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Revel Montaro


This story is a sequel to Gods and Monsters

Sunset Shimmer, daughter to Princess Celestia has returned to Equestria from the other side of the Lunar Lock Mirror to spend 30 moons with her family and friends. One year into the current cycle Sunset has become depressed and short tempered with frustration, missing her wife and is in need of time away from Canterlot.

To change things up as well and fulfil the promise she made to spend more time with her mother the two head out to a white sandy beach island. However, there are strange things going on. There is a great unease about, the locals are moving about like lost castaways, and the hotel's owner/operator seems to be in on whatever foulness is about.

Can the two resolve the mystery of Pelican Island and have a good time doing it or will they just become the latest victims of the 'curse?'

Takes place during the time gap of Chapter 2 of Gods and Monsters.

Sex tag for adult topics and conversations.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 75 )

Are you the one who made the cover art?

All of them except Tippy Toes which I used a screen grab and We Want to Help where I borrowed a fellow artist and cropped it.

Quality time with Sunny and Momlestia. Good times are sure to ensue.

Isa, you cannot deprive Twilight of research time, you just can't.

Some quality mother/daughter bonding time between Sunset and Momlestia, this is gonna be good and wholesome.

Also loving the story art. Celestia looks good with silver/grey hair. Poor gal's getting old.

Oh i thought its a sequel but its kind of a prequel of sorts Man I loved the old series even though it made me cry so much feels😭 I'm happy it will continue someway or another🙏🥰

Yeah, I was not sure about how to tag it. With the time gaps I have in Gods and Monsters and Incarnate it gives me an opportunity to go back and fill the gaps. Thanks for reading.

Warm and fuzzy times with Momlestia and her Little Sun. And Mena. Can't forget Mena.

The Princess of the Sun frowned, but quickly recovered. “Forgive me for being selfish, little sun. I was just thinking, would it be so wrong if you told your wife we will be gone for two weeks and you will message her when we get back? Sometimes... I see you staring longingly at the journal and it makes you so remarkably sad. It aches my heart wishing she was here with you or that there was a way the two of you could see and hear one another.”

Considering Celestia usually only sees Sunset every 30 moons, and only for 3 days, I don't blame her for wanting some long term one-on-one alone time with the focus on mother-daughter bonding time.

"Here, Here!" cried Luna who raised her large coffee mug before returning to her breakfast/dinner.

Luna snorted. “Thou art no fun.”

Oh, I love Luna.

“I may not look it, but yeah, I am looking forward to getting out of the lion’s den for a bit. As much as I love my music room and working with you in the lab, I could use some time away from it and all the nobles ambushing me with their messengers and servants inviting me to this soirée or that cocktail party. ‘Oh, Miss Shimmer, we’re so glad you are here! Now, stand next to my son who is single and barely out of colthood while enduring his bad flirting and overused cologne. Oh, and let me try and sell you on this idea you can pass along to the princess’ or something to that extent.”

Considering she's over a century old (and married), this would be quite awkward...

Celestia giggled again, adding a little extra sashay to her hips. It had been ages since she had actually felt 'attractive' even if it was all for fun. And Celestia had to admit, profoundly, as she walked along side her daughter that she was absolutely having fun. “As well he should. I do still have the rump of a goddess, after all.”

I always find it interesting people give Celestia a rather... generous figure.

In Celestia's case think of it like meeting a pro athlete especially a basketball or hockey player. They are human like us but freaking huge. Many find those sort of feature attractive even if the persons themselves think they are not. Self flattery helps.

And I'm sure, despite a possible alicorn metabolism, that her cake-eating sweet tooth wouldn't contribute to her figure :trollestia:.

Sunny and Momlestia continue to be wonderful and wholesome. Makes what we know will happen down the line even sadder.

I know, I feel the same way which was why I wanted to write this before I moved on to the conclusion of this universe. A thank you to her and to make her more than a plot device.

Darn it sunbutts, you could've just chosen a different island. Well, guess you're going to get yourselves some adventure. And hopefully not get your tour-guide killed.

At lest it wasn't a three hour tour, so they should be ok.

I do wonder if this is going to be the Equestrian equivalent of the island Sunset found that portal on in the human world. If so, I doubt this one is going to connect to something as benign as Sunset's normal dimension.

Hehehehe. Sunbutts. I'm so mature.
I actually wondered who would/wouldn't get the Gilligan's Island reference.

Well, that's a serious problem. Hopefully the two suns can figure it out.

Well, these ponies are very clearly complete idiots. I mean, seriously, trying to sneak into a room where one of Equestria's physical goddesses is sleeping? Wow. They've clearly been inhaling the paint thinner.

Yeeeah, she proves how stupid they are in the next chapter.

D'aww! Mother-daughter snuggles:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Um…” Celestia shifted a bit, rubbing one foreleg onto the other, eyes finding something interesting in the dusty corner. That was not the reaction Sunset was expecting and now had a bit more burning curiosity. “You will not be able to replicate it at this time… or at all unless you… um… I would prefer to discuss this some other time. Would you like a coffee? I think I would like a coffee right now. I’m going to go make us coffee.”

Momlestia, what, or who, did you do?

That was satisfying. And nobody got barbecued.

LOL! Sunset Shimmer fire control. Not often but it can happen. Plus that whole we may need to question them thing. And you can bet that dragon fire conversation is not over.

