• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 5,373 Views, 50 Comments

Return of Amore - AzuraKeres

Sombra and Radiant finally assembled the missing pieces of Princess Amore to bring her back to her homeland. But what they find is a soul stripped of her memories. What could Amore hope in this world without knowing who she is?

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03: The Royal

The shine of the Crystal Empire washed Celestia in nostalgia. Dozens of memories expounded the crystalline constructs she had passed through a millennium ago. From watching the prospects of predecessor rulers and the compassionate crystal ponies that wore their hopes and emotions on their sleeve.

Celestia felt relieved to shed her eyes upon this kingdom. A blessing was not a strong enough word to describe her feelings.

It’s just a shame that she did not return with it.

“My, this place never changes,” Celestia chortled, trying to cleanse her glum thoughts. She pointed at the Crystal Castle that stood tallest within the clear barrier surrounding the kingdom. “Wouldn’t you agree, Luna?”

Luna emerged from the train station with a begrudging sigh. Two luggage floated aside her within her cerulean magic. She beamed a flat gaze at Celestia, displaying her annoyance for all creatures to see.

“What never changes, sister,” Luna emphasized her last word with a snort. “Is your incessant compulsion to leave us behind to carry all the weight for you. Can’t you at least remember your own luggage?”

Celestia rounded Luna and grabbed hold of her luggage with her magic. “My apologies, sister,” Celestia chuckled. “I’m just ecstatic to be back in this wonderful kingdom of gems. I wonder how much Flurry Heart has grown in our absence.”

“Not much we would think,” Luna said, still eyeing flatly at her sister. “It has only been three months since we had resigned at Silver Shoal.”

The royal sister had cast aside their title for only a quarter of a year. To no longer tend the need of their ponies was still a miraculous change to their everyday life that worked to adjust to.

Celestia desired for the two to fully experience a normal life as regular ponies. Much to Luna’s annoyance, that involved sole dependence upon each other. Never would Luna think that she would be cleaning around her home instead of her servants. But for Celestia’s happiness, Luna relented to her whims.

“You look sleepy,” Celestia said, noting the bags under Luna’s eyes. “Did you binge on your idea games last night?”

“I’m retired,” Luna countered. “We have the freedom to do whatever we please whenever I like.”

Celestia sighed, brushing her cheek against Luna’s. “And here I hoped we could stroll through the marketplace to find a gift for Flurry. Fine then, we shall take a taxi to the castle.”

Luna rewarded her sister with a small smile. “Good. The last thing we would like is to carry my luggage through the streets.”

Celestia found carriages parked near the entrance of the train station. She picked out one that belonged to a sturdy yellow stallion with chestnut mane. When Celestia hailed her presence before him, the stallion was taken aback.

Not surprising, given she was Princess of Equestria for over a millennium.

The stallion was elated to take Celestia’s request. “It would be my honor to serve you, Princess Celestia,” the stallion said and bowed.

Celestia waved her hooves at the stallion. “Oh no,” Celestia said. “I am no longer a Princess. Please, you can just call me Celestia.”

Luna and Celestia took their seats in the stallion’s carriage. Celestia showed courtesy to place her luggage in the back of the carriage. Her sister on the other hoof, delegated her task to the stallion.

“Do you not have the energy to place your own luggage?” Celestia asked.

Luna responded with a lean on her cushion and placed a sleeping mask over her face. And before Celestia could utter another response, Luna fell fast asleep.

Celestia sat stunned at her sister’s swift slumber. She wondered if Luna binged through the whole night with her video games.

Recognizing her defeat, Celestia nestled close to her sister. As the stallion guided the pair to the caste, Celestia watched the passing residents and made small talks with him.

Every now and then Celestia stared at her sleeping sister. She was truly grateful to share moments like this with her sister again.

Sombra felt anxious about the looming eyes from passing ponies. They knew him for his darkest faults. They’ve experienced first hoof the cruelty he was capable of.

