• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,279 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Vs. The Vulture & Zeena

Sonic skidded to a stop and took in a deep breath of fresh air. He then remembered the first time he fought Eggman, it was right here in Green Hill Zone. He turned around and saw his friends approaching him. Peter and Miles landed in a crouched position after letting go of their webbing. Shadow skidded to a stop and walked over to his annoying rival. Twilight and Spike landed on the checkered grass after descending from their flight.

Shadow then crossed his arms and looked over towards Sonic, "Alright, Faker. Is there an Emerald nearby?"

Sonic took out the radar and activated it. Surely enough, it picked up a signal close by.

"There sure is, Shadow."

Spike then hopped on Twilight's back, "Well, what are we waiting for?"

Sonic laughed, "I love that attitude, Spike. Alright then, gotta juice!"

Sonic then dashed forward at super speed. Everyone looked at one another before deciding to catch up to the blue blur. Peter and Miles shot a line of web at a nearby floating platform and swung further down Green Hill while Twilight took to the air with Spike on her back. Shadow hmphed and skated forward.

As Sonic ran, he saw an incoming loop de loop and smirked. He accelerated forward and ran through the loop de loop, as he exited the loop, he saw some Motobugs heading his way. He then curled into a Spin Dash and plowed right through them, releasing the animals trapped inside them.

He then saw some spikes pop out of the ground further down his path. As he approached the spikes, he jumped into the air and Air Dashed over the spikes and landed on the ground in a roll, he untucked and continued forward with a happy smile on his face.

He then approached a chasm and saw some Buzz Bombers flying over the chasm and aim their lasers at the approaching hedgehog. Sonic smiled and jumped into the air, curling into a ball and destroying one after another with multiple Homing Attacks.

He landed on the other side of the chasm and quickly turned around and Air Dashing to catch the falling Flickies that were freed by Sonic. He caught them and landed on the side of the chasm he came from. He set the Flickies down and Air Dashed again back to the other side and continued forward.

Twilight flew forward at high speeds with Spike clinging onto her for dear life. She turned her head and saw Peter parkouring off the walls and floating platforms to go faster. Peter then saw a narrow gap in between two hills and webbed zipped towards them. He then spun around, just fitting through the narrow gap and landing in a crouched position on the other side, where Twilight and Spike were waiting for him.

He looked up and smirked behind his mask, "And I thought the other 'zone' looked like something from a video game. This looks like it was ripped straight from a platformer, what with all the floating platforms and all the loop de loops."

Twilight and Spike both chuckled and laughed at Peter's quip. Twilight then decided to continue onwards with Peter swinging close behind. As Peter swung through the Zone, he saw some incoming Motobugs heading his way. He quickly glanced to Twilight and she smirked in response.

Peter let go of his webbing and rolled on the floor. He then stopped rolling and quickly shot a line of webbing at an incoming Motobug. He then swung it around in a circle before letting go of it, allowing Twilight to blast it apart with a beam of magic, releasing the Flicky caught inside of it.

Twilight then grabbed hold on the other Motobug with her magic. She then levitated it into the air, allowing Spider-Man to quickly jump up into the air and kick it back down to the ground, destroying it. As the Flicky hopped away, Peter landed on the ground in a crouched position.

Peter smirked at Twilight behind his mask, "Not bad for an EggHead."

Twilight gave the wall crawler a deadpanned look, "Hardy Har Har."

(End song)

Shadow skated through the grassy Zone, boosting through any Badnik he saw. He then jumped up into the air and boosted towards a nearby pine tree and bounced from each tree he saw, taking out the Buzz Bombers that were in his path. Shadow then used his speed to stop mid dash and stomp back down to the ground.

He then heard the faint sound of a motor, meaning that there were Motobugs approaching behind him. He then quickly turned around and fired a Chaos Spear at the approaching Badniks. The Motobugs blew up, releasing their animal captives. Shadow then turned around to see some Buzz Bombers charging up their shots.

He was about to deal with them, but he missed his chance as Miles came from out of nowhere and smashed one of the Badniks down to the ground with his Venom Punch. He then quickly turned around and hit the other Buzz Bomber with a Web Bomb, encasing the Badnik in web.

The Buzz Bomber fell to the ground, blowing up on impact. Miles turned around and gave Shadow a smug look, although the hedgehog couldn't see it due to Miles' mask.

"Should've been faster, Shadow." Miles taunted.

