• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 3,131 Views, 80 Comments

The Adventure of the Apex Legion - DeffBwade

A new pony arrives in Equestria and goes on an adventure like never before. He may be shy and goofy at times, but he's also a kind soul. But most importantly, he's the Apex Legion.

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Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

The Adventure of the Apex Legion

Written by DeffBwade

Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

In the magical land of Equestria, peace has thrived throughout the lands for as long as anypony could remember. Ever since the Pony and Griffon War, creatures of all kinds have lived in peace with each other. However, even though that was the case, the various kingdoms never actually collaborated with each other, unless it was to accommodate travelers and tourists, or official royal business. It wasn't until recently that a plan was made so that the various creatures will finally coincide with each other thanks to Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, as well as her friends. Together, Princess Twilight and her friends officially opened the very first school that teaches friendship just a days ago, where creatures of all kinds are welcome to join, in hopes of making Equestria a better place. However, unbeknownst to Princess Twilight, her friends, or pretty much all of Equestria, friendship won't be enough to stop what's yet to come. Only one being of Equestria knew of this, and he had to do something about it as soon as possible.

It was another peaceful day in Equestria. The sun was shining, the temperature was nice, no disasters were occurring, colts and fillies happily played with each other, stallions and mares worked hard to make a living, and overall, ponies lived their everyday lives with smiles on their faces. Canterlot, the capital of Equestria, was no exception to this. Sure some of the ponies in Canterlot were complete snobs, always caring more about their status than others, but that didn't stop the rest of the ponies from living happy lives.

The same could be said about Equestria's two rulers, Princess Celesita and her younger sister, Princess Luna. Princess Celestia has just discussed with Princess Twilight about opening a friendship school a couple weeks ago, and needless to say, she was proud. It wasn't until afterward that the two sisters have recently receive a message from a friend of theirs named Discord, although they suspected it to be some kind of prank, despite how urgent it sounded. He is a bit of a trickster after all. They don't call him the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony for not playing tricks on others, as much as the two sisters would like that.

"Sister, must we really respond to his message? I don't wanna be the victim of another syrup prank," Princess Luna said with a hint of anger and suspicion.

She remembered the prank from a few weeks ago. Discord appeared out of nowhere and gave her an envelope with no return address and said that it was an urgent message from long lost friend of hers. When she opened it, the next thing she knows is that she's completely covered in pancake syrup. It took her about an hour long shower to remove it all, with a face clearly showing frustration. Thankfully, it got Princess Celestia to giggle a bit, so there's a silver lining.

"Discord is a friend Luna. We can't always suspect him of doing something devious, even though that's exactly like him," Celestia whispered that last part, "And besides, never have I seen him write a message that sounded so...serious. Perhaps it really is important."

"I hope so. As relaxing as that shower was, if I have to do it again to rid myself of syrup, I swear I shall send thee to the moon. Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean syrup off of our fur?! It sticks to it like glue!" Princess Luna complained.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the sisters heard a mischievous laugh that they knew all too well, followed by, "But your face when it happened Loonie was priceless!"

With a flash of light, the Spirt of Chaos appeared in front of the sisters, still laughing a bit at the younger sister's misfortune.

"Like seriously, you were all like," he said before making his face to look like Princess Luna and imitating her, "AH! What is this vile concoction?! My long lost friend dares to treat the Princess of the Night like this?! I shall find thee and punish them for their treacherous deeds!"

Ever since Princess Twilight and her friends saved Princess Luna from Nightmare Moon, she had been slowly getting used to modern day Equestria everyday. And just as Discord said, she didn't know what syrup was and how sticky it can be. So technically, Discord helped her in her growing into today's society, in an unintentional sort of way that angered her greatly. Another silver lining perhaps.

Seeing the anger building up in her sister, Princess Celestia decided to break the tension.

"Calm down Luna. Discord is merely being himself," Princess Celestia said with an unnoticeable bit of disdain before turning back to the Spirit of Chaos, "Now Discord. What is it you needed to see my sister and I for? You said in your letter that it was of upmost importance."

