• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen May 31st




Nurse Redheart just wants to see a nice sunrise after her long overnight. A new member of the staff unknowingly releases the flood gates of medical Tartarus when he mutters the wrong word.

I would like to thank Bean, GayforGadot, Shirlendra, RDT, Techno Blaze, Mykola, Ranoutofideas, Sledge and SmokeyisClassy for proofreading, comments and general awesomeness.

Further thanks to Punished Bean for creating this awesome cover! Thanks buddy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

I don't get it. I mean, I read the story and everything, but I still don't see what was so bad about the word quiet.


In other words, invoking Murphy's law - since a "quiet" night is things going well, of course it means things will go wrong. There's also a hint of irony in that things are no longer quiet once observed

Well, it ain't so quiet anymore unfortunately

Again, great job on this one, Short! Glad to see it made its way to the site. :twilightsmile:

It's kind of a joke taboo in the healthcare professions. Everyone knows there's no statistically significant effect to saying "quiet," but you still don't say it anyway. I mostly have emergency room experience, and in there things can go from slow to every room is filled up in a relatively short amount of time.

This was a nice little one-shot!
I’m making a prediction that this’ll get up on the featured page by sometime tomorrow! :twilightsmile:
Well... like 65% chance maybe low 70% :twilightblush:

Nice slice of life. Glad to see it end with a little, "life goes on" moment for Redheart.

Yeah, I've been the one in the bed on numerous occasions, and I hear nurses say that a lot. I've heard the 'c-word' and the 'e-word' before, too, actually. I've unfortunately summoned them before... :twilightoops:

Same taboo in the law enforcement careers. Ya don't say the S word, ya don't say the Q word. And before anyone asks, I'm at work right now reading this, so I dare not utter the actual words.

Well, it's up on the featured page now, so looks like you won that bet.

What did Stumbles die from?

in the world of working in a hospital it is cursed, whenever its a slow or quiet or whatever night. Some body will almost inevitably mention that it has been quiet. Therefore jinxing it and causing a torrent of shit to happen. Code blues, ER visits, yada yada. If you are ever in a hospital never say that it is quiet. Or you will doom us all.

been working in the state prison system for 13 yrs.. all nightshift.. you DO NOT say the "Q" word... EVER.

Seems like a side effect of cirrhosis to me.

Which is caused by drinking too much?

Its a superstition. You never bring up the fact it's quiet when it is, or you'll make it not quiet.

Its common in all service oriented jobs. When I was working in a call center, you never said it it was quiet, because the 'call queue' can hear you.

Wow! I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew it would be quite the story. I must admit as a former caregiver, I never heard about the "Q" word, but maybe that's because I was doing in home personal care rather than working at a hospital. I can only imagine how hard that would be. This story displays the emotions, and traumas nurses go through on a daily basis, and is truly a symbolic piece that truly expresses the weight of all that they do. I really enjoyed this, and it helps me to not only understand Red Heart more, but also appreciate all the nurses out there. Truly, things aren't so quiet.

To say how this fanfic is brilliant is an understatement, because this is more than dramatically amazing! The wonderous progression, the happy and sad moments, everything about this is so good! I hope ya didn't mind, but I simply had to read this beauty of a fic!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/BfAdLon-RuA

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

I work overnight mobile mental health crisis work. ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY THE Q WORD.

Oh wow, hospital staff really hate that word

A wonderfully written story! I am glad to see it is finally on the site!

That sounds awesome! I can’t believe someone would read it out. I will definitely be tuning in if I am not on a call.

Yes. Typically some one drinks to much for too long and gets cirrhosis of the liver. That increases the blood pressure causing blood to back up. If the patient’s blood pressure gets too high they can rupture the veins in the throat. It’s quite a mess.

This story is firepony approved :twilightsmile:

Meanwhile in the grim darkness of the far future

I have a sister and cousin who both work in hospitals and I can confirm this is an actual thing, nurses almost fear the word quiet because according to them as soon as someone says it all hell seems to break loose. Is it a stereotype? Oh hell yes, but stereotypes exist for a reason and given how whenever I say this world around them they almost have a PTSD attack I'm inclined to agree that it's true.

