• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 282 Views, 4 Comments

The Twilight Evangelion Excursion - Kentavritsa

Life in Twilight Town nice pleasant, with her friends, under the rule of the Mayor and owner of the Stylus responsible for creation itself. However, Twilight is curious; she wants to know, to see the world outside.

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Out Shopping (with Twilight): 4

Author's Note:

May Trotter's POV

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Next chapter: Construction (Upgrade)


My friend, Twilight had chosen to follow me to town; for some shopping with me, today. While I am acutely aware, about how she does have no cash and no funds with her; but I guess I could try to string her along for the day.

It is safer, and more fun; having a companion by my side, than it would have been alone and on my own. I am quite sure, she is more than capable to take care of herself; if and when this would be in issue. I just don't see it happen, with the two of us taking a walk down to town.

What I could see, however; is people stopping, to gawk at her. She is after all the latest novelty in town. Not every day, one is lucky enough to see a purple unicorn in town. I know, I certainly have not seen one in this town before.

The most exotic pet I have seen this far; would be the pink Poodle. Even if I guess there may be one or two walking their Cat or Rabbit Bunny? While unusual, I guess; neither of these are exotic, or exciting to me. But then, maybe it is just me?

The Pavement I am trotting on, is laid with grey stone tiles; not exotic, but it's fine to trot or walk on.

For now, the street is lined with regular residential buildings; the kind of in which you may choose to live, if you are fortunate enough to afford your own home. The cottages along this street, are all private property.

Each of these cottages is surrounded by luscious green lawns. The path to the porch lined with large rose bushes on the right and left. A few Peonies, on each side of the porch is looking like the popular norm; not that I have an issue with this, it's quite pretty. The lavender Peony seems to be the colour of choice; something I do find amusing, right now. Does Twilight Sparkle have anything to do with my sense of amusement; when she is trotting by my side, as we continue down the street towards the center of town?

"Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard; as she is trotting by my side, along the street.

"This is the first time, I am trotting down the street with you; in this town, can you believe it?" she prompts, as she is turning her head towards me.

"Yes, I believe it would be.." I respond; "But, this is the first time; you are big enough, to actually be trotting safely on the street with me!" I then add.

"Oh.." she mumbles; "yeah!" she then adds.

"But; I do love having you by my side, Twilight!" I promptly point out.

"So I have come to notice; but the feelings are mutual, because I do enjoy having you walking by my side too!" she now responds; with a widening of her grin, as a response.

"I chose you for a reason, Twilight; even if I never would have imagined, to find you on my desk for any reason!" I offer.

"I think I can see your point, May; even if I never would have been drawing you, or any other Human back in Ponyville!" she points out; "But right now; I am curious, as to what we will be finding in town!" she offers.

"Understandable; Twilight; since this is your first time there, after all!" I respond, in confirmation.

"There are a few items, I would be interested in; just in case we can find, what I had in mind!" Twilight explains.

"If it is something, I am permitted to buy and own; I will see what I can do, to help you!" I exclaim, assuring her, I will get what I can for her

"Firstly, some vegetables: Potatoes, Celery, Parsnip, Parsley and Oats; but also some fabrics for Rarity to use in her crafts, of course. Cotton, Silk, Nylon and Leather; aside from threads so she can create all the useful items we are used to her spoiling us with!" Twilight clarifies.

"If Rarity is creating something of physical fabrics; how would this be affected, by the result of my Stylus running out of magic?" I ponder, as she is listing the items of priority and interest on her part.

I do not know; but it is not as if I intend to try anything, in order to find out.

Would I end up, with a pile of supplies for Ponies who never existed? The concept scares me, just to think of; if I stop to think of it, for just a moment. My mind deflects the notion, rejecting the possibility out of hand.

Before that thought, or line of reasoning could take root; I turn my attention back to Twilight, and the surroundings we had reached. I love having Twilight Sparkle as my friend; with me, where I can talk to her. I want her by my side, for all it is worth; even after the costs on my account, and whatever is being exacted on my social standing as well.

Once she is by my side, she is no longer a figment of my imagination; a made up friend, or a fictional character. She is not an escape from reality; now, she is part of this reality.

