't have been the one to try one last time there, and she shouldn't be the one to try one last time in here either. (And boy, Twilight's advice in the comic is absolute hogwash isn't it? Like, she could've offered Sunset to spend the holidays with her or something).

That said, your story, while carrying the issues I've listed above, is pretty well done. Some grammar mistakes here and there, but nothing too big. You captured their personalities pretty well (which I still can't decide whether it's a good or a bad thing). Speaking of the whole travel to the future thing, I've always liked to think it wasn't a real time travel, but an illusion. Especially with how dark things got in chapter three! Talk about escalating quickly!

Overall, I liked it, and I'll read the last chapter as soon as I see it. Although it's pretty easy to guess how it'll end, I always like me some wholesome snuggling.

Merry Christmas to you as well, Teyeson

Comment posted by Teyeson Bee deleted Dec 24th, 2021

I know what you mean about the comic. Beautiful art aside, I thought it was a very mean-spirited comic. Especially the CMC cause all of that disvord and, like you said, the girls just abandoning Sunset.

And of course there was the fact that the girls, oh I don't know, NEVER APOLOGIZED TO SUNSET IN THE END! They showed the sisters making up, why not include the girls apologizing to Sunset?

Well, seems that second chances are happening all around.

Phew, that went better than I thought it would. Cannot say the same for the cmc.

Plus the future he showed the girls never forgave sunset until they found out she was dead. They were still ready to believe right up until her death that she was guilty and even though they were going to talk with her they still believed she was guilty so the fact that the girls got the opposite of they wanted for their little stunt doesn't move me. They knew they were doing something wrong they just wanted revenge more and didn't want to care about those they hurt. The rainbooms having to realize trust and and giving someone a fair trial is important and not just because you killed your friend by throwing her away.

I am roped in on this story. I have got to see how it ends. Please keep going.

Me reading the synopsis:
"You have my interest."

Me reading the first two chapters:
"You have my attention."

Me reading THIS chap:
"You have my like."

I have liked the story so far. I
like how the characters react, both Sunset and Rainbooms, that drastic change to each event, I find it, surprisingly realistic.
"Extreme emotions lead to extreme reactions."
Define the events of this story very well.

I can't wait to see how thie ends. I am on pins and needles waiting.

This chapter managed to captivate me, The way how Sunset and The Rainbooms apologize was very profound (despite the stubbornness of AJ and RD), So I tell you that was amazing

I can't understand how could I've missed this fic. I'm such a moron!

It's brilliant and you catched the message of the movie within your story. My congratulations to you, and I can't wait to read what happens next.

I feel like the climax should have been on Christmas Day but I get it. You need time to come up with an ending.

They really didn't seem to learn anything beyond family can hurt just as well as anyone else. They were determined to believe that she was guilty and personally I am surprised that she was able to convince them when they weren't willing at any point before to listen.

Man, those anon a miss stories are getting darker

Man, I forget how evil the CMC was in the story.

“Never forget; no matter how trying, no matter how hard, and no matter how challenging, the greatest friendships are always worth fighting for.”

Indeed Clark. Sometimes things get ugly among good friendships, yet it's worth to fight for it.

I wished the students who sent their secrets to the Anon-a-Miss profile were grounded as well, but I guess they already feel guilty for assuming Sunset as the culprit. The Crusaders are now at terms with their sisters & Sunset, tough they'll have to work hard in order to re-earn their trust (that also goes for the Rainbooms towards the ex-equine).

Thank you for writing this story, and until next time! Happy Holidays!

Well, this was really interesting

I think people just want a slightly more realistic telling even if it gets a somewhat happily ever after. And real life isn't sunshine and roses as much as we want to be. Besides the original tale was weak because just gloss over all the pain that everyone but sunset caused and kids despite people wanting to protect them from the real world should understand that actions have consequences and the things that make up friendship and harmony aren't something you can pick up and put down when you feel like it.

I love the ending it was beautiful. I gave to admit that they were quick to take her side, Fluttershy especially.

This is reminding me of "A Christmas Story" except Scrooge wasn't trying to kill himself, he was just a grump until the three ghosts of Christmas showed him the wrongs of the way he was living.

I believe some people is getting tired of the 'dark fates' upon the culprits.

I don't mind some darkness considering sunset get a ton of pain and the ones who started it get off Scott free with not even a guilty conscience to show for it. It like they don't understand how much they hurt her and how bad it can get.

EQG Earth clearly doesn't have 'It's a Wonderful Life.' or Sunset just hasnn't seen it yet.

Edit: Though she does mention ringing a bell to help Clark get his wings, a concept which was first come up with in 'It's a Wonderful Life.', though there it's the angel getting it's wings is not caused by the bell, just signified.