Sombra pulled down his red hood to mask his face—though he knew it was a fruitless effort. He couldn’t bear the courage to look them in the eyes. Not after the pain and suffering, he exacted upon them.

But even with his fears encroaching upon him, he felt an odd sense of tranquility with Princess Amore. A peace of mind that gave him small room to escape his guilt.

He was drawn to Amore’s playful pecking upon Flurry Heart. The young princess let out a loud giggle that would make the coldest pony swoon.

The residents were also engrossed in the beautiful anomaly before them. Nobody could’ve imagined a day where they would see Princess Amore frolicking with her granddaughter. It was a dream that had long lost hope.

Sombra held respect for Amore’s courage. Despite noting the attention she attracted, nothing would stop her from doing what she desired. Sombra wished he had that kind of bravery in him.

Sombra and Princess Amore strode through the streets of Crystal Empire in this fashion. To be within the source of the public eye was something Sombra thought would be long past him. He hoped it would be his last.

However, he garnered new attention when he noticed Flurry Heart staring at him from across Amore’s shoulder. Sombra raised an eyebrow, confused by the young princess’s curiosity.

“Looks like some adorable princess has finally taken interest in you,” Amore said. “Would you like to hold her?”

“What?” Sombra blurted, appalled by Amore’s offer. “I could do no such thing.”

Amore wore an impish smile as she rubbed her hoof below Flurry’s lips. “Come now Sombra, you wouldn’t want to put a frown on this adorable face, would you?”

Flurry’s eyes teetered between the two. Sombra felt oddly exposed by the filly’s gaze—it was as if the filly was observing him, trying to unravel the depths of his character he feared to explore himself.

“I highly doubt that,” Sombra responded with a composed voice, trying to hide his anxiety. “My face has always invoked fear into the young. I can’t expect much of a difference from—” his words came to an immediate halt when Flurry Heart suddenly poked his snout.

Sombra was stunned, unable to compute the filly’s action. Flurry knew nothing about his past. She knew none of the terrible things he did, the horrors that preserve through the minds of crystal ponies today. Moments ago, he felt confident this young filly would never come to like him. Perhaps she should learn his history.

But what if she didn’t? What if Sombra was underestimating this filly’s compassion?

As Flurry continued to curiously rub his snout, he smiled. “Perhaps I should place higher expectations from my dear princess,” Sombra said.

Flurry Heart smiled at Sombra. Her joy sent an unknown urge in Sombra’s hoof to compel it to brush the mane of the filly. However, before his hoof could reach her, a voice scurried it away.

“Flurry Heart!” The voice came from Shining Armor, rushing through the streets to meet with Princess Amore.

Followed behind him were a pair of crystal guards. Sombra stepped back from Amore and Flurry and pulled his hoof down to mask his face.

Amore placed Flurry in Shining’s grasp. Shining drew his daughter close, rubbing his face across Flurry’s. “Oh, thank goodness,” Shining sighed, relieved. “You’re safe.” He then glared at her. “What do you think you were doing disappearing like that? You scared me half to death.”

Flurry frowned and drew tears from her eyes. Shining quickly calmed her with a kiss upon her forehead.

“Please don’t do that to me again,” Shining urged.

Flurry hugged him, stuffing her face into his chest. Sombra found it touching yet also hurtful. He never had a father figure to confide in his life.

“This is such a beautiful reunion,” Amore commented.

“Thank you so much for finding her,” Shining said. “I was close to summing my whole platoon to find her.”

Amore shook her head. “It wasn’t I who found her. That honor goes to Sombra. Isn’t that right?”

Sombra shook at the mention of his name. He wondered why Amore would shove him to the forefront like this. He noted the crystal guards giving a cautious glance at him. He shouldn’t expect anything else.

“Thank you,” Shining said. “What you’ve done is deeply appreciated.”

“Oh…I’m honored,” Sombra said with a bow. He was honestly shocked by how easily those words came out of Shining. There was no sign in Shining’s body language that led Sombra to believe it to be forced.

