• Published 16th Mar 2024
  • 376 Views, 3 Comments

The Crimson-Red Star - Burningbloom78

A meteor crash brings a rarity the denizens of Equestria have only seen in books. And with this new arrival comes a myriad of adventures.

  • ...

Take Root

"This is so exciting!" Twilight was quite literally jumping for joy, and Flare had to hold in a burst of laughter. "A real male alicorn, from space! Not from our space, but from an entirely different one! There's life beyond our planet, beyond our own universe! Praise Aeternia!!!"

Flare Brimstone hadn't seen Twilight so happy before, and though it was warranted by a pony of her stature, she wished Twilight would calm down just a little bit. But who wouldn't be excited that aliens came from outer space?

"By the Lords, this pony's odd," Nerissa muttered, her pointed ears splaying back. "I thought Knox was too much, but this is different."

It was no surprise to anypony, Flare thought, that Nerissa hadn't liked the purple alicorn so far; she was actively baring her fangs at the princess whenever she got too close to Alex by accident on account of her unfettered excitement.

Alex, when Flare watched him interact with Twilight, was so calm and patient with her and trying to answer questions that shot from the purple pony's mouth, but since she was speaking so fast, he couldn't get a word in. She sighed. It was going to be a long night.

Shifting her gaze on Celestia and Luna, Flare saw that they were speaking to a bat pony. It was the leader of the Shadow Troop, a unit of elite guards that serve and protect Princess Celestia's life from the very shadows, accompanying her anywhere she went unless told otherwise.

Although she had never seen him before, Flare Brimstone knew the Shadow Troop leader's name, courtesy of Agni: Bay Banks. He was handsome and tall; his dark azure coat rippled with lean muscle, his grey mane flowed lazily in the breeze, and his scarlet eyes were intense.


Flare Brimstone started and turned to the voice that had frightened her, but only to relax. It was Agni. After completing a mission for Princess Celestia where they had to team up, she and Agni began to develop a close relationship. He was also a part of the Shadow Troop.

"Agni, you startled me," Flare chuckled, jabbing him playfully with a hoof before rubbing her muzzle against his neck affectionately.

"It must be my lucky night; nothing scares you," he replied warmly, giving her a small smile. He turned to where she had been looking. "Ah, I see. Bay Banks. This is your first time seeing him, right?"

Flare nodded, brushing her coat against Agni's. "He looks interesting; his eyes are quite rare, and he looks a bit different from your average pony."

Agni agreed, spreading a wing over Flare's back. "It's said his bat pony mother married a Saddle Arabian unicorn, so his features and his height are quite unique," he explained. "He may look tough to get along with, but he's polite and cordial."

"I'll take your word for it," Flare responded. She cleared her throat. "Anyway, what do you think is going to happen with Alex?"

Agni gave a light shrug and sighed. "It's all a lot to take in," he admitted, resting his head on Flare's. "As Princess Twilight said, close examination of the meteor and the study of Alex and his guardian. Our job is to sit and watch."

Flare Brimstone twined her tail with Agni's. "At least things will get more exciting around here," she murmured. "It's been so boring lately, so I greatly welcome the change."

Before Agni could answer, his superior, Bay Banks, approached him. "Agni, Princess Celestia wants to have a word with you, so I suggest you get a move on," he ordered. "Now."

Agni bowed before breaking himself away from Flare. "Of course, sir," he said, saluting. He gazed longingly at her. "I'll be back."

Flare Brimstone nuzzled him again. "Go on then, soldier." She watched as Agni trotted away, leaving her with Bay Banks. She gazed at him. "Nice to finally meet you," she said.

Bay Banks nodded in assent. "I have heard a lot about you and your adventuring, and I must say that I am impressed," he complemented with a smile that showed off his white fangs. "So... Agni, huh? You both seem quite the couple; I'm jealous."

Flare Brimstone blushed internally. She and Agni weren't each other's special somepony, but she had to admit that they both acted like it. Ever since the mission they did together for Princess Celestia, they've spent as much time as they could without their work getting in the way. They weren't a couple. Not yet.

"That's good, for Agni, I mean," Bay Banks said.

Flare was confused. "What do you mean?"