I watch her, in the corner of my eye; as she is trotting by my side, chatting amiably with me to her heart's content.

Everyone looking my way, can clearly see the purple Unicorn known as Twilight Sparkle by my side; just as everyone in earshot, can hear her speak to me. I am not imagining, or making it up. Even if I guess, you could rationalize hearing only one side; of a conversation, and claim I have a phone with head-set on. You could, but now you don't have to make up the excuse; she is there, for everyone to see.

Since the street is currently empty, no-one is staring at me, her or us; but I imagine a few little girls peering out the window, at any time now: Possibly with a digital camera, or a mobile phone in hand; snapping a picture or a few; just for personal use or the bragging-rights of the best possible picture of the personal hero. Or, just to have something real to remember her by.

Though the walk, and trot is progressing without as much as a hint of an incident; as we continue down the street, towards the shops of interest.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as she continues to trot by my side; as if nothing had happened, on an ordinary everyday.

Eventually, we do reach the center and the shopping district; where all the interesting shops can be found.

"This is looking promising.." Twilight is exclaiming, as she is spotting a store selling fruits and vegetables.

I notice, how she is sniffing and snorting in the light; examining the scents from the story just before we enter, noticing the quality of the products inside. Of course, as a Pony; Twilight is bound to be better, at picking up on this from outside.

As we enter the store, even I can't help but picking up on the scents of fresh produce; as we move along examining, the products to see what we are looking for. Even if it is technically Twilight, who is looking for food; for herself, and her friends back in Twilight Town.

The room is cool, but well lit; leaving the produce to last longer, while still offering us ample opportunity to explore and examine what we are looking for.

"Clippi, clop, clippi, clop.." is heard, as Twilight is leading the way along the shelves holding the vegetables of her choice.

Of course, it is Twilight leading the way; I am just following her arround, because she needs me to pay for the produce. I don't really mind, because I love seeing her happy; while I am not enjoying the thought, of her vanishing overnight. The produce will guarantee her comfort and well-being, after all. Besides, vegetables are thankfully going for the cheap, anyway.

While I do know we, and in extension Twilight Sparkle had been observed since we entered the shop; it had not bothered me in the least, and we had not been approached for as long as we were acting as their regular customers. Maybe the fact that Twilight Sparkle is a full five foot tall, and is speaking perfect English may have a hand or hoof in this affair; but so long as we do not step out of line, or by any means act strange I guess.

Seconds, and minutes are ticking by; as Twilight is picking and choosing her desired produce, and we end up by the counter. The girl behind the counter is looking up, somewhat bemused as she is recognizing Twilight; yet she is expedient, as she is registering everything for her in the process.

I pull out my phone, with which I complete the payment in Twilight's name; drawing a smile from the girl behind the counter.

"There has to be a first time, for everything?" she inquires, as I am completing the payment.

"Yes, I believe that seems to be the case!" Twilight responds, with a snicker as the smile on her muzzle is widening a bit.

"So this is, what Ponies are eating; or is it just your personal taste?" the girl braves to inquire.

"Yes, Ponies does enjoy these; but these would be my personal favourites, too!" Twilight responds.

"Whoa!!" the girl ponders; "but, she is so elegant; I could have mistaken her, for Royalty!" she considers.

"Yesterday's Apples are the best!" Twilight explains with a snicker.

Of course; Twilight Sparkle would have been a Princess back in Ponyville, Equestria: where she came from, but she isn't there now. She has no official backing from Princess Celestia or Equestria at large right now. How could one even work out the details, pushing through the details with all the red tape for such an act, if it was at all possible?

Once I had paid for the vegetables, thus concluding the deal; we continue, stepping out of the store. Twilight Teleports her produce home; leaving the bag under my desk, where I can extract it for her.

"That went well.." Twilight puts forth; "She is kind of cute, for a Human, too!" she then adds; almost as if it had been an afterthought, on her part.

"We usually do not have the wildly varied colour-pallet; just the few select hues to go with, even if I could change the colour of my hair!" I observe, in response.

"You would stick out, like a sore hoof; if you had been anything, but that light pink hue!" Twilight responds, grinning at the situation.

"At least, I am getting away with purple hair and nails; looking eerily similar to your mane, and tail!" I prompt, with a giggle.