To this, Discord changed his face back to normal, but no longer had that grin on his face. Instead, he had a look of almost pure seriousness, one that Princess Celestia has never seen before. The only ones that have seen him make that face before was Princess Twilight and her friends, when Discord gave her Scorpan's medallion. When Tirek gave him the medallion, Discord really believed it was a sign of gratitude and loyalty, only to be betrayed in the end and stripped of his magic. Facing the fact that he betrayed his true friends, he ended up helping Princess Twilight and her friends defeat Tirek and send him back to Tartarus.

"Indeed it is Celestia," he said.

Now this grabbed Princess Celestia's attention. Discord normally never really calls her by her real name. It would either be "Celly" or "Tia," or something along those lines. Perhaps this isn't actually a prank.

"There is something I must show you. For I fear that Equestria will be in grave danger unless we do something about it," he said and with a snap of his finger, he, Celestia, and Luna disappeared in a flash of light to some unknown location.







The timer continued to tick down as the SWAT soldier walked through the building, his extendable shield facing forward and pistol in hand. He had just lost contact with his last surviving teammate and he was now alone to face the terrorists. All he knew was that it was confirmed that two of the five terrorists were now dead and where his objective was. It was moments like these that really stressed him out and make him highly vigilant to his surroundings. It didn't help that he was slow due to how heavy his armor and shield were, and how all he had to defend himself was a pistol.

Why did he choose to take this job again? Oh right. Because he needed-no...he wanted to do what was right. And somewhere in this building is a hostage, and the terrorists that kidnapped them are planning on killing them unless they get a helicopter within a minutes. Unfortunately, they didn't have a few minutes, so it was either kill all the terrorists, rescue the hostage, or the hostage dies, and the soldier was not planning on an innocent life being taken away. There was also the possibility that he could die, but that didn't deter him from his mission.

As he walked through the halls and towards the stairs, he saw the body of one of his fellow soldiers lying dead on the ground, bullet holes visible all over their torso. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and silently prayed for them. He knew what was to come when he signed up for this. He knew that people die and sometimes...he just couldn't do anything about. The only thing he could do is accept the fact that their dead, pray that they live peacefully in heaven, and move on with his life. It's just natural when you're part of the SWAT team.

He turned the corner and finally saw the stairs up ahead. He started to approach it, when suddenly a head popped out, as well as an assault rifle, and started shooting at him. The soldier immediately extended his shield, covering his entire body from the bullets and causing the terrorist to cease fire. The terrorist came from around the corner and started to approach the shielded soldier, gun raised at him.

"Come on. Come on. Just a little closer," the soldier thought.

When the terrorist was now just a few feet away, the soldier suddenly dropped his shield and shot a few rounds from his pistol. Thanks to the laser attached to it, he was able to get a few shots to his torso and then finally a clean, accurate one to his head, killing him instantly. That makes three of five now dead.

"Amateur," he thought.

He proceeded to walk up the stairs and reached an open doorway. He checked out the map on his phone and saw that this was the room the hostage was confirmed to be located in. This was it. The moment of truth. It's a matter of life and death at this point.

He quickly checked the timer on his phone.





He still had plenty of time before the terrorists decided to kill the hostage. He too out his drone and deployed it onto the ground. Going into a crouching stance next to the doorway, he used his phone to quietly send his drone into the room. It was a bedroom shaped like an T, from his position at least. To the left where the room turned was a large bed, and behind it was one of the terrorist, wearing green camo-looking armor, a metal helmet on his head with a small opening revealing his eyes, and manned on a turret with a face shield. Where the intersection was located were two doors, one that led to another hallway and one that led to a small bathroom. Peaking from out of the bathroom was the last terrorist, wearing black and blue armor and a Russian mask, his SMG raised at the doorway he was hiding next to. To the right where the room curved...was an open window.

"Seems one of my comrades tried to go the direct approach," the soldier thought.




The clock was ticking. He had to come up with a strategy soon or it would be too late.

Gunning down the remaining terrorists was out of question. Sure he had a shield, but if he tried aiming at the two, he would have to put his shield down a bit, completely exposing his head. Hip-firing was also a bad idea as they were either shielded or peeking around a corner, making the target much more smaller. And if he reloaded, it would also leave him exposed. There was also the risk of accidentally shooting the hostage.