I have learned to NEVER use the "Q" word because the Great and Terrible Being Murphy will strike you down with thunderbolts from on high. It never ends well.

But, seriously, a "Q" night can go to crap in a VERY short amount of time in a hospital.

Have you never heard of a jinx?

What value gives MLP to this story? Except some memes about Berry Punch.

Yeah. I work in the lab at my local hospital and I believe the safe word we have is "It's an...unusual night tonight."

As a former Grocery worker, I can say I hate that word as well.

“S s sorry,” stammered Ace as he and Klinger rushed out to the wagon in front of the building.

Stammers traditionally aren't formatted this way. I'd have spelled it as 'S-s-sorry' since it just looks like there is abnormal spacing otherwise. The only other issues I noticed were minor, easy grammar, and spacing fixes. Sticking a few extra commas in places and a few clicks in a program like Grammarly would make this spotless.

This was an excellent little dive into real-life dramatic irony and non-magical issues that still fit in a magic world. The taboo and its mystery made so much sense, and all the agreement in the comments really gives a good show of how effective it is. I think that the only thing I would have done differently is not have all the hospital staff be nearly so snappish when Ace makes his stumble. There are some more effective ways to give ponies a herd-like fear response, and for a rookie mistake made by an otherwise inoffensive pony, it felt a smidge too fast.

Anyway, it was nice to see another spooky Redheart story. Very pog.

Hospitals are a youngsters job. Wait till you work the retirement home.

Yeah laying out bait for Murphy should be discouraged.

When cirrhosis of the liver begins from alcohol abuse, the veins in the liver are damaged. That damage creates higher pressure in the veins. Because of the pressure, veins inside the esophagus, where food travels down to the stomach, begin to distend. It's a lot like varicose veins in the leg, but the esophageal tissues are thinner, and more frangible, (they tear open easily)...

Burst veins in the throat bleed. Badly. Badly enough that you'll never forget it the first time you see it. What the author described is all too frighteningly real...

The patient should IMMEDIATELY undergo endoscopic variceal ligation. Bands are looped around the bleeding sections and tied off...

IF the Gastrointestinal specialist is good with the endoscope, IF they can get good visualization to see the bleeding vessels, IF he has a good touch to band the bleeds, and IF God has an angel on everyone's shoulders, everyone comes out on the other side...

I try to imagine a pony, with that long neck, with an esophageal hemorrhage...

NO ONE EVER SAID "QUIET", in every hospital I ever worked in...



He bled to death...

Volunteer to work at a hospital...

You'll learn.

I think it's a cute story.I'd like to develop it into a full-fledged novel, but that's a pretty complicated undertaking. It would take a long time...the way I see it, it could continue into a beautiful love story. The blinds always covered the beauty of the rising sun, but for the sake of her happy gaze, he was willing to open the curtain and show her the beauty of the outside world. Eh...I will wait for the sequel. Hopefully, I won't have to wait long and I'll pass the time at https://lettersolver.com/, looking up new word names and letters for you

Brings me back to my days as an EMT.

For some of us, those days continue…

Redheart was about to reassure the rookie when she heard a retching sound behind her. Mr Stumbles. His body must have finally said enough to the alcohol. Red Heart grabbed an emesis collection bag and opened the curtain to his room. The sight that met her eyes caused her to drop the bag. Mr Stumbles was hunched over, sputtering, gagging and choking on copious amounts of blood. The viscous fluid soaked into the bed sheets and Mr Stumbles’ gown. He glanced up at Redheart with fear and pain in his eyes.

catastrophic variceal bleeding

every firefighter and emt shush you
"Never say the q word"

When someone says it
All of hell and Tartarus opens up

all medical officers be advised someone said the q word so buckle your seatbelts and BRACE FOR TARTARUS TO OPEN UP!

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