• Published 7th Jan 2021
  • 14,262 Views, 134 Comments

Anon’s a Villain Again - Yellowtail

Remember how he was a villain? Yeah. He started running out of money, so he decided to be a super villain, but elsewhere.

  • ...

Bad Business

The sun is high, above a cloudy sky. It casts a depressing tone upon a stone castle atop a mountain. On this mountain, is a wide road carved from the claws and talons of many griffon generations. Upon this road, is a large ironclad army of diamond dogs, marching with disciplined patience and unwavering intimidation.

As I watch my dog army march to the castle of Griffon Stone, I keep a frown on my face. This is... wrong. “My lord, are you alright?” Bones asks me. I give a deep sigh.

“No. I’m not alright,” I say. “This is... way too fucking easy.”

“I’m... sorry?” Bones asks, blinking

“Like- we are under budget. Way under budget,” I note.

“Isn’t that good?” Bones asks. I turn to him with a glare.

“No! It’s not!” I almost yell at him. “Their armies were piss poor, their air soldiers dropped like flies, and here we are, marching into what is practically a defenseless castle! What is missing here!?” I ask.

“E-Erm, the challenge?” Bones guesses. I throw my hands up and yell in mental agony, sending electricity throughout the air around me.

“NO!!!” I yell. The electricity around sparks more and more, conducting to anything and everything, even zapping Bones a bit. “THEY’RE MISSING EQUIPMENT!!! THEY’RE MISSING MODERN WEAPONS!!! THEY’RE MISSING THINGS THAT A RELATIVELY WEALTHY COUNTRY CONSIDERS STANDARD!!!” Bones tries to shrink back from me as much as possible, but the tent we pitched only has so much space. “WHICH MEANS THAT THEY ARE FUCKING BROKE, AND OUR RESOURCES ARE BEING WASTED!!!” I stop and pant, the electricity around me calming down before I sigh and sit down. “Bones, this country is practically broke, and we wasted our time. Nothing pisses me off as much as my time being wasted.” Bones stays on the other side of the tent for a bit before hesitantly walking over.

“Um, my lord, I uh, thought you knew,” he says. I feel my eye twitch.

Knew... what?” I ask with gritted teeth. Bones gulps.

“That they’ve been... broke for...” He shudders as I give him a death glare, daring him to finish that sentence. “...Nevermind,” he says. I’m almost tempted to force him to say it, but I’m too tired from being pissed off already.

“Now, since we’ve established that they’re broke, we can now establish that we have wasted a lot of money, and a lot of time,” I say. I walk over to him, and loom over his trembling figure. “Now, if you can somehow magically pull a good thing from any of this out of your ass, I would love to hear it. Right. Now.” Bones gulps again and clears his throat.

“Um- we could- uh- recruit some griffons?” He guesses. My face slowly morphs into a calmer one.

“Hm. Interesting idea. Let’s see if your suggestion holds water,” I say. I turn around and walk out the tent. Bones sighs until I send him a glare. “Come along, I want you to see how close to the edge you are. Both literally, and metaphorically.”

After taking over the castle, we’ve rounded up the griffons and cornered them within the castle. We made sure they’re stuck in a main hall of sorts, surrounded by my guards. They all seem to be trembling in fear as I stand above them on a pedestal. “Griffons!” I yell. “Why the hell does no one here have armor!?” They all nervously glance around before an elder griffon steps up.

“W-well, none of us can afford it,” he says.

“What about the national treasury?” I ask.

“Pillaged, by the citizens no less,” he mutters.

“... So why don’t they have nicer things?” I ask.

“They were robbed,” he answers. “By neighboring countries.”

“... You guys are a bunch of fucking push-overs,” I say in slight astonishment. They only wince in response. “Like, seriously, what the fuck?!”

“Hey, don’t make fun of us for being poor!” A random griffon yells.

“I’ll damn well make fun of you for being poor, you did Jack shit to earn your wealth if this is how you treat being robbed!” I argue.

“Well, we can’t do anything about it since we’re in peaceful times,” the elder says.

“You fucking idiot- if you’re broke as fuck and the citizens were robbed into being broke as fuck, then it’s not peaceful!” I yell, throwing my hands up. “I mean, for fuck’s sake, did you guys even ask for help from anyone?”

“Yes, but every other country had problems of their own at the time. When we could ask, it was too late,” he says. I face palm.

“How the hell was it too late?” I ask.

“They fell down the Abyss,” the elder says.

“What Abyss?” I ask.

“The Abysmal Abyss.”

“Okay, doesn’t answer my question, what fucking abyss?” I ask.

