• Published 2nd Aug 2021
  • 1,932 Views, 40 Comments

I Can Still Recall - DougtheLoremaster

Addressed to what are believed to be the mysterious Bearers of Harmony are the memoirs of a Princess. What was their relationship to her? Nopony knows anymore, all that's left are the myths, the legends, and of course, Twilight's heartfelt words

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I Can Still Recall

EOF 54 ~From the Annals of Princess Twilight Sparkle~

On the outskirts of Ponyville sits a decrepit wooden house. It’s nothing fancy, just a wooden cottage, once built of fine logs, now rotting away. The hill, no longer maintained, is overgrown with weeds and brambles from the nearby encroaching Everfree Forest.

The insides have been untouched for a decade now; tables and chairs covered in dust with cobwebs within the little breakfast nook. Against the wall rests the remains of an old sofa; now just springs and wilted vinyl. All over, twigs, rotting nuts, and berries lay strewn about, with branches and hay scattered here and there; denoting the animals that once inhabited the small cottage.

How long has it been since I last saw you, sitting in the sunshine, wings spread in excitement as he held you? How long has it been since you left? My advisors keep saying to let the past go and tear down that old house, to let both your memories rest in peace. I just can’t though. I still see you as you were back then, back when we were all together.

I still see that shy, butter-colored Pegasus you used to be. Time has gone by, and the memory is still as fresh as though it was just yesterday I met you and Angel Bunny. What I wouldn’t give just to sit on a picnic blanket with you, just once more. And it’s not just you.


EOF 64 ~From the Annals of Princess Twilight Sparkle

In the middle of Ponyville, sits an old boutique. Surrounded by the shiny new apartments, and department stores, it isn’t much to look at, nowadays. The once brilliant white paint with purple trim has long since peeled and dulled. Most of the windows are boarded up, and the door nailed shut. Some windows have been broken due to the local youth daring each other to go into the old haunted dress shop, as they say.

The inside has not weathered time elegantly; spray paint graces the interior, while many of the vintage relics have been vandalized and broken. The old wooden stairway has held up remarkably well, and at the top sit two rooms. One has been ransacked beyond all recognition, but the other remains untouched; locked from the inside, courtesy of my magic.

I often sit in there, on your magically preserved bed, and think of you...of how you used to be. I can still see the proud Unicorn, who once owned this boutique. Your generous spirit, and that smile. Even now, decades later, I can see you, talking to customers, selling your couture.

Heh couture, I only know that word because of you, you know. What would you say seeing your fabled home in such disarray? I wonder sometimes, what it would be like to order a dress from you, just once more. I would gladly trade my entire kingdom, just to hear you say ‘Darling’, again.


EOF 74 ~From the Diary of Princess Twilight Sparkle~

In the sky, just off of Cloudsdale, sits a house made of clouds. It drifts lazily, just like you used to. The Wonderbolts have declared it a historical landmark, the home of a legend, they say. For the general public, it is strictly off-limits, but I know they use it to welcome their new recruits. Many nights, you can hear drunken songs and rowdy applause coming from within the lower half. Even gone, you give inspiration to others.I suppose you would want it no other way, would you?

The upper floor, however, is as untouched as the day you left. On the wall rests the magically preserved Wonderbolts recruitment poster that brought you so much joy. The rainbow overhanging the property has dulled and crumbled with age. During thunderstorms, I lay on your bed and think of all those late nights we read Daring Do tales together, snuggled under the warmth of your quilted comforter.

Even now, I can feel your warm fur against mine as I read my old Daring Do books, huddled under this old blanket. The storm outside is quite loud, though not very exciting. I keep glancing out the window hoping to see you light up the dreary storm-filled sky with a blast of your sonic rainboom, right now. How awesome would that be?


EOF 103 ~From the Royal Stationary of Princess Twilight Sparkle~

After I raise the evening sky, I like to sneak out of the castle and sit under this old tree, you know the one, Sugarcube. Sugarcube...that’s what you always called me as we stargazed together. Glancing up, in the silvery moonlight I can see the plump apples and pears, growing ever-intertwined. It’s harvest time in Equestria, and your descendants are as hard-working as ever. What would you say if you could see your old homestead, today?

