• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 3,031 Views, 23 Comments

Apart - DanishDash

A thousand years ago, Princess Luna of Equestria, was banished to the moon following her Nightmare rebellion. What ponies do not know, is that she left somepony special behind, somepony, who has been sealed away for one thousand years.

  • ...


It had been several days since Star Chaser arrived in Canterlot, and just like Celestia had said, there was a lot they had to tell him. Even now it was hard to take it all in: a thousand years, locked away and asleep. The world Star knew was gone, and times had changed.

That was overwhelming enough on its own, but Star also had to spend a lot of time in bed, resting, and getting several pony doctors to examine him. While Princess Celestia had not said it outright, he could tell she was worried time might be catching up, and he suddenly dried up into a husk and died. So far, he felt fine, just as he had before he was trapped in the crystal. Celestia had even told him his aging has likely slowed down significantly. If that was true, he was going to stick around for a very long time.

The doctors were astounded to be sure, and after a lot of medical—as well as magical—exams, Star was finally allowed to leave. Only problem was, he had nowhere to go. Everything had changed, and he had no living relative he knew of. Celestia, however, arranged for him to take room in one of the palace apartments. With nowhere else to go, and of course wanting to be close to Luna, he accepted.

Star Chaser was upset, and understandably so. The world he knew was gone, and history had branded him a traitor; his name used as a warning to remind generations of young guard ponies of their duty. However, whatever he was feeling, it was nothing compared to Luna. She was destroyed and had looked so ashamed and guilty. She had visited him every day, but whenever she did so it always ended with her apologizing and crying.

He comforted her the best he could, but that just made her feel worse. Star Chaser could imagine how hard this was for her, and he understood why she felt bad. He suspected if he blamed her, yelled at her, and even told her up front he hated her, she might feel some justice had been done, and be able to move on.

But Star didn't want that, nor did he feel that way. He didn't hate her, and he didn't blame her. Of course he was upset by learning of what had happened, and that whatever he had known was gone— who wouldn't be? Even so, that didn't change his feelings for Luna, he loved her, and even a thousand years after, his heart still longed for her.

So what was to happen now?

This new Equestria was so foreign not just to him, but to her as well. Then just like that, he had an idea. Leaving his apartment, he moved down the massive hallways of Canterlot Castle. Star Chaser was still in awe every time he walked these halls, marveling at how far they had come.

He didn't have to walk far to reach Luna's apartment. The two guards outside the door stood at attention, but when he approached their wings shot out, blocking him from reaching it. Star stopped, then eyed the two guards with a raised eyebrow. While he might have been gone for a thousand years, he was still a soldier, and when all was said and done, still a captain.

The two ponies looked at one another, gulped, then lowered their wings hesitantly. Normally he wouldn't use his authority to get around the rules, especially when he technically didn't have any authority any longer. However, once a captain of the guard, always a captain of the guard. Stepping past them, Star opened the door and went inside, making sure to shut it behind him.

The apartment was dark, as the thick curtains blocked the windows, and thus the sunlight. Normally it would mean Luna was asleep, but he knew from princess Celestia that she rarely did get any rest these days. He heard hoof steps, then a small, startled gasp. Turning towards a door, Star found Luna standing there, her ears pinned down, and almost shaking.

"Star Chaser... What... How art thee?"

Star frowned, trotting closer to her. He could tell she wanted to back away, but decided to stay put. Instead, she turned her head away, her eyes refusing to meet his. "…I wanted to see you."

He reached out with his hoof, but this time she stepped back. "Don't..."

He frowned, but then moved his hoof to her cheek, gently turning her head to make her face him. Her eyes were wet, filled with guilt, and maybe even expecting he had come to tell her he blamed her. That however was not the point of his visit, instead, he gently moved forward, his lips meeting hers.

Luna shuddered, gasping at first as she did not expect him to kiss her. With little encouragement needed, Luna kissed him back. Both stepped closer to the other, their lips never parting. Once it did, their muzzles were still close, and Luna spoke in a trembling whisper. "Thee should misprise Us... Out of all ponies, thee art the one We hurt the most…"

"Hush..." Star Chaser whispered, back, giving her a peck on the lips. "Luna, I love you, my heart has, and will always belong to you." Luna let out a whimper, and Star pulled her into an embrace. "Whatever has happened cannot be changed, we can only look forward now."