Bay Banks guided Flare's attention to Agni speaking with Princess Celestia. "He's a little different, more cheerful and less uptight," he said, turning his scarlet gaze on Flare. "He actually smiles. I don't know how you were able to break through that stone skin of his but keep it up. You're good for him."

Flare was taken slightly aback by Bay Banks' praise. "Uh, thanks," she responded, feeling somewhat awkward. It was nice that she was in the good graces of Agni's boss.

"I need to rally the rest of the Shadow Troop," Bay said, gesturing with a hoof at the Everfree Forest tree line. Flare saw glittering eyes amongst the trees. "Princess Luna has a request for us, so when Agni comes back, tell him to convene at the tree line with everypony else, will you?"

Flare Brimstone nodded. "O-of course I will," she promised.

Bay Banks jabbed Flare's side lightly with his wing. "Thanks," he said, trotting off. "We'll meet each other again in the future, Ms. Brimstone!"

"I guess we will," Flare muttered, shifting her pink gaze on Alex, Twilight, and Nerissa. She trotted over to them. "What's going on?"

"Ahh, Flare Brimstone." Alex sounded pleased. He craned his neck toward her. "Princess Twilight-"

"Has been harrying him with so many bloated questions, he can't get a word in to respond," said Nerissa, a scowl stretching across her dark visage.

Flare sighed inwardly and gazed at Twilight: there was a quill and tons of parchment in her magic, and she was vibrating with joy despite Nerissa's harsh comments. She had to admit that the bookworm wasn't going to get anything productive done if she continued to ramble, so Flare thought of a compromise.

"Princess Twilight," Flare said, raising her voice. "Twilight, perhaps I could help with the questioning!" She saw Twilight's ears twitch and the purple alicorn peered at her with sparkling eyes.

"Oh, Flare! Look at this list!"

Flare backed away, but Twilight's list smacked her right in the face and all she could see was erratically written questions that seemed too hard for her to read properly. Before she could say anything, the parchment suddenly poofed in a purple flash, dazing Flare's eyes.

"I, uh... I think I can help," the bat pony said, rubbing her eyes. "What's the first thing you want to know?"

"The presence!" Twilight replied almost immediately. "Can't you feel it? It's warm but also cold at the same time. It's not even magic! I don't know what it is!"

"That was aura you were feeling," Nerissa answered, her eyes narrowed in agitation. "Mine and my master's."

"What...is that?" Twilight asked, spawning her quill and parchment again.

"Aura is a type of energy we can emit, and this energy can affect creatures in certain ways," Nerissa explained. "To ponies, my master gives off a soothing, warm atmosphere. It can pacify creatures and helps to discourage violence, but you must've felt something else, Flare Brimstone, when you got too close to him."

Flare tilted her head. She remembered the intensity of Alex's aura, but she was caught off guard, and when she was able to steel herself, his aura had lessened immensely, though it was still there. And Nerissa was right, there had been something else. It was similar to Princess Celestia and Luna in an odd kind of way, except Alex and Nerissa didn't need to use magic.

"I felt...heavy," she murmured, her eyes narrowing as she tried to explain. "There was this weight bearing down on me, but I had hardly noticed it."

"That's the pressure," Nerissa told her. "It's a sudden change in gravity, to make it a little denser and harder to move around. You'll get used to it if you're planning on being around my master long enough."

"But what about you?" Flare asked. She had felt two presences.

Nerissa gave a dry chuckle. "I don't have the pressure, just the aura," she answered with a shrug. "The pressure is something my master has. My aura makes you wary; it lets you know that I'm dangerous and that you should keep your distance. Once I see that any of you or your race isn't a threat to my master, I will turn it off."

"You can just turn something like that off whenever you feel like it?" Twilight Sparkle asked, the quill in her magic scribbling madly on the parchment.

"Of course," Nerissa responded with a scoff, glaring at the purple pony princess. "What's the use of a power I was born with if I can't properly control it? Anyway," she added after a moment's silence, "what else do you want to know?"

"There's another thing," Flare said. Nerissa glanced at her, the agitated look on her face lessening. "The first time I tried to speak to Alex, I had felt...stuck, like I was rooted to the ground. What was that all about?"