Nowadays, machines pick apples. Oh, that famous Sweet Apple’s Acre Cider will make its rounds tomorrow at the running of the leaves. The citizens will swoon over the silken texture as that soothing sweetness of gala apples hits their gullets with just the hint of sour granny smith to chase it down. The machines have made harvesting a breeze. No more pained hooves, no more back-breaking. And I suppose that makes it better, but some things simply can’t be improved.

Machines can’t do that adorable little drawl you spoke with. Machines can’t spend precious moments under the stars on a blanket, with a basket of only apples, because some mare felt a picnic meant only apples. Machines can’t fill the void you left. No, machines can’t do that, can they?

Watching you, standing there filled with pride and dripping with sweat, as you brought the harvest. I miss that sight, I miss that strong orange Earthpony that would slam her well-toned hooves against the trees, causing it to rain apples. I miss my iron pony. That sensitive family-oriented mare that could bring warmth to any room. Maybe one day, you and Applebloom could introduce me to your mom and dad. I’ve always wanted to meet them. I like to imagine you are very happy together.

Once I finish penning this little letter, I’ll pin it in the usual spot...the one we used to...oh you know what I mean. Even though I know you’ll never see it, I still do it once a week. Maybe it’s silly like my advisors tell me, but to see that old stetson on your head and that sparkling smile, I would gladly give away every book in my collection.


EOF 163 ~From the Video Diary of Princess Twilight Sparkle~

At the entrance to Ponyville, sits a fancy bakery. The customers love it and it gets rave reviews on all the websites. It has all the latest gadgets and gizmos for making the best cupcakes...or so they claim. I tried them today, and I guess they were nice tasting, but the magic just wasn’t there; that magic that hasn’t been there since you left me. The new bakery’s interior is shiny and sparkly, but I can still see the old Sugarcube Corners that once proudly stood there. I can still recall that old counter and register, and you.

You with your mane and tail, fluffy, like pink bubblegum, with that bright gleaming smile. Standing there behind the counter, you would always find some way to make me smile, but that was just your way, wasn’t it? Cupcakes fresh and hot from the oven, made with love...I miss that. I miss that bubbly personality, that excitement...I miss you. Life as a royal is boring, parties just don’t pop like they used to. It was always a bit more exciting with you around, and you certainly made every party memorable.

Hey Pinkie, when we see each other again...Do you think I could finally try that chimicherrychanga you were always going on about? I keep hoping you’ll pop out of nowhere, like always, and answer me, but those days are long gone aren’t they, my party pony?


EOF 1645 ~ From the Royal Virtual Database of Princess Twilight Sparkle~

I went to the royal auction today, my therapist said maybe a new book would brighten my mood. Curse Starlight’s descendant...she knows me too well. I didn’t get a book though. No, something else caught my eye, little brother. A genuine set of Ogres and Oubliettes, series 3.5. It reminded me of you. I don’t care what my advisor says, I didn’t pay too much.

Do you remember? I guess I would have to do a perception check to know, wouldn’t I? Hey what do you know, an 18. I guess you do. For me, it’s almost impossible to forget those Saturday nights; that blacklight shining down, those smokey effects Rainbow provided with clouds. Those snacks Pinkie baked, and the music we ‘borrowed’ from Vinyl.

It’s been one year since you left. Don’t worry, your cave and treasure are just as you left...left it before you went. I go there sometimes just to...just to feel closer to you once more. I miss our talks, I miss my number one assistant. I miss...my little baby dragon.


EOF 2798 ~ From the Crystalline Neural Interface of Princess Twilight Sparkle-

Last Known Recovered Entry~

Hey girls, I know it’s been a while but I have good news. I found a promising heir to ascend the throne. I guess that means we’ll be seeing each other soon. Well, no not exactly; you see, I have more that I need to do before I join you. Even now, thousands of years after you left, my work still isn’t done. I know I said it would be soon, but don’t give up on me. I promise when we get together it'll be a reunion for the ages, but they still need me here. You know how it is. Oh, please don’t cry, when the time is right, I promise we’ll be together, forever.

Comments ( 40 )

I still see that shy, butter-colored Pegasus you used to be. Time has gone by, and the memory is still as fresh as though it was just yesterday I met you and Angel Bunny. What I wouldn’t give just to sit on a picnic blanket with you, just once more. And it’s not just

Heh couture, I only know that word because of you, you know. What would you say seeing your fabled home in such disarray? I wonder sometimes, what it would be like to order a dress from you, just once more. I would gladly trade my entire kingdom, just to hear you say ‘Darling’, again.

