• Member Since 18th Jan, 2020
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Comments ( 89 )

I know how this is LIKELY to end, but I'm hoping it ends with a surprise Chrysalis reformation.

Trust that I know what I'm doing, and I promise you will leave satisfied.

Plenty more to come. Should be fun.


Only if this thing stops getting ratio'd. I seem to have set some people off.

Don't see why this has so many dislikes, I read the original way back when and had been waiting for this sequel to happen.

Breathe fat with strength?
Also hope for an update soon. This looks very promising and the original was very good.

In time. Real-world busy and not sleeping much.

OMG SO EXCITED TO RETURN TO THIS STORY!!!! i cant get a moment to read now but as soon as i can i am ALL IN ON THIS!!!

srsly this was SO FUCKING HOT and i absolutely love it and need more more more more more!!!!!!!!
i love that theres a little ambiguity about who is really on the path to being whose thrall, i love the idea that the other changeling ladies want an orgy (because even if they cant have fluttershy for it, that doesnt mean we won't get such a lovely orgy with rarity, or perhaps more), i love the voracious sexualization of fluttershy and how good and natural a look it is on her...very excited for anything and everything to come!!!

I read the prequel expecting sheamless smut, I didn't even expected to liked it, only to find a very well written and developed story. I excited to see more in this sequel.

I forgot how good this story was.

I like to think I know what I'm doing.

Appreciated. My work hasn't gotten as vocal a reception lately, so it's nice to hear.

Another one down, wonder whos gonna be next.
Awesome work, hope you keep it up till completion.

I always finish what I start, for better or worse. Keep an eye for twists.


waiting for the next chapter with great excitement. :raritystarry:


absolutely incredible. i love this story so much. i mean....its INSANELY hot, just 1 of the sexiest stories on this whole site, absolutely! adding rarity to the mix is a terrific escalation of that too, she and fluttershy and applejack r the hottest of all the main girls by a wide margin and she fits so well into the dynamic. i just dearly hope we'll get a chance to see her with chrysalis as herself rather than in fluttershy's form, too....altho trust me, i am NOT complaining about any future plans for shape-shifting into doubles and other ladies! :D but i also love the story here, im really excited to see wehre this goes. i love the possibility that this is chrysalis's redemption story, as is hinted...but ill also like it if that hinting is actually to her conquering ponies with love as a love-based villain and simply being empowered and made more whole as that conqueror than she would have been through the mundane means of conquest that the show has her attempt, too. either way, i just really am into the likelihood that chrysalis is genuinely, madly in love with fluttershy and rarity (i hope we get to see more of the emotional side to that too! fluttershy had her own (wonderful!) story, hopefully rarity gets a chapter at least on earnest, emotional courtship and adoration to go with the awesome sex!), and hope we see her heart open to similarly love at least another mare or two (applejack! and zecora!). i know it took me a while to get caught up here but with a story like this u dont rush through it, u enjoy it slowly and thoroughly!

i like the idea of pinkie joining, not so much because i see her forming the same depth of love and devotion with chrysalis as fluttershy and rarity have, but more that she, unlike fluttershy and rarity, i can see as being ready and willing, once convinced of being part of this whole thing, to be the orgy-center mare that the other changelings are craving. gotta keep the minions happy, dont want an uprising to threaten this lovely, delicious thing going on with chrysalis, fluttershy, and rarity!

recs for bonus chapter? well, if its not already in ur plans, some time spent to rarity and chrysalis sincerely falling in love would be nice. if ur talking more about recs for a non-mane-6/7 to join, then 100%, absolutely, no hesitation for a single second, i vote zecora, with every thirsty fiber of my being!!!!!! zecora all day, every step of the way, 100 per cent yay!

SRSLY THIS STORY IS AWESOME!!!! i know ill be late to comment on each chapter because of how i read stories of this quality but dont doubt that i CANNOT WAIT FOR EACH NEW PART!!

What happened to the Pinkie Pie chapter?

Currently experiencing technical difficulties, I am so sorry. Will be up again in about an hour.

Keep reading if you please, I am so sorry about this mistake.

Hey, it's alright. This is a really good chapter. You think we're gonna say 'no' to more of this?

The willingness of Pinkie towards the end with Chrysalis kinda threw me off, but Pinkie is the definition of an in the moment person.

Which was my mental justification. Out of all the people to just go along with it...


nothing, I just love the story, darling :raritystarry:

Ah, OK. Sorry, don't understand emoji's.

awesome chapter! i like the glorification of pinkie's body type, and i totally called her being the way chrysalis satisfies the minions lol. really like the confirmation that fluttershy and now rarity have been changing chrysalis for the better as much as shes been changing them for it, too! super look forward to more!

Should be fun. I'm looking forward to having it on paper.

I like this one. Think it turned out well.

I can confirm it DID.

I love the chapter!!! :heart::heart::heart::raritystarry:

harem: :yay::heart::raritywink::heart::pinkiehappy::heart::rainbowkiss:

next: :ajsmug: or :twilightsmile:??

me vote for :ajsmug:

Rainbow, you just got dominated.

Almost, but not quite. Figured going a full Dom/Sub route would be too trite.

wow, u actually made a chapter with rainbow dash somewhat sexy....that takes a hell of a lot of talent lol. cant wait for the next chapter, the ladies we have left r the sexiest ones! :D

The only reason she's not seen as sexy is because she's always written the same way.

for me its more her 1-dimensional personality and how shes kind of a bad friend overall

Be gentle, now.
Rainbow has more obvious flaws due to who she is, but it doesn't make her a bad person. Loyal to a fault, wants to do the right thing, but has vices that are easy to define and condemn. She's a more human person due to them, as they're more common in people than we'd like to admit. She can have some pretty bad lows, but some stellar highs also. It's all dependent on what one acts upon.

see, if she actually was loyal to a fault, then that might offset some of her other flaws, but of the mane 6, if someones gonna want to leave somepony else behind (whether consciously (dragonshy) or unconsciously (pinkie pride), its rainbow dash. it takes more than half the show's entire run for rainbow dash to reach a point that u coudl reasonably call her as loyal to others as any of the other mane 6 automatically show themselves to be, and this quality of loyalty that the show tells us is within her but shows us is sorely lacking is supposed to be her major balancing virtue for her heavier helping of vices. not to mention that a major part of what loyalty she does have is not THAT impressive a trait of friendship - most of her loyalty boils down to the fact that when the chips are down and ur in danger, she'll be there for u, but frankly, i think that 1 of the barest minimum qualities it takes to be a friend, even just a positive acquaintance, is that you'd step up to help them not die when given the option, so that doesnt impress me.

... huh.
This is more potent a subject matter than a comment section is able to withstand.

Will apple jack fall or see is she lying

Comment posted by KingdaKa deleted Apr 23rd, 2021
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