• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 3,848 Views, 650 Comments

Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

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Chapter 19

In the magical land of Equestria, some things proved to be exactly as reliable as they were back on Earth. Caleb found that out to his frustration mere weeks into his new job. A meeting was arranged and he visited Canterlot that afternoon immediately after his lessons were finished.

Caleb said, “Thanks for the spare laptop, Phil. With my thumb drive backups, I’ll be up and running in no time. I’ll make sure the hard drive is wiped before getting the broken laptop back to you. It should still be under warranty.”

“You’re very welcome, Caleb. Yes, I still have all the paperwork and receipts. If you can bring it by Friday afternoon, Rosa can take you back to Best Buy. She has a history with our store’s Geek Squad and frankly, they are terrified of her.”

Caleb chuckled. “That would be worth the price of admission right there. Oh, and if Harmonic Composites is still open then, I’d be curious to see what Chipped Hoof looks like as a human.”

Phil tilted his head. “Who?”

“Charles Hoff. The guy who did a breaking and entering into Equestria and insulted the Great and Illustrious Trixie. There’s a rotating cast of changeling lookalikes of him that works at Mark’s factory.”

“Oh, him. No, he doesn’t work there. Didn’t know there was a changeling copy of him in my world. Anyway, gotta go. Yolanda and Latisha are trying their hand at Indian cooking tonight. Don’t want to be late.” Phil waved to Willow and Butterfly before trotting through the portal.

Caleb stood stock still long after the other human had left, clenching his jaw.

Willow eventually broke the silence. “Caleb? Is something wrong?”

Caleb didn’t reply but looked at the changeling who rustled her wings while looking anywhere but at him.

The human sank to one knee to get to Butterfly’s level. “Your natural form, please.” A flash of green flame later, Vectrix stood next to the man. Caleb leaned forward. “Chip said that his doppelganger was working for Mark’s company. That’s one of the few things he told me that I’m fairly confident he wasn’t exaggerating or making up on the fly.” At the changeling’s continued silence, Caleb said, “Why, exactly, was Chip lied to?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Vectrix shrugged in an unconcerned manner, but Caleb narrowed his eyes. “I don’t believe you. I can tell when you’re lying, you know.”

Willow snorted with laughter. “No way. Changelings are masters at deception.”

Caleb stood. “Not this one. At least not with me. Come on. Let’s see if Prince Mark is still in his office.” The man heard a pitiful whine behind him. Looking back, he saw Vectrix hanging his head and trudging after him.

Willow patted Vectrix on the withers. “Don’t be like that. It’s not like you’re marching to your funeral.” That just elicited a louder whine from the changeling.

Ten minutes later, they were informed that Prince Mark had finished his office hours for the day. Fortunately, there were standing orders to bring the human to Mark’s location outside of family private time. One of the Royal Guards escorted the trio to a nearby lounge where Mark, Chrysalis, and Trixie were relaxing. The two mares said nothing but turned to regard the newcomers with the same amused expression. On the changeling queen, that turned into a piercing glare at Vectrix.

The alicorn stallion stood up and walked closer. “Caleb! I’ve been hearing great things about your class. How do you like teaching now that you’ve gotten your feet wet?”

“Ah… thank you. I’m enjoying things so far, Your Highness.”

“As always, just Mark. We were about to grind up and sample a variety of this season’s first tea imports from Zebrica. Can I talk you, Willow, and Vectrix into joining us?”

“Umm… Yeah, that would be great.”

“I’m sure you have important business matters to discuss, but I don’t want that to get in the way of a relaxing evening.” Mark walked back to a low table set in the center of four sofas. Caleb saw a teapot, a small grinder, several diffusers, three cups and saucers, and four cubical boxes that he presumed contained the tea leaves.

The human sat directly across from Trixie, who levitated the three saucers away from their cups. In a flash of her magic, three more identical teacups appeared where the saucers had been. Caleb felt Willow climb up on his left while a shivering Vectrix pressed up against his right side. Glancing at Chrysalis worsened Caleb’s already sour mood. “If you don’t mind, would you ask your wife to stop scaring my Vectrix?”

Mark stopped fussing with the tea set to look over his withers. “Dear?”

Chrysalis’s mood immediately shifted to a beaming smile. “Yes, husband?”

“Please share your silent conversation with Vectrix. The rest of us don’t have the benefit of your emotion reading or knowledge of the existing orders you have imposed on him.”

The changeling queen’s eyes narrowed and flicked towards the drone. “He has shared something confidential with Caleb that has the man upset. What specific information, I do not yet know.”

Willow said, “But isn’t that exactly what you want between Companions? No secrets?”