Even now, I can feel your warm fur against mine as I read my old Daring Do books, huddled under this old blanket. The storm outside is quite loud, though not very exciting. I keep glancing out the window hoping to see you light up the dreary storm-filled sky with a blast of your sonic rainboom, right now. How awesome would that be?

Once I finish penning this little letter, I’ll pin it in the usual spot...the one we used to...oh you know what I mean. Even though I know you’ll never see it, I still do it once a week. Maybe it’s silly like my advisors tell me, but to see that old stetson on your head and that sparkling smile, I would gladly give away every book in my collection.

Hey Pinkie, when we see each other again...Do you think I could finally try that chimicherrychanga you were always going on about? I keep hoping you’ll pop out of nowhere, like always, and answer me, but those days are long gone aren’t they, my party pony?

It’s been one year since you left. Don’t worry, your cave and treasure are just as you left...left it before you went. I go there sometimes just to...just to feel closer to you once more. I miss our talks, I miss my number one assistant. I miss...my little baby dragon.

Hey girls, I know it’s been a while but I have good news. I found a promising heir to ascend the throne. I guess that means we’ll be seeing each other soon. Well, no not exactly; you see, I have more that I need to do before I join you. Even now, thousands of years after you left, my work still isn’t done. I know I said it would be soon, but don’t give up on me. I promise when we get together it'll be a reunion for the ages, but they still need me here. You know how it is. Oh, please don’t cry, when the time is right, I promise we’ll be together, forever.

Geeeze, every entry a new blow. I cry opendly.
So beatiful writen T-T

This was very sweet yet sad, seeing all these things slowly fad is something we all go through. It’s never easy.
Think Spike’s hit me the hardest, the bond those two share was so important to them, and from the sound of it he’s only recently gone as opposed to the others

God damn, really well written and I could practically hear Twilight writing all those things.

Why do stories hurt my heart so much?

What happened with Tia and Lulu? Did they just leave Twi alone all those years and or did they "join" their loved ones as Twi did? if they did, kinda cruel, as an immortal, the only timescale that ever matters is forever, and they had each other, Twi had nopony.

I have a theory that when Twilight inherited the throne, she inherited the gift of immortality, or rather the enchantment bestowed on them by starswirl (though we never had clear reasoning of how) so they only held immortality as long as they held the throne.

<3 I'm glad you enjoyed it. Time never stops and perhaps that is the cruelest reality of them all.

<3 I'm happy you were able to 'see' it for yourself. When I write, my goal is to make my reader 'see' the scenario my words paint for them.

Not a happy scenario but really evocative, it's fantastic for sure dude. Can't wait to see what else you write

Dont call imortality a gift. Its always a curse...

You've misunderstood. I meant gift as in a literal gift. It was given to tia and lulu by starswirl. I never meant it as a blessing.

Very true, while I’m never been one to say Twilight’s immortality=Bad, I can imagine Twi feeling sad from
the nostalgia that her friends would bring her in later life. Especially on her bad days, which like I said is probably why Spike’s hit the hardest. Probably reminded her of all she had lost as her oldest friend joins the rest.
This was wonderfully written

I wonder if there is a limit to how many can have this enchantment at once. We know of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twi all having the throne at one point.

If there is no limit, in that case, I can imagine Twi making all ponies immortal Actually no, if it took her so long to find and heir, I can imagine her just being tired and eager to return to her friends…

Damnit, now I’m sad. :fluttershysad:

Whhhhihihahiahh have you done this to meeee:raritydespair:

This story hits all the notes I think you played - very bittersweet, very sad, just a hint of an end peaking over the horizon when Twilight's weight will be lifted from her shoulders.

Well done.

It is rare that I read a story that pulls me to the verge of tears... you've done it. Take my like, you cruel person.

Beauty, elegance, and so much more describes this very emotional and well-written fic! You certainly know how to pull on some heartstrings and I love that! Hope ya didn't mind, but I really couldn't resist making a reading of this amazing fic of yours!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/qfpz0Zq0yyE

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

This was beautiful with just the right amounts of sad to hit the feels.
Excellent work. :pinkiesmile:

Now I interrupt this fan fiction to bring you a special message from the Princess of Friendship's voice actress herself!