“Did you really not see the giant chasm on the way here?”

“Oh, that? I just built a fuckin’ bridge over it,” I say. The griffons all go silent. “... Did none of you think to do that?!”

“Well- it crossed our mind,” the elder says. “We just thought that the bridge would be rickety and-“

“You’re all fucking stupid,” I cut in. “What’s next, you guys didn’t think to raise taxes or try some other way of gaining money?” When they remain silent, I face palm. “Okay, let me tell you a trick. Tax anything you can rhyme.”

“What?” The elder asks. “Why would- how would that help!?”

“It works for me, just don’t question it,” I say. “Since y’all are fuckin’ broke and I’m getting pissed off about wasting my God damn time and money on this shit, y’all owe me.”

“You invade our home, terrorize the citizens, and you expect payment!?” The elder yells.

“When the fuck did you grow a spine?” I ask. “And yes, I do. I’m evil. I’m like a bank, if the bank had a personal army. Speaking of which- who wants to join? If you don’t, you’ve earned impromptu shock therapy instead.” With that, I raise a hand and send out a couple sparks.

“We’ll never join you! You’re a monster!” A random griffon yells. Suddenly, the griffons start getting more and more confident, getting riled up along with their fellow comrades. However, my patience has run out. I shrug.

“Alright,” I say. I snap a finger, and a lightning bolt shoots from me into the crowd. The electricity loudly snaps and sparks as it connects to more and more of the griffons. After a moment, they’re all knocked out and on the ground, twitching from surplus energy still running through them. A dog walks over and pokes one with a stick, but the surplus energy within them conducts to the dog, making him spazz out before collapsing. “... Hey, Bones,” I say, slowly turning to face him. He gulps audibly.

“M-my lord?” He asks.

“What did I say about cliffs?” I ask. He clears his throat.

“That, I was uh, close to the edge,” he says. I nod.

“Mhmm. Guess how far off I’m going to push you.” To that, Bones rushes up and cries as he hugs my leg.

“P-please don’t be mad my lord! I- I’ll do better! I swear!” He pleads.

“... Fine,” I say. “I’m still pissed however. So guess how you’re going down the mountain.” He blinks a couple times before tilting his head in confusion.

After dragging him to the front of the castle, I sit him at the edge of the steep road. “Hold still for a moment,” I say.

“Erm, sure, my lord, but what are you-“ he’s interrupted as I kick his ass and watch him tumble and roll down the mountain’s path uncontrollably. Of course I’d never kill him, he’s like a best friend. However, he didn’t think to ask me why I would rob a broke country for riches they didn’t even have. It’s not like I don’t like criticism, it’s just that if it helps me not waste my time, then it’d be fine. However, his true saving grace is that I do still have a good amount of cash to plan a take over for somewhere else. But where? As I think upon these important matters, I hear a crack of thunder behind me. I glance back to see the Friendship Squad.

“Oh great, you fucks,” I mutter. “Look, I’m not in a good mood right now and-“

“Your tyranny is over Anon! Release the griffons!” Twilight yells.

“Sure,” I say simply, returning my gaze to the mountain side.

“Of course you’d- wait what?” Rainbow asks.

“Pardon, did you just say, ‘sure?’” Applejack asks. I hum in confirmation.

“... What’s your angle?” Twilight asks.

“No angle. They just have fuckin’ nothing of value,” I grumble irritably.

“Well, of course not, they’ve been economically weak since-“ I hold up a hand and stop Twilight.

“I learned this five minutes ago nerd, don’t remind me about it,” I say. “If they were this stupidly broke, I wouldn’t have spent so much on what is practically target practice.”

“Hey! Don’t make fun of griffons for being poor!” Pinkie yells.

“I’ll make fun of their broke-asses if I wanna, I’m a villain you idgits!” I yell.

“Well- still! There’s gotta be a point where you’re not so rude to them!” Rarity says.

“Do I care?” I ask. “Trick question, I never care.”

“Just- why are you doing this?! You got your six bits, no one owes you anything!” Twilight says. I sigh.

“Remember the whole ‘kicking me out of Equestria’ bit? I’m a bit homeless now,” I say. “And I’m pissed about that. So, to make up for the financial losses and regain some dignity, I came out of retirement to do so.”

“You act like you didn’t deserve it,” Applejack mutters.

“Of course I didn’t deserve it, I gave everything back, I had bought my own property, and didn’t blow shit up. I was content for once!” I exclaim. “So, if anything, it’s kinda your princess’ fault when she exiled me and tried to leave me in debt.”