"Oh. That." Nerissa sounded uninterested, but she went on. "I did that."

"What did you do to me?"

"I seized your shadow," Nerissa said simply.

"You...seized my shadow?" Flare asked in awed puzzlement. She tried to ignore the mad scribbling coming from Twilight's quill. "How did you do that?! That's so cool!"

Nerissa was taken aback slightly, and her dark face grew a bit red. "Your shadow is connected to you whether or not you can see it, it is always with you," she answered promptly, settling herself. "My race are called Dark Residents, creatures born in darkness. We live on one of the corners of our world where light doesn't shine. We were given the power to manipulate shadows and control darkness.

"I used my power to seize your shadow when I believed you to be a threat to my master. Since your shadow is connected to you and goes wherever you go, if I took control of it, I could control you."

Flare stared speechless at Nerissa, who stared unblinkingly back. "That's beyond cool, but I'm glad you only made me freeze," she said finally, chuckling a bit. "I would like to see a demonstration of that again on something that isn't me, but I have another question."

Nerissa softened the glare in her eyes, beginning to look relaxed. "What is it?"

"How did you and Alex meet?"

Nerissa smiled at that. "I met my master at a young age, when the Lordress visited my village," she said, looking up into the dark sky fondly. "My kind are warriors, and I was a promising addition. The Lordress wanted me to guard Alex's life. It was an honor to have one of the creators show up at my village, and even more so to be given the chance to safeguard a life as precious as Alex's.

"When I agreed to become his guardian, I was taken to a celestial tower and guided to a grand library where Alex was educating himself. We introduced each other and we were always together."

"Who are the creators?" Twilight Sparkle asked, a bemused yet enchanted look on her face. "What do they do?"

The soft look in Nerissa's eyes hardened, but she glanced at her master to answer the question. Just as Alex was about to explain, Flare noticed Princess Celestia, Luna, and Agni coming up to join the group. As the princesses settled down to listen, Agni came to sit next to her.

"Bay Banks wants you to head toward the tree line with the rest of the troop," Flare informed him quietly, brushing her dark orange coat against him affectionately.

Agni leaned against her. "I will leave after Alex gives his explanation."

"The Creators are Lord Zain and Lordress Alba," Alex answered when everypony settled down. He blinked slowly before going on. "They created the universe I and Nerissa come from, and They are the ones that birthed me."

"You're the son of two gods?" Twilight murmured, her mouth widening with awe. "Holy hay, that's amazing!"

"Be quiet, he hasn't finished yet!" Nerissa spat harshly, a hint of a snarl in her throat before she forced it back. Twilight kept her mouth shut.

"Lord Zain is light incarnate and responsible for life of all creatures in my universe," Alex continued, his deep, sonorous voice captivating his audience. "Lordress Alba is where all life comes from; She is darkness incarnate. The planet They hail from is called Dawn, the cornerstone where everything started, and is Nerissa's and my home planet. Everything in the sky, in the cosmos, everything, it was Them who made it." He turned his pleasantly glowing white eyes on Celestia and Luna. "You wanted to know the second reason of why I'm here, so I will now tell you."

"When he tells you, listen to him carefully," Nerissa chimed in. "It's highly important."

"Then please go on," Princess Celestia urged.

"As you know, I am here on a personal mission to learn about your planet and the creatures that inhabit it, but I am also here because my Lords have seen that your universe is in peril," he told them, hearing the collective gasps of his audience.

"What do you mean?" Princess Luna demanded, standing up to her full height. "Our universe is in danger?!"

"Luna, calm down," Princess Celestia soothed. Flare noticed that the white alicorn was trying to keep her voice steady. This was a shock to everypony. "Let Alex explain further."

Straining to rein in her panic and shock, Princess Luna forced herself to sit back down. Celestia prompted Alex to continue with a hoof. He dipped his head.

"Your universe is in danger," he reaffirmed. "It is in an unbalanced state, and if things continue on without doing something about it, your universe will grow more and more unstable until it implodes, ceasing to exist. Your universe is young and underdeveloped, so it doesn't yet have the needs to persist on its own without assistance."

