• Published 31st May 2021
  • 5,226 Views, 199 Comments

Enchanted to Know You - Teal

After flirting with a mare at a bar, Twilight did not realize the she had unexpectedly asked Celestia out on a date.

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Sparkle Household

To say that Sunny was nervous would have been an understatement. She was scared. No. She wasn’t just scared, she was outright terrified. Standing in front of the Sparkle Household, she had to use all her mental strength to fight off every urge to turn around and leave.

Now, meeting the parents of a special somepony was nothing new to her. She had done this plenty of times before. However, it had been ages since she last did something like this, and she clearly remembered that during the last time it happened, the parents were more afraid of her than the other way around. She was used to being in a position of power, to be the one admired and awed at by the ponies in the room. Although she never liked it, constant repetition made it so that she had forgotten how it felt like to be the one under.

Sensing her feelings and trying to ease her worry, Twilight leaned against Sunny in hopes of comforting her. The scent of the alicorn and the feeling of her warm body often made the white mare’s heart flutter with joy and distract her from any other thought. However, it didn’t seem enough this time. The nervousness still swirling inside, as she wondered what may lay behind the door in front of them.

“Do you think they’ll like me?” She asked, as she felt her throat was getting dry.

That question was the thought that circled her mind the most. She was scared that Twilight’s parents would not like her. She was scared that her parents would not approve of their relationship. She didn’t know what her parents wanted for her daughter or if she met any of the qualifications they had set for their daughter’s partner.

Were they okay with Twilight being with a mare or did they want a stallion? Would they approve of her job as a freelance writer or did they think that such a job was beneath their daughter and family name? Will they think that them meeting at a bar was sinful? How would they react when they learn that their daughter was drunk when she asked her out? Will they think that Twilight just made a mistake choosing her? Will they think that she was a gold digger who was only after the alicorn’s position and wealth?

All those thoughts plagued her mind, as she felt restless and worried. She knew that any disapproval from Twilight's parents could spell the end of their relationship and Sunny was not prepared to be separated from the mare she really loved.

Of course, she had been in previous relationships where that was the case. But once more, that was where her position of power helped. Regardless of the opinions of the parents, she and her previous partners would get what they want, because nopony would dare question or counter her decision. However, that was not the case here. She had no power now. Sunny was just a unicorn. It was up to Twilight’s parents to decide.

Sure, they were both mature mares who could make their own decisions. But, Twilight was a pony close to her family and Sunny would never deprive her of that just for her sake.

Because of that she knew she had to make a good impression.

“Of course they would like you.” Twilight said in a reassuring tone. “What’s there not to like? Besides, my parents are kind ponies, they won’t bite.”

“Yea, Twilight’s right!” A certain baby dragon said, making Sunny look down towards Spike, who was holding a massive box for his size. The young drake had taken a liking for Sunny and the unicorn was proud to consider him as a friend after their first meeting at the end of her third date with Twilight. Of course, he wasn’t much of a fan of the unicorn’s constant public display of affection towards the alicorn, but that didn’t seem to lessen his view of the white mare, or at least that’s what Sunny told herself. “Mom and Dad are the best ponies out there, I doubt you can do anything to make them think badly of you.”

Sunny would have liked to agree with them, but she was never really sure. Something inside of her knew that she had met those two ponies before. Yet she never really got to know who they truly were, aside from the usual supportive and protective parents you would see from the outside.

Slowly nodding her head, Sunny did her best to compose herself. A sudden mechanical clicking sound, however, brought the tension back all over her body. Looking forward, the door in front of them unlocked and opened to reveal two excited ponies who couldn’t contain the joy of seeing their daughter again.

“Twilight! Spike!” They both said, as they rushed forward to cover both the alicorn and the dragon in a big hug.

Suddenly feeling out of place, Sunny looked on as they both held her into a tight hug.

“It’s good to see you two too.” Twilight said, returning the hug by wrapping her wings around them.

“It’s good to be back here.” Spike added, as he did his best to stretch his arms far enough to give a big huf.

Then, as they all pulled back from the heartfelt greeting, Twilight gave her father a wide smile. “Happy birthday, Dad!” This was followed by Spike giving his own greeting.

