• Published 5th Jul 2023
  • 454 Views, 33 Comments

Star Wars Episode V, Phantoms Of The Past - FourShadow

As the Rebels work to build their forces, the shadows of the Empire start to loom over them once more...

  • ...

A Long Time Ago/The Siege Of Terra

Author's Note:

And so we begin the first chapter of Episode V; I hope you enjoy :twilightsmile:

In the vast emptiness of space, four navy ships were drifting about; a Bunkerbuster, a modified Nebulon-C frigate, a Kuat Drive Yards cargo frigate, and a Mon-Calamari cruiser. All of them were shining lights down on an asteroid field below them. Several parts and pieces of destroyed ships and the station that once was here was now nothing but scrap. The Rebels among this small cell had received a distress signal that required their help, and now they were investigating the remains.

A small collection of X-Wings and A-Wings deployed from the Mon-Calamari cruiser, turning on their searchlights as they dove closer for a look.

“Cobalt Leader to Arcanas, we are beginning our search,” the leading X-Wing hailed to the cruiser.

“Roger, Cobalt Leader. Please be advised of asteroids, and look for any surviving escape pods or starcraft. We may have injured men out here.”

The ships began their search, moving towards the destroyed station. Lights shined through one of the windows which had been broken, now showing tons of rubble and debris floating inside the room that once had gravity. Unfortunately there was also the gruesome sight of some men floating, bodies now frozen solid from the cold vacuum of space.

Slowly turning away to continue the search, the pilots caught sight of something else that caught their eyes. An X-Wing of some kind, although a very peculiar model. Two thrust engines on the front of the fighter that looked like it could split in half, and to their surprise, it looked like a pilot was inside the cockpit.

“Cobalt Leader to Arcanas, we’ve found a single fighter out here. But the pilot seems… dead,” the leader responded. “This is very strange X-Wing design.”

The admiral on board the Arcanas looked at the holoprojector in the middle of the room with the others, taking a look at the projection of the X-Wing that was spotted.

“I’ve never seen this model before,” the admiral responded. “Is it one of ours?”

“Negative sir. The database indicates the Rebel Alliance has no record of any X-Wings with this model,” a technician responded, checking the computer system.

“Hmm. Well, guess there’s nothing we can do now. We’ll have to report to Yavin IV and let them know that the distress signal was a lost cause,” the admiral said, regretfully. “All ships return to the Arcanas, we’re departing home.”

“Understood Admiral. All ships return to home base.”

One by one, the A-Wings and X-Wings rose from the asteroid field to depart for home. The leader’s X-Wing was the last of all, not realizing or sensing something smacking on the back of his ship. All of the fighters flew into the hangar bay of the Raddus, and one by one, the fleet ships jumped into hyperspace. The cargo ship left first, then the bunkerbuster, and then the medical frigate.

The Arcanas was last to leave as the engines were primed to leave. And with one push, the ship jumped into hyperspace, away from the aftermath. What the Rebels failed to notice however was the strange X-Wing model starting to rise up from the asteroid field, engines humming idly in the quiet space. And with a single calculation, the strange X-Wing jumped into hyperspace…

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away...

Episode V


THE WAR BEGINS! Months after the destruction of the evil Empire's TIE Defender factory, efforts to gain victory over one another are pushed to the brink, with the Rebels losing more than winning.

Young FLURRY HEART and the Heartstrings family, now accepted as Rebel allies, continue to fight alongside their new friends, while trying to learn new ways of the Force from General SUNSET SHIMMER.

On the quiet world of Terra, we find our heroes undercover as they plan to find out what the Empire's next big project is, unknowing that friends and enemies from the old wars are slowly emerging from the stars...


Many worlds across the Outer Rim were extremely dangerous; where as so much as the wrong move would mean the end of your existence. Talk to a stranger, make a bad deal, con someone, kidnap, murder, anything could make or break you. Very few planets had calm and polite populations; Terra was one of them. Surrounded mainly by green lands and massive oceans that covered 40% of the entire planet's mass.

While Terra had populations all over the planet, the most popular small town to live in was over in Doomea. It was a small town, with only roughly a thousand and one hundred residents, but it had everything that the residents could ever need; good schools, banks, restaurants, entertainment, homes, strong economy.

The inhabitants of this world, the Terrans, also made coming here a relatively nice time. The Terrans were very warm, very welcoming to just about anyone who came down here. Well, mostly everyone. One potential group of people were making things difficult for them, and they needed help removing them from their planet.