Everypony was silent. Eventually, Celestia broke it, saying, "What could you do to prevent such an event, Alex? This all seems so...out of our hooves."

"Do not worry, there is a solution," he assured her. "I was sent here because my body gives off particles of light, something your universe desperately needs to reach stabilization. To make sure this works, I must remain alive until your universe is stable enough to survive on its own."

Flare gazed around and saw the dark, apprehensive faces of her ponies. It was a lot to take in, but Alex somehow made it sound so simple, and that comforted her a little. "So, all that has to happen to avoid this event is to make sure you do not die?" Flare asked. Alex nodded.

"I am my master's guardian," Nerissa said with pride. "I will make sure that Alex doesn't die. I would give up my own life first before that happens!"

Flare Brimstone felt somewhat as safe as one could be with the looming dread of the universe imploding and killing everypony. Still, Alex and Nerissa seemed to be pretty strong if their aura and pressure was anything to go by, and there wasn't a lot of dangerous creatures that could kill a pony these days since times were peaceful. It seems that there isn't much to worry about, ironically enough.

"I understand this can be overwhelming, but I am almost finished," Alex said.

"What else do we need to know?" Luna pressed.

"I alone cannot balance your universe," he told them. "I need the aid of another, and that is Thaney."

"Who's that?" Flare Brimstone asked.

"It's my master's sister," Nerissa answered, but Flare noticed that she sounded tense.

"Where is your sister?" Luna inquired. "She hadn't arrived on the same meteor as you did."

Alex shook his head. "I do not know where she is," he admitted. "All I know is that she left Dawn just before I did, arriving the same way Nerissa and I have. It is possible she is somewhere nearby."

"Should we go looking for her?" Flare suggested.

"There is no need," Alex replied, stretching out his large crimson wings. "She gives off particles of darkness, so as long as she is here, there is no need to go searching for her."

"Before we go any further, I would like to issue a word of caution," Nerissa said. She sounded serious and even perturbed.

"What is your warning?" Princess Celestia asked. "Is there something we need to know about Thaney?"

Nerissa nodded grimly. "Though Thaney is kin of my master and may share some qualities with him, she isn't like Alex at all. If any of you come across Thaney, it is best to keep your distance," she warned them. "Thaney can be dangerous and unpredictable; she is likely to cause more harm than good." Nerissa took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Ironically enough, Thaney is under a strict edict to not cause any problems, but we do not know if she'll abide by it."

"Would she be an alicorn like Alex?" Luna asked.

"Most likely," Nerissa replied. "Thaney knows how important this is for Alex, so we can only hope that her admiration for him overshadows her penchant for causing mayhem."

"Why would Alex be something that could stop her?"

"Because Thaney loves Alex very much," Nerissa said simply. "And her...love for him may be enough to stop her from doing terrible things. Besides, there really is no use in looking for her. If she doesn't want to be found, then there is nothing we can do. So just take my words as caution."

For a moment, Celestia looked stern, an expression Flare Brimstone hardly ever saw. "We will," she uttered, standing up and shaking any grass that clung to her white coat. She had a much happier disposition. "For now, we need to study the meteor. Twilight, can you aid Mr. Akard?"

"Sure thing!" the purple alicorn chirped excitedly, making her quill and parchment disappear with her magic.

Flare had forgotten about the scientist. She looked around for the wayward stallion, spotting him next to the meteor and running his hooves down the rigid surface. He looked to be in awe, staring at the meteor with a dumbfounded expression.

As everypony began to break apart, Flare suddenly felt Agni's lips on her cheek and froze. It was soft, and it tickled a little. She gazed at him, trying hard to mask the blush threatening to appear upon her face.

His piercing orange-slitted eyes glimmered faintly in the moonlight as he rose to his hooves, gently lifting Flare to hers. "I have to go," he murmured, disappointment in his voice. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Flare was still stunned, but then came to her senses as she replied, "Okay. I'll... I'll see you soon." Just before Agni could turn away, Flare held him back. "Whatever request Princess Luna wants you and your troop to do, be careful..."

Agni stared at her silently for a moment. "It's not like you to worry," he chuckled, but then he looked more serious when he saw she wasn't joining in. "I promise I'll be careful."