“Anon, you were a villain that took over Equestria successfully, there’s no way we could just ignore you living with us!” Twilight yells.

“Yeah, you could. You could have just ignored me.” With that, I raise a hand and send lightning at them. However, Twilight’s ready and raises a shield in front of them.

“Nice try!” She says confidently.

“No, this is,” I say, before snapping my fingers. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning comes down from the cloudy sky, and strikes the group. Everyone falls over, unconscious. “Predictable as always,” I say. I give a smile and walk away. “Alright dogs! It’s time to move out! Take whatever’s valuable and let’s leave!” I hear many howling in response, making me smile. If nothing else, I’ve still got my loyal companions.

I sit next to a very bruised and battered Bones, licking my thumb to go to the next page in the local newspaper. We’re in a warehouse outfitted for a base. There are couches, like the one Bones and I are sitting on, there are barracks for the dog army, there’s a phone line just in case we need it, and enough supplies to feed and water us for weeks. The best part, couches were half off, and the phone is on this monthly plan that I scammed the phone company into giving us. Never before has Looney Tunes been so helpful. We’re still within Griffon borders, but we don’t really have much elsewhere to go. The Crystal Empire’s put out wanted posters, Equestria is thinking of shutting down their borders, and Griffon Stone is still a broke-ass shithole that can’t do shit while we’re here. “Sir, may I make a suggestion?” Bones asks.

“Sure,” I mutter.

“Could we try the Hippogriffian Kingdom?” He suggests.

“Depends. Is it broke too?” I ask. He sighs.

“No,” he says.

“Is it in the sky where we can’t reach it?”

“... I dunno,” Bones says. I put my paper down and pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Then why the hell suggest it!?” I ask angrily.

“Sorry...” Bones winces a bit.

“Just- why aren’t you healing up?” I ask. “Go to bed, rest or something. Just because I kicked you down a mountain doesn’t mean I want you to suffer,” I mutter.

“Erm, it kinda does, really,” Bones says.

“Do you want to go down the mountain again?” I ask out of annoyance. To that, Bones gets up quickly and starts wobbling off to his private quarters. I start to read the paper again, but a new annoyance pops up.

“Hey boss!” Frank yells, scaring the shit out of me.

“Why can’t you be like Bones, Frank!? He doesn’t scare me every five fuckin’ minutes!” I yell. “Hell, be more like Wretch! He doesn’t care enough to bother me with bad news or annoying shit!” I stop as I realize Frank’s up. I look at a nearby clock to see it’s almost midnight. “Frank, why’re you up?” I ask. “It’s past your bedtime! There is bedtime for a reason numbskull.” To answer this, Frank pulls out a book. I take it and look at it. “... It’s a kid’s book Frank,” I deadpan. He frowns and gives me a pleading look. “Oh God- that’s almost the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen. Fine, fine, just- just please promise you’ll go the fuck to sleep.” Frank gasps excitedly.

“Yes boss!” He replies before scampering off. I follow him to the barracks, and find his bed is on the other side of the room from everyone else. Like- they took the time to push some of the beds away from his. I don’t blame them, but that’s still a bit much. I look at the book he gave me and realize it’s a book full of childish nursery rhymes. Kinda like back home... home... nursery rhymes... Something clicks as I gasp in realization.

“THAT’S IT!!!” I cry out in joy, scaring Frank a bit. I throw the book at him and run out. “READ IT YOURSELF- I HAVE A COUNTRY TO EXPLOIT!!!”

Wretch, wearing a visor, types up a couple more things in a calculator before messing with his abacus. I tap my foot, impatiently waiting for him to do the math. Finally, I groan in frustration as he adjusts it a couple more times. “Do you really know how to use that?” I ask.

“No, of course not. It’s just fun to play with while I use the calculator,” he says. I face palm.

“Could you stop having fun for enough time to decide whether or not this plan of mine is worth it!?” I ask.

“My lord, why’re you shouting?” Bones asks, wobbling in on a crutch.

“Ah, Bones. I’m just double checking whether or not this next plan will be worth what we’re thinking of doing,” I say, not turning away from Wretch.

“Which is...?”

“Invading Zebrica of course,” I say, smiling.

“Um, sir, don’t be mad, but-“

“They’re not entirely wealthy, I know. But the resources they’re sitting on are,” I say, crossing my arms. “Plus, they’re disbanded and disorganized. It’ll be relatively cheap.”

“Sir, we’d need to sell those resources to profit. Who in their right mind would buy from us?” Bones asks.

“While we ruled Equestria, I got a good bit of dirt on a good number of companies,” I say, chuckling. “And no one wants anyone to know about the pudding incident.”