No one spoke for a few seconds until Chrysalis broke the silence. “Nevertheless, these two are not yet bonded. Until then, my drones need to understand where their loyalties lie.”

Mark turned away from his herdmate. “So what is upsetting you, Caleb?”

“Chip Hoff was lied to. His changeling doppelganger is not working at Harmonic Composites. He’s still working at Chip’s old company, isn’t he?”

The alicorn stallion’s head snapped up. “Wait, what?”

Chrysalis shrugged. “And what of it? This does not affect you in any way.”

Caleb clenched and relaxed a fist. “I was told it was too risky for me to build a new life on Phil’s Earth. Exactly how many copies of my form are living there right now?”

The changeling queen waved a placating hoof. “Ah! I see your concern. No, I give you my word that none of my drones are disguised in your likeness.”

Mark turned to fully face his herdmate. “Sally, what’s this?”

“Were you not paying attention, husband? Our herd decided to use my drones to maintain Chipped Hoof’s presence in the human world. His crimes were not capital offenses and returning a dead body was not feasible.”

“No, I mean why isn’t he working at Harmonic Composites, as I was told?”

Chrysalis shrugged. “That was the original plan, true. However, the opportunity to gather useful intelligence from our most brazen competitor was too good to pass up.”

In the drawn-out silence, Caleb didn’t need a changeling’s senses to read Mark’s facial expression. The alicorn practically growled. “And you didn’t think this was worth mentioning to the rest of the herd.” It wasn’t a question.

“Day to day activities of the Canterlot Hive drones are my purview.”

Mark countered, “… unless they put the discovery of Equestria at too great of a risk, which this does. Your stand-ins for Charles Hoff need to resign from International Performance Products immediately.”

Chrysalis looked to the side and tapped a forehoof against her chin. “Mmmmm… no.”

The alicorn stallion blinked. “No?”

“Indeed. If you recall, dear husband, I am sworn to obey my senior herdmates, not you. I am formally calling on Lead Mare Trixie Lulamoon to resolve our dispute.” Both Mark and Chrysalis turned to look at Trixie.

Caleb stood, quickly followed by his companions. “Thank you for the hospitality. I’ve had my question answered and don’t want to intrude—”

“Please stay,” said Trixie, although the tone she used made it sound like anything but a request. Slowly, Caleb returned to his seat, followed by Willow and Vectrix.

Trixie let out a long sigh, then sat up straight and frowned. Caleb had a front-row seat to the blue mare putting on her aloof regal bearing. “One thing is for certain – Trixie won’t listen to the bickering of others until Trixie has her tea.”

Queen Chrysalis and Prince Mark worked quickly to heat the water, grind the tea, fill a diffuser, and set a cup on the table in front of their herdmate. It only took a narrowing of Trixie’s eyes to prompt the two to repeat the process for everyone else present. Chrysalis and Mark stared down at the teacups during the intervening silence.

Caleb could still feel Vectrix shivering on his right. No chance to get any information from him. The human turned to Willow on his left, opening his mouth. A hard jab in the ribs with a forehoof and a look of panic convinced the human not to try starting a conversation.

After another minute, Mark’s magic removed the diffuser from Trixie’s cup while Chrysalis lifted the cup to her senior herdmate. Trixie sipped at the tea twice before nodding her head. Mark and Chrysalis prepared the remaining cups, serving everyone present. Both leaned back in their seats, looking expectantly at Trixie.

Caleb tasted his tea and decided it was a tad bitter. A small dab of honey and a stir later fixed that, although tea had never been his favorite drink. That’s when he noticed his friends hadn’t moved. What had gotten into them? A strong nudge to each got his two friends out of their catatonia. Dutifully, both took a single swallow of their tea.

Trixie looked over her cup. “Chrysalis. List the accomplishments of your team of drones that take turns emulating Charles Hoff.”

“Yes, Lead Mare. To date, they have uncovered two spies working at Harmonic Composites. Both were terminated before they gained access to sensitive information or restricted areas of the warehouse.”

“Excuse me? Terminated?!” exclaimed Mark.

“What? No. No need for that. They were fired.”

“Trixie will inform you when it is your turn to speak, husband. Please continue, Chrysalis. What else?”

“The three lawsuits we are fighting in court all originate from the same middle manager Quincy MacMillan.”

Trixie squinted her eyes. “Why is that name familiar?”

“Charles Hoff’s boss who encouraged him to slip into our warehouse,” supplied Chrysalis.

“Ah, yes. Continue.”

“Mr. McMillan hired some… extra-legal computer consultants to infiltrate the computer system of Harmonic Composites. With the help of Rosa and a shell corporation, I hired much better ones to infiltrate theirs.” Chrysalis looked pointedly at Mark. “Without measures of this gravity, we would not know of the scope of Mr. McMillan’s activities.” The alicorn stallion ground his teeth but said nothing.