“Thank you, sweetheart. Thank’s little bud.” A blue unicorn stallion replied. “I’m so happy that you two could make it, even with your busy schedule.”

“Are you kidding, Dad? Of course we would never miss your birthday!” Twilight said with a giggle.

Standing there to the side, Sunny couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Twilight’s family. For a moment she forgot her fears and watched at how warm and loving they were to one another. She had to admit, it was sweet and cute.

However, her smile soon turned into a sudden frown, when she noticed that the light gray unicorn mare in front of her suddenly glanced towards her direction.

“Night Light, it looks like Twilight and Spike didn’t come by themselves.” She said, as she gestured towards the white unicorn.

Feeling everypony’s attention now on her, Sunny tried her best to give a smile, as she nervously introduced greeting Twilight’s parents with a somewhat shy wave of a hoof. She felt embarrassed for being so nervous, as she blushed and tried to maintain eye contact with her marefriend’s parents.

“Hello, there...” The stallion known as Night Light said with a friendly smile. “Hmm…forgive my memory, I don’t want to sound rude, but I don't recall meeting you before. I’m assuming you’re a new friend of our daughter?”

“Oh, well you see…” Sunny began, as she switched her glance between the ground and her marefriend’s parents. She was hesitating as she felt her fears roll across her mind once more. Was it the right time to say that she and Twilight were together? Will they be accepting? Will she be allowed inside?

Before Sunny’s fears could fully drag her mind further down, a short glance towards Twilight’s parents revealed to her a reaction that she did not expect. Hoped for, yes, expected to actually happen, no.

“Oh my Celestia, could it be?” The light gray unicorn said to herself, as she looked at Sunny with wide eyes. Looking back at her, the white unicorn watched as the gray mare’s eyes turned from the expression of surprise to sudden joy, as a smile grew and grew on her face. “I can’t believe this, hon, but I think our Twilight brought a date with her!”

Somehow the mare knew they were more than just friends. Sunny was unsure how, but she would have guessed that it was just an instinct mothers may have.

Upon hearing what his wife said, the stallion’s eyes suddenly turned wide, as he glanced back and forth from Sunny to Twilight, as the alicorn mare planted a hoof on her face in frustration and embarrassment. Unsure what to do Sunny remained silent as she shuffled her hooves on the ground. She wanted to make a good impression, but right now she had no clue how to react to the developing situation. This was a first for her, as she didn’t think she had been placed in a position like this before.

“Well, don’t be rude, sweetheart.” The gray mare finally said, breaking the silence. “Aren’t you going to formally introduce us to this nice young mare you’re dating.”

Immediately both Sunny and Twilight blushed at this, as they were placed into the spotlight of the two parents whose eyes were now twinkling with excitement.

“Dad and mom…” The alicorn began. “...I would like you to meet Sunny Beam, my marefriend.”

“Marefriend!” The two excitedly shouted in joy.

“Oh, this is even better than I expected.” The gray unicorn exclaimed. “A marefriend! Twilight actually managed to get a marefriend!”

“This is the best gift you can ever give me, sweetheart.”

“Dad…our relationship isn’t a gift for you. We got you an actual gift right here.” Twilight explained, gesturing towards the box Spike was carrying. However, her words were lost to them both, as her parents seemed to be doing their own small celebration.

Moving towards Sunny, the two placed themselves on both her sides, catching the unicorn by surprise. Trapped between the two, she allowed herself to be shuffled inside the house, as the two bombarded her with an array of introductions and questions.

This was not what she had expected, but she preferred this than what her mind conjured up.

“So, Sunny, I’m Twilight Velvet, and that’s my husband, Night Light. Now, let me be the first to welcome you to the family!”

“Welcome me to the family?” The white unicron said, trying her best to keep up.

“Why, of course!” Night Light said from the other side. “You’re Twilight's marefriend and that makes you a part of the Sparkle Household. So please, be comfortable and think of this as your own home.”

“Oh…thank you.” Sunny managed to say, as she actually felt warm and happy to hear that.

“Now, tell us, how did you and our little encyclopedia meet?” Velvet asked. “Was it you who asked her out or was it Twilight?”