"Yes, I guess you do; thankfully!" she merely responds, as we continue down the street towards the next shop of interest.

"I'm eternally thankful, for not being a regular dumb old blond with dirty yellowish to grey hair!" I ponder, shivering at the mere thought.

It isn't so much that I have a problem with, or don't like the look; I just do not enjoy it, for myself. I enjoy the purple hair, as it is now; particularly, after my friend Twilight Sparkle helped me perfecting the style. It may not be a mane, per se; but the style is close enough, to that of Twilight's mane. Just the way I like it.

While it is true; I had arranged my hair in a similar enough style, all by myself. But maybe; just maybe it is in how Twilight had helped me arranging it, that is making it so special to me.

"Could I have gotten away, with a light pink skin-tone; similar to that of Pinkie Pie, if I had chosen it?" I ponder; making a silly grimace, in the process.

Thankfully, we are still alone. Just Twilight, by my side. None watching me, or us.

I enjoy the intimate moment, in the middle of town; as I am following Twilight, as we are out on town. Just shopping, like a pair of regular girls.

I cast a glance at Twilight, musing; considering, just how fortunate I am, having her as a friend by my side. Not everyone may be quite as fortunate. Even if I had to draw her by myself; in order for me to have her, with me.

A few minutes after we had left the fruit-store, I find myself slipping into the next store on our list; where they are selling fabrics by the yard in bulk. I browse the store, for the various fabrics I need; in each of the colours I imagine Rarity would have liked, picking up small snippets of spare fabrics in what the Ponies would still be considered bulk; even if the pieces are so small, they barely bother charging me for them.

However, I do pick up a few yards of fabric and leather in a total of what should amount to a yard or so, roughly. Enough, for the girl managing the store not to complain, at the very least.

"Maybe Rarity could create something for me.." I ponder; "and possibly a fancy saddle bag for you too?" I suggest.

"A real, fancy saddle bag for me would be great.." Twilight responds, snickering; as her grin is growing wider.

"A saddle bag?" a girl inquires, confused, as she apparently had overheard Twilight.

"It's like a backpack, or a rucksack; but for a Horse or Pony, you see I am a bit of an Equestrian!" Twilight explains; before the girl has the time to consider further, as Twilight had explained it to her.

"Oh, yeah; you're an Equestrian?" the girl inquires; without realizing what Twilight had really meant, thinking she just enjoys horseback riding.

"Now, that is smooth; but I know she means physical and not fancy, considering how much Twilight herself cares for these things!" I ponder, in disguised amusement.

"May knows me, only too well; but that is, why I can use this manner of expressions with her!" Twilight considers, being the book horse she is.

Oh, and Book Horse is just right now; in the size and stature, of a Horse in place of the Pony she truly is. It is not bothering Twilight in the least, as she is enjoying the fact; how well her friend is knowing her, now. Even if her status as a Book Horse and an egghead had been the cause of her being the subject of teasing, in the past. A past, no longer existing in this world; considering, how the Ponies doesn't exist here either.

Twilight selectively holds on, to what matters to her in the hear and now; ignoring, or forgetting the rest as if it had never happened.

It is with a bemused smile, she is over writing a part of her past now; with a new memory, on top of what had been her original past. In this time and place, she is enjoying a different history to draw upon. New friends, and new opportunities. Just that she is refusing to let go, of the strengths she had been given; by old friends, in situations she can never return to.

Even if Equus and Equestria may be real here; it is not a place she can return to, partially due to the fact that none knows she is even missing. She is not gone, because she never disappeared.

Of course, the Equestrian Pony known as Twilight Sparkle is still in her castle; oblivious of the adventures Twilight is exploring, with her new friend May.

"Yes, there is something special about Horses.." I mumble in response.

Cotton, silk, nylon and leather; now, I do have them all. Aside from a few other fabrics and materials I had not considered before I left home; knowing Rarity would enjoy having them, in her inventory.

"Some of my best friends, are Ponies!" Twilight offers, as addition.

"Oh!" the girl exclaims.

"Wait, the matching threads?" Twilight mumbles.

"Oh, yeah; can't forget these, or it would be for nothing!" I respond.