One of the people happy to help was General Sunset Shimmer, not wearing her standard robes or uniform. Instead she was donning a button-up shirt and a skirt, more casual than she would be wearing nowadays. But for her assignment, she had to dress that way. She sat at a café table with another Rebel; Zeb Orellios. He was wearing cargo shorts and a shirt with a collar, also blending in with the fashion of this world.

“In position, how is everyone?” Sunset whispered into her hidden com.

“We’re in position, General. Remind me again why we’re going casual again?”

“We can’t let the Imperials know we’re here. Just stick with your posts until we have confirmation of where they are,” Sunset ordered. She and Zeb both held newspapers in their laps, acting as if they were reading them to keep their cover continuing.

Just then, the waiter came by to deliver their order. The Terrans were very skinny people, with either grey or green skin. But the most distinguishable characteristic of them all were their balding foreheads and bulbous solid black eyes. But despite their freakish exterior, they were still decent people.

“Hello my name is Jarvis, I’ll be your server today,” the man said, holding a pen and paper. “What might I get you two today?”

“I’ll take the simple waffle order please, with a side of juice,” Zeb asked.

“Make that two, but with milk instead of juice,” Sunset added.

“Very well you two. Just wait right here, I’ll be back with your orders,” he said, taking the menus.

Now that they were back to the mission, the two of them held their newspaper covers again.

“I’m sorry I got you lumped with me,” Sunset apologized. “I know I’m not your first choice of partners, but…”

“It’s alright, General,” Zeb acknowledged. “Besides, I’m actually okay with this assignment. It’s a nice change, and I needed something peaceful after a while.”

“Hera’s baby keeping you up?”

“Partially,” Zeb admitted. "I know the baby's not afraid of me, but nothing I do can get it to go to sleep. I just needed a break from it."

"Well you picked the right assignment, Zeb. Only thing we have to worry about now is--oh no..."

"What? Spy? Criminal?"

"No! Worse!" Sunset yelped, eyes glued to the newspaper. "New petition against tax again!?"


Elsewhere in town, more Rebel agents were staying in their assigned posts as part of the cover. At a public pool, Bon Bon, Lyra, and two other women; a Nitko and a Kyuzo, were all laying on beach chairs aligned in front of a pool. All of them were taking the cover of sunbathing, with tanning sheets in all of their arms, but their eyes kept looking everywhere, periodically checking for any suspicious activity.

“See anything Honga?” Bon Bon asked.

The Nikto woman’s left eye peered to her right, and she slightly turned her head, acting as if she was staring at one of the signs on the walls. “Negative.”

“What about you Shor? Anything?” Lyra continued.

“No ma’am. If there’s any suspicious targets we’re looking for, they’re not here,” the Kyuzo woman replied. “On the plus side, the sun’s doing wonders for my skin.”

Lyra slowly reached for her drink, taking a small sip as she kept looking around. For a brief moment she set her drink down and she reached for Bon Bon’s hand, interlocking her fingers with hers.

“So how long have you two been married?” Honga asked, moving her head back at the Equestrian couple, still laying back.

“About seventeen years now,” Bon Bon smiled.

“It’s nice to see you two still together,” Honga replied.

“Thanks. You’re trying to find that special someone?” Lyra asked.

“I guess. It’s not exactly easy though, having all the horns in my face,” she admitted with a disappointed expression.

“Just give it time. Love isn’t an immediate thing, these things take time and patience,” Lyra said, smiling softly as she kept her hand on her wife’s hand.

Beach Team, come in,” Sunset interrupted.

The Nikto woman raised her wrist. “We’re here Sunset. Nothing to report, unfortunately. We’ve been sitting here for half an hour, so far nothing suspicious aside from the one creepy lifeguard who keeps gawking at the Terran women across the pool from us.”

“Understood. Just keep your eyes open and your ears listening in. Sunset out.”

Soda Pop Company, possible suspect is coming into the diner. Keep a look out,” Sunset whispered.

The local diner was bustling with teenagers, it was their hotspot for them to hang out after school and get some food. The floors had a checkered pattern, there was a jukebox in a corner playing some old tunes in Basic by mostly human artists, booths were lined in red, and it was just an all around great place to hang out.