“I’m going to head back to the castle,” Shining said. “I think it’s Cadance’s turn to have a heart attack for a change today.”

“I would love to see my daughter as well,” Amore said. “I also plan to bring Sombra along as my guest.”

“Princess Amore,” Sombra whispered into Amore’s ear. “That really isn’t necessary. You should be spending time with your family.”

“You are a part of my family,” Amore countered. “And don’t you dare think otherwise.”

Just how many times was Sombra to be taken aback today? The determination in her voice held a familiar strength and security he imagined a parent would have. Sombra wouldn’t think she would feel that strongly even if she did have her memories.

“If that is what you wish, then he is invited to join us at the castle,” Shining said.

The crystal guards gaped at Shining Armor. One of them rushed to his ears and asked, “Are you sure about this? You remember who this stallion is, don’t you?”

“I trust Amore,” Shining said. “And I trust the judgment of the princess when they exonerated him of his crimes.”

“You don’t have to do this,” Sombra said. “I only wished for Princess Amore’s safe return to the cas—”

Amore surprised Sombra when she yanked Sombra in for a hug. “This will be so exciting!” Amore cheered. “I have to show you all the delicacies they have in the castle. I haven’t quite seen all of it myself, but that makes it twice as fun.”

“I don’t think you have much of a choice here, Sombra,” Shining chuckled. “Speaking of which, there’s also a pony that wishes to speak with you back at the castle, Amore.”

Amore spared Sombra to gasp for air as she blinked at Shining’s words. “There is?” she asked.

Amore’s group entered the crystal castle. The castle guards welcomed them with grand bows and the maids rushed over to Amore to offer their service. She declined their offer.

Amore felt she would also need to apologize to them later. Her attention had been fixed on her granddaughter, who dared to challenge Amore in a game of silly faces. Perhaps their acts were unbecoming of royalty, but neither cared for etiquette in their games.

However, their game came to an end when a maid informed Amore of a guest waiting in her guest room—her personal room was in the midst of development. Shining was bothered that her guest did not wait at the dining room, but Amore assured her all was fine.

Sombra offered to join Amore, but she issued him to wait with Shining Armor. Amore urged him to make some stallion friends in his life.

Amore trotted the crystal halls alone, retracing her steps back to her guest room. She found it odd how easily she memorized her path—requiring numerous turns and ascensions. Though memories of the castle escaped her mind, perhaps some remained in her body.

Amore entered the guest room without a knock. Inside, she found Radiant Hope looking out a window. Her sullen gaze spelled out numerous emotions to Amore.

Radiant perked to the sound of the door opening and turned to meet Amore’s glance. “Princess Amore,” Radiant said.

“Good afternoon, Radiant,” Amore said. “I wish you would have come sooner. Shining and I went to a fine playground with Flurry Heart. You should've seen the energy the little joy had in her.”

Radiant rushed upon Amore and hugged her, stuffing her face into Amore’s coat. The scent of raspberry streamed into Amore’s snout.

“Goodness,” Amore sighed. “I didn’t think I would be missed that much.”

“I’m sorry I didn't arrive sooner,” Radiant apologized as she pulled herself from Amore. “But I wanted to finish putting this back together.”

“Put what together?”

Radiant nodded towards Amore’s bed where the briefcase laid atop. Looking to Radiant for confirmation, Amore approached the briefcase and slid her hoof upon its smooth exterior.

“I’ve never seen a contraption like this,” Amore confessed. “Is there something inside of it?”

“I think it’s better that you look for yourself,” Radiant advised and joined her side.

Judging by Raidian’s response, Amore could only assume that whatever inside had something to do with her lost memories. Even more the reason to check its content.

Amore explored through the briefcase until she clicked a button that opened it. Within it, Amore discovered crystalline accessories meant for a princess.

Amore took out one, estimating it to fit her hoof. She recognized the material to be pure crystal, clear blue as glass.

“Do you remember it?” Radiant asked.

“I assume these are my garments from when I was a princess, yes?” Amore asked.