At this the stallion on her other side chuckled. “Oh, hon, as much as I love our sweetheart, I doubt it that she’s the type of pony who would make the first move.”

“Hey!” An annoyed remark came from behind them, but was ignored by the two.

“Actually, it was Twilight that made the first move.” Sunny admitted.

To this the eyes went wide and Sunny swore that it looked as if they would flip.

“You need to tell us everything!” Velvet said, as she shoved her face forward till it was up close against Sunny’s.

“Um…well…where to begin…” Sunny said, her eyes darting left and right as she tried to think which parts of their story she should omit from Twilight’s parents. Their encounter at the bar was cute and sweet, that is true, but it may not be the type of romantic story her parents were expecting. She has to thread this carefully or else get an unfavorable reaction from the two unicorns, who might get overprotective and assume that she took advantage of their daughter’s intoxicated state.

“Can we at least wait until dinner before we talk about this?” Twilight said, as moved towards them and distanced her mother from the white unicorn. “Sunny and I just got here and I think you’re making her uncomfortable, which is a rare sight to see to be honest.”

Chuckling, Night Light scratched the back of his head before giving Sunny an apologetic look. “Oh, okay, I guess we did get a bit carried away. Sorry about that, Sunny.”

“It’s alright.” Sunny said, giving a small smile as she finally regained her composure.

“We need to get dinner ready as soon as possible! I still have so many questions to ask!” Velvet suddenly blurted out, nearly charging towards the kitchen.

Smiling and shaking his head, Night Light made a few steps towards the kitchen before briefly turning towards the newly arrived couple.

“Shining Armor and Cadance are in the living room. I’m sure they’ll both be happy to see you.” Then, turning towards Spike, she gave him a knowing smile. “Want to help Velvet and I cook dinner? I’m sure she’ll let you sample each dish to taste test them for quality.”

“Count me in!” The drake said excitedly, before setting aside the large box he was carrying and bounding for the kitchen.

All three of them laughed at this. Night Light then looked back towards Sunny and nodded towards her.

“Once again, welcome to the family, Sunny.”

With that he trotted towards the kitchen, leaving the two mares alone in the main hall of the household.

Standing there and breathing a sigh of relief, Sunny soon felt Twilight press against her, as she gave the unicorn a concerned look. “Are you alright?” The alicorn eventually asked.

“Yea.” Sunny said with a nod. “I think I’m alright. Shocked, but I’m good.”

Twilight let out a short chuckle, before giving an apologetic look. “Sorry about my parents. They can be a bit in your face sometimes. But they do mean well, they’re just over excited when it comes to topics like this. Every family gathering, they would ask me if I found a special somepony yet. Well, now that I have, I guess they're as happy as I am that there is now somepony as great as you in my life.”

Sunny smiled at this, finding what she said sweet and heartwarming. It made her feel happy knowing that the other marehad the same feeling as she did. No matter how many times the alicorn reminded her of her love, each time always felt special.

Twilight was her and she was Twilight's. There was nothing more she wanted than that. She did not want that to disappear.

Nuzzling the mare beside her, she let out a relaxed sigh, happy to know that Twilight was with her and that her family was, so far, had accepted their relationship.

“Aha!” Came a cry ahead of them, making both mares pull away and jump in shock. Shooting her eyes towards the direction of the sound, Sunny soon saw the head of a pink alicorn pop out from what she assumed was the living room. “I knew I could sense the love of a new couple nearby!” The alicorn said, before walking along the hallway where Sunny and Twilight stood.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Cadance to friends and family, gave a broad smile as she approached. Staring at the alicorn, Sunny could see an evident bump could be seen on her belly. Despite this, she still held the same beauty and grace that made many ponies admire her. Following behind her, Sunny saw a stoic white unicorn stallion whom she quickly recognized as Shining Armor, her marefriend’s brother.

Inside her mind, Sunny wondered how these two would react to her presence. She had already had a favorable reaction from the parents, but now the question was whether Twilight’s brother and sister-in-law would be the same. They were kind ponies, everypony in Equestria knew that, but brothers can get overprotective, especially towards their younger siblings.

