• Published 4th Jan 2022
  • 4,694 Views, 247 Comments

"Hey Twi..." - Flint-Lock

Sunset needs help...and Twilight isn't responding.

  • ...

Entry #27

Pinkie’s gone!

We were at my apartment. Just the five of us.
Five. Every time I write that, it feels wrong. We are six, we’ve always been six, but every time I say that the girls insist that there’s always been five of us. Always has been.

Anyway, we were playing some fighting games. Well, maybe “playing” is being a bit generous; it was more like “watching my character flail around drunkenly as Fluttershy waled on him”

(For the element of Kindness, she’s surprisingly good at fighters.)

Just as Fluttershy was about to finish off a combo and put the poor guy out of his misery, I was walloped by another headache. If the first one was like brain freeze, this one was like having brain freeze while having my head used as a chopping block.

When it finally faded, I shook my head and took a quick headcount, praying this was just a fluke. Fluttershy and I were on the couch. AJ and Rarity were laying on the floor. Pinkie…

I asked where Pinkie was. Everyone just looked at me. “Pinkie who?” Rarity had said.

I've spent the next few days trying to get someone, anyone to remember Pinkie. It’s no use: no one in this town remembers her; her family says they’ve never heard of her. Same with the Cakes.

Noone remembers Pinkie. Mull on that for a little while.

Also, this might just be me being paranoid, but I swear the cafeteria isn’t as full as it usually is. I’m seeing empty seats where there shouldn’t be any.