• Member Since 18th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago


I like women


Comments ( 20 )

Yessss ♥️ finally a new story of Celestia x luna

Shouldn't this have the fetish tag for incest?

Dammit, knew I forgot something.

Is it really even a fetish anymore?

“But I don’t even have it on… oh for heaven’s sake,” Celestia grumbled, reaching up and pulling the golden artifact from her hair and setting it aside. “Maybe that is a good condition to have after all. Sorry, Tia.”

"Celestia grumbled"....."sorry, Tia" something doesn't seem right in this line.

Luna smiled, and her eyes regained that gleam. “If that is so,” she said slowly, “then I believe there are two others who deserve such graces. It would be unkind to leave Cadance and Twilight absent of our love, do you not agree?”

Yes, please.:twilightsmile::heart:

now that you mention it, something is fucked with that line. Fixed.

Oh. Well, now you've heard it.

“Alas, I believe I do,” Luna replied, rising from her place on the conjured bench and beckoning for her sister to join me. “I suggest that your place would be your bedchambers so you can rest.”

join her.

An alternative, if you will: Luna replied, rising from the bench and beckoning her sister for a hug, arms wide.

“I will certainly try, then,” Celestia answered, accepting her sister's offer that gave comfort to them both. “Thank you for your help, Luna.”

“Well that’s what happens when a big, giant sea jerk decides to have claws on every suction cup on it twelve tentacles!” Luna said, almost nonchalantly. “But I promise, you should see him now- oh wait, you can’t. I blew him up.”

its. now—oh.
Em dash's alt code is 0151.

“Tia,” Luna whispered-

“Tia—” Luna whispered.

“I’m sorry, I- just, I can’t!”

I just

“I kicked it’s butt- duh!” Luna declared. “Even though it took… like, forever!”

its. The apostrophe there turns the word into a contraction of "it is"
"I kicked its butt, duh!"

This was a wonderful read. Flows nice, great dynamic and buildup between the two. But, when they both got naked in the shower, the lack of body descriptions kinda left the subsequent sex scene... plain? They got naked... and that's all what was said. What do they look like? Who's taller, or are they the same height? I can infer that Luna is physically fit and bears a bunch of scars because she leads soldiers and secretly fights monsters, but that's it. There's no mention of a "chiseled six-pack" or "biceps that refused to be ignored notice" or some such identifiers, to say nothing of Celestia.

I'm sensing a sequel featuring a double-date.

Good eye on the typos (autocorrect can kiss my ass). Some is intentional to display more natural speech. Words are rarely spoken perfectly.

I always like seeing this pairing and I think you showed the bond pretty well between these two. The style in which this story was written is nice because it's quite old fashioned, you could say, and it was great to read. I really enjoyed the romance in this story and the sisterhood between the two.

However, the actual sex part of the story could have been more descriptive and as raw as the romance between the two. For me, I had difficulty telling exactly what was going on and it seemed to be over far too quick.

Overall, I liked this story for the romance but I think it could have done with more description of the physical aspects of the story, like the setting and the characters. Not bad though.

Yeah, for Celestia. But Luna's nickname would be Lulu not Tia and Celestia is the one saying it, that's what I saw was off.

Oh fuck's sake. Damn my dumb ass.


Gonna second everyone here requesting that sequel teased in the end. Just Us Even More Girls. :trollestia:

Further down the pipe. Got other stories to finish first.

... They're gonna play Mario Kart and chat til dawn?

Thanks for the fic!

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