“Cadance!” Twilight shouted in joy, before bounding towards the mare.

Sunny was then able to witness the greeting special Twilight and Princess Cadance shared between each other. She had to stifle a giggle at the sight, as she found the old foalhood ritual both cute and funny.

“I'm glad to see you again, Twilight.” Cadance said, pulling the younger alicorn into a hug.

“I’m glad to see you too.” The lavender alicorn said as she returned the hug.

Pulling away from the hug, Cadance then gave a cheeky smile towards Twilight. “So, it seems like you brought a mare with you.” She said, her voice sounding giggly. “Care to introduce us to her?”

Looking away from Twilight, Sunny watched as the pink alicorn’s eyes fell on her. At first her face held a curious and excited smile. However, after lingering her gaze on her, the smile momentarily fluctuated and disappeared, before returning again.

This made Sunny raise an eyebrow, before a shot of fear ran through her. Did she know?

Trying her best to act as if she was alright, the white unicorn mare returned the smile and waited for Twilight to introduce her.

“Oh…he…he…you see…” Twilight began, stuttering a bit as she blushed. For a moment this distracted Sunny, as she couldn’t help but think of how cute her marefriend was when nervous. It never fails to get her. “...this is Sunny…she’s my marefriend.”

Cadance smiled at this, looking at Twilight with a genuinely proud gaze. She then looked at Sunny and when she did her look changed. It wasn’t obvious, but the white unicorn mare could see it. The smile was different and the gaze suspicious.

“A marefriend?” Shining Armor suddenly shouted, coming in between Sunny and Candace, thus shifting her attention to him. “My little sister now has a marefriend? How long has this been going on? Why didn’t you tell me immediately?”

“Well, why didn't you immediately tell me about your wedding?” Twilight retorted.

“There is a reason behind that and you know it!” Shining Armor told Twilight, before fixating his attention towards Sunny. Trying to look tall and tough, the unicorn mare watched as Twilight’s older brother tried to assert his dominance.

“Now listen here you…” He began, his voice suddenly sounding much deeper than earlier. Upon hearing this, Twilight could only let out a groan of exasperation, while Sunny quietly and curiously looked on and listened. “...I don’t know you, but I would like, and will, get to know more about you. Whether I end up liking you or not, it’s clear that my little sister has feelings for you and I would not prevent your relationship if it means she’s happy. However, let’s make one thing clear. Never, ever, hurt her. Do you understand?”

Sunny was not at all intimidated by this, but she knew that if she wanted his favor then she would have to act the role he was placing her in.

“Yes, sir.” She replied in a firm tone.

“Good.” Shining Armor said, keeping his face neutral. However, as he moved back towards Cadance’s side, Sunny was able to see his expression change to glee as he softly said:

“I always wanted to do that.”

“I know.” Cadance said with a giggle. “I remember you practicing it a lot when Twilight was a teenager. You were so dismayed when you thought that she will never get a special somepony.”

“Wait what?” Twilight asked in surprise.

Sunny had to giggle at this. “Based on what I’m hearing so far, it seems like you were saving yourself for me, Pancake.”

“As happy as I am that you came into my life, I was not specifically saving myself for you.” Twilight said, as she rolled her eyes. “That doesn't even make sense, I didn’t even know you existed till we met at the bar! Even then, I was too drunk to know who you were other than a very beautiful mare I wanted to date.”

Sunny slightly blushed at the compliment, but was soon distracted by Shining Armor, who spoke and glared at them suspiciously.

“A bar? Drunk? What do you mean by that?”

Glancing at each other, both Sunny and Twilight knew that the circumstances of their first meeting was now revealed and they could not possibly hide it now from the questioning later at dinner.

“Umm…spoilers?” Sunny managed to mekely say.

The dinner went better than she had expected. It was just how you expected any family birthday party. Singing, good food and amazing cake. For Sunny, it was fun and she felt welcomed. Despite being a stranger to most of the ponies there, they acted as if she had been a part of their family the entire time. This was no grand part, in fact it was quite the opposite, yet she enjoyed every bit of it. With only a small group of ponies present, it felt more tight knit, thus making it more meaningful.