Shadow crossed his arms and chuckled, "Very funny." Shadow said sarcastically.

Shadow then boosted forward, leaving Miles behind.

Miles then shot some webbing and swung after the Ultimate Lifeform, "Wow, very mature." Miles muttered as he continued swinging.

Before any of them knew it, they all regrouped and approached the location of the Emerald. Sonic took out the Emerald Tracker and looked to see if they were close.

"We're close to the Emerald!" Sonic informed his friends.

Twilight smiled, "Good, one step closer to stopping our enemies."

(End song)

As they got closer, Peter and Miles' Spider Sense went through the roof, alerting them of an incoming danger.

Peter turned to Sonic, "GUYS, LOOK OUT!!!"

But before they could react, a metallic green feather hit Sonic in the chest, sending him flying backwards and rolling to a stop on the ground. Everyone stopped and turned to see Sonic getting up off of the ground.

"LOOKING FOR THIS?!" A voice suddenly asked.

They all turned around to see Vulture hovering in the air with a familiar looking gem in his hands. Suddenly, Zeena leaped down from a nearby hill and landed on the ground in front of them with a devious look on her face.

Zeena smirked, "I think they are. Too bad it's ours for the taking."

Sonic chuckled as he got back to his feet, "Hey, Zeena. How's the pedicure?"


Vulture then glanced down towards the Zeti, "And now you'll get the chance, my dear."

Peter then looked up at his enemy, "YO, ADRIAN! REMEMBER ME? IT'S SPIDER-MAN!" Peter quipped using an accent.

Vulture looked confused, "Of course I remember you, you simpleton! And I still have no idea what you're babbling on about!"

Peter sighed disappointingly and face palmed, "I don't think you'll ever get my jokes."

"Nor do I want too! Prepare for your finishing act!" Vulture exclaimed angrily as he flew backwards.

Peter, Shadow, and Twilight chased after the villain while Sonic, Spike, and Miles stayed behind to face Zeena.

Shadow, Peter, and Twilight caught up to Vulture at the edge of the hill they were standing on. Vulture growled and flew backwards away from the edge of the hill. Vulture then threw three metallic feathers at the heroes. Shadow dashed forward and kicked the projectile back at its creator, hitting Vulture.

Peter smirked and grabbed the feather with a line of web and threw it back at Vulture, angering the villain even more. Twilight grabbed the last feather with her magic and threw it back, but this time Vulture flew to the left, avoiding the projectile.

"YOU MISSED!" Vulture taunted.

Twilight smirked, confusing the villain. But he didn't have much time to think about it as he was hit in the chest by a line of web. He was then hit in the face by Peter, who Web Zipped towards the villain and socked him in the jaw. He then backflipped, kicking Vulture in the jaw in the process. Peter then swung back to the hill and landed in a crouched position.

"How many times have we got to do this, Toomes?!" Peter shouted.

"As long as it takes, boy!"

Twilight then flew forward with her forelegs outstretched, charging straight towards Vulture. She almost hit the old villain, but Toomes quickly dodged to the left and wacked Twilight with one of his giant wings, sending her tumbling through the air. She quickly recovered and glared at the villain before her.

"It is I who rule the skies, child!" Vulture exclaimed as he threw more metallic feathers at the alicorn princess.

Twilight avoided some of them, but not all of them as she was hit in the chest by one of the projectiles, which sent her tumbling through the air once more. Vulture then flew forward and grabbed Twilight with his hands and slammed her into the side of a nearby hill.

He held the alicorn by her throat and reeled back a punch, only to be interrupted by Shadow, who teleported over to them and elbowed Vulture off of Twilight. Vulture recovered and flew upwards at high speeds to try and get some distance between him and his foes.

Vulture then boosted downwards and tried to hit Shadow with one of his wings, but Shadow anticipated the attack and hit Vulture in the face with a roundhouse kick, which sent him spiraling through the air. He recovered and threw more metallic feathers at the Ultimate Lifeform.

Shadow responded by kicking the projectiles back at the villain. Vulture learned from his previous mistakes and swayed left and right to avoid the metallic feathers. Vulture then flew forward at high speeds to try and hit the hedgehog, but Shadow simply swayed out of the way using his rocket shoes.

Shadow then quickly turned around and threw multiple Chaos Spears at the villainous Vulture. Before Vulture could do anything, he was hit in the chest by the attacks and sent flying back towards the Peter, who jumped up into the air and kicked Vulture in the back of the head.