Flurry Heart, along with Sandbar, Yona, and Ocellus were sitting at one of the booths, infiltrating as high school students to blend in with the crowd. Sure the other-worldy species sitting here stood out like a sore thumb, but the planet was open to species of any kind. All four of them were dressed in casual clothes like the teenagers; sporting jackets, dresses, skirts, pants, etc.

“Okay so I have a question,” Flurry asked, “What’s your favorite food?”

“A burger with meat with a side of a Triple-Topper Twirlshake,” Sandbar replied.

“Twilar’s the spokeswoman for that. She’s the Triple-Topper Twi’lek Girl,” Ocellus pointed out.

“Mmm, she used to be,” Yona shrugged.

“Was that something you ate every day?”

“Not really. My mom was a school teacher, and my dad used to be an officer for the Republic, we weren’t rich, you know?” Sandbar said, shaking his head. “Ocellus, what about you?’

“Hmm. Well back on Alveare, my family and I loved the Virkon plants that grew in our farms. Those were soooo good,” Ocellus squeed with joy. “But since I left and joined you guys, I think my favorite has to be the Golden Crisps, those little honey-covered crackers?”

“Ah, right, yeah,” Flurry nodded.

“It’s more of a once in a while snack. I try to savor them,” Ocellus explained.

“Well it’s not the favorite, but one of mine is Mantell Mix, covered in artificial butter and Quarren salts,” Flurry’s mouth watered just thinking about the food. “The snack vendors on Tatooine always had those on race days.”

“Sounds delicious. Yona?” Ocellus asked.

“Mint flavored ice cream,” Yona said rather straightforwardly. “Sandbar bought me snack after we escaped Empire together, helped cheer me up.”

Sandbar blushed a little. “Heh, heh…”

“Oh, hang on, I think I see the Imp,” Flurry whispered, noting a strange white male approaching a phone-line on the wall. He rotated the wheel on the line, and picked up the piece to speak into it. She didn’t turn her head, but instinctively, the group held up their menus to blend in with everyone else. Unbeknownst to the Imperial, Flurry could see his reflection thanks to a bit mirror that hid a camera in the diner, mounted in the corner of the ceiling.

“… yes, everything’s in position… yes, we should be ready… no, I don’t want any further delays,” the officer said. “… LRC-034, I do not want to hear excuses. If there are any Rebel insurgents, send a squad to take care of them at once. These inhabitants don’t want anything to do with us, and we don’t have enough to take over. … What are you… wonderful. Look, just lock down the facilities until I arrive. Make sure the data does not leave the computer, we don’t need them obtaining anything.”

The Imperial hung up, and then swiftly turned around before tilting his nose up at the lower life forms around him. He didn't even notice a few particular species that had been sitting at one of the booths.

"Sunset, the suspect just left. There aren't enough forces to take over this planet, fighting them should be easy... I think," Ocellus whispered into her comlink.

"That's not like the Empire to not have enough forces on demand... we'll stay vigilant though," Sunset replied. "Just finish up whatever meal you have and then come meet us at the pinpoint."

The outpost was indeed not as heavily armed as Flurry and her friends had overheard. Their base relied too much on being isolated from the populous, especially since the planet was completely unaligned with both Imperials and Rebel Alliance. There was no way that they could think the Rebels would just come here, but they were wrong. Standing at atop one of the towers, one of the officers oversaw the valley through some binocs, scanning for anything peculiar. His scope then tracked a woman, descending upon a cliff, holding a device in her hand.

"Captain, there's someone in the valley. It's... just some woman," the officer noticed.

Sunset Shimmer stood on a small cliff, overlooking the Imperial base that had been set up in the valley. By her count, they had several AT-Ats, a few AT-STs, some TIES, and a huge army. She was beginning to wonder whether or not the help she had enlisted would be enough; but she couldn’t waste time. And standing on top of the fortress was the Imperial commander who could see the general

With the Imperial’s attention turned to her, Sunset spoke as loud as she could into the megaphone.

“Aaaah!” Sunset shrieked. “Raah! Braa baa baaa!”

“… what did she say?”

Sunset was confused; why did the megaphone turn her words into gibberish? Looking at the device, she rolled her eyes and flipped a switch on the settings.

“Attention Imperials! I am Sunset Shimmer, speaking on behalf of the Terran people, as an ambassador,” she declared. “I bring a message on behalf of the Terran populus; we come in peace. We do not want your war on our world. Leave now.”

