• Published 16th Nov 2021
  • 3,217 Views, 95 Comments

Sonic Enters A New Generation - Idiotboy24

Sonic tries to go faster than he ever has but ends up accidentally traveling to a new world and he meets new friends and enemies along the way

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The Hedgehog and the Pegasus

Location: Campsite

The thought kept coming at her for minutes if not hours on end, without giving her a break. Pipp finally gave up on trying to sleep, and walked a little bit away from the campsite unaware that someone else awoken from her hoofsteps.

Pipp continued towards the edge of the cliff near where Hitch tried to light a fire, she sat down overlooking the view of the land she had never seen in her life. Her thoughts were halted when she heard hoofsteps coming from behind, she was about to turn around until she was stopped by the voice of the figure.

“Couldn’t sleep either huh.” A male voice spoke, she turned around to see Sonic standing there looking at her with a neutral expression. “Go away, I don’t want to talk.” Pipp groaned looking away from him.

Sonic shook his head in response and walked closer. “Look, if there’s a problem I can help you. You just need to be open about it.” Sonic explained with sympathy.

Pipp turned her head back towards him before sighing. “Fine.” Sonic walked a little bit more until he was right next to her and sat down. “So why are you upset.” Pipp looked away from him not sure what to say.

“It’s just that I feel like I was a Jerk.” Pipp responded in an upset tone. “What do you mean?” Sonic asked confused.

“You see ever since I was little, I was never really into anything like sports or figuring out flight. Because my mom kept on trying to teach me about how I should never trust Earth Ponies, or Unicorns along with the faking our flight. And it took up so much of my early life that I lost my true self and ended up being one note.”

Sonic started feeling more sympathetic for the Pegasus with every word she said, taking the full weight of it all.

“It also made me a big jerk to Zipp who I do love as a sister, but due to how I was suppose to act I treated her and everypony else horribly. What kind of Pegasus does that make me… The only reason the Pipsqueaks even care for me is because I’m a royal… a Lousy, Worthless, Mistake of a Royal!” Pipp weeped, Tears spilling from her eyes.

Sonic was left in pure shock, she had been like this for so long holding in her emotions, and it was all because of the ponies becoming divided. Sonic took a deep breath before tapping Pipp on the shoulder.

“Pipp… look at me.” The Pegasus turned toward the Blue Hedgehog only to be engulfed by a hug.

“Don’t ever say that about yourself. It’s not your fault or even your mom’s, she only taught you those things cause her parents did the same, and also the fact she wanted to protect you. I might not be the best with family relationships, but there is always a chance to fix the mistakes you made… Even when it seems impossible.”

Pipp was taken aback from everything that had just happened. She had just been hugged by somepony who she knew little to nothing about and more specifically somepony she had been rude to ever since they met, yet he was here helping her.

Her face transformed from being shocked to being happy as she lifted her hooves and embraced the hedgehog as well. Tears continued to fall from her eyes but not nearly as much as before. “I’m sorry Sonic, for being a jerk to you.”

“No I should be the one apologising, because I accidentally ruined both yours and Zipps lives in Zephyr Heights, I needed to cause a distraction and I flipped the lever and it caused you to fly around like that.” Sonic admitted making Pipp gasp a bit before she put a hoof on his back.

“Hey. You didn’t mean to do it, we all do something we didn’t mean to do at some point one way or another.” Pipp assured causing the Blue Hedgehog to smile, they both sat in silence for a while before Pipp broke it.

“Was what you said before true? With the y’know Genies in magic books and saving Aliens?” Pipp asked with curiosity filling her head. Sonic nodded in response looking up at the moon that was shining brightly.

“You wouldn’t believe half the stuff My friends and I have done. Just so we could stop a guy who looks like an egg.” Sonic spoke while chuckling. Pipp smiled brightly having her fears and tears put to rest.

“Look, if you need help with anything that’s troubling you just let me know, and I’ll arrive in a flash.” Sonic requested, to which Pipp nodded. After a few more minutes of sitting in silence, they finally headed back to camp and began laying down, getting into comfortable positions.

Pipp had one last question to ask Sonic for the night. “Hey, who was this Shadz you mentioned earlier?” Sonic sat up and reminisced his past. “Well in short terms let’s just say he’s me but edgy.” Sonic whispered getting a giggle from Pipp.

“We better get some sleep, big day tomorrow. Night Pipp.” Sonic spoke quietly before closing his eyes. Pipp smiled to herself before resting herself on the ground. “Night Sonic.” She responded.

After a few minutes both of them were asleep snoring softly. Unaware that Zipp had woken up from their conversation, she found herself in disbelief of what just happened. But she knew that she couldn’t think about it right now, Eventually she fell asleep into the night as well, with one last thought appearing before everything went black. ‘Glad that those two made up, I believe I’ll have to as well soon enough.’

Author's Note:

Hopefully this wasn’t a bad chapter but who even cares.

Anyway a much shorter chapter, but one that focuses on giving Pipp more development. Unlike the movie that makes her pretty much useless after they leave Zephyr Heights. So there is my reason for making this chapter.

Next time we’re entering Bridlewood, so stay tuned, for that.

Also question that I would like to be answered by you guys. If Sonic was to have a relationship with Sunny, Izzy, Zipp or Pipp who would you think work the best.