• Member Since 19th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen June 6th


Oh my goodness!


Her dream is being threatened, a peaceful dream where she could be unemployed and rich simultaneously.

After being summoned by a ridiculously overpowered alicorn, she'll have to fight for that dream to the bitter end. She must return home- away from this magical nonsense and futuristic technology.

But the Empress doesn't seem all morally corrupt and, in fact, treats her populace with kindness and care. She also has an unhealthy obsession with preventing biological disasters and establishing proper quality-of-life laws.

But still, she won't be shaken. She needs this dream more than power, fame, or an alicorn mother figure—wait, what?

Cover art is made by author.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 9 )

I love it and I hope you make more of this story

"Thank you for the nice comment!" The author exclaims as she smiles. "I'm fixing up a few things with this chapter. But now that the prologue has been completed and uploaded onto the site, I'll be able to focus more on the next chapter." The author gives you a thumbs up as she adds to her comment. "Thanks again for breaking the silence as well."

Your welcome and like I always say little ponies can do big things

What is the connection between our Human Protagonist and Daybreaker?

Since the summary said that Daybreaker isn't the evil and tyrannical b**ch that we first thought?

The author had to take a few moments to determine if you were asking about their relationship's past, present, or future. "Might as well answer all three!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"At the moment of chapter one- they tolerate each other at best." (Present)

"But I plan for them to have a mother and daughter relationship later in the story." <- This is probably the answer you're looking for. (Future plans).

"But If you're asking if they had any previous interactions before the prologue (the past), they did not."

Two chapters and I'm still not sure what to make of this story. Lady is rightfully antagonistic, but even so she seems extra belligerent. And Daybreaker is doing herself no favors keeping her reasons so close to her chest. That and the, frankly, outlandish sci-fi setting makes this quite confusing so far.

The author looks at their notifications. "A comment?" she asks, clicks on the message, and reads it. She gasps in shock. "A criticizing comment?!"

The author can't help but smile and shake her head at her own antics. She turns her attention back to you, trying to get back on topic. "On a more serious note, thank you for speaking out." She tilts her head and nods. "I have no clue what the readers may think when I post these, as I will probably be consumed by some unimportant nitpick and lose sight of what matters. So I look forward to these."

The author pauses and re-reads your comment a few more times. "I shall see what I can do," she taps her chin in thought. "For our lady, I don't want the readers to lose the enjoyable reading experience and be discouraged by her actions and words, especially if they are utterly frustrating. It will consume the whole fic if it ends up that way."

She looks away in thought. "Some drama could be bent down or handled differently to show more than two stubborn beings butting heads and being stupid. Or tweak a bit of personality from either our human or Daybreaker. I'll have to think about this some more."

The author sighs in defeat. "And the sci-fi stuff can definitely be improved upon, though. I'm in total agreeance there." She thinks for a moment and speaks in brutal honesty. "I'm just completely out of ideas about tackling it for now, but I'm sure I'll develop something after some research."

"Sadly, I make no promises. Especially if I somehow make it worse, but I have no fear- and even like to edit my story before I continue to the next chapter. I shall go back at the last two chapters and keep your comment in mind."

She nods at you again as a sign of respect. "I thank you again, and not just for the honest comment, but also for taking the time to read." She lightly adds, "I hope to hear from you more once changes are made or new chapters are posted."

It's still early in the story. I'm willing to see where it goes. I don't think things need to change so much as I'm hoping reasons or attitudes get explained or rationalized with learning more about the characters and their backgrounds and motivations.

As for the sci-fi setting, it's just wildly different from the source material and as such takes a bit to settle in. That and Daybreaker being a ruler of such a vast empire is hard to grasp. Multiple planets is already a lot. But her reach extends to other realities or dimensions? You can see how that is a lot to take in.

I don't think anything really needs to change. I just want to know why the characters choose to act as they do and just learning about the setting almost feels like a benevolent Emperor of Mankind from 40k. So it's just learning about it means we as readers have to adjust our expectations of everything because the setting is quite unique. Overwhelming and unknown are better words to describe how I feel about the setting. That isn't negative. You just have to keep showing us how things work as you have like with the nobles and the AI. It will just take time.

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