The Imperial commander scoffed. “Who does she think she is? Give me the responder unit.” A piece of equipment was handed to him so he could reply back. “Miss Shimmer. I am afraid we cannot do that; Terra is now under Imperial occupation, this world has no authority.

Sunset coughed into her megaphone which made a loud sound that echoed. “I will not repeat. Rescind all forces… or there will be consequences.

You and what army? If you think I’m blind, I’ve seen your little spies all over that small town. What army could this planet possibly have?

The Imperial commander couldn't see her face, but Sunset had the most smug smile. She stood there still smirking while her kama swayed in the wind. Her attention turned to above, waiting for the right time. An entire portion of the sky above them flashed with a loud booming sound, as if a thunderstorm was about to come where they were. But it made no sense, there were clouds, but no heavy storm clouds.

Several cracking sounds echoed across the air. Pieces from the sky started to break apart like someone was breaking the sky, quite literally apart. Pieces of shell fell from the sky, and the flashing and thunderclaps continued to boom. The Imperial forces on the ground looked up, completely flabbergasted by the strange phenomenon occurring above their heads.

The cracks continued to form, making more circular shapes connected through several lines like a grid. And the cracks continued to spread across the sky, directly above where they all stood. Then, the cracks began to pull apart and spread. Several beaming lights leaked through the breaking cracks, and the flashing skies began to change; now they weren’t showing a clear sky with a few clouds. The atmosphere underneath the cracked grid changed to sleek dark gray, like undersides of a massive dock or ship. The circular formations began to hover down from the grids, revealing disc shaped saucers that hovered above the valley. Two of them came down, then three, then four. Countless saucers were spinning above the land as the planet’s natural light shined through the massive and clear sky fortress.

Also flying through the cracks were several A-Wing fighters, ready to join. It didn't take long for the outpost to deploy all of their TIEs, wanting to wipe them from the sky. Although truth be told, some of them were beginning to realize the enemy had outnumbered them from firepower alone. But the mission was still needing to be done; they had to be stopped.

As the TIEs charged forward at the A-Wings and Terran saucers, the ground forces made their move. Several Terran tanks, moving alongside Rebel speeder-bikes raced towards the outpost. Many of the vehicles were being helmed by both the planet's populous and Rebels, as Sunset watched on her bike; Flurry Heart racing on a speeder-bike with a Terran sitting behind her, ready to defend her if any of the Imperials were to chase.

The only heavy tank the Rebels had on hand was a T4-B model, which raced alongside the others with a decent speed. The Gigoran woman clinging to the turrents whooped and hollered, twirling her blaster rifle around in the air as the tank raced.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack hung onto the back of a few speeder-bikes,waiting to jump when it would be time. Soon as they got closer to the gates, the two of them jumped into the air and pulled out their sabers. Confidently, the two of them charged forward, blocking the multitude of blaster fire that was coming their way. A few Rebels with jetpacks joined the assault, including Lyra and Bon Bon, covered in their Mandalorian armors. Lyra blocked more of the shots with her saber, while Bon Bon and a few other Rebels fired like gunslingers in a bar on Tatooine.

"As long as our boys are in the air, we should be able to get the information!" Lyra shouted, looking up to see another A-Wing bite the dust. "But on the other hand, additional help would be nice!"

Outside of Terra, three ships popped out of hyperspace, lined up together in formation. Leading in the front was a N1 starfighter, painted in purple instead of traditional yellow. On it's left was an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, painted blue and yellow, held in a hyperspace ring. The last ship, hanging on the right was a YC-123B transport hauler, still stark white with red streaks on the side.

All three ships punched it, diving straight down to the planet's surface, hurling itself towards the atmosphere. Engines were roaring with power, and the pilots in each of the vessels held on tight, making sure they kept a sturdy grip and not lose control. Several lights and alarms went off in each, as they rattled through the bustling storms above the planet's atmosphere, but it didn't last long. Once they had escaped, the three ships were greeted to a beautiful sun-shining day above the valleys where the main populous was located, and off in the distance they could see multiple explosions coming from the battle.

Together the three ships punched it again, racing across the skies to help the Terrans in the sky. The saucers continued to swoop and soar, firing at the TIE fighters who were overwhelming them rapidly. Another one of the Terran saucers went down, spinning out of control before slamming into the ground. One of the A-Wings spun around, being chased by two more TIE fighters. Just as it looked like the Rebel pilot's life was about to be over, one of the TIEs was shot down, and the other one was soon taken out as well. Looking out the side, the A-Wing pilot saw three new ships joining the battle, firing at the fighters.