This made the redemption and forgiveness in the end far more meaningful than the actual comic, where it was all just instantly smoothed over.

Gotta say… this is kinda gross. Sunset was effectively emotionally blackmailed into ‘wanting to live’. She’s basically doing so, not because it’s to her benefit, but because a group of asshats, who evidently only care about Sunset’s well being when it negatively impacts their lives, would be hurt should she die.

Honestly, the Rainbooms, especially the sisters, are just disgusting in this chapter. Like I said before, they only care about Sunset when it hurts them. Worse, they blame the CMC for her death. The CMC weren’t the ones to drive Sunset to kill herself, the Rainbooms did; but they foist that burden on their sisters anyway.

Everything Twilight says to them is true, whether or not Sunset dies. The ultimate consequences of your actions doesn’t change the morality of them, and the fact of the matter is that the Rainbooms drive Sunset to suicide; and it took literal divine intervention to prevent.

No matter the outcome, they did that. Those people are NOT her friends.

Yeah, no. I stand by what I said in the previous chapter. These people are not her friends, or at least not AJ and RD. Really only Shy has anything like a believable excuse, but it just makes her words all the crueler for it. The Rainbooms, especially AJ and RD, learned nothing from when they split the first time. There’s no reason to assume they will now.

i'd argue clarks logic is flawed, the CMC did this over several weeks, extreme emotion = extreme reaction doesn't work here.

11098560 Yeah, it was a bad writer who didn't understand the source material writing everyone OOC to make his half-baked plot work.

While Anon-a-miss is analogous to Gabby Gums, there the CMC only started posting mean gossip when threated by Diamond Tiara with exposure of their own secrets.

Sunset stared open-mouthed at Clark. As it turns out, she was feeling exactly all those things, right down to the last detail! If she wasn’t so angry or depressed, she would’ve thought it very impressive. If he kept this up, Sunset would soon run out of excuses as to why this man was off his rocker and would have to accept the impossibility that he might really be an angel.

I was just thinking that it might actually be easier for Sunset to accept the man at his word than any human could. After all, she was from a world where the impossible was indeed possible.

“I keep telling you, Sunset,” Clark repeated. “I’m your guardian angel. I was sent down here to talk you out of suicide and remind you of how much you’re still needed and that your friendships are worth fighting for. You didn’t listen to me the first time, so I’m showing you what your world would be like if you had killed yourself.”

Probably a good thing she didn't wish that she'd never been born. :twilightsheepish:

“I just saw a whole bunch of ambulances up the street,” she said, no trace of the usual Pinkie pep in her voice. “It looks like they’re all by the park entrance.”

This should really say emergency vehicles or Police. For a recovery, they are only going to send one ambulance.

“They were properly punished,” Clark continued. “They were given in-school suspension for the rest of their high school years, banned from all extra-curricular activities and sports, and sentenced to community service for the school. As for outside of school,” Clark sighed sorrowfully, “They were grounded until they turn 18, had their phones taken away indefinitely, forbidden from going out with friends, though not they have any friends left to hang out with, and have to be escorted home by their guardians to make sure no one from the school attacks them.” Clark paused again. “But probably the worst thing that happened was that their sisters completely cut ties with them.”

What about being arrested and charged with a crime?

Nor will her living solve anything. Sunset will just go right back to being hated. Right back to being taken for granted. Right back to having no one to turn to.

Oh, that's a whole can of worms that we don't want to open :twilightoops:

Could easily be interpreted as Sunset being an adopted daughter of Princess Celestia or at least saw her as a mother figure though, not biological.

Are you just a depressed man what we saw between her dying and her living her living is 1,000% better not only that we know that in the comic book it fixes itself eventually although the comic book isn't very good so that can be used as a basis plus we don't know what happened off screen for all we know they're going to have to work out their issues for a very long time and they may not trust each other for a time and that happens Plus this isn't a dark story there is actually a good ending to this just take the time to actually read it instead of immediately being negative and thinking what's going to happen because if you're going to do that there are plenty of other decent stories that explore that concept while exploring why we got to this moment

Gendering people, is that what we do when we don't like what someone has to say? No, not a man. Yes, I have read this and I've read the original comic. The original comic has the Rainbooms turning their back on Sunset, Sunset gets bullied, the CMC realize they went too far, confesses, everyone makes up, and then it's like nothing had happened. It's sitcom logic with no long-term aftereffects caused by people's choices. Suicide never comes up - it's a kid's comic- and no one dies. The whole point of the comic is to point out what can happen if we cyberbully someone. And what was that, oh right, I'm a depressed man because you don't like what I had to say. I've been bullied. I know what it's like, I know the damage it does. Depression? Ya, when you get bullied in school and out of school it can do that to a person. You have no idea how close I've come to calling it quits, but go on, call me names because you don't like what I said.

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