• Member Since 18th May, 2016
  • offline last seen May 15th

Comrade Bagel Muffin

I'm the reason when you search Quibble you'll find Scootaloo too. PM me if you want to talk about anything one on one. Well I finally set up a patreon...Hazaa???


End of the Line is a massive city on the boarder between Equestria and Griffon Territory, it was untouched by the bombs and the mega spells, though the wasteland was not as kind. It is now under the control of several cartels each of them running massive industries between slavery to narcotics, and everything between. The city's run by a massive city council all of the ponies on which are all fighting for their own interests. And at it's center are the Big Five the largest cooperation in the wastelands. In this world the ponies, changelings, and griffons live under constant stress. The city would have been a living hell for them if it weren't for those that would fight tirelessly the good fight. This is the story of those few. Those brave. Those Heroes.

Cover art Ponies done by Leastways
BG done by Casteroki

Lapis: Sapphire the Crystal Archer, belongs to Dusk the Batpack, used with permission.
Light Chase and Dream Chase belong to SpheeDC, used with permission.
Ash belongs to LightningScratch used with permission
High Flyer and Rusty belong to MasterDerek118 used with permission.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 35 )

nice to hear from you again!

Oui. Merci beaucoup. I hope you enjoy the story.

Of course I did! I even worked on a spin-off myself

You have confused Bagel??? What do you mean?

I made a fallout Equestria spin off with an Oc of my own

Why was End of the Line named that before the big war?

It was the end of the equestrian railroad.

#needs more violence, but no seriously i like the set up, the concept, the characters, and all the brutal things swirling in my mind that I both want and don't want to happen to them, I don't know how far you'll go but I'm excited to see :)

nice job! love the small german touch you did there

Merci beaucoup or should I say Danke schon? :pinkiehappy:

okay? But still, great job!

Merci beaucoup, was something not up to stuff??? PM me mon ami if you see things needing fixing.

No, no, it's fine. I was just confused with what you meant in your author note

I thought these stories were called Fallout: Equestria, not Fallout of Equestria. Why'd you change it?

I enjoyed reading this to catch up. you're doing a bit better with your pacing bagel, but it could defenetially use some work. all in all, so far so good!

Danke schon I'll continue to work on the pacing.

This was an interesting first chapter, especially the unexpected surprise of Lapis being a vigilante.

Wow, Fluid's tough. Not a lot of ponies can take nirik fire like that, on top of everything else.

better late than never

Sapphire didn't have to fly far. Disco and Light were fighting anywhere from ten to twenty ponies the only thing keeping them from being over run was the narrow alley way that they had made their stand in. The rear part of the ally was completely blocked off by a stone wall. Ash was flying helterskelter patterns in the air, avoiding the fire for eight pegasi. Dub and her twin brother Disc were firing off spells and were mostly relegated to a support roll for the actual fighting, though they did take turns shooting into large masses of snatcher; Dud with her battle saddle, and Disc with a small one shot grenade launcher that seemed to be loaded with tear gas.

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