"General! We have unknown reinforcements!"

"What!?" Sunset perplexed. Looking up, she saw the new ships joining the battle. And out of the blue, Sunset swore she was hearing synthesizers mixed with rock and roll as the ships began to join the battle. Her heart raced, and an excited grin crept on her lips as she looked at them fight.

Go! Mighty Rainbooms!
They’re rising together to fight for what’s right everywhere!
Mighty Rainbooms!
Protecting their friends from the shadows of the evil Empire!

The Naboo fighter spun around, barely getting hit by the beams of green that raced past it. The R6 unit sitting in the port chirped with a panic, but the pilot inside reassured the droid that they would be safe. Pulling the trigger, a few lasers fired out of the main cannons, taking out one of the TIEs successfully. Deciding to do a little more damage, the fighter launched a photon torpedo, completely reducing another TIE.

Swooping around the valley, the ship swung around the outpost, dodging all the blaster fire and allowing the fighters to do more damage than she would. Unbeknownst to them, the troop carrier was taking it’s chance and moving towards the ground for a landing, avoiding being shot. Slowly it sat down and landed close to where the Rebels were moving in, blocking an escape route for the Imperials to take. The bolts danced on the armored doors, but no damage was done.

Warriors of justice and friendship
Rise! Mighty Rainbooms!
Attacking the masters of darkness with one mighty force!
Mighty Rainbooms!
Guarding the galaxy from all forms of danger and dread
Standing for freedom and friends

The interceptor spun around, looking straight at the huge mass of TIE fighters that were racing towards. There had to be at least ten, maybe fifteen, oh who knows, the pilot lost count, they kept growing. But with an excited grin, the fighter lined up with the hyperspace ring locked on, looking straight at them.

The power in the ring hummed, and the clamps that were locked onto the fighter unlocked, charging straight towards the TIES. Unbeknownst of them, several hidden panels opened up on the ring, with multiple red blinking lights. And just when they were about to get a shot on the mystery fighter--


A massive explosion engulfed the mass of TIES, a sesmic charge spreading out in the sky with a sound that echoed throughout the valley. Everyone could look up and see the ring of blue transparent energy above as it reduced the enemy to cinders. Sadly the interceptor couldn't escape a lossless victory as one more TIE from the left came around, firing a shot directly into the engines of the interceptor.

Smoke and fire erupted as the fighter hurled towards the ground. Soldiers quickly ran out of the way just in time, and watched as the cockpit popped off the ship. A single person was seen ejected out of the fighter before the crash, watching a parachuted person move down into the forest.

Deep inside, the rest of the troopers who were trying to put up a good fight were quickly overrun, many of the Rebels and Terran soldiers pushing through their defenses.

"Sir, we can't hold them any longer!"

"No, keep pushing forward!" The lieutenant ordered, rather arrogantly.

"Are you blind!? They have won, and you don't realize it," the captain snarled. "All troopers, retreat at once. The Rebels have overtaken this outpost, we will win in our next battle."

Despite being conditioned to follow orders without question, they didn't argue with the captain. They had to leave now, they couldn't stay here and die. Joining their captain, the remaining troopers ran out of the control room moments before Rainbow Dash and Applejack's troops could bust in. Both veterans aimed their blasters at the lieutenant who looked more smug than anything else.

"Alright now, we got questions and you have answers. We know ya'll were illegally minin' resources from this planet for your project. Where was all of that coaxium goin'?" Applejack grit her teeth.

"I'm sorry, but that's none of your concern... Rebel scum."

And before Rainbow Dash could interfere, the man bit down hard and a sizable electric shock pulsed through his body and he dropped to the ground; dead almost instantaneously.

"... dang it," Rainbow growled.

The rest of the Imperials who had escaped moved outside, trying to push through the rest of the battle without drawing attention or being shot at. They just had to slip through the forests and get to the tarmac just beyond. But before the Imperials could escape, the troop carrier landed on the grounds in front of the outpost, forcing the Rebels to get out of the way. The remaining Imperials looked at the front of the transport, not able to see or recognize the pilot that sat in the cockpit above. Just then, the doors on the carrier slammed open, sending a soft thud to the ground as they opened.

