• Published 2nd Apr 2023
  • 1,358 Views, 24 Comments

Zoinks! - Rockstar_Raccoon

  • ...

Chapter 2: Like, this place sure is cozy, Scoob!

[So apparently those three little talking horse girls were like, the little sisters of these adult horse ladies, and those horse ladies were friends with some sorta magical horse lady, and she was the apprentice-pony of some sorta magical horse princess, and she lived just up the road in the local town library, and had just been getting ready to order takeout from the local burger joint, so the next thing we knew, we were eating lunch in her magical tree library...

“Soo... I noticed the two of you have quite the appetites.” the purple one, Twilight Sparkle, was giving us this funny looking smirk.

I stopped between bites of the hayburger and “What can I say? Fighting monsters works up an appetite, and I never turn down a free meal!”

“Ruck reah, ree real!” Scooby said as he put another one of those delicious sandwiches in his mouth, chomping it down and swallowing, “Reee-ricious!”

Twilight giggled, picking up one for herself, taking a hearty bite which left her face covered in sauce.

“You seem pretty into these things yourself, Miss Sparkle.” I said.

She blushed. Don’t ask me how that worked, seeing as she was covered in that groovy purple fur, but she blushed, “Oh, well, you know, I work up quite an appetite myself... studying.”

“Hey, I’m not complaining, just glad to see a fellow conn-o-seur pack it away as well as we do!”

She giggled again, “Well, as long as you’re not repulsed by it, and please, you can call me Twilight.”

“Well Twilight, it’s hard to be repulsed by food as good as this: they don’t make it like this where we’re from, at least not vegetarian options."

“Oh, do your people live with a lot of carnivores?”

I rolled my eyes, “You don’t know the half of it. You can’t go anywhere without people trying to put bacon on your salad, salami on your sandwich, or chicken in your pita-wrap. Like, buddy, for the last time, I told you, I’ll take the felafel, hold the souvlaki!”

She cringed, “I know what you mean. I’ve traveled through a few carnivore-run areas before during my studies. I can barely handle the smell.”

“Well, I can’t say I blame ya. I bet if we had food like this where I’m from, it’d put all the meat-shops out of business!” I put another one in my mouth, savoring that tasty flavor.

Let me tell you, these hayburgers beat anything we have back on earth. The hoof baked buns are the perfect mix of soft and crumbly, the hay-burger patty is more tender and juicy than pan-fried grass has any right to be, the veggies are so flavorful, definitely organic and fresh from the field, and man to these ponies know how to pack them on! There’s gotta be a whole half-inch of tomatoes in there, the kind that splash in your mouth, three different types of lettuce, none of them iceberg, and lemme tell you, they don’t skimp on the onions...

It’s like they put a regular side-salad on every one of these things, and every bite is your five-a-day!

(( Author’s Note: this is probably how Twilight manages to eat as much as she does and keep her figure. You now have a new headcanon. You’re welcome. ))

“So...” Twilight started talking with her mouth full, then swallowed another big bite, “You two seem close, though I notice Scooby here has a dog collar on, even though he’s talking... he’s not like, your pet, is he?”

“Nah, he’s not my pet, he’s my buddy. That’s his own collar he’s wearing.”

“Reah, ruddies!”

"So... The collar's like... A fetish thing?"

"Rits rot a retish ring!" Scoob gave this sideways glance, “...runress...?"

Author's Note:

That's what I have for now. :V

Comments ( 6 )

The ending of this chapter crack me up.

I figured magic just ran through a lot of calories. :derpytongue2:

Like Zoinks Skoob I'm still only using less than 1% of my power.... Okay jokes aside I hope this turns into an actual story and not just a funny story.

Very nice chapter.

I'm glad people like it. I actually had a lot more written, I just wasn't able to focus on getting it all together, and I wanted to get something out on April Fools, considering this is supposed to be in April Fools story.

More good

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