• Member Since 14th Mar, 2018
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True Edge

"Bad things happen. There's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect, but that don't mean we stop tryin'!" - Applejack


"Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment, and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative. Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot.

Psychopaths can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack any semblance of conscience. Their antisocial nature inclines them often (but by no means always) to criminality.

Adult psychopathy is largely resistant to treatment, though programs exist to treat callous, unemotional youth in hopes of preventing them from maturing into psychopaths.

Brain anatomy, genetics, and a person’s environment may all contribute to the development of psychopathic traits."

So, this is just a random idea I had for another Anthology series, a bit less comedic, a bit more dramatic and dark. Mostly, it was because I've been in a mood for watching old school mysteries lately, like Agatha Christie and, yes, Sherlock Holmes. It also occurred to me that, in spite of her being my absolute favorite villain from the series, and a character that I love, for the fact that her backstory is an open ended question, I had never written anything about Cozy Glow. I've had ideas, and still do! But, this is the first time I've ever sat down and gotten any of them to a point where I could actually publish it.

Note that this story takes place several years after Cozy was freed from stone sleep, and she is now an adult of around nineteen.

I cannot remember who drew the cover art, so if anyone knows, please tell me, so I can give credit!

As such, and as always, I hope you enjoy! Harmonia Invictus!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 16 )

Not bad. While I wouldn't agree with Cozy being a psychopath, this is an alternate universe. I do like that she still got a second chance and that her mental state is now put to good, legal use. I've seen many who believe that she's a psycho say that its a reason to keep her petrified forever.

I don't agree that it's a reason to keep her petrified but, simply put . . . she literally displayed ALL the characteristics of a psychopath, or at least a sociopath, in the original series. As far as I'm concerned, that's canon. Does that mean she's automatically a horrible person and a monster? That's a bit more complicated, which is one of the things I want to get into in this story. The fact that . . . It's not so simple as "Good and Evil", or "Right and Wrong", that things are often a bit more grey than that.

Sure. she displayed some characteristics, but there were moments where she went against that. Namely the time she confessed to lying about her test for the CMC despite not having a reason to and that time she expressed joy at helping others near the end of Frenemies. I just don't think that a psychopath would do those things leaving no true evidence of her being one.

But thats just speculation born from a lack of information regarding her character. Either way, I do agree that its a grey area and if Discord deserves to be free after all he did then she deserves a second chance as well. I will be looking foreward to the next chapter.

I will point out that confessing to that lie DID make her look good in front of Twilight and Starlight, which worked in her favor, thereby giving her a reason to do it. As for Frenemies, that is true. Of course, I also have headcanon about both the Magic of Friendship as a literal force, as well as Harmony itself being a sort of divine being with a will of its own, which is supported in canon, that can lend itself to aiding in that explanation.

Annnnd . . . Just the fact that villains who, rather than just being "evil", actually have a mental condition to support their behaviour, even if exaggerated, have always appealed to me, and to not only see one in MLP, but to see it be the most unassuming, non-threatening looking character imaginable ticked every single box I have for a fave villain probably makes me have a bit of an unfair bias in wanting to think of Cozy as a psycho/sociopath.

Maybe they meant for her to be in the series, maybe not. Doesn't matter for this story beyond inspiration. I'm glad to have you as a reader, and I will work on the next chapter for this off and on when I have time. :raritywink:

Perhaps, but one could argue that not confessing would have also made her look good as it would not only give her sympathy points, but also not give her a small history of lying and the face she makes as the CMC were sent away when no one was looking at her (I believe its this: https://derpibooru.org/images/2185054?q=cozy+glow%2C+marks+for+effort%2C+screencap ) did look like she felt guilt. As for your friendship theory, I think it supports Cozy not being a psychopath, or at least not being as evil as Discord once was due to an attack based on it only depowering her and not turning her to stone or anything of the sort.

But again, we simply don't have enough knowladge of her to make a concrete assessment weather or not she's a psychopath so either one is possible.

Just the fact that villains who, rather than just being "evil", actually have a mental condition to support their behaviour, even if exaggerated, have always appealed to me

I can see the appeal in that. It's probably the reason why Batman villains are so popular. If nothing else it makes for a unique take on her "redemption".

I will work on the next chapter for this off and on when I have time.

Will be interested to see what's next!

I don't know if it counts, but Sunny Westbrook, the voice of Cozy Glow, said in an interview that she saw Cozy as a psychopath and played her as such.

I guess but VA's don't write the episodes, as important as they are. Either way, my opinions on Cozy come from what I've seen from her in the show and based on that she just doesn't come off as a complete psycho to me.

Psychopath and 'complete psycho' is not entirely the same thing. In truth, there are actually tons of medically diagnosed psychopaths who have never broken the law in any meaningful way, and some who even have their own strange set of morals. As for sociopaths, some of them can actually feel empathy for a very limited number of people, such as their family and friends, but lack empathy for everyone else.

I know that there's a difference, I just tried using psycho as a shorter version of the term, which I admit was just lazy on my part, but yea, you are correct. While I don't think its true on Cozy's part that she's any of those things, she could still be tought the things you just mentioned.

On my part, I can't really fault you for shortening the word, as I did the same thing in the story, for the same reason, even though 'psycho' is a much more generalized term.

It was more the 'complete' part I was criticising rather than the shortening of psychopath to 'psycho'.

Can't say I was expecting Pipsqueak of all people to be paired up with her. He's really grown up to be quite the officer. I like him.

Cozy had made statements before, about her childhood, about why she did what she did, but they were contradictory, at best. Sometimes, they simply made no sense, period. From her claim that she wanted to be 'Empress of Friendship', to the story of her uncle molesting and abusing her as a filly, none of them had been proven. There was also the fact that the name 'Cozy Glow' had never been found in any registry in Canterlot or any other city, nor was there any record of her particular Cutie Mark on file.

I wonder if this will ever get found out. Cozy's certainly a mysterious mare.

I'm glad you like my rendition of Pip! As for Cozy, well, you'll just have to wait and see. :)

Nice chapter. Interesting how Pip and her mother were among those who wanted Cozy to get a second chance despite what she did. If nothing else at least she got an actual trial here.

In my headcanon, she did in the show, too, they just cut it out for time.

Interesting. I look forward to seeing how this goes.

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