No one came running out of the transport, and they seemed oddly vacant. And this carrier this wasn’t Imperial by design, or color scheme. But some noises inside the cargo holds sent shivers down their spines. The group heard growling noises coming out of the transport, very animalistic in tone. Sunset and the rest of the group ran outside to try and prevent the others from escaping, but instead found them defensively in front of the transport that showed up out of the blue.

Soon thereafter, the Naboo starfighter flew above them, roaring across the sky. But then, something started to emerge from the troop carrier. A gurgling noise accompanied by some growling. A three-toed foot clamped onto the metallic door-ramp, tapping against the steel. The rest of the body emerged, showing a large animal with sharp talons on it’s claws and toes as it took in it’s surroundings. To the Midnight trooper’s surprise, it was an Equestrian raptor, a dark blue one at that.

The animal gurgled and let out a soft call to the air, calling for attention as it took notice of the Imperials who were pointing guns. With a big jump, the raptor leapt into the air and pounced one of the troopers to the ground, pinning him down and preventing him before he could fire his weapon. The raptor growled and snarled at the man, threatening to snap it’s jaw at his face. The others were ready to fire at the wild animal, until some more animals start to come out of the hold….

A trio of grey anoobas ran out of the transport, snarling and hissing at the troopers. Individually, each of them tackled a trooper and snapped their jaws at their faces, trying to get them to fight. The troopers unfortunately didn’t stand a chance against the stronger animals; little to no training did not help them. And it wasn’t long until a group of massiffs joined the anoobas, standing in a half-circle formation to block off any avenues of escape for the personnel staff, even getting in front of the other Rebels who were standing in guarding positions as well.

Two more of them tried to leave, until a massive Equestrian Everfree Forest bear walked out on all fours and then stood on it’s hind legs, roaring and waving their arms up to show how massive they were in comparison. The personnel members threw down their weapons and backed off, knowing they were outmatched by the stronger animal. The last one, a captain, tried to find a way out, but there wasn’t anything. She contemplated shooting herself with her own blaster, but found it was out of her holster. Looking back, she saw a bird was chirping and whistling, having gripped the blaster during the chaos. Understanding she had no way out, she raised her hands up to surrender.

Sunset’s heart raced to see all of these animals around her. Who could have even brought them over here? But then she looked at them again. Raptors. Anoobas. Massiffs. Birds. Bears. A few critters who were late to join the party, but stood with the rest of the animals. Only one person came to her head that could wrangle all of these, and it was enough to gasp and cup her mouth in delight. Could it be…?

The animals, while keeping the Imperials trapped, all turned their heads at once hearing her gasp. Sunset froze, now out of fear. These animals could kill her on the spot without a second thought, and she had no idea what their intentions were. And her heart rate elevated when the raptor let go of the unconscious man it had tackled and slowly walked towards her with curiosity. Sunset tried to keep herself calm and not panic, having faced only two of these raptors before on Equestria; and remembering how poorly that experience had gone for her.

The raptor sniffed her, softly gurgling and gazing at her eyes.

“Heh… uhhh… heyyyyy?” Sunset tittered.

The raptor backed up and let out a soft call into the air, as if he was calling for someone’s attention. And without warning, he rubbed his head up against Sunset, almost in an affectionate manner. The general was confused, especially by how the raptor purred against her. But carefully, she lifted her hand up and slowly moved it towards the raptor’s head, patting it.

Slowly stepping out of the dropship that released the animals was a masked woman. Most of her pale-yellow skin was exposed to the warm summer breeze, but she still adorned pants, boots, and a tank top. Armor was present on her shoulders, with one gauntlet on her arm, armor that belonged to the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. A sash hung from her belt along with a lightsaber. Her face was masked, but her relaxed standing as she looked to the Rebels made it clear she wasn’t someone to be worried about. Her head turned to see the other two guests who were walking towards them.

Two mystery pilots; both of them were wearing helmets that covered their entire heads, obscuring any physical features or appearances beneath. One of them looked like she was possibly a Togruta, with the head-tails visibly sticking out of the helmet; although the pure-white face and blue eyes made it clear she wasn't Togruta. That face was familiar to a select few, and words didn't need to be expressed. Only one person they know could have come up with an elaborate disguise...

And last of them all; dressed with a simple cyan blue tank top and skirt, with her magenta-pink hair poofing up like an inflated balloon, a radiant smile was given to them by another old friend. Some bands holding the back of her hair together while the front just moved back to normal. And that smile? That big excited smile was something they couldn’t help but smile back at. There was no way they couldn’t smile at that.