He could try going around and go trough the other doorway, cathing the two by surprise. However, if he ran around, they would definitely hear his heavy footsteps approaching, and sneaking his way around would take way too long.

He could try rushing in with his shield extended, but if he grabbed the hostage, it would once again leave him exposed to gunfire and the hostage might get shot in the process.




He quickly checked his pockets for any more equipment and saw that he still had his three smoke grenades. This immediately gave him an idea. It was risky, but it was the only way he would at least have a chance to getting the hostage to safety. He had to take it.



Taking a deep breath, he pulled the pins off of the smoke grenades and threw them into the room and right next to the hostage. The sound of gunfire was immediate as the two started spraying their guns. The soldier extended his shield and started to slowly enter the room and towards the hostage. The kick back the bullets gave as they bounced off his shield was instance, but it was do or die. Blindly walking through the smoke, he saw the hostage ducking down to avoid the gunfire. The soldier retracted his shield and reached down to grab the hostage.

"Come! I get you out!" he said as he grabbed him and putting his shield on his back.

Running the risk of being shot, he ran through the the door that was next to the bathroom as the smoke started to clear up. The hostage was secured but he wasn't out of the woods yet. He just needed to get the hostage to the extraction point and the mission would be complete. He saw an open window and sprinted towards it before hearing footsteps coming from behind him and the feeling of bullets hitting the shield on his back filled him with adrenaline.

The soldier reached the window but realized that he would have to turn around to deploy his grapple line. The feeling of the bullets ceasing and the sound of a gun reloading gave him the opportunity he needed. He quickly spun around and sent a barrage of bullets at the terrorist, killing him. He then turned back to the window and attached the grapple line to it before hopping out, the hostage still being held in his arms. As he heard more footsteps approaching, the soldier rappeled down towards the ground, the flare indicating the extraction point in sight.

With all his might, he ran to the flare and...





My friends and I cheered as I successfully managed to rescue the hostage and win the match. It's moments like these are the reason I like using Montagne. He has a giant shield, and he has smoke grenades, so I can just go in and out either to rescue a hostage or to plant a defused. I'm honestly quite surprised Tachanka and Smoke didn't hit me as I ran out of the room. Hell, how did Smoke not killing when I was running to the window. No offense, but these guys kinda sucked and it was a bit of an easy win, but I still felt accomplished. I'm not usually this good whenever I play Rainbow Six Siege. I'd say about...60% of the time I play this game I'm actually good.

Dude, don't flatter yourself. It's more like 20% of the time you play this game you actually do good.

H-hey fuck you man. I'm not that bad at this game.

You're YouTube videos say otherwise.

Pay no attention to that! L-look! I got MVP!

As the game told me that we got the victory, there stood my character, Montagne, in the center, with words MVP and a score of 3775. I held down tab and saw that I got 7 kills, 1 death, and 3 assists. My best performance so far. And the best was...it was all recorded so now I can flaunt my amazing skills at this game on the Internet...

Emphasis on "amazing."

...as well as my friends and I making stupid but funny jokes the entire time.

"Oh my God, I am hard right now looking at that," I said as the screen showed me getting the MVP. Unfortunately, it was natural to assume I was hard looking at Montagne, as my friends demonstrated.

"Wait, what?" my friend Gaming said.

"What?" I immediately said, "I didn't saying anything."

"I don't know," my other friend EnenraX (or Jrod as me, Gaming, and the others call him) said, "Seems kinda sus."

"AMONG US IN REAL LIFE! SUS, SUS!" I replied back. I pressed F4 on my keyboard to stop the recording, "Alright that seems like good footage for a video. I think I'm gonna stop for now."

"Yeah same."


"Time to edit," I said before opening VSDC (not sponsored by the way) and started to edit the footage together.

Here is a horror fact. If you go to your bathroom mirror at 3 a.m. and scream "AMONG US IN REAL LIFE! SUS, SUS!" exactly 666 times then you will hear a sound from your parents room saying "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Then you will see a figure with a belt coming to beat your ass. Some people report they got set up for adoption while doing it.

Huh. I guess that's why my parents decided to leave me on that church's doorstep.

