• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 232 Views, 0 Comments

Twilight Quantum Electronics - Kentavritsa

As Twilight is reading up on the subjects and great her Mecha, certain nessecities reveals themselves to her. In preparation, she stumbles across an opportunity, and establishes Twilight Quantum Electronics I.N.C.

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A Gift, Forwared: 3


The Panorama has performed its purpose. The Demonstration of the Technology and the design had been conveyed to the intended target audience. It had been far too cheap to produce, to request for it to be returned, after the consideration as well.

From the initial appearance, this should have been far too fragile; to be put out, as a mere toy. However, on closer inspection; the crafter had put an effort into the job, ensuring to make the point. The quality and durability is worthy of being presented for consideration.

Just, that it may be put to better use; entertaining a child, than collecting dust on the shelf of our storage. I do not intend to needlessly destroy it for no reason, though.

Thankfully, I do have a daughter in the proper age; who just may be interested, in receiving this as a gift. If this had not been the case, I would have donated this to the cause; to entertain a child, who could enjoy this for all it is worth. Well, why not? It wouldn’t cost me anything.

I could have chosen, to order it disassembled in order to gain knowledge; but this could have been seen, as acting in bad faith. Something I could not make myself do, in the position in which I am.

This offer is looking far too good, to pass up. I had had it examined close enough to see; to know it would also be safe, for a child to play with. What I did not know; is the secrets still held within the construction of what appears to be a mere toy, in the form of a perfectly scaled down cottage, one could otherwise have lived in.

In the end, I had opted to take it home with me; wrapped as a gift to my Daughter, after all the related paperwork had been properly filed for this item of course. Never neglect to file the paperwork first; it may come back to bite you later, it always will. For an accomplished Academic, you simply can not take the chance it will miss you.

While I guess I could have mailed it, or have a courier carry it for me; in order to move it to the location, but I had still chosen to carry it in person.


I had just arrived at my home, stepping out of the vehicle; walking the short distance to the front door of my home. Since my Daughter is home, already; the door is unlocked. As a matter of fact, she is even opening the door for me; just as I step up to the door

“Mummy, Mummy!” she exclaims.

“Santa Clause is early, this year!” I tease her; “I have a gift for you, today!” I continue, as I am presenting her with the Cottage Panorama that had so conveniently landed in my lap.

“Santa Clause?” she inquires, curious and perplexed.

“It’s the bringer of gifts, for all the Good girls!” I explain.

“Thank you, Mummy!” she merely responds, as she is accepting the gift I am bringing home for her to play with.

“Have fun!” I put forth, as I see her run off to her room.

“I will!” she responds, excitedly.

She always love gifts, when I bring them to her!” I ponder, giggling; “Well, why not?” I continue.


I had closed the door behind me carefully, after I had stepped into my room. I always do, quietly.

With the package still in my hands; I walk over to my desk, placing the package on the table-top.

Now I am examining the package, and its wrapping. I do not shake the box. That’s just a silly practice I grew out of years ago.

Far too eager, to see the gift; I soon set off to unwrap the box, to see the fairly unassuming surface of a cardboard box with nothing more than a valid address to my Mother’s office.

“Let’s see, what Santa Clause brought over this time!” I mumble to myself.

The box is quiet, of course; not a sound is escaping it, right now. Well, why should it be making any sound, or noise in the first place? It is just a box, after all. Well, some toys do make sounds, or produce noises. Particularly if rattled, or provoked.

I lean over, breaking the seal of the box; slowly, carefully opening the box at the top. Flipping the two topmost flaps open; then the two secondary flaps, holding the content firmly in place.

A bit of a let-down, or disappointment; but it only reveals the packing block. Well, maybe this should have been expected; the package had been mailed to my Mother’s office in the first place. Packages may be handled roughly, with the mail, or in transport, in general. Even I knew that.

Now, resolutely determined to reveal the gift she had brought home for me, I carefully pull the white block out of the box, once more leaning over its mysterious content.

“Wait, what?” I exclaim, as I see what is hidden within the package; “A perfect scale model of a Cottage!” I conclude.

I lean forwards, reaching in and grabs the model in my hands with great care. If this is my gift, I have to extract it with great care; not to break it, or by any means damage what I had been given.

Only as I am pulling the Cottage out of the box, do I notice that it is one single peace.

I had noticed that there is a street at the front with street lights and everything, but still.

“A bit unusual roof tiles; but otherwise, it looks like a perfectly fine Cottage one could have lived in!” I observe.

“Wait; these are actual, functional solar Panels?” I exclaim, as it hits home.

“And, of course the indoors light works as well!” I put forth; “Well, why not?” I question.

If this is a Cottage model of that quality; what more is in there, waiting for me to discover?” I ponder.

If the scale of the building had been correct, I could indeed have been living in this cottage.

It even has a Mailbox by the street with a name on it and everything.

Twilight Sparkle!” the name reads.

Looking closer; it has the mark of Twilight Sparkle, in the form of her Stars in a perfectly replicated formation.

I take a break; slipping the bock back into the box while keeping the cottage model on my desk, closing the box and setting it aside before I return my attention to the cottage I had just been given.

Santa Clause!” I ponder; “Was that a Pun, or a miss pronunciation on her part?” I continue, questioning.

As I return my attention towards the Cottage on my desk, something had clearly changed. I just can’t quite put a finger on exactly what, or how.

The next moment, the door on the front of the cottage swings open and Twilight trots out.

“Greetings; I am Twilight Sparkle!” she proclaims.

“Greetings, Twilight…” I respond, taken aback by the sudden appearance of the purple Pony exiting the Cottage before me.

The next moment, a Girl and a Cat follows the Pony out of the house.

“I am May Trotter, and this is our Cat: Penelope!” she presents herself and the Cat she is indicating with a gesture of her right hand.

Oh – kay, this is officially Weird!” I ponder; “Hi, May and Penelope!” I then continue.

“Nice to meet you!” May exclaims.

“Likewise!” Twilight responds, with a smile spreading out over her face.

“I do have a gift, for you; if you care to open the drawer of your night stand, to pick it up!” May proclaims, in a rather jovial tone.

Wait, you do?” I ponder; “Thank you, May!” I respond, as I am turning towards my night stand.

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