They shared another quick kiss, and Luna nuzzled him. "We missed thee…"

"I missed you too..." Nuzzling her back. "So let us not be apart again." No longer caring about status, or tradition, Star Chaser knew he wanted to spend his days with Luna, and no other mare. Times had changed, and he was excited to see what it had in store for them.

Luna sighed, her tensed stance relaxing. She leaned into him, and Star held her close. "What do we do now?"

Star smiled, nibbling her ear a little. "We could travel. See what this new Equestria has to offer." She looked up at him, surprised for sure.

"Then what?"

Star kissed her again, a gentle and loving kiss, one that Luna gladly returned. When their lips parted, he leaned in for another nuzzle. "We'll figure that out, together."

Luna giggled a little, then gave a nod. "Together." Sighing, she embraced her lover, whispering a tender. "We love thee, Star…”

She smiled as he heard his response. "And I love you, Luna. Now and always, my heart belongs to you."

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this mini story! This was written in my head while I was driving my truck, and putting pallets away. I was listening to some music from a favorite singer of mine, and this song just sparked an idea. So that is how it came to be. :rainbowlaugh:

Thank you so much to Mornings Dew for helping me make it more awesome, please check her out if you have the time. She is more disciplined than me when it comes to stories, and is working on one of her own. :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 16 )

That was a nice story, a little bit of angst followed by romantic fluff for Moon Pony.

I wonder what Luna's mental state would be and how would she respond if Star Chaser had died while in the crystals (starvation, asphyxiation, shock, old age, etc).

Short and sweet. Nice.

This was amazing! Tho I am kinda sad it was so short, hope you expand on it in the future!

What a nice fic :twilightsmile:

Luna shuddered, gasping at first as she did not expect him to kiss her. With little encouragement needed, Luna kissed him back. Both stepped closer to the other, their lips never parting. Once it did, their muzzles were still close, and Luna spoke in a trembling whisper. "Thee should misprise Us... Out of all ponies, thee art the one We hurt the most…"

Um, you... kind of tried to murder Celestia.

Just sayin'.

Omg, you dumdum. XD

Yes, the royal we, but he can still say thee and all that. :ajsmug:

Ahh it's you Danish, no wonder this story has me hooked already from the first paragraph :twilightsmile:

Nicely spotted. ;)

Great history, and how romantic :heart:.

All of you should read this while listening to a romantic song, Till I met you

Oh man, I loved this!

I think it's wishful thinking to ask for some sort of sequel, but this setting has a lot of potential.

Really liked this story, for being so short it sure packs in some emotion without feeling rushed.

Thank you so much. I pretty much wrote it in my head while I worked. I listened to the song I linked, and just thought it would be an awesome mini story to do. :twilightsmile:

You're welcome!
I've always regretted my inability to speak another language. A number of my colleagues speak 4-5 languages and its very depressing.
Its also, in my opinion, an absolute nightmare to talk about "Cases" in English, a language that famously doesn't really use them. (Tolkien was notably upset with it, deciding that English as a Language had gone downhill since it had faded out of use, and included them in all his fictional languages.) I rather resent how poorly it was taught at school...

I think the thing with cases is one of the reasons its so much harder to learn another language when your first language is English, then, say, learning another of the romance languages when you already speak one. Learning French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian when you already have one is much easier).

English, technically speaking belongs to the Germanic language group. (The main ones are Dutch and German, plus the Scandanavian languages of Norwegian, Danish and Swedish), but the English Language - much like the English Culture - has absorbed so much from other cultures over the last 1000 years its practically unrecognizable, and is an unholy bastardization of at least 3 different Major languages, words and vocabulary nicked from just about every language and culture around the world. Much like its culture to be perfectly honest. I'm quite proud of it to be honest, but it makes learning a new language every difficult, and it famously disobeys its own rules.

In more consistent languages, you can just learn the basic grammatical rules, and then you're just learning the relevant words. Its like building with lego. But it is borderline impossible to learn what those rules are, because we lack the vocabulary to even conceptualize some of those rules. But like you say, even though we don't use them, officially, there must be something left over, because we can still intuit, still feel where thee or thou should go. Even though we don't use either these days.

Its really rather interesting...

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