Fucker, you don't even have parents. You're just my brain talking to me...somehow.

Yeah. Sure. Let's go with that.

Anyway, I think some introductions are in order. My name is...

"AWW FUCK!" I heard Jrod say on Discord (again, not sponsored).

"What? What happened?" Gaming asked.

"I fucking spilled my water," he replied back, "Now I gotta go get some towels to clean this up. I'll be back."

"Damn bro. Feels bad," I said over the mic as I heard Jrod set his headphones down.

Anyway, as I was saying, but I am also known on YouTube as DeffBwade, aka the Apex Legion. I've been a youtuber for about one and a half years now. It was Jrod who taught me how to record and upload videos. At first, I just did for fun, but then it became something I loved to do. So I got new recording softwares and video editors. I'm quite popular nowadays. I don't wanna toot my own horn, but I have plenty of subscribers to make me feel accomplished and successful.

You have 373 subscribers. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Alright man! Geez. Fuck you. Anyway, you may also know me for taking on the persona as the leader of the Legion from my favorite video game, Dead by Daylight. Hence the nickname, the Apex Legion. In case you don't know what Dead by Daylight is, it is a 4v1 horror game where four people are survivors trying to escape and another plays one of many killers trying to hunt down and kill the survivors. And...that's pretty much it.

"Alright guys, I'm back," I heard Jrod say.

"Hey," Gaming said, "Yo DeffBwade?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"After you edit the footage, you wanna play some DBD?" he asked.

"Maybe another time," I replied, "I'm kinda taking a break from that right now."


Wait, I thought you just said that was your favorite game.

It is. I just really want a break from that game for a while. I've been grinding a lot of blood points lately for the new Resident Evil chapter coming out in a few weeks. Also, haven't you heard the saying "if you do the same thing over and over and over again, it will eventually get boring?"

Who the fuck said that?


"So more Siege then?" Gaming asked.

"I don't know man. I think I'm done with Siege for today," Jrod said

"Honestly, after that game, same here," I admitted as I finished putting my intro, outro, and the footage together, as well as adding the transition effects. I started to export the finished video file and then went onto YouTube.

"Okaay? So, what do you guys wanna do?" Gaming asked.

"Uuuuh, I don't know," I said, "I'm just gonna watch YouTube."

"What other games can we play?" Jrod asked.

"Hold on let me check," I said as I paused the video and went onto my Steam (not sponsored once again) library.

"Let's see here. Left 4 Dead 2? Maybe. Destiny 2? Warframe? Jrod and Gaming don't wanna play either of that. Payday 2? I would, but Jrod's Payday 2 is broken...for some reason. Garry's Mod? Nah, it uses a shit ton of storage space, and I only have about 75 gigabytes left. Borderlands 2? Gaming would play that, but Jrod doesn't have that game. Among Us? Do I even have to answer that?" I thought.


No. I don't wanna fucking play Among Us.

Grand Theft Auto V?

Like Garry's Mod, that uses a shit ton of space.


We're all bored of that game.

Last Year?

That game is practically dead.

Assassin's Creed 3?

That game's not even multiplayer.

Holy shit! Make up your mind!

I'm trying to think of something!

"We literally got nothing else to play!" I complained aloud.

"What about that new game? Hood: Outlaws and Legends? That seems fun," Gaming suggested.

"Maybe," Jrod said.

As I continued searching through the Steam library and eventually started checking out the store, I heard the notification indicating that the video file has finished exporting, but at the moment...I didn't really feel like uploading anything. Just one thought was going through my mind.

"Alright, I'm fucking bored as shit," Jrod practically read my mind, to which I blew a quick raspberry.




"Do you guys wanna play Roblox?" Jrod asked.

"I'm down," Gaming said.

"I'm not really a fan of Roblox, so..."

"I...think I'll pass," I said, "I think I'm gonna go take a nap, but I'll be back on later."

"Alright, see ya," Gaming said.

"Ew. Who takes naps?" Jrod asked.

"I do, bitch," I said before I disconnected from the call. I turned off my computer and walked over to my room. I removed the covers from my bed and hopped on, laying my head on the pillow and putting the blanket all over me. As my eyes started to close and I drifted off to dream world, one thought ran through my head.

