• Member Since 17th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Dank memer, writer of bad fanfics, master of not having any recollection of what the word consistency means and obscure fandoms. criticize me! :P


Aiden Pearce had gotten old.

With so many years under his belt after humble beginnings as a simple contractor and hired gunman, to his time as the vigilante in both Detroit and London- even his part in the murder of Olivier Garneau, it would be a no-brainer that as he was inching closer and closer to his golden years -to unofficially retire to the safehouses he knew in Detroit.

Now with almost no reason, he finds himself in Equestria, struggling to adapt, let alone put the past behind him as it slowly makes its way to surface once again, following set-back after set-back, an older Aiden turned young again still lacks his wisdom, yet not his smarts, as they carve out a new path in Equus.

For better, or for worse.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 43 )

Interesting, can’t wait to see where this goes!

Great job with this! Keep up the good work!

An interesting premise. I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Oh I'm getting some Steel Ball Run vibes here!

Great job man, this story needs more recognition!

Comment posted by aclumsylittlecreature deleted May 31st, 2023

Reflexively he pulled out his phone and attempted to raise traffic pillars, explode a transformer in the ground or blast noise in the opponents earbuds or radio systems. He heard a chime in his mind as the memory of being in Chicago faded as he made eye contact with an all lime green unicorn with a white streak in her mane, then he saw the unicorns horn light up, completely unintended judging by the ponies reaction, as a flare of magic zipped out and hit Twilight Sparkle squarely in the front legs.

When the unicorn popped her head around, he of course tried the finger gun again and with some straining of the mind, the world slowed as a pure white magical bolt was sent her way in a decisive shot. In that split second after, she was able to teleport in front of the projectile, dodging it while muttering in pain. Not needing to try and take down another pony, Aiden continued running through back roads with his back hunched over slightly, his head kept low as his coat tails trailed. It felt just like fleeing from the police on foot, taking as many backroads and hops over fences as one could possibly do until your lungs burned and your legs felt like they'd give out. The police of Chicago were none too dissimilar to Twilight in the sense of finding people and being notoriously difficult to give the slip, often scanning for devices of the suspect in highly localized areas.

wow, I never thought Aiden could "Hack" the ponies with his mind and use a gun, this is creative af!

Princess Luna, the Princess of the Night. Princess of Privacy Invasions too by this point,


My prediction is that we will follow the story of one of these foxes.

Did Twilight forget to set the coordinates to ~0 ~1 ~0?

The joys of putting all coordinates to 0

Short start, and one paragraph is glued

By the time level 9 arrived he felt himself panting a little, not rusty per se, just his body saying it was time to take a break. Then again, each level was about five minutes of moving and shooting, so he'd been at it for quite a while. Powering through this level, by the time he had completed the game he was utterly drained, and slumped back down into his chair, tempted to reach for his mug of coffee (though it was already empty). He might be just a tad sore tomorrow, it had been just a little under a year till he had properly retired from his "career", though he still occasionally dealt with back alley crime that showed up on the Activity Monitor, handy little thing cobbled together with CTos code to use GPS and stolen CTos software information to determine their location, and if a crime was in progress. A "Less Than Lethal" gun he had picked up in London made it somewhat less dangerous, for the aggressor anyways (he still had a habit of going for headshots). He'd first doubted them, but at least they worked and were decently effective.

I personally suggest ending any paragraph in 5 to 6 lines, anymore and it starts being hard to read and not just skip everything

This prologue is taking too long, gluing some chapters together might be a good idea, and it's also too... Unclear, mystery is good and all but not to the point the reader doesn't understand what's going on.