Trixie took one more sip. “And that is a complete retelling?”

“Regarding this subject matter? Yes.”

Caleb was curious what other interesting tidbits regarding changeling network activities might be happening on Phil’s Earth. It was not his place to ask though.

Trixie turned to her husband. “Prince Mark, what are your concerns? Chrysalis, please address them.”

He snorted. “Where do I start? Our changeling’s cover being blown by his parents deciding to visit where they’ve been told he is employed… or calling.”

The changeling queen said, “Social norms in that dimension make the former nearly unheard of. Because a changeling runs the front desk and telephone switchboard, the latter is not a problem.”

“If one of our changelings gets into trouble at our competitor’s company, that could jeopardize our entire operation on Earth. The U.S. government would respond to an invasion of its territory with extreme prejudice.”

“The infiltrators of the Canterlot Hive are unmatched in their skill and knowledge of the human world. The Triarchy has determined the risks we take are worth the benefits.”

Mark glared at Chrysalis. “The risks we approved did not include activities that break multiple laws. I’ve done my research. The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act makes it a felony for our changeling team to work at International Performance Products under a false identity. Add to that: corporate espionage and computer hacking. If this scandal gets pointed back to Harmonic Composites, the company would be shut down and all records seized.”

The changeling queen waved a hoof. “All records kept in that dimension are unrelated to our intelligence gathering. Only the occasional encrypted data transfer to Equestria occurs, and that is only one way.”

Mark’s response was cut off by Trixie. “Trixie has heard enough.” She slowly put the cup and saucer onto the table in front of her while everyone waited.

The blue alicorn looked at Chrysalis. “All these illegal activities stem from this one middle manager?”

“Yes, Lead Mare. Our agents have gathered proof of his culpability in both audio recordings and electronic messages.”

Mark said, “Can the audio messages be traced back to Charles Hoff being present at the time they were recorded?”

Chrysalis pursed her lips. “Possibly.”

Trixie said, “Chrysalis, you will send a copy of the electronic correspondence to the company’s president and legal counsel. Do this anonymously. If they do not take appropriate action, follow up in a week with a message that the information will be sent to that world’s legal authorities. Do so if they continue to employ this manager, although Trixie suspects that will not be necessary.”

The hive queen bowed her head. “It shall be done, Lead Mare.”

“After a month, if the company takes no further illegal action against us, Chipped Hoof will resign in a manner consistent with his temperament and immaturity.”

Trixie turned to a smiling Mark. “And you, husband, will spend the next three months becoming familiar with all aspects of changeling infiltration. This happened because you did not fulfill your obligation to stay aware of all areas of our operations in your home dimension.”

The stallion’s head jerked back. “I… yes, Trixie.”

The blue mare gave a slight smile and pointed a hoof at her teacup. Mark lifted the cup in his magic while Chrysalis poured. Trixie then took the offered cup and nodded. “You two may go. Trixie wishes to speak to these three privately.” Mark and Chrysalis bowed once more and left without a word.

As soon as the door was closed, Trixie practically collapsed, the regal stiffness leaving her body. Some of the tea sloshed out of the cup as the blue mare returned it to the table. “Oh, how Trixie hates having to do that.”

Caleb blinked. “What, exactly, Your Highness?”

She rolled her eyes. “Just Trixie right now, please. The show is over. Trixie… I apologize for the behavior of my mates.”

Willow said, “You were playing the role of the wise elder, weren’t you? Settling a dispute that the youngsters could not.”

Trixie pointed a hoof at the earth pony. “Precisely. This is one of the less pleasant tasks of becoming a lead mare. Something you should bear in mind.” She leaned back in her chair and sighed. “It should never have come to this. Chrysalis is too fond of her secrets. Add to that her impulsive nature – first to push the boundaries of her purview then to call on me to resolve the issue rather than to discuss the matter in-depth with our husband. And Mark has no business dictating how the hive drones are to be employed until he learns all of the facts.”

Caleb pursed his lips. “Actually… the thing that surprised me most was Mark’s attitude. He submitted to your ruling on the matter without comment. He fell into the role of being your subordinate naturally.” The man loomed over Willow slightly and gave her his best incisor-filled smile, causing her to lean away from him. “I hope you aren’t expecting me to capitulate to your whims, no matter what the future brings. Just not in my nature, I’m afraid.”

Trixie said, “You forget how long Mark has been a pony. He has adapted to Equestrian culture over the many years. In some ways, he is not the same person I met or married.”

Vectrix took a deep breath. Everyone waited until he spoke. “Does that… no, never mind.”