"Either in video games or real life, I need an adventure."

Do you know what I like the most about sleeping?

Uh...rest, relaxation, and peace of mind?

Fuck no! Well yes...but I can also dream of whatever the fuck I want! I can imagine myself in any video game I want, any movie I want, any...ahem...video I want. What happens in my dreams is up to me, as it is up to me to decide what is reality and what is fantasy.

I'm afraid to ask, but...what videos are you talking about?

Don't worry about it.

You're disgusting, you know?

Well, blame teenage hormones for making me think such thoughts.

Anyway, imagine my surprised when I saw that I didn't see a dark forest and a crazed killer chasing me with a cleaver, but rather a starry void. Am I in the world of Dead Space? I hope so. I really want to shoot crazed Necromorphs and stomp on their bodies. But I wasn't in some kind of space ship, nor was I wearing a space suit. So...I was simply just dreaming of space?

"An odd choice of a dream brain, but okay. This is quite a beautiful sight. Mesmerizing even," I said aloud.

"While I appreciate thy compliment, I can ensure you this isn't a dream," a young, regal voice said, startling me.

I screamed and immediately turned to voice and saw...

What the fuck?

...two...ponies...that looked like they came from a cartoon.

One was about a foot taller than me. She (assuming because she had long eyelashes and hair) had white fur, purple eyes, hair and a tail that each consisted of the colors pink, blue, and green and seemed to give gravity the middle finger, golden regalia including shoes, a necklace, and a tiara, a long horn protruding from her head, and giant ass wings.

The other was shorter than the white one, but still had a royal vibe to her. She dark blue fur, blue eyes, hair and a tail that also said "fuck you" to gravity and looked like it was made out of stars, and, like the white one, had royal regalia, a horn, and wings.

They pretty much looked like polar opposites of each other.

"Greetings young one," the white pony started to speak, "My name is Princess Celestia, the princess of the day."

"And I am Princess Luna, the princess of the night," the dark pony, whose voice I now recognize as the one that startled me, said.

"Ookaay?" I questioned, followed by silence.


"Well?" Princess Celestia asked, "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?"

"O-oh...sorry," I said, "My name is..."

Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

Shit if I know.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Princess Celestia said.

"It's...nice to meet you...h-hold on! Why am I even introducing myself to figments of my imagination?" I questioned to no one in particular, "In fact, why am I even dreaming about two regal looking ponies that can talk brain?! Take me back to the realm of Dead By Daylight now!"

"Again, I can ensure you this isn't a dream," Princess Luna tried to reassure me.

"Alright then. Prove it," I challenged, to which Princess Luna stepped up to me and poked me in the arm with her horn, "Ow! Wait...why did that hurt?"

"It's like my sister said, this isn't a dream," Princess Celestia said as I continued rubbing my arm.

"W-what? W-where am I then?! Did you kidnap me?! Why did you kidnap me?! *Gasp* Are you gonna force my parents to pay a ransom of $1,000 or else I'm never going home?! You monsters! How are they even gonna send you money if where at...who knows where?!" I practically screamed, making them taken aback from my outburst. Surprisingly, Princess Celestia still had a calm expression.

"Calm down, young one. I promise you we didn't take you away from your family," she said.

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm not really the type to go out and hang out with friends. And even if I was, I would let my family know if I was going out. So what do you think is gonna happen when they get home and see that I'm missing?" I questioned.

"You don't have to worry. When you left your world, time has frozen for you. When you go back, it will resume," she said.

"So...just send me back then. You apparently brought me here, you can send me back," I said.

"Before we do though, we would like to offer a proposition," Princess Luna said.

On a normal basis, my instincts would tell me to decline and remind me of stranger danger, but it's not everyday you meet two cartoon ponies that can apparently send you to the shadow realm so fuck it I'll take the risk. REEE!!!

"Okay. Color me intrigued," I said, "What sort of proposition do you have me?"

"We would like to offer you a chance to visit our world, Equestria," Princess Celestia said.

I probably shouldn't have taken the risk.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Like I said, we would like for you to visit our world. Equestria is a place of peace, friendship, and harmony. It could sure use someone like you," she repeated.