“... The what?” Bones asks, slightly off put.

“Not important, just know that it’s leverage,” I wave off. “And better yet, those pesky plonky ponies aren’t going to be able to get involved. Zebrica as a continent has been given a sort of immunity from outside politics of countries like Equestria or the Hippogriffian Republic.”

“But sir, you’re not a citizen of Zebrica. If you invade-“ I turn to Bones and show a card. He takes and squints at it. “... My lord, forgive my ignorance, but how in Tartarus did you get full citizenship to Zebrica?” He asks.

“They’re cut off from outside forces, which includes news. Like, for instance, let’s say some army of diamond dogs lead by a devilishly handsome and smart guy were to invade the world,” I say. Bones looks at me with a bit of shock.

“They don’t know?” He asks. I chuckle.

“We’re gonna play them like damn fiddles,” I say, laughing a little. Hopefully this will end better than the griffon invasion...

Two Weeks Later...

Celestia sips on some tea as she looks over various reports. Anon’s movement has gone mysteriously silent, and she prays to herself that it means he’s finally stopped being a villain. The whole Griffon Stone debacle has upset many national governments, concerned about how easily Anon has practically taken over three countries in less than half a year. Granted, he hasn’t kept any of them for long, but only because he lets them go. Not to mention the utter failure the Mane Six had in capturing Anon, she had to cover up the scandal just to make sure Equestria wasn’t a laughing stock.

She sighs, rubbing her head with a hoof. Yep, a vacation sure sounds nice. But even then, there’s no guarantee that Anon can’t ruin it unintentionally. “Princess!” A guard yells from down the Royal hall. Great. Celestia puts on the best fake smile she can muster.

“Yes? What is it?” She asks politely. The guard finally stumbles into the room, panting as he hands her a scroll.

“I-it’s Zebrica!” He exclaims. “T-They want to trade!”

“Oh, lovely!” Celestia says, genuinely happy. She just knew at least someone would start a trade!

“No! It isn’t your highness!” The guard says, genuinely terrified. Celestia quirks an eyebrow and takes the scroll. She unrolls it and starts reading as the guard shakes in place.

“...” After a moment, Celestia puts down the scroll. She puts her front hooves together, taking a deep breath in. “... I’ll be... right... back,” she says, trying her best to control herself. With a flash, she disappears...

The new-new-NEW throne room I sit in is big, with a staircase leading to my throne, covered in a velvet carpet. To my right, sits Bones. To my left, sits a zebra wearing glasses, typing on a calculator. The zebra wearing glasses sighs and frowns as he looks at me. I give him a brief smile as I turn my throne on to maximum massaging. “Yes?” I ask, knowing very well what’s wrong.

“... Sir, you told us we aren’t allowed to eat half of our food because we are on strict budget,” he deadpans. I nod.


“And, yet, you just bought an expensive massage chair,” he says. “Since it’s an export, it’s much more expensive than a throne we could make.”

“Not when I put my gun to the dude’s face!” I say cheerfully.

“Although that certainly lowered the price, I still think that’s a bit insulting to the zebras who are working much harder than you seem to be.”

“There is a price tag for those who nag,” I say. The zebra groans in frustration.

“And could you please stop taxing anything that rhymes!?” He yells.

“I could, but then I wouldn’t know what to tax,” I say. “Besides, it’s not like I’m going to stay here for long. I’ll be leaving pretty soon for a bigger goal.”

“And what, leave us to our own devices?” The zebra asks.

“Yes,” I simply say.

“My lord is very understanding,” Bones says.

“Your boss is an ass!” The zebra says.

“Yes, but I’m a smartass,” I reply. “By the way, what’s your name again?”

“I’ve told you, it’s Zeal,” he says.

“You say that, but I feel like your name is Zeb,” I say.

“... I hate tourists,” he mutters. Suddenly, a flash of light blinds us as Celestia teleports in.

“Hey Sunbutt, how’d you find me?” I ask absentmindedly as I melt into the comfort of my massage chair.

“The big sign that says ‘Celly is a big ass bitch’ kind of gave it away,” Celestia says sternly.

“Hm,” I acknowledge. “So, what’s up?”

“Anon, this is the fourth time you’ve taken down a nation,” Celestia says.

“Correction, this is the first time I’ve taken a continent!” I say proudly. “Besides, I don’t hear any complaints.”

“That’s because you threw away the complaint box once it was full,” Zeal says.

“Hey, that just means there are no complaints anymore. It’s not my fault you guys decided to join me,” I say.

“You threatened us with your armies and your powers!” Zeal exclaims.