Radiant frowned. “Yes, it is. Though I was hoping that it would at least trigger a memory.”

“Don’t feel bad,” Amore said and reigned in Radiant for a hug. The raspberry scent of Radiant quickly became a favorite of Amore. “I appreciate this gift. Now how about I try it on?”

Radiant aided Amore in putting on her accessories. When they were placed on her, Amore viewed herself through a mirror. There was a certain Saddle Arabian flair in her garment that Amore noticed. She wondered if the country had influenced the design in her uniform.

“You’re just as majestic as I remembered,” Radiant commented.

“It’s rather unique, isn’t it,” Amore said. “Though now I would think it’s about outdated.”

“Are you thinking of an update to your look? I’m sure there are plenty of designers that love to help.”

“No,” Amore declined. “I’d much prefer your gift.”

Amore strode to the council chamber of the castle after learning from a guard that Shining and Sombra went there. Slowly opening the door inside, Amore found Cadance sitting before a round table alongside a blue dragoness and bug-like creature coated in hues of emerald.

Cadance caught glimpse of her mother and stood upright from her seat with a joyous smile. Never had Amore seen a grown mare zoom so fast hug someone. “Mother,” Cadance cheered as she pounced Amore within her grasp.

“Oh, Cadance,” Amore said, stroking the mane of her daughter. “I’m happy to see you as well.”

“What’s going on?” The blue dragoness asked. “How many stragglers are going to barge in here?”

Amore swept her sight across the room and found Sombra and Shining standing at a corner with Flurry. “What are they doing over there?’ Amore asked.

“Shining should know by not to interrupt me during an important meeting,” Cadance answered. “So, they’re being punished where I can see them.”

Amore noted a surprise in Sombra’s expression, basking at the sight of Amore like she was an anomaly. “Your outfit,” Sombra said. “It’s the one you’ve always worn.”

“Like it,” Amore said. “Radiant put it together for me.”

At that moment, Radiant had entered the room. Finding Sombra in her sight, Radiant rushed over to him and gave a confused glance. “Why are you standing in a corner? Did you misbehave?”

“There were crumble crystals where Amore came back to being,” Sombra said. “You put all of that back together?”

“Of course I did,” she confirmed. “Though things didn’t work out like I entirely hoped. I guess we’ll have to take things one day at a time.”

The emerald bug emerged from his seat and cautiously approached Cadance and Amore. His hoof shivered a wave toward them.

“H-hi,” the emerald bug greeted. “My name is Thorax. It’s an honor to meet the mother of Princess Cadance. She’s been a real help to my kind.”

Amore gaped at Thorax’s eyes—they gleamed violet like amethyst. “You have such beautiful eyes,” Amore commented.

Thorax blushed. “Oh, thank you.”

The blue dragoness sighed and then joined Thorax’s side. She skimmed over Amore’s form and commented, “she looks a lot more flowery compared to her daughter. Why haven’t I heard of you before?”

“Looks can be deceiving, you know,” Amore responded.

Ember shrugged. “You know, there’s truth in that. After the last mess I dealt with, I can believe it.”

“The last?” Amore wondered aloud. Before she could press for more information, she was intervened by Flurry, who nested atop her head.

“Flurry, come back,” Shining said, approaching the two—Amore and Flurry. However, his trot came to a halt when Cadance raised a hoof before him.

“No,” Cadance said. “You two stay over there.”

Shining stopped, staring confusingly at his wife. Seeing the determination in her eyes, Shining yielded with a sigh and returned to Sombra and Radiant at the corner.

“Why am I being punished,” Sombra grumbled. “I didn’t even know about the meeting.”

“No more complaints,” Cadance stated. “Let Flurry have her fun. She is due for time to be doted by her grandmother.”

Amore cradled Flurry Heart in her hooves and bumped her snout onto Flurry’s. “My goodness, I can’t believe a filly can be this adorable. You young ones are just too much.”

“That’s good and all,” Ember said. “But we still have a meeting to attend to.”