Flare Brimstone gave him a brief nuzzle against his neck before he trotted away into the trees of the Everfree Forest. Letting out a sigh, she turned to Alex and Nerissa who had watched the entire exchange.

Alex tilted his head. "Who was that?"

"Agni," Flare answered, feeling a tad awkward that these aliens had watched her be intimate with him. "He's a bat pony like me, and he works with a group of other bat ponies that serve Princess Celestia."

"Are you his lover?" Nerissa ventured.

Flare shook her head, even though she felt warm inside. "We aren't special someponies yet," she told them. "But... I guess we kind of act like we are, huh?"

Nerissa nodded. "I've never been in love before, but I know it's a great experience," she said, rising from the ground with Alex. She looked at Twilight and Mr. Akard around the meteor and rolled her eyes. "I guess I have to explain a few more things. Will you be joining us?"

She glanced at Celestia and Luna speaking to one another and didn't want to disturb them. With Agni gone off with the Shadow Troop, Flare nodded and trotted with the two aliens toward Akard and Twilight Sparkle. When she got close enough to hear them fretting over the meteor, she heard Nerissa give a small snort.

"This meteor is remarkable," Akard said joyfully, his face pressed against the huge rock. "Magic doesn't work on it as you informed me, which is odd. I vividly remember studying meteorites in my lab and I was able to pick them up in my magic just fine, but this is something different."

"Even if we could pick it up with magic, it'd be too heavy," Twilight pointed out, sharing Akard's enthusiasm. "It seems to operate differently; it isn't from our space, but from another."

Akard agreed with a dip of his messy brown mane. "It seems that the meteor doesn't follow the same rules." He noticed shadows creeping over him and turned to the two aliens and Flare. "Greetings!" he announced happily, trotting up to Alex and Nerissa. "I'm Genesis Akard, head researcher and scientist of Canterlot's research facility!"

"Hello," Nerissa murmured, her ears twitching.

"We saw you appear with Princess Twilight in a purple flash," Alex commented, dipping his head in greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet you. When you appeared, you almost headed straight toward the meteor. I am glad to establish formal introductions."

Akard gave a sheepish chuckle before bowing his head. "I apologize for my brisk manner; I was just so interested in this meteor. Magic doesn't work on it at all," he said, turning his gaze to the rock. "What I know for sure that it exudes a type of energy I can't seem to identify."

"That's Enoch's energy," Nerissa said, trotting up to the meteor and placing a hoof upon it. One measly push and the rock moved. Flare, Twilight, and Mr. Akard was stunned. "He created the meteor."

"You are more than welcome to study it to your heart's content," Alex added, craning his neck down to Akard, who backed away slightly out of respect. "If you need it relocated, Nerissa can aid you."

Akard turned to the dark bat pony, his eyes shining with excitement. "Can you?! Please?!" he implored, going so far as to drop on his knees. "This could really help my research!"

Flare watched Nerissa recoil at Akard's begging and she saw that annoyed look creeping across her face. She thought the bat pony would refuse, but Nerissa had agreed to help the scientist. She probably would've said no if Alex hadn't suggested she'd help.

"I will have to leave you for a little while, and I am unsure if I can entrust any of these ponies to protect you," Nerissa said, sounding concerned. "Perhaps you could come with me?"

Alex shook his head, causing Nerissa's ears to droop. "I need to talk to the princesses and secure a place of residency for the duration of our visit," he told her, placing the tip of one wing on Nerissa's head. Flare saw how attentive and immersed the bat pony was. "These ponies are friendly and kind; I am safe here. Try not to worry too much."

Nerissa looked as if she'd argue, to find a reason why he shouldn't part from her, but instead she fervently dipped her head in obedience. She glanced at Flare, scanning her up and down as if she was trying to find any imperfections, but in the end, she looked somewhat satisfied with what she saw.

"Look after him," she told her. She then turned her attention on Mr. Akard and picked the huge rock up with her hooves. "Tell me where to go."

Stricken with awe, Mr. Akard fumbled over his words. Twilight Sparkle was speechless, and Flare Brimstone looked amazed that another pony other than herself that wasn't an alicorn had some pretty good super strength.