Given Sunset is now just behind Celestia in terms of alicorn power levels (assuming it goes Twilight>Flurry>Celestia>Sunset>Luna>Cadance), I would assume, unlike her unicorn form, her alicorn form could overload an inhibitor ring.

Riker cursed and weighed his options. He was caught between Celestia, the alicorn of the sun and some unknown pony who appeared to be partially on fire like a dragon on the war path. He had no idea if that was just an illusion or not, but was pretty sure what Celestia was capable of. Without another moment of hesitation, the griffon dove and swung his weapon down towards Sunset. His perceived easier target. The war scythe never came close to making contact.

Oh, you feather-brained fool

You are correct and correct on the order of Alicorns power level at least as far as this universe. Any ring crafted for a unicorn would not be able to hold Sunset either. But she still would never let one touch her horn because that long standing dislike/phobia of them. Any ring touch her horn for that matter. (this will come up in conversation next story.)

The ones that Aine crafted were far more sophisticated, obviously.

i imagined riker in mid air with sunsets sword at his throat, and him peeing himself right there

Not very becoming of a pirate/slaver but, you know, flaming sword sooooo...

Yeah, based that on the size order you gave.

And yeah, y'know, uber powerful alicorn-like beings and all need more than some flimsy unicorn creation.

Yikes, Sunset, keep pushing yourself too far like that and you'll give your dear mother more
grey hair than she already has! :twilightoops:

now I'd like to know what that big octopus tastes like

And once again, Sunset pushes herself too hard. Eh, wouldn't be dear Sunny if she didn't.

In this case, like magic dirt.

Haaaaard headed. But her heart is uuusually in the right place.

“Within you?”

“Within me.”

“As in…”


“Which way in?”

“Use your imagination, my dear.”

“I’d rather not.”

Something about that exchange was funny.

And honestly, your reasoning for dragon fire mail was kinda what I was thinking, at least in terms of this universe, (though I thought it would've been directly connected to Spike, like Celestia was secretly his mother... somehow..., at least it might explain where she got his egg).

I did think about that and yes that is another unsolved mystery. I would not have made Celestia Spike's mother because he would have needed to be a kirin. Now being sent the egg for safe keeping by Ridgeline, maybe, but then she would once again be given the "bad princess for keeping secrets" award for knowing Spike's father and never telling him. So, I chose not to heap that on the old girl.

Yea, I was right. Mommy had some dragon in her. And I'm not going to go any deeper into that. (Yes, the last part was intentional.)

yeah, hence why I said "somehow"
and fair enough, poor girl doesn't deserve the hate she gets, criticism? sure, but hate? nah.

I'm kinda tardy to the party on this one as it didn't pop up in my feed. It's good to see a side story where mother and daughter are spending some much needed time together. It does make me kinda sad that Celestia never got to see her grandchildren, great-grandchildren or [insert infinite greats here]-grandchildren.

Actually, Celestia did get to see and spend some time with her granddaughters, Aurora and Sunna, but not long or often. As the children grew they became less interested in Equestria, focusing on their own lives. Eventually they stopped following Sunset to the other side or only spared an afternoon to say hello to their ageless grandmother. All the magic (Both parents remaining physically young) Mama being a pony, all of it just became too weird for them and the lives they were trying to live. Sadly, eventually the girls grew old and passed on. Celestia never formally met her great grandchildren however. By that point Sunny and Twi had already partially removed themselves from the world since they appeared younger than their own children.

hehe when i saw the title to this chapter i thought sunset might actually take that zebra to bed with her as a one night stand

Celestia felt the dam break inside her heart. HER daughter, HER little sun… had written a song about the two of them dedicated to HER and all she had tried to instill. The tears flowed freely. Celestia did not even bother to try and stop them and did not give two hoots who saw them. Sunset Shimmer, HER Sunset Shimmer was playing her heart out to give hope and entertainment to these lost and forgotten souls and it was beyond comparison how much love Celestia felt in her soul. She was the proudest mother on the face of the planet at that moment and no power in the universe was going to take that from her.

Speaking of hearts, there goes mine... :fluttercry::raritycry:
but seriously though, the end of this chapter was really sweet.
Tia's got to be less hard on herself. Just like Sunset made up for all she had done, Celestia's making up for lost time with her daughter.

Glad Sunny got to break out her singing voice. Twas a really special thing for both her and her mom, tis true.

Of course, I suspect that this calm comes before the storm.

Of course. *Wink*

Nah, not without her wife's permission. She loves Twi too much to go behind her back.

I did tear up a little during rewrite edits of this knowing what the future holds.

Ok, Weird Al AND Cheese? This one from each world, or was the Human world lucky enough to have double the fun?

I honestly just threw it in there just to see if anyone would notice. Thanks!

Yeah, especially with the last line of the paragraph I quoted.
I guess, in a way, Luna sort of got her wish in becoming the next mother figure to Sunset after Celestia passed, in keeping with her oath.

Wonder if that amulet was one of Grogar's creations. Or something worse.

Yea, that captain made my skin crawl. Glad Sunset didn't just ignite the air in his lungs. Not that he wouldn't have deserved it.

Though, a bit of advice for Sunset, for the next time she goes after a ship: if you've got the power to do so, smash the mast. Ship can't go anywhere without one of those.

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