He let the thoughts scatter for a moment as he etched in a mark in the bark of an oak tree using one of his clawed hands. That had taken a while to get used to, and he still wasn't used to it either. The last time he had to pull his personality and life up by the roots was when he first started being called the Fox. And part of him was sour on how exactly he managed to wind up in a forest of all places after a heart attack. His main theory was he was probably stuck in a haywire digital trip until the effects wore off, and time was speeding up because of how "trips" would always be as long as you wanted to be, they worked partially by affecting the dream state. And by knocking you unconscious. But that was sketchy, and iffy at best, too many illogical holes in that. The second answer was he died, and this was heaven. But he certainly didn't feel worthy of anything like this, and his transformation into a bipedal version of his moniker wasn't helping at all. Unless this was hell and was about to make itself look and feel a lot more like what it should look like.

You really love long paragraphs hmn?

The only thing that had brightened up his past three days here was that his jacket had come with him too, fitted for his new form. The gray trenchcoat with an orange highlight on the insight was a mild comfort, no matter how many more questions it raised on how it came to be. He was simply grateful he had something to wear and pockets to hold things with.

So, is he like this

Or an anthro fox it wasn't really clear

Fixer - A job title for handymen proficient in firearms, hacking, data recovery. Screwed beyond belief? Need to find someone, kill someone? Or just have a job that needs one of these three skills, then you call a Fixer.


Casting a spell, all the books in her vicinity were swiftly put back in place before she did a short-range teleport outside her home in a flash of bright light. Sure, she was angry that someone had broken into her home, but even more so when she realized that whatever it was was bipedal, and not a pony judging by what she could see before it fled. Where was it- Aha! Found you! Galloping after the running form she shouted, feeling the wind rush around her form "Get back here you thief! Return my stuff right now!" Speeding up as she turned the corner of a road, tailing them just twenty feet away, as she started to speed up down a straight road closing distance as quickly as she could, she didn't have the agility of Rainbow Dash or the speed of Applejack, but she had magic.

Oh so he's like this then?

This is getting more and more interesting

I love competent protagonists, not enough of those

'No point in stalling for time, Aiden' Aiden Pearce slipped his jacket on with little fuss, dusting it off before taking some leaves and tying them on, giving him a naturalistic look if he'd ever thought of something like it. The leaf fabric was a pitiful attempt at making bags, so he settled on wrapping the sack to his torso and tying the jam jars together like strange six-packs of beer, which had the added benefit of making them not directly touch each other and hopefully less likely to break. That was the idea at least, he had no clue what this did outside of also making them aesthetically pleasing and making the jars easier to take out.

Wait... Did I just realize that's watchdogs now?

Random ass fight, I loved it

She was a fool. That wasn't a nightmare trying to form, it was a mind trying- almost winning against the creation of a nightmare. And she'd made it real. By getting frightened by something new, by getting proud... By her mothers name she fought someone innocent in the respit of dreams.

Well, at least she realizes it

In his old age, he found it funny how when one person wrought havoc using CTos connected systems and devices, they just decided to rebrand themselves and connect [ieven more/i] things to the CTos network.

Slight formatting error here. Missing square brackets.

So that's why, magic , in this new world magic was real and as far as he knew, only accessible by unicorns. Which bumped them up higher on the threat list alongside Enforcers (3) because not only did they have horns to deal with but magic that could do... Whatever, He didn't know yet, at least not until he gets a chance to properly read this book. Maybe bind him in place or something. The book was promptly thrust in with the others.

Not sure what this means, nor CToS (2) I think CToS was mentioned as an IoT network of some kind.
Edit: the enforcer definition is next chapter

I make one fucking joke chapter and just get twenty notifications my god.

Don't worry. Next actual chapter is probably in a few hours

Interesting. And hacking other pony's magic especially.

Odd. I could have sworn these were completely separate when I wrote them initially. I'll give it a look.

I lied. Tarkov wiped today and now im busy playing.

Im also busy mourning the loss of the Tarkov X MLP Fanfic called "Free At Last", i cant find it anymore :raritycry:

Thanks. I got the idea randomly while looking over some character notes and after that it sort of clicked. It just made (personally) alot of sense to transfer over a few of his skills in some way.

Didn't expect to see you again, glad I was wrong

:pinkiecrazy: more foxfox adventures

Comment posted by FarObjective0 deleted January 30th

Didn't understand much but ok

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