I follow Twilight, as she is searching for the threads she is looking for; the girl in tow, I soon realize. I find it amusing, so I don't let on; just respond, to her continued questions.

"A purple Horse, or is it Pony?" the girl ponders, as she finally does get a good look, recognizing Twilight.

"I'd be.." the girl exclaims.

"What if I.." Twilight mumbles; "Yes, she would look just right with a tail!" I then respond, quietly.

"Yes.." the girl responds; "maybe pink?" she continues; not realizing, what she is responding to.

"Is your name by chance Diane?" Twilight muses; asking the girl, without actually asking her who she is.

"Wait.." the girl puts forth; "but, but, but; how did you know?" she inquires.

"Maybe, just maybe; you remind me of a friend, but I know you can't be her!" Twilight responds.

"However, I believe you would look great with the pink mane.." Twilight offers, as some manner of outlandish explanation.

Twilight winks, at the girl; as she is lighting up her horn, preparing to cast the spell. I can see the purple orb of bright light at the edge of her horn; then it grows in size and intensity, until it is reaching the given size. Now the light spreads down the length of her horn; like an avalanche, and Twilight finally does cast the spell.

"Oh!" the girl we now know as Diane exclaims; just as her hair or mane is turning a bright pink to cerise and explodes into a fluffy curly mass.

"I hope you enjoy the new look!" I offer, watching the smile grow on the face of Diane.

"I guess; this is the Diane, of this world?" I ponder, in stark realization.

What the girl had not yet noticed; is the tail she had been sprouting, in a hue matching her hair.

"I love making new friends!" Diane exclaims; "But, how did you know?" she then inquires.

"Trust your instinct.." I offer; "use the force.." I continue, teasing her.

"Seriously?" inquires Twilight; "But you still have to trust your instincts, Diane!" Twilight points out.

"Sorry, but the reference was just too obvious!" I respond.

"No problem, May; don't sweat it.." Diane responds with a snicker, as her grin widens.

The next instant, Twilight is casting a second spell; Diane's nails all turns a vivid and bright cerise, merrily glossy. However, her fingernails takes on the appearance of miniature hooves, as they are growing a bit wider and change shape.

"I hope, you do not mind, Diane!" Twilight offers.

"This, is so utterly me!" Diane responds, snickering even more as the grin on her face continues to grow wider.

"Somehow; I thought you would say that; but hearing you say it, still feels great!" Twilight puts forth.

While Twilight is speaking to Diane, I am picking up the last thread for Rarity back home; walking over to the counter, paying for the purchases.

"I hope to see you again, Diane!" Twilight exclaims, as I return; and she is following me out of the store.

"That, was interesting.." Twilight prompts, a moment after we had left the store.

With that, she is once more lighting up her horn, teleporting the supplies home; depositing it by the side of our vegetables, under my desk.

"I had never expected, to see so many interesting people; just because you are by my side, but it is not as if I am about to complain!" I respond, giggling.

"You never know, May; but the sight of a new face, puts you in all these new and unpredictable situations.." Twilight puts forth; "though I am sure; Rarity will be ecstatic, as we are presenting her with these new things!" she continues.

"Yes, Twilight; of that, I am quite certain!" I respond; "then you can have the latest Twilight Town fashion to wear, and you could have those fancy saddle bags to carry; when you follow me out to town, next time!" I promptly offer.

"That would possibly be useful!" Twilight responds.

"I do want you, to feel right at home; these items, should be a part of that, or so I imagine!" I offer.

"Could we, should we.." Twilight ponders, as she notices the sign of the University Library.

"Enter?" I promptly propose, as I notice, where she is looking.

"It's a veritable Gold mine of books.." Twilight responds, with a dreamy expression, spreading out over her face.

The double sliding doors open, on the hint of our approach. There is but a swooshing sound, as the doors eagerly slides up; we enter, and the doors slide shut behind us. The castle of learning; sealing us in, within it's expansive space.

It is quiet, still. Almost as if it had been a grave; but with the scent of death and festering replaced, by the obvious odour of ink on the paper of printed books of learning.

These, are not childs' books; but venerable prints of reputable stature, mostly in the form of dusty and old leather bound tomes.