Of course, Sunny and Twilight couldn’t beat around the bush forever and in the end, once everypony was settled down and the birthday cheers subsided, they eventually had to tell their story. Once more, the white unicorn was a bit nervous when this happened, especially at the start when she had to explain that they met at a bar while Twilight was drunk.

At first, she expected Twilight’s parents to look at them disapprovingly at that part. However, they didn’t react badly to it. They didn’t like the idea of their daughter getting drunk and picking up mares, but in the end they found it amusing and were happy to know that she chose Sunny, who they stated was a charming, sweet, and beautiful mare.

This compliment only made the unicorn blush, as she tried to bury herself in order to hide the embarrassment. Despite that, it was welcoming to know that she was accepted well into the Sparkle family. This did a lot in throwing away her earlier fears, as she now felt more at ease with this new family she is now a part of.

However, despite the acceptance of Twilight’s parents and brother, there was still one pony whom she felt daggers of suspicious glances from.

All throughout the dinner, Sunny could tell that Cadance was pretending. She didn’t think anypony else noticed, but she felt the alicorn glare at her the entire time, as if she was studying her and trying to find something. This only made Sunny feel uneasy towards her. She feared what the other pony was thinking about her.

After dinner, the ponies and dragon soon cleaned up the table, before moving to the living room to relax and continue their conversations. Twilight, Spike, Cadance, and Shining Armor were busy catching up since their last meeting, while the Sparkle parents, from what Sunny could hear, were busy talking about their daughter and how happy they were that she finally found somepony. Knowing that they were talking about their relationship only made the unicorn blush once more, but she was glad that it was something positive.

At one point, she took an opportunity to go to the bathroom and politely excused herself from the group. However, not being too familiar with the house, Cadance stood up and offered to show her the way.

This only made Sunny gulp in apprehension, as the alicorn was the last pony she wanted to be left alone with during that moment. However, with no other choice, she gave a small smile and pretended that there was nothing wrong.

Once the two were out of eyesight and earsight, the alicorn quickly turned her face towards the unicorn, giving her the same fake smile she had been showing her all night.

“So, Sunny, do you mind me asking you something?”

“Umm, sure?” The other mare replied with caution.

“Now, I need you to answer truthfully.” Cadance said, the smile now disappearing as a frown took its place. Beneath her chest, Sunny could feel her heart pounding fast. She did not like where this was going. “Why are you lying?”

“Lying?” Sunny said, as she felt a cold sweat roll on the back of her neck. “I’m not lying to anypony.”

Cadance let out a short laugh as she shook her head. “You say that and yet you’re even lying to yourself. Fine, don’t answer my question, but let me tell you something. I am the Princess of Love, and as the Princess of Love I specialize in anything love related, obviously. Now, the moment I saw you, the moment I got a good look at you, I noticed something. All ponies have a certain signature for their love. It is always unique and easily distinguishable from any other pony’s signature.”

As Sunny listened, she couldn’t help but feel uneasy as she didn’t like where the alicorn was going. However, she didn’t say a word and allowed her to continue.

“Now, your signature is familiar and I recognized it from somewhere. It was the same one a certain Solar Princess gave off when she was with her sister, her friends, or even when she was in front of her subjects. Now though, this signature of love is burning as intense as the very sun she controls, and I see it in you. So tell me, Aunty, what are you doing dating Twilight?"

Inside her mind Sunny was cursing. She should have known better and realized that the alicorn of love would have recognized her, love magic was her speciality afterall. Although, she had to admit that she did not expect to be recognized through her love.

Then again, there was no avoiding this encounter. Sunny would have never said no to Twilight’s invitation to attend her father’s birthday. Besides, sooner or later, she would have encountered the Princess of Love while being with Twilight. She just wished that the alicorn had not found out, since the more ponies who knew the secret the more complicated things would get.

Letting out a sigh, the unicorn hung her head in defeat before looking back at the patiently waiting alicorn.

“Alright, Cadance, it’s me.” She admitted, feeling ashamed at being caught. “Just please, keep quiet about it and don’t tell Twilight.”

