• Member Since 21st Oct, 2020
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trying to see how many ways i can hurt applejack, apparently Ko-Fi | Pronouns


Sometimes, Applejack has a hard time getting out of bed to face the day. But after weeks of staying at her home, nose to the grindstone, ponies start to get worried. She's fine, though. She insists she's just fine.

Cover art: Done by me :)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Really enjoyed this story. I can relate a lot to what Applejack was going through. I've been there myself on a few occasions. It's all too easy to just stay at home, probably in bed, and not burden others with your feelings. Or, at least, it feels like a burden upon others at the time. Applejack is actually one of the Mane Six I could see really going through something like this, as she always has so much on her shoulders. Sometimes, that weight can get heavy. When it does, you need others to help lighten the burden. But asking for help can be harder than shouldering it alone.

Thanks for writing this. :twilightsmile:

Your comment made me incredibly happy. I'm glad that the story connected with someone (glad isn't the right word because it sucks that you can relate) but I guess what I'm trying to say is that the story did what I wanted. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it, and how it relates to your own experiences. And about Applejack, I think you're right. It was definitely easy to visualize, because like you said, she has a lot on her shoulders.

I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and again, thanks for reading it and leaving a comment. It means a lot! :ajsmug:

This is a good story about a tough subject. Sure, for most stories it’s probably not in-character for a pony to ever feel this way in their idyllic world, but imagination and interpretations of the world are unlimited, and I think you made it work. Ending it on the note of AJ feeling truly fine was perfect.

The use of profanity sort of felt out of place; I think a pony equivalent might fit the setting better. Instead of ending the story with Spike, I was hoping the story would end with her family; I think that would have been perfect.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I definitely would give this story a redo if I could, looking back at it now. It's not like a lot of time has passed, but I can definitely see what you're saying.

Thanks for the comment :)

This is the start of many comments you will see from me. I went on a reading binge of your work, and I have to say, I was incredibly impressed. Your story builds on the familiar characterization of Applejack and an element of depression that is incredibly adult. There are times when I've still got enough in me to do my routine, or I'm naturally busy, and maybe even working on something I normally enjoy. Despite all that, it just isn't enough to feel right, and no matter how much I'll know it isn't healthy, I'll be unable to not obsess over the grindset. The worst part? I normally like working. Not only is it good for ya, I enjoy the sense of accomplishment that it lends.

A pony like Applejack knows that working hard yields rewards, even when nopony is there to acknowledge that work or when they're as simple as chores. That can sometimes reign more than any paralyzing depression, and without that crippling, raw feeling you just don't feel the need to talk to others. Seeing that AJ eventually opened up to her friends was the heartwarming ending that I hadn't necessarily expected, but was glad to see delivered in a way that didn't feel like false feels. Good work, Jay.

Ooaahhh thanks! I was worried when I saw the comment was for this fic cause it is an older one (one of my first pony fics) but I’m :))) with what you said. Very kind of you

Your oldest stories are from 2020. My oldest stories have their earliest drafts existing in notebooks from 2013.
We are not the same.

nooo i know i just mean personally. I'm quite new to the fandom. i haven't been writing for that long, maybe only like 3 years so I consider anything from last year a while ago


I'm quite new to the fandom. i haven't been writing for that long, maybe only like 3 years so I consider anything from last year a while ago

Protip: write more, 'cause you're good at it.

oooaaaa thanks. i dont plan on slowing down

Gotta start putting AJ through the ringer, don't you?
Been there, done that. You portrayed AJ wonderfully here, and the depiction of mental illness is spot on. I've been there, still am if I'm being honest (a combination of anemia and mental health issues, a perfect cocktail). "I'm fine" is one of the most frequent answers and it's also one of the most told lies. You've gotta keep up the strong personality on the outside but the emotions will catch up to you and you will crack at some point.

If you're in this position and reading this; you are an amazing person. Set small goals (strectching, etc.) and don't be afraid to reach out for help. I know it sometimes feels like you're a burden, but that's what friends and family are there for. I'm here if you need to talk :)

My only nitpick is the use of human profianity and the ending with Spike. Would have loved to see an ending with her family.

AJ’s had it too good for too long and the trend of me hurting her somehow I guess started here, actually :O
Yeah, I get you. I believe I wrote this kind of like a... I dunno, a way to express myself? Sorry you’re here, too, but hey at least you know you’re not alone. It’s tough out here, but I believe in you and I believe in me, and that’s really important.

That’s really great advice, and it definitely helps to have little goals to feel like you’ve accomplished something :) For me, trying to write often is one of mine (which is why I have so many stories I guess lol).

And yeah, that’s fair. I definitely wouldn’t put human profanity in a FiM story anymore unless there was a reason for it, definitely shows that I was inexperienced and early into the MLP fanfic game :P. I almost did end the story with her family, but I’m not sure why I didn’t... Hm...

Thanks for the comment :D

How did I miss this? Definitely something I'll read.

Ah I always forget about this story! Definitely a deep cut that shows my inexperience at the time :P

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