"We... w-we need to go to Canterlot," he stammered, clearing his throat. "It's the capital of Equestria, and the journey there isn't long. Princess Twilight, could you carry me in your magic? It would be faster if you helped."

"Of course I can," the purple alicorn said, finding her voice after Nerissa's feat of strength. Horn glowing, Mr. Akard was coated in purple and was lifted gently off the ground. "Let's get a move on; I want to know a lot about this!"

Nerissa turned her head to Alex, and Flare saw a flash of concern glistening in the bat pony's blood-red eyes. She watched her sigh, following Twilight Sparkle as the alicorn took to the sky.

Flare felt slightly weird. She was standing next to an alicorn taller than Princess Celestia, who came from a different universe. She was no stranger to monsters and the like, but never before had she encountered a cosmic being sent here on a mission to save her universe from imploding. That was a lot to take in, so she couldn't help but feel weird with this alicorn.

On the other hoof, she was positively excited. She wondered what Alex could do now that he has access to magic. When he came here, his real body had changed to suit the planet he landed on. It just so happened that he landed here, so he looks like a pony.

A sudden burst of joy filled her hooves, and she trotted in place as if she was on burning coal.

"You seem quite excited," Alex commented. Although his expression never once changed from the blank stare, Flare could tell he was happy and interested. "I must secure a home before I can start studying. I hope the two sisters will permit me so."

Flare dashed around Alex before skidding to a halt in front of him. "Don't worry big guy, Celestia and Luna will help you. They might even let you stay in the castle!"

Nodding, Alex and Flare Brimstone headed toward the two sisters, who were a little way off speaking to a few royal guards. When she and Alex approached the sisters, they greeted them warmly, Celestia especially with a heartfelt nuzzle to Flare.

"Anything the matter?" the celestial sun princess asked.

"Alex would like to know if there is a place he can stay while he and Nerissa are here," Flare answered.

Princess Luna tapped her chin. "They could stay with us at the castle, but the arrival of a male alicorn will be quite the shock to everypony."

Celestia agreed. "News of a male alicorn should be disclosed in gradual chunks," she added. A bright smile crossed her face. "There is a house in a clearing within the Everfree Forest."

"There was?" Flare was confused. Why was there a house smack-dab in the eerie forest?

"It was built on my orders by a building contractor from Trottingham named Moulder," Celestia explained, uttering a sheepish titter. "It served as a getaway home for me and my sister, but we never ended up using it. It was constructed near Fluttershy's cottage, so if you decide to live there, you'd have a neighbor."

"I see," Alex murmured, shuffling his wings slightly. "Who is this Fluttershy?"

"She's a timid, quiet and kindhearted pegasus with a love for animals," Luna said. "She has wings like us."

"Does any...pony else live around the Everfree Forest?"

Celestia nodded. "A zebra named Zecora," she answered. "She uses magic differently from us ponies. Instead of having a horn, she opts to utilize potions; it's quite interesting to learn."

"It seems I'll have a few neighbors," Alex said, his tone thoughtful. "I desire to live in the house."

Princess Celestia clopped her hooves together. "Splendid!" she exclaimed. "I am glad that the house will get some use after all. There isn't much else for us to do now, but when your guardian returns, you both can head there. Luna?"

Her younger sister stepped forward. "There is a paved path that will lead you to the house," she explained. "Do not stray from it since you are unfamiliar with the Everfree Forest. It can be a dangerous place, but the house is situated away from just about any dangers, save for a few strays."

Alex nodded in understanding. He placed his lofty wings on the celestial sisters. "I appreciate your generosity and kindness," he told them gratefully, blinking. "Thank you."

Celestia gave a small titter. "I think this can be a good start to a great relationship, don't you agree, Luna?"

Luna nodded, a tiny grin finding its way on her face. "I do, and I am glad that Equestria has a new ally and friend."

Alex tilted his head. "Friend?" he said, sounding puzzled. "We've only just met."

Flare stood beside the two sisters. "And you've already proven to be a good pony," she told him. "You're here to protect us from a threat we can't face alone. I can see that you are kind and gracious, and that is the mark of any good pony."

