• Member Since 21st Oct, 2020
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trying to see how many ways i can hurt applejack, apparently Ko-Fi | Pronouns


As Strawberry's condition worsens, Applejack resolves to do one last thing.

Originally written for Quills and Sofas Speedwriting’s Strawberry Sunrise contest, it has since been expanded to this.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 12 )

Exalant new chatter 10 out of 10

Ps please check out my storys

It's because all of their stories are M rated jay

oh boo i usually have mature on i guess it turned itself off

I gave you Strawberry Sunrise and this is what you do to me in return?


This was fucking heartbreaking man. Every line just pounds into your heart and by the end of the first chapter your heart is just in a million shattered pieces on the fucking floor. Then there's a second chapter that sweeps all those pieces up and then grinds them into dust. That's how hard this thing hit.

Wonderful stuff Jay, as always. Ow.

Hahah omg sorry Red :P
You can’t give me nice characters and expect me not to do something to destroy them

I’m glad you. .. . enjoyed? were pained? by this story >:) it means I'm doing my job.

thanks for the nice comment :D and I'm sorry :P

:fluttercry:💔 this was heartbreaking...

This is beautiful ly written, and absolutely heartwrenching. i know all to well the shattering grief that comes with a loss like this, having lost my father to lung cancer back near the end of last November. Seeing Aj reach closure like this gives me hope, silly as that might sound. It's a rough process for anyone, and for anyone else who might be going through similar, i wish you the best.

Hey thanks for the comment! I’m really sorry to hear that about your father. It’s definitely something really tough to go through, and I hope you’re doing well now, or at least better. I’m glad the story gave you hope, and I don’t think it’s silly. Good things come out of all sorts of places, I’m glad my story was one of em :)

I say this with as much love as possible: How dare you do this to me?! Hecc you to hecc and back! and you sent those damn onion ninjas with you! I already have a cold and you're making it worse.

Seriously though, this is fucking beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. My paternal gramma, who I was never really close to, died from COVID. She wasted away in the ICU, much like Strawberry.

She was anti-vaxx but finally agreed to getting the vaccine. She got COVID around a week before she was supposed to get the jab. Then boom! Both grandparents went to the ICU and she died the day she got the shot. The cherry on top is that they had the freaking nerve to change her cause of death to heart faliure or some shit like that. This was during the Delta wave in India. We couldn't even go visit her because my parents would be risking their visa or something. We just had some religious first year of death function which I wasn't even allowed to go to because it was that time of the month. Stupid outdated beliefs.

Grief is complex. Some don't feel anything, like me. Others bury themselves in work. Others can't get the energy to do anything.

Seeing the proposal scene, and then Strawberry dying right after, shattered my heart. Then, you had the audacity to crush those little pieces in the epilogue. This is obviously symbolic and/or metaphorical, because I would be dead if it wasn't.

Cancer's a bitch. One of my cousin's friend's mom had cancer (which was in remmision) and caught COVID, killing her. Her father also died from COVID right after. The friend had just turned 18.

My uncle died from cardiovascular disease 6 years before I was born. They found cancer after, or something like that, I don't know the details.

Cancer affects so many people in so many different ways. Some survive, some don't.

I'm gonna end this with some resources.

Cancer Organizations

Aw hell, I’m really sorry to hear that. That’s awful. It really was just a matter of bad timing I reckon. You’re right though, grief is a pretty complex thing.

And even more so complex is cancer. Sorry that you and people you know have been affected by it so much. Thanks for sharing these resources.

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