I like how it is implied that something happened to Twilight Sparkle but we don't know what it is. Maybe she is with her friends again.

Finding this was one of the best things I did. Don't regret it one bit.

I think my heart broke… :fluttershysad:

This story almost put me in tears. I wonder if Twilight is in heaven with her friends today. If she is, maybe her old subjects still talk about her reign...if she has any.

The description gives hints to the answers. Glad you enjoyed it. <3

This pair up with Chant of Imortality by 4everfree really well as I see it as Twilights form of remembering her friends and not letting them go like her advisors want her to. It’s a really good story that pulls on the heartstrings.

Ooh, another one that tugs at the heartstrings. It’s really rare that I am pushed to the verge of tears, but here we are. Beautifully written, amazing.

how to put in words how l feel about this story
it like watch old home movie of your life well you seat drinking
and think of what was
the good time with your friends and how one day you hope to see them again

well read this l was said to myself l will not cry ,I well not cry
but by the time I get to the last two I was in tears

I'm not crying, you're crying!

This...this fic is one I have found to be sad, yet it seems like your crying more than me by a tad.

Well, this is the second one of yours in the Featured box that snagged me this morning. There's practically always an onion ninja hiding nearby when I read, and he came after me with both of them. Really well written.

Oh God, Chant of Immortality is the perfect pair-up for this. Great call.

It's a bit odd that Twilight let places like Fluttershy's cottage and the Boutique fall into ruin, if they were important enough that she protected them against being re-zoned. Wouldn't she have either made them heritage sites (as the Wonderbolts did with Rainbow's place) or moved important mementos to a purpose-built museum?

Her advisors were telling her to tear them down...but put simply...even magical preservation apparently has its limits over the course of eternity. The world continued on, and she saved what she could...but only for so long.

When the cottage fell apart and finally crumbled, she attempted to preserve the next thing, as time passed eventually all of it turned to dust or was replaced, and all that was left...were the memories of what was, with names and relics lost to the winds of change. Just as it is in our world.

The museum that houses these memoirs, exists in a world long after our immortal Twilight, long after the mane 6, or Celestia and Luna. There are no traces of that world left, that is except these memoirs. I hope this answers your question.

And yes, the Twilight here, is an immortal alicorn, as to why she is no longer there. I guess we could say she finished her work and well, she joined her friends, as she promised.


even magical preservation apparently has its limits over the course of eternity. The world continued on, and she saved what she could...but only for so long.

It might be worth tweaking the prose, then. The "EOF" dates imply that the letters are from 50-100 years after Twilight's ascension (which is peculiar because they sound like they were written well after the relevant bearers died). Also, if a near-eternity has passed, it's odd that a preserved copy of O&O survived.

One would also expect the "relocate to museum" option to be even more attractive once the buildings themselves could no longer be preserved; some of the artifacts inside could have been (and some of the furniture was, both based on the various bed comments and the fact that the Wonderbolt site has held up well despite frequent use).

So, as-written it feels like Twilight is making some odd decisions. You've gotten enough upvotes that your target audience seems to like it, at least.


It might be worth tweaking the prose, then. The "EOF" dates imply that the letters are from 50-100 years after Twilight's ascension (which is peculiar because they sound like they were written well after the relevant bearers died). Also, if a near-eternity has passed, it's odd that a preserved copy of O&O survived.

One would also expect the "relocate to museum" option to be even more attractive once the buildings themselves could no longer be preserved; some of the artifacts inside could have been (and some of the furniture was, both based on the various bed comments and the fact that the Wonderbolt site has held up well despite frequent use).

EOF- Era of Friendship, and yes. That is exactly the course of events (after the relevant bearers died) however, I feel you missed an important detail: These are seven memories out of millions as shown in the description. What she did before or after these memories is never explained or shared. She DID try to protect them, and in doing so, left them behind, no longer visiting them as her heart slowly healed over time and yet she never could see them. Now, when or how these events happened were set in the many other memories and memoirs of the museum housing them.
An eternity has passed since the Equestria we knew. The names and objects...turned to dust.
I hope this clarifies what happened.

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