• Member Since 5th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 32 minutes ago


do not throw souls


Every night since banishing her sister, Celestia's dreams have been haunted by a fiery apparition. There's only one person she can turn to, and it's someone she hates.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

One day in, and I've already published more here in 2021 than I did in all of 2020. Today's a win.

Special thanks to someone for prereading and stuff (it's exactly who you'd expect) and also to someone else for helping the incompetent hack who made the cover art suck less fatly.

THAT is a good story well done!

Sometimes, we're our own worst enemies.

Wanderer D

This was a very nice inner turmoil story. I admit I was surprised you used Chrysalis for this, but it really worked!

I was surprised too! I was struggling to think of who else would've been around at this time, since I don't think we see much at all of the time period this would be set in, and a (very unbiased) Chrylestia shipper was like hmmm yes Chrysalis would be around you know and then this happened. One of those things I like a lot but would never have thought of myself.

Glad you liked it, thanks for saying so :twilightsmile:

That's a good thought someone should write a story about it


Now then, we have two options for this story
The happy option and the sad option.
Now, we can consider this story as part of the normal show canon, and let Celestia have her happy ending

Or, if you are like me, we can consider this story a prequel to Deep Freeze.
Just to squeeze a extra little bit of sadness out.
The obvious problem is Deep Freeze being pony, and this story being human. But stretch your mind, I guess?

In any case, you did a great job!

I haven't read Deep Freeze (but might change that, looks interesting), so I can't comment on the validity of that interpretation

but I fully endorse squeezing more sadness out of this

this is the way

Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed!

The coverart turned out nice!

Never would have expected Chrysalis as a therapist, of all people, but I liked her rationale. Cool twist on how you describe her transformation as a human.

Thanks! I feel like this art thing is perhaps a thing where getting better is a thing that can happen now and then. Feels good.

I wouldn't have expected Chrysalis either but

wait i said this already

But yes Chrysalis really grew on me here. It's just always nice when you have a character who's not afraid to speak their mind and be a bit of a bitch, and when the story comes down to Celestia running away from, like, a five-minute fix, that seemed quite appropriate to me.

Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Words can't articulate how much I loved this.

Just. Once again I find it difficult to bring to words how incredible your writing is. Twice in a row I am simply in love with your writing, characterization and just bloody EVERYTHING. Fantastic work once again, this one definitely earned it's place in my favorites.

Thanks for saying so! Perhaps there's some recency bias at work here, but I do like this one quite a lot, out of the stories I've written here, so I appreciate you speaking so highly of it.

“You’re very smart, Celestia. You should listen to yourself once in a while.”

This line was absolutely brutal.

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