This pony isn't serious, right?

She doesn't look like she's joking.

"You're...not serious about this, right?" I asked.

"Our sister speaks the truth," Princess Luna answered, "Do you not believe us when we say so?"

"Well...no. You can't just go up to someone and say 'Hey. I'd like for you to go to another world and do whatever.' Then again...I'm talking to two cartoon ponies that brought me to another realm, so I guess it's not really hard to believe," I said, "Hold on, you said that...what was it called...Equestria?"

They nodded.

Jesus. The horse puns are real.

"You said that it could use someone like me. What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You are kind, optimistic, courageous, loyal, and tenacious, are you not?" Princess Luna asked, "Not to mention you have quite the goofy personality."

"Well...I guess those are some words to describe me," I said, "I'm not sure about 'courageous' though."

Back on Earth, I was always considered the nice one. I was that one kid that was always optimistic about...well...almost everything. Jrod even once said that we need more people like me in our friend group, not that our group was bad or anything. I was also considered quiet, a bit shy, and, like Princess Luna said, goofy. I just need to dress up like a dog and boom, perfect life.

Wait, you're a furry?

What! No! I'm not a furry.

"One last question. Why should I go with you in the first place?" I asked.

"You desire an adventure, do you not?" Princess Luna asked.

"How did you..." I trailed off.

"We have seen what is going on you head," Princess Celestia answered, "You are excited for the vacation that awaits you, but you cannot think of a way to actually enjoy it."

With a sigh, I responded, "Yeah. If I enjoyed going outside a lot, I'd probably want to go out and enjoy the outside world, but since some people refuse to wear a mask during a pandemic, there are limitations. And also because I can't drive yet. And at the moment, there aren't any fun games I can play with my friends."

"Ah yes, we have also seen the moments you've had with your friends. It puts a smile on my face watching others have such a good time with their friends," Princess Celestia said before pausing, "However, for the sake of Equestria, I ask you to refrain from making such...inappropriate jokes. My little ponies wouldn't consider them to be funny."

"I...can do that," I paused, "Wait, you know about those jokes and my friends."

They nodded.

"Like every single memory I've had with them and every single joke we've made, you know about?" I asked.

"We have seen every single memory you've had throughout you're entire life," Princess Celestia said.

"Holy shit," I said.

Is it just me or does this make you question even more on why these two want you in their world?

Yeah. You're right. They said that Equestria is a place of friendship and harmony. They said they want me there because of my kindness, perseverance, bravery, and sense of humor. Yet at the same time, they know I'm pretty much like every other teenager on Earth: completely inappropriate at times. Uh...no offense to any teenager out there. And if they really saw all of my memories, they must know that humans can have a violent mind. I mean, my favorite video game involves gutting people alive and sacrificing them to pretty much a god.

"And I would like you to tone it down on the language."

My point exactly. So why would do they want me in Equestria?

Beats me. Maybe they want a bit of excitement in their little pony land.

Question for another time perhaps.

"If that's what you want, then okay," I said, "I think I'm ready now. So what's gonna happen when I arrive in pony land?"

"You will wake up at Canterlot Castle, Canterlot is the capitol of Equestria by the way, in a brand new form and we will be there to greet you," Princess Celestia said.

"And you're sure I don't have to worry about my parents wondering where I am?" I asked again.

"Yes, we do not wish to cause stress on one's loved ones," Princess Luna said, "Now then, shall we go to Equestria?"

"Das klingt super," I said, making them give looks of confusion, "Uh...sorry...that means that sounds good."

"Very well. Let us concentrate and we'll be there in no time," Princess Celestia said before she and her sister closed their eyes as their horns started glow, Celestia's glowing yellow and Luna's glowing blue.

"Maybe I'll be getting the adventure I wanted after all."


"Wait, did Princess Celestia say in a brand new fo-"

And with a flash of light, the princesses and I disappeared.

Author's Note:

Hello everybody, and welcome to the first chapter of the rewrite of The Adventure of the Apex Legion.

I know I said I wanted to make this story better, but to be honest, I didn't think the first chapter would be 5000 words long, so...achievement unlocked?