Vulture shook his head and growled angrily. He then boosted forward and grabbed Peter with his hands. He then flew all around Green Hill, slamming the wall crawler into the ground as they flew forward. Vulture then flew upwards and slammed Peter into the side of multiple hills in the Zone as they flew.

As they continued to fly, Peter punched Vulture in the face multiple times as the two flew through the air. Peter then kneed Vulture in the ribs, causing the villain to lose his grip on the hero. Peter quickly maneuvered himself onto Toomes' back and began punching him in the back of the head.

Peter then slammed his fist into the center of Vulture's wing jet back and tore out some wires, causing the wings to spark with electricity. They then began loosing altitude, Peter used this opportunity to jump off of Vulture's back, kicking the villain down to the ground in the process. Vulture crash landed on the grassy canvas of Green Hill, causing him to let go of the Chaos Emerald.

Vulture came to a stop in the trench he made when he crashed down. The Emerald rolled away from the villain, giving Peter the chance to grab it. As Peter landed, he shot a line of web at the Emerald and pulled it towards him. He caught the Emerald in his hands as Twilight and Shadow landed next to the Spider hero.

(End song)

Zeena snarled as two green energy cords appeared in both of her hands. She then leaped into the air and swung them down onto the ground, creating green shockwaves that the heroes had to jump over to avoid getting hit. Zeena landed and saw Spike flying to her left.

She smirked and grabbed Spike with her energy whip and pulled him down to the ground. She smirked, but that smirk made its way off of her face as Sonic hit her from behind with a Spin Attack. She stumbled and snarled angrily.


She was about to attack again, but she suddenly felt something stick onto her back. She couldn't even think about what it was as Miles zipped over to her and kicked her in the back, sending her to the floor.

"There, now you look better than before. Not that it was a hard thing to do." Miles quipped as he shrugged.

Zeena snarled and stood up from the ground, the energy cords disappearing. She then jumped into the air and suddenly pulled out two bombs from behind her back. She threw the bombs at Miles, who simply dodged the first bomb and used his webbing to send the bomb flying right back at the Zeti, sending her to the ground.

She punched the ground in frustration and got back up. She stomped her foot on the ground multiple times, she was having a temper tantrum. She then leaped into the air and came back down to punch the ground, causing the ground to shake violently.

She then ripped out a piece of the ground and hurled it at Sonic, who dashed forward and ducked under the piece of rubble. He then continued forward and took out her legs as he slid under her. She fell to the ground, snarling in anger. She got back up, only for Spike to appear out of nowhere and burn her hair with his fire breath.

She ran around screaming like a pig, giving Miles the opportunity to put an end to this fight. Miles grabbed her with a line of webbing and Web Zipped towards her. He then punched her in the face with a Venom Punch, sending her flying into a pine tree and ending this bout for good.

(End song)

As Zeena's head was spinning and her eyes rolling around in her eye sockets, a portal opened up beneath her and she fell through it. Sonic, Miles, and Spike all shared a fist bump, celebrating their victory. They then turned around to see Peter and the others approaching.

Sonic smiled as he saw what Peter had in his hand, "Hey, you got the Emerald."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Peter said as he tossed the Emerald to Sonic, who caught it in his hand, "Vulture's down for the count. He disappeared in a portal, what about the Zeti?"

Miles walked over and shrugged, "She went through a portal as well, although she's definitely gonna be throwing a tantrum when she wakes up."

Miles, Sonic, and Spike all laughed while the others looked confused.

Twilight stepped towards Sonic, "Okay, that's one Emerald down, only six to go."

Shadow then began walking away, "Then it's best if we get a move on. The longer we wait, the more time The Doctor and his allies have to complete whatever they're up to."

"For once, I agree with Shadow. Let's roll!" Sonic exclaimed.

Everyone nodded in agreement as Sonic pulled out the radar and began searching for a nearby signature that could be an Emerald.

What they didn't notice however, was Metallix watching them from a nearby hill. He was scanning the Emerald Tracker in Sonic's hand and downloading the schematics of the device. Once the download was complete, he took off into the sky at high speeds.

Meanwhile in Netherworld, Zeena was stamping around, screaming her head off about her ruined hair.


Eggman, Sombra, and Doc Ock were all covering their ears with their hands/hooves to block out the tantrum Zeena was having. Otto had apparently had enough as he smashed his head against the table while Sombra was rocking back and forth.

"Lord, help me." Eggman muttered.

(End song)