"I was half by half hoping to enter a place like this; once I have finished my studies, at the level I am currently at.." I whisper reverently.

As quiet as my voice had been, it is hushed down by the apparent atmosphere of the room; yet, Twilight still manages to pick up on what I had said. Of course she had; considering her sharp and acute equine hearing; aside from the fact that both she, and I am wearing the head-set I had previously produced for the two of us to share this intimate communication.

At first, one may have been expected us to just browse aimlessly; walking around, in the hopes to find something or just get lost in the sea of books and knowledge. However, Twilight Sparkle is a learned Pony; well acquainted with libraries and library layouts. The system is not a mystery to her. She is aiming for specific areas, holding the books she believes would be of interest to her. The once she had not expected to find, in the regular open library or the bookstore on the town.

I can see her, taking notes of titles and numbers identifying what she is picking up; enabling her, to find these books at a later date.

"Pony, and Horse; Anatomy and Sociology" the title of one book reads.

"Whoa!!" I ponder; "she really do dig into it with gusto!" I realize with a distinct pang.

"I could as well learn, who my local cousins are; what they are like and what they look like?" Twilight promptly explains.

"Of course.." I respond, nodding vigorously, in response.

"Genetics, and Engineering" the next book's title reads.

"Horses, and their respective Breeds" a third title reads.

"Equine usage; Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" another title reads.

"Isn't this a bit of Overkill?" I hear a voice from behind my back inquiring.

"Not to Twilight, apparently!" I respond with a bemused grin.

While the titles may be expensive, valuable and deep; this is by no means a restricted section, holding restricted information. Just that most people never would even reach this far, not to mention bother looking up these many titles in this section.

"On second thought, humour me; is she trying to recreate a long lost breed, of her homeland, or something?" the voice no suggests.

"When you put it like that, what if she was doing exactly that?" I offer.

"To your, or her credit; you certainly do know your way around, in a library.. I will give you that!" the voice responds.

"Thank you!" Twilight responds; "I have been in a few libraries, and I practically lied in a library for years.." she then confesses, almost as if it had been an embarrassing secret of hers.

"Why does this, come off; as if she had been an Alien, possibly spearheading an invasion?" the voice now stops and ponders.

"Interesting proposition.." Twilight muses, in a teasing voice.

The voice shudders, for a moment; in reaction, to Twilight's proposition.

After a moment longer, however; Twilight is trotting off, to the next section of the library. She is mumbling, musing; to herself, as she goes. I just follow her; in part not to get lost, but also to keep track of where my friend is going.

She managed to dig up a plethora of books on topics such as; Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Mechanics, Electronics, Digital Sentience and Robotization.

Naturally, she also picked up titles on a numerous of languages such as; English, Japanese, Russian, Arabic and Latin. She was musing and gushing over the wealth of information, she had been claiming the references to; in the hopes she would be able to enjoy the contents, of these books.

"But, neither Ponish nor Zebricon anywhere to be found?" she declared in overly obvious disappointment.

"You know, Twilight; I think we can come back, tomorrow!" I point out, at this point.

"Yes, I believe you are right; we probably could come back, tomorrow!" Twilight responds, snickering maniacally; like a young dragon on her first hoard of rubies the size of Pony skulls.

"You behave, as if you belong here; just by showing you know how to find your way around, while maintaining the somber tone proving you respect where you are!" I offer.

"This was my sanctum, my retreat once upon a time, I hid away in the library, enjoying the company of books!" Twilight points out, explaining the relation, far too elegantly to be ignored.

"That would make sense.." I respond.

"As opposed to Discord, I love making sense; but I guess I could blame my library upbringing, on this?" she suggests; "Though we made a killing, here; retreating, while I am ahead is a sensible tactics!" she then prompts, as she is leading me out of the library.

"That is a drastic expression, but you are quite correct.." I respond.

The doors quietly slide up, before Twilight as she is trotting out with me in tow.

"There is but the one final spot, on my list.." Twilight offers; "But I am sure, you wanted to see something while we are out?" she then inquires.

"The baking supplies?" I inquire.

"Yes, these would be just right for Pinkie Pie!" Twilight responds, snickering.

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