Alex stared at Flare Brimstone for a moment before dipping his head in assent. "Then we are friends," he said. "That is a good start to my journey." He sat down, letting the soft breeze flow through his crimson coat. "Perhaps my new friends can indulge me; I want to know about magic. It seems to be something I've never heard of before."

Celestia and Luna sat in front of him, followed by Flare Brimstone. "We have some time before we and the royal guards need to head back to the castle," she told him, her magenta eyes glimmering in the moonlight.

Luna agreed. "What do you want to learn first?"

Later on the same night...

Leaf Storm awoke, chest heaving as she drew in a desperate gasp of air, but only to cough horribly, her body racked with violent shudders. The pain around her legs had dulled to stinging aches, and the bleeding had stopped. She felt the ground, uneven and uncomfortable; a rocky surface, but to Leaf Storm, it had felt like she was back in her tent.

She blinked hard for a long moment, her eyes adjusting to the silent darkness that swamped her vision. "Where... Wh-where am I?" Her words slurred and she began to feel a wave of nausea hit her, but she held back the vomit rising from within her throat.

Taking in the cold, tasteless air to help soothe the roiling in her stomach, Leaf Storm forced herself to look around: she was deep inside a dank cave. She lay there confused for a moment, trying to remember how she came to be here, but the memory eluded her. Whatever happened, she was safe at the moment, or at least she hoped that she was.

Too weak to stay fully awake, Leaf Storm laid her head back on the ground and closed her eyes, falling into a dreamless slumber until she was reawakened by a sudden noise, forcing her head to shoot up in alarm. There, in the churning darkness, was a skulking form moving towards her with slow, deliberate steps that echoed eerily in the cave. Leaf Storm attempted to move but her body was too weak, and she winced at her injuries.

As the daunting figure loomed closer, Leaf Storm saw through terrified, squinting eyes a horn and wings. Suddenly her mind rushes back: She was being pursued by timberwolves and almost devoured by them until a pony, an alicorn, came to her aid and saved her from a gruesome death. But something from the memory warned her to be wary. There was also a sudden chill that invaded the cave. It wasn't there before, and Leaf didn't know what was going on, and all she knew is that it was getting colder and colder.

Forcing her mouth to open again, she says, "You're the alicorn that saved me, weren't you?" Her voice was strained and quivering.

The figure stopped and Leaf Storm began to smell something. It was a musty stink that pervaded the air. She froze. It smelled...of death and blood. Focusing harder, Leaf Storm saw that the shadowed alicorn had an outline of something dangling limply in her mouth, and she fought to contain a gag at the stench.

The alicorn trotted closer until she was a few hoofsteps away and dropped what she was carrying. Trembling from the ever-increasing cold, Leaf Storm could see it clearly now, and she was horrified and disgusted. What lay in front of her was a dead deer; its head was twisted at an awkward angle and its throat was torn out with ruthless abandon.

By now, Leaf Storm could see her breath billowing out in a small cloud as fear and panic began to overwhelm her. "What's going on?!" she blurted out, her voice quavering with terror and disgust. As soon as she said something, the cold presence lessened a little and her shaking reverted to a light tremor.

"You should eat," said the alicorn sweetly, the lilt of her voice hauntingly low and gentle. She craned her head forward and Leaf Storm saw the blood around the alicorn's white muzzle. "You are weak. You must eat."

Leaf couldn't move; she was afraid. This alicorn killed an innocent animal, dragged it here, and was telling her to eat it. What kind of pony would do something so heinous? Her tired eyes trailed slowly to the corpse of the deer, and she recoiled at the foul sight. Glimpsing at her savior, she noticed the alicorn tilting her head as if she was confused as to why Leaf rejected it.

The alicorn nearly touched Leaf's face and all she could smell was the stinking blood. "You should eat," she insisted in a pleasant tone, edging the corpse closer to Leaf Storm without taking her eyes off her. "It's rude to neglect such a delicious meal. You must relish it..."

This couldn't be a pony, it just couldn't. Even the most ruthless ponies had standards. Leaf Storm was struggling to find the words to express her repugnance to this killer, but she wondered if she should be careful with what she would say. If this thing, not a pony, because a pony would never do something like this, decided to kill her, there was nothing Leaf could do to defend herself. She was injured and in the presence of an alicorn. She was powerless, but she had to say something.