Sunny didn’t know what Cadance’s intentions were and she feared that she was going to tell her marefriend about the discovery. The unicorn had plans on telling the alicorn eventually, but not now. She wasn’t ready yet, and she believed that the other wasn’t ready also. But then the question was, will there be a time when they will ever be ready?

“I knew it!” Cadance said, with a proud smile. But this quickly turned into a frown. “Aunty, what the hay are you doing pretending to be some unicorn named Sunny?”

“Umm, being Twilight’s marefriend?” She responded sheepishly.

Cadance rolled her eyes at this and gave a frustrated grunt. “I know you're Twilight's marefriend. But my question is why are you in a disguise?”

Looking around them, Sunny made sure that the two were alone before revealing the truth.

“It’s a long story… But the short version of it is, I was out at the bar after a long day dealing with nobles. You know how they can be a pain in the flank and all. It’s been my tradition to go out as Sunny in order to relax and unwind and during this a certain drunk alicorn did a bold move and asked me out.”

“Just like what you told us earlier?”

“Yes, exactly like that. All of that was true.”

“I see.” Cadance said, nodding her head and processing what she learned. “Why didn’t you just tell her immediately? You two could have gone out with you being yourself.”

“Cadance, this is Twilight, she would have never have acted as herself if she was with Princess Celestia.”

The alicorn frowned at this, but nodded. There was a momentary pause and Sunny felt nervous at what the pink mare might say.

“You love her, I can feel it.” She eventually said. “You both love each other. But, Aunty, this lie can’t continue. I don’t need to sermon you on this, but I know you’re aware that relationships should not be built on lies.”

“I know…” Sunny said, letting it trail on. “I never meant for the lie to go this far. But, I got scared. If I tell her, who knows how she would react and…I’ve fallen for her. I love her. You know that, you said it yourself. I’m scared that I might lose her if she knows the truth.”

“Well, you’re going to lose her if she finds out the truth on her own.”

Sunny bit her lip as she felt it quiver. That had been her fear and the source of her nightmares all these weeks they have been together. Holding back her emotions, she tried her best to remain calm. But deep inside her fears nagged at her.

Twilight loved Sunny, and Sunny loved her in return. But was that love strong enough to withstand the revelation? Will she continue to see her the same way? Will she love Celestia as she loved Sunny? There was too much uncertainty and that frightened her.

“Cadance…I don’t know what to do.”

The pink alicorn looked at her with a sad expression, before placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

“You need to tell her the truth as soon as possible. She loves you and I can’t be certain how things will play out, but I know that a love this strong can get through almost anything. But I’m not going to lie to you Aunty, you will hurt her. I think you know that already. Once she learns about it, she will feel betrayed and you will lose whatever trust you have built now.”

Sunny felt her eyes water at hearing this. What she was saying was true though and the unicorn had to be strong to accept that fact.

“She’ll try to push you away after learning who you really are, but that doesn't mean her love for you will simply disappear. It will still be there. You need to work things out and regain the trust that was shattered. It will be tough, but you need to be strong and reassure her that your love for her was not a lie.”

The white unicorn nodded, as the feeling dread for the day was already swirling inside of her. Unable to utter a word due to her emotions, she simply continued to nod.

“It’s going to be okay, alright, Aunty?” Cadance said in a reassuring tone. “You don’t have to tell her now, but please don’t wait too long.”

“Okay. I know, Cadance.” Sunny said, although she withheld saying when she will finally tell Twilight. In all honesty, she didn’t know when it would be.

“Good.” The alicorn simply said. “Now come on, the bathroom is this way.”

When the two returned to the rest of the family, Sunny could still feel the bite of sadness within her. Although she tried her best to act normal and happy, she could feel that Twilight was sensing something different about her.

“Is everything alright?” The lavender alicorn asked with strong concern plastered on her face.

“Yea.” Sunny said, trying her best to muster a genuine smile. “Everything is alright.”

Twilight didn’t seem convinced by this, as the worried look continued to show on her face. However, much to the unicorn’s relief, the alicorn didn’t press things further.

As the rest of the day went on, Sunny kept on thinking about her problem. When she got back to her chambers, Celestia couldn’t help but cry out of fear, since she knew that she would end up breaking Twilight’s heart.