• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
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Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?


This story is a sequel to Something New

Several months have passed since Pearl Rose became Princess Twilight's new Personal Student, and the young Pegasus couldn't be happier. Even if her teacher can be a bit quirky.

One day, while Twilight is out on princess business, Pearl stumbles across an odd book that she's never seen before. Not that unusual with the unofficial Princess of Books herself. But lies inside will open up a whole new world to Pearl.

A world on the other side of a certain mirror, and a brand new hobby that makes her usual reading look rather small by comparison.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 36 )

The plot looks good so far, hope you continue it, would love to read more of this story.

Nice start. Looking forward to reading more.

while i have not built many MG kits, i found the Astray Red Frame Kai to be an interesting challenge...and the RG Wing Gundam is exceptionally well designed, thankfully, it does not suffer Early Real Grade Syndrome...

Will keep those in mind. Still a way to go before we get to those Grades though.

i do not, however, own any Perfect Grade...want some, but i do not own...also, there P-Bandai kits to consider, not usually any better quality, but they r limited run, so desirable in that way...is she going SD? if so, the SDCS line is very good,

No SD or any of those kind of kits. As for PG and P-Bandai? Those will be a thing. Price isn't a problem. That almost $58,000 in bits is her monthly allowance, remember.

She'll eventually work out something with Sci Twi so that she knows when new stuff comes up for pre-order, and when or if she wants to get them.

ah, then perhaps a kit of a different breed? not a Grade persay, but the current jewel of my personal collection is a 1/48 scale Mega Size Zaku II...

Oh sure, it's always just one. Just one Zaku Minelayer variant. Just one GM Command type. Just one Rick Dom. That's how it always starts.

Then the next thing you know, before you even know it's happening, you've got bookshelves loaded with 50 or more Master Grade kits with saran wrap tacked up on the front facing to keep the dust off of them.

I can sympathize with Pearl's dislike of repeating her work when it comes to the limbs. I did that once with one Master Grade kit, before deciding "fuck it" and I started building both arms and legs simultaneously.

And if she thinks she's frustrated now, she should be thankful she didn't pick the Master Grade Strike Freedom Gundam. Motherfucker that was a pain.

The part about the hips/legs not supporting the weight of the psycho panels, I felt that. I felt that hard. When I got the Mark 2 versions of the MG Zaku units, the new system of joining the legs to the torso sucked. I could never get the hip pegs to go into the rubber fitting. I don't know if they were defective, or I simply didn't push hard enough, but I never could make them work. So I'd have to dremmel out the pegs and run a chopped finishing nail through so they'd have something to hold onto.

Ouch ๐Ÿ˜ž. Pearl does eventually get the Strike Freedom (it's mentioned in A Twilight Rose Love, which is a sequel to this story). Just not sure in what Grade yet.

Twilight nodded. โ€œI know, Spike. But I canโ€™t help it. This is the first time anyponyโ€™s brought something from the Human World to Equestria. Anything could happen now,โ€

I could be wrong, but didn't this whole adventure get set into motion by Spike giving Pearl a Conan book to read? Wouldn't that mean things from the human world have been brought into Equestria before?

As for her next i kit i would say she should watch the show and pick one from an era she likes.

True. Easier said than done though since Equestria doesn't have DVD tech yet. Quick fix though with an idea I have in mind for the next chapter.

The eqg girls could bring a portable dvd player over

Why is this equal parts beautiful and frustrating to read?

You tell me? Cause I don't know what you mean ๐Ÿค”.

hmmmn, ALL the G Weapons u say? that has some Kitbashing potential as all their weapon packs r interchangeable...though i do have to wonder if shes going to be looking at the straight up Aile Striker or Perfect Strike Gundam?

Makes it even better then since pony Pearl doesn't know that ๐Ÿ˜. And if she ever does get the Perfect Strike, it'll most likely be the PG one

i would suggest that she get the MG Perfect Strike, as it has all the Striker Packs worked into one, with all the relevant additional parts to make each individual Striker Pack, about the only thing it DOESNT have is the base form Armour Schneider...i would actually go Gundam EXIA from OO Gundam for PG, built in LEDs and lots of them...tricky build, very challenging, but very rewarding...wish i had a PG like that in my private collection, sadly, i do not...

another very good PG kit, the Perfect Grade Unleashed RX-78-2 Gundam...beast of a build, but VERY worth it...

Before I had the meltdown that I did with all my MG kits, I was trying to get some duplicate kits to make accurate 08th MS Team displays, which would include mixing and matching weapons amongst the Zeon suits.

Not exactly kitbashing, but minute customizations regardless.

technically, yes, its kitbashing. though i would go HG over MG for that type of a display. more cost effective as most of the kits u would be looking at getting could be considered 'army builder' kits. cheap, easy to knock together fast in a straight build, generally coming with all the weapon accessories u would need...just my personal preference,

Would need to start reading this sometime soon.

no Build series? shame, they had some nice looking variants, including one of the GM Sniper II that i particularly enjoyed building, the GM Sniper K9...

Yes. Yes, you do.

There are. But sweet God Empress Twilight, is the Build series nothing but a blatent "Buy our toys!" commercial. So much so that it makes MLP look tame by compassion ๐Ÿ˜’.

Who/what exactly is Kohaku? The boy seems so out of place in this story.

He's Valtyrian's character. This is the "human" counterpart of Forestsong from A Twilight Rose Love, which is the sequel to this story. And he's going to stop appearing in this story after this chapter.

i thought Build Divers moved away from that, and Build Divers Re:Rise moved even further...Freddy is a likeable character, if somewhat annoying at times...

MG Exia Repair 3 is my fav, just saying, but dang the hands are terrible. Anyways love this story!

quite the spread of kits...and i actually have a few of them myself. i should note though, theres TWO reasons for the F91 kits being so small, one of them is the 'in universe' reason of the 'Pocket Mobile Suit', the other is the IRL reason of plastic material being harder to come by during a time of rationing, so kits had to be made smaller...

This is very much a niche interest story.

And I am very much in that niche.

And yeah, all those stickers/decals are a bitch.

Niche on the site maybe :pinkiecrazy:.
Oh, I know the reasons for the shrinkage. In universe, though, P. Pearl doesn't know all of the things we do. Not yet anyway.

i usually dont bother with many stickers, painting looks better almost every time...i think the worst sticker offenders are SD kits though, those are almost never completely colour accurate


Well that was interesting.

It wouldn't leave me alone until I put words down on the page. So here we are. Honestly, these two universes share so much in common that it's not worth doing an AU chapter for each change.

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