"I... I-I don't eat m-m-meat," she mumbled fearfully, stammering over her words like a filly. There was a sense of dread looming over her.

The alicorn stared at her with those lifeless, pale eyes. "The flesh of another does not suit your preference?" she inquired quietly, fervently washing away the blood that bathed her muzzle with ravenous licks, much to Leaf's disgust. "What do you consume, then?"

Leaf Storm took in a shuddering breath. Things were going good so far. "I eat fruits and vegetables," she answered, forcing back a wave of shudders from the alicorn's unblinking stare. "I just...don't eat meat. I don't mean to be rude..."

"Shame," the alicorn said, her voice still sickly sweet. Her gaze turned to the dead deer. "The taste of this creature is remarkable, but I understand your reluctance. It's an acquired taste." She looked back at Leaf Storm. "I will return with food you can devour. Do not move your legs too much or the wounds will split open again."

Silent, Leaf Storm watched the alicorn slink off into the darkness. Letting out a sigh of relief, Leaf backed away as careful as she could from the corpse and laid her head down to rest. She wanted to sleep for a little while to escape this cave.

When she reopened her eyes, the alicorn was looming over her and she felt the odd chill in the air again.

"I have returned," the alicorn said, gently pushing berries in front of Leaf. "These may suit you. They look similar to the ones where I come from. Go on," she urged Leaf. "Eat and regain your strength."

Leaf tentatively took a few into her mouth and chewed slowly, well aware of the alicorn watching her eat. The berries were nice and tasty, and the nourishing juices soothed her dry throat.

"They're good," she murmured. "Thank you."

"Eat until you are satisfied," the alicorn encouraged, a large smile stretching eerily across her face, unnerving Leaf Storm. "I have finished my meal." She pointed to a pool of blood and bones stripped clean of any meat. "I realized how uneasy my appearance could be when blood and viscera are around my muzzle, so I took the opportunity to devour my meal while you slept."

Well, thank Celestia for that. It was kind of her to do something like that while she was sleeping. Leaf couldn't imagine listening to the alicorn ravage the deer corpse.

After eating a few more berries, Leaf Storm fought to sit up, careful to move her legs as little as possible. She dipped her head graciously. Whatever she felt, she was thankful to be alive and well.

"You saved me from those timberwolves, brought me to a safe place to rest, and given me food. Thank you," she said. Despite the dead corpse and the odd chill that seemed to be increasing and lessening as if on a whim, Leaf Storm owed her life to this alicorn.

"I am glad to be of service," the alicorn said, though Leaf swore she sounded too pleased. "I have a few questions I would like for you to answer."

It was the least she could do. "What do you want to know?"

"What is your name?" the alicorn asked.

"Leaf Storm," Leaf answered.

"Where am I?"

That was odd, but Leaf Storm shrugged. "You are in Equestria, a land lived in by ponies, which are us," Leaf said. "We have princesses that rule over us. If you want to get specific, I couldn't tell you. I'm not familiar with this cave, although since you found berries and... a deer, we might be in a forest of some kind."

"So that is what happened," the alicorn murmured, almost too softly for Leaf to hear. "Enoch told me as such, of how things could change." She cleared her throat. "What type of pony are we?"

Now this was getting weird, Leaf thought. Doesn't the alicorn know anything? Perhaps she hit her head or something. Could explain why she was so strange.

"I'm an earth pony," Leaf answered. She pointed at her savior. "You are an alicorn, a mixture of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns; a strong but rare race often put into positions of power."

"Ah, I see," the alicorn said. She craned her neck forward and Leaf Storm could see her long, golden black-striped mane. It didn't flow with magic like the sun and moon princesses, but it was immaculate.

"What's your name?" Leaf asked.

"My name is Thaney," the alicorn answered. "I am not from around here. In fact, I am a long way from home. I came here to help."

Leaf looked confused. Help? Was there something wrong? "What do you mean?" she asked.

Thaney settled herself comfortably on the cave floor. "Listen and listen well," she murmured, her haunting voice echoing slightly around the cave. "Your world, your very universe, is in danger, and I and my brother can save you..."