Cadance sighed. “You’re right. Mother, I apologize, can you and the rest excuse yourselves? I need to wrap up this meeting.”

Amore acknowledged her daughter’s request, however, before the group could make their exit, a pair of mares entered the room. “Surprise!” Celestia cheered. “Guess who’s here to visit?”

“Amore!” Luna shouted.

Celestia dropped her jaw at the sight of Amore. And Amore stood dazed by the sight of the sisters. Amore felt a mysterious emotion erupting from her being. A deep yearning that was drowning her lungs.

“Celestia?” Amore whispered.

A young Amore laid bedridden in her bedroom. Her eyes searched throughout her ceiling, her vision teetering between blur and definition like a never-ending ripple.

A mare came to her bedside with a cart. Atop it was a bowl of steamed soup. The mare picked its content with a spoon with magic and cradled Amore’s head.

“Come now Princess,” the mare said. “You need to drink this if you wish to get better.”

Amore cringed at the pungent smell of the soup. She knew it was for the benefit of her own health, but why did the world have to design it to reek a horrid scent of herbs?

Regardless, Amore powered through her disgust and ingested all its content. If it meant she could get out of her bed quicker, then she would eat meat if she had to.

A stallion then entered the room. His coat shimmered red like rubies as he joined Amore’s bedside. The mare backed away from the stallion and bowed.

“My king,” the mare said.

The stallion waved a hoof at the mare and leaned onto Amore’s bed to brush Amore’s forehead. “You should get some rest,” the king advised.

“Bud dad,” Amore weakly spoke. “The princesses are coming today. I want to see them.”

Amore was ecstatic when she learned about the coming of the royal sisters. The sole protectors of Equestria for decades had preserved peace and harmony for all ponies. The only time Amore had met the pair was on the day of her birth.

She wanted to meet them, however, fate set a cruel thing on Amore with an illness. On the very day, royal sisters would arrive.

“They’re only here for a private meeting with your mother,” her father said. “I promise you will have another chance to see them.”

“But they’re here now.” Amore grasped her father’s hoof. “I don’t want to wait for another chance.”

Amore tried to heave her body out of bed, but her body waned strength, and a strong pang within her head shackled her back to her pillow.

“You shouldn’t move around right now. The nurse said you need to stay in bed. You should heed her advice.”

Amore began to tear up, grasping both her hooves onto her father’s hoof.

“Oh Amore,” her father said as he leaned over to hug his daughter. “I’m sorry today did not work out the way you hoped. But I assure you, you will have your time with them. But for now, I want to make sure you are okay.”

Knock Knock Knock.

The king and mare perked to the knock upon Amore’s door. Her father laid Amore’s head back onto the pillow then approached the door to answer it. His eyes widened at the ponies standing before him.

“Princess Celestia?” The king said. “Princess Luna?”

“Greetings, King Flare,” Celestia said. “Might we have permission to enter?”

“Oh, yes, please come in.” The king stepped aside and welcomed the royal sisters inside.

Amore dazed at the presence of the royal sisters. She has many stories about them. Their power to control the movement of the sun and moon. Bearing the most extravagant mane in all of Equestria.

Celestia smiled at the surprised Amore. “My, you’ve grown a lot since the last time I saw you. You were such a tiny cute gem I could fit on my bare hoof.”

“And it would seem thou hast garnered an unyielding mind as well,” Luna added. “Thou is indeed like her mother.”

The royal sisters sat before Amore’s bed. She felt overwhelmed, struggling to uphold her poise. Just a single push could break her into fangirling right now.

“I appreciate you two coming here to see my daughter,” King Flare said. “But don’t you have a meeting to attend with my wife?”

“Do not worry,” Celestia assured. “We have discussed this over with her in our letters. We wish to devote a part of our time here with Amore. Aunts should be given the opportunities to dote on their nieces.”

“Now then,” Luna said, fixing her gaze upon Amore. “How about we begin with introductions?”

“Goodness Luna.” Celestia rolled her eyes. “Even with foals, you resign to formalities.”