The blue mare finished his question. “Does that take away from what makes him special?” She smiled. “No, not to me. He is different, yes, but in many good ways.” She picked up her cup with a hoof and looked expectantly at Caleb.

He knew when he was being played. He growled, “Pour your own damn tea.”

Trixie laughed long and hard while Willow stared at the man in shock. Vectrix got in some giggles. His emotion reading gave him a heads-up as to what Caleb did and why.

After a while, Trixie wiped the tears from her eyes. “Oh, my goodness. Yes, I do still remember the attitude of militant independence from the early days of my time with Snark Bells. Thank you for reminding me.” She looked to the door. “In fact, I half expect him to burst in here and tell me where to ‘stick myself and my mind games’.”

The other three turned to face the door, but nothing happened.

“Hmmm…,” said the blue mare. “It seems maturity is another way my husband has changed.” She looked up. “I hope today has been educational for all three of you.”

“It certainly has been an eye-opener,” the man admitted.

Trixie stood. “Caleb Awad, the Triarchy wants you to be happy here in Equestria. Your close friends are likely the key.” The blue alicorn lifted her head, again putting on her regal airs. “I’m off to ensure my husband and junior herdmate spend ample time together to repair their relationship and mutual trust.”

Before Caleb could voice his thanks, there was an inrush of air, and Trixie was gone.

The man turned to look at his downcast changeling friend and grimaced. “Sorry about dragging you into this mess. If I’d known what would happen, I wouldn’t have come here.”

Vectrix shook his head. “It’s not your fault. I should not have needed to keep you in the dark.”

Willow said, “I don’t like the way Chrysalis plays games with people’s lives.”

The changeling replied, “The Queen always has the benefit of the Equestrian Empire in mind as she swore to do when joining Prince Mark’s herd. However, her methods are not always… appreciated.”

Caleb snorted. “That’s one way of putting it. Hopefully, Trixie sorts her out. Anyway, I don’t know about you but I’m feeling hungry. Let’s head home.”

“Perhaps I should stay in Canterlot and head back to the hive right now.”

Caleb shot a glance at Willow who shook her head. The man put a finger on Vectrix’s nose and said, “Butterfly! Now!”

The startled changeling promptly transformed into her pegasus identity. Willow put a foreleg around her withers.

“Like the man said – let’s go home.”

Butterfly giggled. “Okay! Okay! I get the hint. What would you two like for dinner tonight?”

While Caleb and Willow helped with the preparation, it was Butterfly who was truly the chef. The pegasus mare had proven herself to be an excellent cook and she regularly headed the culinary efforts at home. This night, she prepared Prench green lentil soup with quinoa and mushrooms. The protein-rich meal was both tasty and satisfying. After dinner, the man brewed coffee while the earth pony cut slices of lemon tart to round off the meal. The three settled onto the sofa, Caleb between them as usual.

“Thanks, guys,” Butterfly said. “I feel a lot better now.”

“You just needed some pleasant familiar tasks to get you back on track,” Caleb said before taking a sip of his hot coffee.

“Yeah,” Willow agreed. “Evenings wouldn’t be the same without you here with us.”

“I suppose not. I didn’t really want to go back to the hive. I only wanted to spare you my bad mood.”

The earth pony mare gave the pegasus a stern look. “You don’t want to go back to the hive at all, do you? I think it’s about time we changed that. You should start staying with us full-time.”

Butterfly’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Really?” She glanced at Caleb. “Where would I sleep?”

The man rolled his eyes. “You’ve spent weeks trying to get me used to the idea of ponies sharing their sleeping arrangements, so don’t be surprised when I say that there’s room in that herd-size bed of ours for you.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for that step, Caleb?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be. Fair warning though – you ever change into a male while in bed with me and I’ll boot you out the door without opening it first.”

Butterfly laughed long and hard, tears leaking from her eyes. “That suits me fine. I promise that I will always be a mare for you within these walls.”

“Good enough. Now, there’s just one question left to be answered,” Caleb said.

“What’s that?” the pegasus asked.

“Big spoon or little spoon?”

Caleb put his arm over Butterfly’s barrel and snuggled in close while Willow did the same behind him. The changeling had reckoned she was happy with either position but, for this first time, she wanted to be embraced by the man. He had been happy to oblige, having gotten used to doing so with the earth pony to help make her feel secure. It felt right, and now that he was sandwiched between two mares, he began to understand how Mark Wells had so readily gone native.

“What next?” he wondered.

He didn’t think he had said anything aloud but Butterfly murmured, “The best is yet to come.”

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Author's Note:

One step closer...

Much of this episode you can thank Airy Words for.

I may or may not get the next chapter out before Christmas. We'll see.