“I didn’t hear any complaints,” I note.

“You made us write our complaints and put them in a stupid box!” Zeal yells. “The same one you threw away!”

“Yeah, and I haven’t heard any complaints,” I say. Zeal plants his face on his desk and muffles a scream of mental agony.

“Anon, focus,” Celestia says. “I plan to stop you from illegally invading Zebrica.”

“I’m not invading,” I say. I pull out my ID card. She takes and looks at it.

“... You have got to be bucking kidding me,” she says incredulously.

“I am a legal citizen, so thus, what I did is a civil war,” I note. “Thus, outside countries can’t interfere. Not that they could anyway, since Zebrica is classified as immune from the outside world. Although they could certainly ask for help, they would all need something to give in return. Long story short, they were too divided and too secluded.”

“... Anon, why are you doing any of this? Please, just for once, be straight with me,” Celestia says. “Because I cannot fathom a single reason why you would take over any country to begin with when you already have the funds to live peacefully, since that was your original goal.”

“Because when I take over Equestria again,” I drop my smile and my cheery attitude, glaring daggers into Celestia. “I’m not going to let go. Since you could not stand living with me, I’m going to force you to.” Celestia and Bones blanch from my sudden change in demeanor. “I had said I was done, and that I’d follow the rules. But no, you had to take it all, despite the fact that I gave back what I stole.” Electricity starts sparking around me, making everyone scoot away a bit. “They say Harmony is like a tree. This time, I won’t stop at taking over Equestria, I will tear it apart, branch by branch, and if you keep resisting, I will tear out the fucking roots.” Celestia steels herself, and fixes her composure.

“I won’t let you,” she says, glaring right back at me, undisturbed by the wild energy around us. I feel an eye Twitch, and bark a laugh.

“Sun Tzu once said, if you know your enemy as well as yourself, you need not worry about a hundred battles,” I remark. “I’ve seen the insides of your system Celestia. This went from a game of checkers to a game of chess. I know exactly what your pieces do. Can you say the same?” Celestia keeps her glare, unfazed by my threats.

“We will be prepared,” she says simply. Slowly, the electricity around me dies down, and I smirk.

“No, you won’t,” I say. Just then, a diamond dog runs into the room.

“My lord! The Beeg Fuck is ready!” He reports. Celestia does a double take and looks at the guard.

“The what?” She asks.

“Splendid. We’re moving out,” I say, clapping my hands together. Zeal blinks and suddenly realizes I’m picking him up. I place him on my throne, and give a small smile. “Enjoy your new position.” With that, Zeal looks on with confusion as Bones gets up from his chair and follows me out of the room with my other guard.

“W-wait- Anon- what are you planning!?” Celestia yells. I stop.

“It’s none of y’all’s damn business.” I turn to look at her with a smirk. “However, this is a game of chess now, so I believe you should know that you have the first move.” With that, we walk out, leaving Celestia and Zeal in the throne room.

Celestia stares after me before growling to herself. “He certainly has some nerve,” she says.

“Wait- did he just give the country to me!?” Zeal yells. Celestia turns to him.

“I think so,” she says. Zeal looks at her in shock before looking around.

“... We’re free...” he mutters. He suddenly leans back in the chair, sagging his entire body. “He actually let us go...”

“Since you are the new ruler, I have a request,” Celestia says. “Anon has taken over your country, your villages, and I don’t doubt that he has done horrible things to your subjects. So, would you consider joining forces to stop him from taking over my own country?” Zeal immediately tensed up.

“Buck no,” he says without hesitation. Celestia blinks.

“... No?” She repeats.

“N, O, no. Nope. Nuh-uh. Buck that. We didn’t want to be a part of this to begin with,” Zeal says. “And if that sociopathic mess of a creature has taught me anything, it’s that he always gets what he wants. So, no. We’re staying as far away from your mess as possible,” Zeal says. Celestia grimaces.

“And what if he takes over your country again if he fails against me?” She asks.

“He won’t,” Zeal says. “He’d try to take on the Minotaurs or the hippogriffs.”

“And why are you so certain of that?” Celestia asks.

“He told us exactly what he’d do, no matter how moral or awful it was. He always keeps his word,” Zeal says. “The first thing I’m going to do, is try to limit interactions with anyone outside as much as bucking possible. I’m sorry, but buck this, he’s your problem now.” Celestia sighs.

“Is there nothing I could do to convince you?” She asks.

“Buck no. Get out,” Zeal says. Celestia sighs, nodding. With that, she teleports out. Now, to prepare for the invasion...

Author's Note:

Y’all- this shit’s about to go down.