• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Rocket Lawn Chair

Under many delusions.


Celestia has worked with promising young unicorns and their parents for many years. However, working with Night Light, the father of her prize pupil, presents a challenge she hasn't faced in centuries.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

I find myself enamored with stories that explore the psychology of characters, even for but a brief moment. In that regard, getting an insight on Night Light's struggles as a parent was very nice to see. I'm glad you finally decided to publish this, as it means I got to read it, and spend a few minutes in silence enjoying a nice story.

I really dig this story. Both Night Light and Celestia had relatable worries and believable emotional reactions. However, it was kind of jarring to just suddenly throw out, "Yeah, my preteen daughter literally broke through the barrier between life and death and resurrected her dead pet" as the reason for this meeting... and then not go into any detail. Like, I get that the focus was on the underlying concerns Night had, and how Celestia knew all too well what he was feeling, but that kind of shocking and borderline absurd reason for a parent-teacher conference is more expected from a comedy than an introspective piece. This is the kind of conversation and discussed worries that I would expect after Twilight had a panic attack over a deadline or bad grade, or was suffering from stress-induced sickness or something, not perverting the face of nature and violating the natural order of the world. Not to mention that kind of thing would probably warrant a visit from both of her parents.

Still, I enjoyed the story, and I'm happy to see that you can write as well as you can draw. Stay awesome, my dude. :twilightsmile:

Oh wow so night light was talking with Princess Celestia about Twilight and how much he was worried about her future and I guess that's pretty understandable for a parent to worry about their child what they're going through but sometimes you just have to be there for them I had that same problem when I was a kid not knowing if I can make friends like that sometimes my parents worried about me but this was a pretty good story and seeing Princess Celestia open up to night light about her past as well

Yeah, haha. I seem to keep having that issue of jarring moments that don't fit the tone of the story. Actually, this is something I wrote about two years ago. Right now I'm going back through some of the old stories I never published to see if any are worthwhile.


Heh, I see. Well, if you ever want/need anyone to give 'em a gander, I'd be more than happy to.

Honestly, seeing as how Twilight once accidentally turned her own parents into plant life, the notion of necromancy magic doesn't seem all that unusual in Equestria.

The way it's presented is more like Celestia wondering just how one so young manage to cobble together a working necromancy spell, despite having no reason to possess such knowledge. Like if your kid comes to school and starts telling the other kids how you can make moonshine at home.

I might just take you up on that next time I bring one up!

I'm no critic so I'm not sure to what extent it's a good or bad thing, but I can say that I definitely like the sudden my daughter's a necromancer thing. Those "jarring moments" can really speak about the normalcy or presumptions of an alien world, while leaving the keen reader wondering about the thing itself, the implications for the character or the rules of the world that allow such a event in the way it did.

Very great story, and I enjoyed it all. It was a breath of fresh air to hear a different perspective of events from Night’s point of view. Well done :twilightsmile:

I thought this was going to be a wholesome story about Twilight's dad being a creature from beyond reality, and he and celestia talking about Twilight's report card. Meanwhile, the not-quite-real flesh puppet that "night light" uses to interact with equestria through the cracks in reality, would fret about his daughter.

I'm a bit confused

Enjoyed it

But came into this thinking they were there to address a twilight issue at a School, and walked away with two adults finding Comfortable positions in their families

The whole worrying about the sun/moon scene while light sits there could be cut out

So, did twi bring her dead hamster to school?

That's what I tried to imply, but I think I could have written that entire element more gracefully, so I completely understand your confusion.

I think the buildup leading to the necromancy reveal was very well done, but afterwards they just seemed to drop the conversation. I would have liked to see them discuss what to do about it or how they wanted to help Twilight move forward.

Should I be proud that she somehow managed to reanimate her dead pet through some kind of homebrew necromancy?

In this moment, I expected the story to gradually but solidly shift tone into a comedy of ridiculous proportions. Fueled by two ponies speaking with inappropriate calmness, about a comically ridiculous disaster that just keeps getting worse with every paragraph.

I admit to some disappointment that the story instead fizzled out several paragraphs later with so little to show for it.

The writing quality is good...but the flow of the story is poor. Instead of...(calm, calm, oh this is interesting, oh that's hilarious, wow that's epic, but then everyone was ok despite the chaos, oh what a great twist ending), instead the flow here is...(calm, calm, oh this is interesting, the end. Wait, what?)

Its not a bad story. But all the buildup doesn't go anywhere, and at the end it feels like a missed opportunity.

Is it odd seeing celestia give advice to a parent?

Gods, listening to the loss of innocence is the worst. Still, it does happen, and sometimes, there really are things we can't prepare for. Still, well written, and fits within the canon as shown. Very good work sir.

Interesting thing, but I get the feeling some parts were missing, leading to drastic shifts. For example:

Celestia covered her mouth, thinking she’d expressed the thought out loud. Fortunately, Night hadn’t noticed her action. She fanned herself, feeling suddenly hot and agitated. The atmosphere in her office felt congested, too full of warm silence. She extended her magical grasp to open a window, letting in the cool of the evening.

“Ehm...do you know where she got the hamster?” she asked.

This was the very first mention of the hamster, so it makes me think an error happened while importing the chapter.

I attempted to imply that they both already knew what the meeting was about, and their earlier conversation was meant to make the atmosphere more relaxed without touching on any sensitive nerves.

Eh, I feel it didn't really succeed in that regard. It felt like Celestia knowing about this wasn't really set up properly, so it just seems like a drastic change in subject out of nowhere to me.

Sorry it didn't work for you, but thanks for reading and taking the time to give me some feedback!

As counter-feedback, it was very obvious that they both knew about the hamster and events surrounding it with that line. That bit was just fine.

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